802 resultados para National policy-making
This article reports of the papers present at the International Symposium 2006 'Shaping the future: connecting career development and workforce development'. The International Symposium 2006 provided an opportunity to move the project forward by considering career development in relation to the workforce development issues of human capital, labour supply, employability skills and older workers. In addition to these specific issues, it examined the broader issues of how career development services might contribute to workforce development and the career development information base needed to support public policy making. By way of background to this special issue on the International Symposium 2006, this paper briefly examines the context and the reasons behind career development's rise to a more prominent position on the public policy arena. Following this, the process of the International Symposium 2006 that resulted in the writing of the documents contained in the special issue are briefly outlined.
Previous research on computers and graphics calculators in mathematics education has examined effects on curriculum content and students’ mathematical achievement and attitudes while less attention has been given to the relationship between technology use and issues of pedagogy, in particular the impact on teachers’ professional learning in specific classroom and school environments. This observation is critical in the current context of educational policy making, where it is assumed – often incorrectly – that supplying schools with hardware and software will increase teachers’ use of technology and encourage more innovative teaching approaches. This paper reports on a research program that aimed to develop better understanding of how and under what conditions Australian secondary school mathematics teachers learn to effectively integrate technology into their practice. The research adapted Valsiner’s concepts of the Zone of Proximal Development, Zone of Free Movement and Zone of Promoted Action to devise a theoretical framework for analysing relationships between factors influencing teachers’ use of technology in mathematics classrooms. This paper illustrates how the framework may be used by analysing case studies of a novice teacher and an experienced teacher in different school settings.
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso sobre o papel da Câmara Técnica de Pesca (CTP) do Consórcio Intermunicipal Lagos São João (CILSJ) na mediação de conflitos de gestão da pesca artesanal na região da Lagoa de Araruama (LA). A CTP é gerida pelas prioridades da Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos (PNRH), preservacionista, em oposição a Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Atividade Pesqueira (PNDSAP), com fins de exploração econômica. Na Bacia Hidrográfica Lagos São João, o CILSJ, prioriza as ações de conservação e manutenção dos corpos de água para o abastecimento, deixando em segundo plano a recuperação dos estuários em que lança o esgoto tratado e o não tratado, justamente os locais onde ocorre a pesca. O sujeito da pesquisa foi a representação dos pescadores, que são os presidentes das colônias. O levantamento de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevistas, observação direta, observação participante, documentos, filmes, fotografias, depoimentos, considerando também os atores da gestão pública da pesca local, estadual e federal. As entrevistas foram examinadas com base em análise textual. A abordagem da pesquisa é qualitativa. A pesca artesanal praticada na localidade é de pequena escala, se utiliza de embarcações miúdas, o trabalho ocorre em regime de companha e/ou familiar. O co-manejo é a metodologia de gestão dos recursos comuns mais utilizadas na atualidade na pesca artesanal. Os dados revelaram que o modelo de co-manejo da CTP não é o mais adequado para mediar os conflitos da pesca na localidade. Este estudo constatou que existe a união das colônias por meio da CTP, mas mesmo assim, o mecanismo CTP, não permite que maiores conquistas sejam alcançadas pelos pescadores, tendo em vista que o modelo de co-manejo é apenas consultivo, em que o poder público consulta, mas toma a decisão de forma autônoma sem compartilhar o poder de gestão, desse modo não há o empoderamento por parte dos pescadores. Assim, se faz urgente a substituição do sistema de co-manejo exercido pela CTP, por outro que possibilite maior participação dos pescadores e não só das suas representações; autonomia de gestão dos pescadores; possibilidade de financiamento além das atividades de preservação, mas também de desenvolvimento econômico da pesca. Outros modelos de co-gestão passíveis de substituir a CTP são a Reserva Extrativista (RESEX), a Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável ou Fórum de Pesca tendo em vista serem esses os modelos de co-manejo mais bem sucedidos no país e inclusive em parte da região, a RESEX de Arraial do Cabo. A constatação desta pesquisa do papel exercido pela CTP no que tange o co-manejo na LA é compatível com as deficiências dos modelos de co-manejo da pesca no Brasil, com menor empoderamento dos pescadores diante do poder público e da própria submissão da gestão pública da pesca diante da gestão pública do ambiente. Apesar de haver certa produção acadêmica sobre a pesca, a literatura sobre a gestão da pesca na localidade da LA é escassa, o que dificulta o desenvolvimento da sustentabilidade pesqueira e da aplicação de qualquer plano de manejo e indica a urgência do desenvolvimento de maiores investigações, no que este trabalho procura oferecer alguma contribuição.
O presente estudo constitui-se uma análise sobre a Política de Inclusão do Aluno com Necessidade Educacional Especial (NEE) numa escola da rede regular de ensino. O objetivo central foi compreender os princípios e as propostas que definem a política nacional de educação especial, focando a inclusão dos portadores de necessidades educacionais especiais na rede regular de ensino procurando verificar quais dimensões de inclusão estão presentes no discurso tanto na documentação quanto na prática sobre inclusão. Inicialmente, a pesquisa procurou levantar, relatar e analisar os materiais bibliográficos publicados sobre as questões relativas à inclusão do aluno com NEE no sistema regular de ensino, principalmente a partir de 1988 período em que a Constituição Federal elege como um dos seus princípios a igualdade de condições de acesso e permanência na escola até 2006, quando dados publicados pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais (INEP) comprovam que houve um aumento significativo das matrículas destes alunos nas escolas regulares. Entrevistas, depoimentos, documentos federais e municipais e dados censitários foram utilizados na análise. Através de algumas categorias de análise tiradas dos depoimentos foi possível identificar a socialização do indivíduo por meio da garantia do direito e integração à concepção de inclusão mais predominante. A necessidade de atendimento especializado ao aluno e aos que venham trabalhar com ele e preocupação com a falta de orientação no trabalho foi apontado como maior dificuldade. Entretanto, mesmo apresentando alguns problemas, evidencia-se uma posição favorável à inclusão dos alunos com NEE na educação regular na unidade pesquisada destacando a aceitação e as providências que a escola vem tomando quanto às adaptações realizadas para garantir educação de qualidade e acessibilidade. O desafio que se coloca às unidades de educação regular com a matrícula dos alunos com NEE é que estas possam contribuir para a efetivação deste direito por meio de uma educação que contribua para uma sociedade menos excludente.(AU)
Este estudo teve como intuito investigar o impacto do contexto de trabalho e da resiliência sobre o bem-estar no trabalho em profissionais dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS). Os CAPS são serviços públicos substitutivos ao modelo asilar para tratamento de pessoas em sofrimento psíquico, preconizado e fundamentado na Política Nacional de Saúde Mental (PNSM). Para medir o contexto de trabalho utilizou-se a Escala de Avaliação do Contexto de Trabalho (EACT) que investiga as condições de trabalho, a organização do trabalho e as relações sócio profissionais. Já o instrumento utilizado para medir a capacidade dos trabalhadores em manter o nível de desempenho no trabalho mesmo em situações complexas e desgastantes foi a Escala de Avaliação de Resiliência no Trabalho (EART). Por último, investigou-se o nível de bem-estar do público pesquisado através do Inventário de Bem- Estar no Trabalho (IBET-13). O bem-estar no trabalho tem sido considerado como um construto psicológico resultado de vínculos positivos com o trabalho e com a organização. Participaram 81 profissionais dos CAPS das cidades de Petrolina PE e São Bernardo do Campo SP, com idade média de 37 anos (DP= 10,45), em sua maioria do sexo feminino (65,4%), com níveis de escolaridade acima do ensino superior e pós-graduação completa (ambos com 29%), que se declararam casados ou em união estável (39%). Neste estudo, considerou-se bem-estar no trabalho como variável critério e resiliência no trabalho e contexto de trabalho como preditores. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas exploratórias e descritivas, análises de regressão e análises de variância (ANOVA) para descrever participantes, variáveis e testar o modelo. Os resultados apoiaram parcialmente o modelo de predição, pois apenas o fator relações sócio profissionais se confirmou como preditor significativo de Bem-estar no Trabalho, e não houve predição significativa com as demais variáveis (Condições de Trabalho, Organização do Trabalho e Resiliência no Trabalho). Estes dados podem revelar que boas relações sócio profissionais tendem a aumentar o nível de satisfação e comprometimento organizacional afetivo com a instituição, bem como o aumento do nível de envolvimento desses profissionais com seu trabalho.
In Europe local authorities often work with their neighbouring municipalities, whether to address a specific task or goal or through the course of regular policy making and implementation. In England, however, inter-municipal co-operation (IMC) is less common. Councils may work with service providers from the private and non-profit sectors but less often with neighbouring local authorities. Why this is the case may be explained by a number of historical and policy factors that often encourage councils to compete, rather than to work collaboratively with each other. The present government has encouraged councils to work in partnership with other organizations but there are few examples of increased horizontal cooperation between local authorities. Instead the prevailing model remains fixed on vertical co-working predicated on a principal-agent relationship between higher and lower tiers of government.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, West Germany was considered to be one of the world’s most successful economic and political systems. In his seminal 1987 analysis of West Germany’s ‘semisovereign’ system of governance, Peter Katzenstein attributed this success to a combination of a fragmented polity, consensus politics and incremental policy changes. However, unification in 1990 has both changed Germany’s institutional configuration and created economic and social challenges on a huge scale. This volume therefore asks whether semisovereignty still exists in contemporary Germany and, crucially, whether it remains an asset in terms of addressing these challenges. By shadowing and building on the original study, an eminent team of British, German and American scholars analyses institutional changes and the resulting policy developments in key sectors, with Peter Katzenstein himself providing the conclusion. Together, the chapters provide a landmark assessment of the outcomes produced by one of the world’s most important countries. Contents: 1. Introduction: semisovereignty challenged Simon Green and William E. Paterson; 2. Institutional transfer: can semisovereignty be transferred? The political economy of Eastern Germany Wade Jacoby; 3. Political parties Thomas Saalfeld; 4. Federalism: the new territorialism Charlie Jeffery; 5. Shock-absorbers under stress. Parapublic institutions and the double challenges of German unification and European integration Andreas Busch; 6. Economic policy management: catastrophic equilibrium, tipping points and crisis interventions Kenneth Dyson; 7. Industrial relations: from state weakness as strength to state weakness as weakness. Welfare corporatism and the private use of the public interest Wolfgang Streeck; 8. Social policy: crisis and transformation Roland Czada; 9. Immigration and integration policy: between incrementalism and non-decisions Simon Green; 10. Environmental policy: the law of diminishing returns? Charles Lees; 11. Administrative reform Kluas H. Goetz; 12. European policy-making: between associated sovereignty and semisovereignty William E. Paterson; 13. Conclusion: semisovereignty in United Germany Peter J. Katzenstein.
In this paper we summarise key elements of retail change in Britain over a twenty-year period. The time period is that covered by a funded study into long-term change in grocery shopping habits in Portsmouth, England. The major empirical findings—to which we briefly allude—are reported elsewhere: the present task is to assess the wider context underlying that change. For example, it has frequently been stated that retailing in the UK is not as competitive as in other leading economies. As a result, the issue of consumer choice has become increasingly important politically. Concerns over concentration in the industry, new format development and market definition have been expressed by local planners, competition regulators and consumer groups. Macro level changes over time have also created market inequality in consumer opportunities at a local level—hence our decision to attempt a local-level study. Situational factors affecting consumer experiences over time at the local level involve the changing store choice sets available to particular consumers. Using actual consumer experiences thus becomes a yardstick for assessing the practical effectiveness of policy making. The paper demonstrates that choice at local level is driven by store use and that different levels of provision reflect real choice at the local level. Macro-level policy and ‘one size fits all’ approaches to regulation, it is argued, do not reflect the changing reality of grocery shopping. Accordingly, arguments for a more local and regional approach to regulation are made.
Benchmarking exercises have become increasingly popular within the sphere of regional policy making. However, most exercises are restricted to comparing regions within a particular continental bloc or nation.This article introduces the World Knowledge Competitiveness Index (WKCI), which is one of the very few benchmarking exercises established to compare regions across continents.The article discusses the formulation of the WKCI and analyzes the results of the most recent editions.The results suggest that there are significant variations in the knowledge-based regional economic development models at work across the globe. Further analysis also indicates that Silicon Valley, as the highest ranked WKCI region, holds a unique economic position among the globe’s leading regions. However, significant changes in the sources of regional competitiveness are evolving as a result of the emergence of new regional hot spots in Asia. It is concluded that benchmarking is imperative to the learning process of regional policy making.
This research concerns the development of coordination and co-governance within three different regeneration programmes within one Midlands city over the period from 1999 to 2002. The New Labour government, in office since 1997, had an agenda for ‘joining-up’ government, part of which has had considerable impact in the area of regeneration policy. Joining-up government encompasses a set of related activities which can include the coordination of policy-making and service delivery. In regeneration, it also includes a commitment to operate through co-governance. Central government and local and regional organisations have sought to put this idea into practice by using what may be referred to as network management processes. Many characteristics of new policies are designed to address the management of networks. Network management is not new in this area, it has developed at least since the early 1990s with the City Challenge and Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) programmes as a way of encouraging more inclusive and effective regeneration interventions. Network management theory suggests that better management can improve decision-making outcomes in complex networks. The theories and concepts are utilised in three case studies as a way of understanding how and why regeneration attempts demonstrate real advances in inter-organisational working at certain times whilst faltering at others. Current cases are compared to the historical case of the original SRB programme as a method of assessing change. The findings suggest that: The use of network management can be identified at all levels of governance. As previous literature has highlighted, central government is the most important actor regarding network structuring. However, it can be argued that network structuring and game management are both practised by central and local actors; Furthermore, all three of the theoretical perspectives within network management (Instrumental, Institutional and Interactive), have been identified within UK regeneration networks. All may have a role to play with no single perspective likely to succeed on its own. Therefore, all could make an important contribution to the understanding of how groups can be brought together to work jointly; The findings support Klijn’s (1997) assertion that the institutional perspective is dominant for understanding network management processes; Instrumentalism continues on all sides, as the acquisition of resources remains the major driver for partnership activity; The level of interaction appears to be low despite the intentions for interactive decision-making; Overall, network management remains partial. Little attention is paid to the issues of accountability or to the institutional structures which can prevent networks from implementing the policies designed by central government, and/or the regional tier.
In the quest to secure the much vaunted benefits of North Sea oil, highly non-incremental technologies have been adopted. Nowhere is this more the case than with the early fields of the central and northern North Sea. By focusing on the inflexible nature of North Sea hardware, in such fields, this thesis examines the problems that this sort of technology might pose for policy making. More particularly, the following issues are raised. First, the implications of non-incremental technical change for the successful conduct of oil policy is raised. Here, the focus is on the micro-economic performance of the first generation of North Sea oil fields and the manner in which this relates to government policy. Secondly, the question is posed as to whether there were more flexible, perhaps more incremental policy alternatives open to the decision makers. Conclusions drawn relate to the degree to which non-incremental shifts in policy permit decision makers to achieve their objectives at relatively low cost. To discover cases where non-incremental policy making has led to success in this way, would be to falsify the thesis that decision makers are best served by employing incremental politics as an approach to complex problem solving.
This research involves a study of the questions, "what is considered safe", how are safety levels defined or decided, and according to whom. Tolerable or acceptable risk questions raise various issues: about values and assumptions inherent in such levels; about decision-making frameworks at the highest level of policy making as well as on the individual level; and about the suitability and competency of decision-makers to decide and to communicate their decisions. The wide-ranging topics covering philosophical and practical concerns examined in the literature review reveal the multi-disciplined scope of this research. To support this theoretical study empirical research was undertaken at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) of the European Space Agency (ESA). ESTEC is a large, multi-nationality, high technology organisation which presented an ideal case study for exploring how decisions are made with respect to safety from a personal as well as organisational aspect. A qualitative methodology was employed to gather, analyse and report the findings of this research. Significant findings reveal how experts perceive risks and the prevalence of informal decision-making processes partly due to the inadequacy of formal methods for deciding risk tolerability. In the field of occupational health and safety, this research has highlighted the importance and need for criteria to decide whether a risk is great enough to warrant attention in setting standards and priorities for risk control and resources. From a wider perspective and with the recognition that risk is an inherent part of life, the establishment of tolerability risk levels can be viewed as cornerstones indicating our progress, expectations and values, of life and work, in an increasingly litigious, knowledgeable and global society.
This work is the result of an action-research-type study of the diversification effort of part of a major U.K. industrial company. Work in contingency theory concerning the impact of environmental factors on organizational design, and the systemic model of viable systems put forward by Stafford Beer form the theoretical basis of the vvork. The two streams of thought are compared and found to offer similar conclusions about the design of effective organizations. These findings are taken as the framework for an analysis both of organization structures for promoting innovation described in the literature, and of those employed by the company for this purpose in recent years. Much attention is given to the use of venture groups, and conclusions are drawn on particular factors which may influence their success or failure. Both theoretical considerations, and the examination of the company' s recent experience suggested that the formation of the policy of diversification, as well as the method of implementation of the police, might affect its outcorre. Attention is therefore focused on the policy-making and planning process, and in particular on possible problems that this process could generate in a multi-division company. The view finally taken of diversification effort is that it should be regarded as a learning system. This view helps to expose some ambiguities in the concepts of success and failure in this area, and demonstrates considerable weaknesses in traditional project evaluation procedures.
This is an exploratory study in a field which previously was virtually unexplored. The aim is to identify, for the benefit of innovators, the influence of industrial design on the commercial success of new science-based products used for professional and industrial purposes. The study is a contribution to the theory of success and failure in industrial innovation. The study begins by defining the terminology. To place the investigation in context, there is then a review of past attempts by official policy-making bodies to improve the competitiveness of British products of manufacture through good design. To elucidate the meaning of good design, attempts to establish a coherent philosophy of style in British products of manufacture during the same period are also reviewed. Following these reviews, empirical evidence is presented to identify what actually takes place in successful firms when industrial design is allocated a role in the process of technological innovation. The evidence comprises seven case studies of new science-based products used for professional or industrial purposes which have received Design Council Awards. To facilitate an objective appraisal, evidence was obtained by conducting separate semi-structured interviews, the detail of which is described, with senior personnel in innovating firms, with industrial design consultants, and with professional users. The study suggests that the likelihood of commercial success in technological innovation is greater when the form, configuration, and the overall appearance of a new product, together with the detail which delineates them, are consciously and expertly controlled. Moreover, uncertainty in innovation is likely to be reduced if the appearance of a new product is consciously designed to facilitate recognition and comprehension. Industrial design is an especially significant factor when a firm innovates against a background of international competition and comparable levels of technological competence in rival firms. The likelihood of success in innovation is enhanced if design is allocated a role closely identified with the total needs of the user and discrete from the engineering function in company organisation. Recent government measures, initiated since this study began, are corroborative of the findings.