973 resultados para Monte-carlo Calculations


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Introduction This study investigated the sensitivity of calculated stereotactic radiotherapy and radiosurgery doses to the accuracy of the beam data used by the treatment planning system. Methods Two sets of field output factors were acquired using fields smaller than approximately 1 cm2, for inclusion in beam data used by the iPlan treatment planning system (Brainlab, Feldkirchen, Germany). One set of output factors were measured using an Exradin A16 ion chamber (Standard Imaging, Middleton, USA). Although this chamber has a relatively small collecting volume (0.007 cm3), measurements made in small fields using this chamber are subject to the effects of volume averaging, electronic disequilibrium and chamber perturbations. The second, more accurate, set of measurements were obtained by applying perturbation correction factors, calculated using Monte Carlo simulations according to a method recommended by Cranmer-Sargison et al. [1] to measurements made using a 60017 unshielded electron diode (PTW, Freiburg, Germany). A series of 12 sample patient treatments were used to investigate the effects of beam data accuracy on resulting planned dose. These treatments, which involved 135 fields, were planned for delivery via static conformal arcs and 3DCRT techniques, to targets ranging from prostates (up to 8 cm across) to meningiomas (usually more than 2 cm across) to arterioveinous malformations, acoustic neuromas and brain metastases (often less than 2 cm across). Isocentre doses were calculated for all of these fields using iPlan, and the results of using the two different sets of beam data were evaluated. Results While the isocentre doses for many fields are identical (difference = 0.0 %), there is a general trend for the doses calculated using the data obtained from corrected diode measurements to exceed the doses calculated using the less-accurate Exradin ion chamber measurements (difference\0.0 %). There are several alarming outliers (circled in the Fig. 1) where doses differ by more than 3 %, in beams from sample treatments planned for volumes up to 2 cm across. Discussion and conclusions These results demonstrate that treatment planning dose calculations for SRT/SRS treatments can be substantially affected when beam data for fields smaller than approximately 1 cm2 are measured inaccurately, even when treatment volumes are up to 2 cm across.


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Intermittent generation from wind farms leads to fluctuating power system operating conditions pushing the stability margin to its limits. The traditional way of determining the worst case generation dispatch for a system with several semi-scheduled wind generators yields a conservative solution. This paper proposes a fast estimation of the transient stability margin (TSM) incorporating the uncertainty of wind generation. First, the Kalman filter (KF) is used to provide linear estimation of system angle and then unscented transformation (UT) is used to estimate the distribution of the TSM. The proposed method is compared with the traditional Monte Carlo (MC) method and the effectiveness of the proposed approach is verified using Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) and IEEE 14 generator Australian dynamic system. This method will aid grid operators to perform fast online calculations to estimate TSM distribution of a power system with high levels of intermittent wind generation.


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This study aimed to take existing anatomical models of pregnant women, currently used for radiation pro-tection and nuclear medicine dose calculations, and adapt them for use in the calculation of fetal dose from external beam radiotherapy (EBRT). The models investigated were ‘KATJA’, which was provided as an MCNPX geometry file, and ‘RPI-P6’, which was provided in a simple, voxelized bina-ry format. In-house code was developed, to convert both mod-els into an `egsphant’ format, suitable for use with DOSXYZnrc. The geometries and densities of the resulting phantoms were evaluated and found to accurately represent the source data. As an example of the use of the phantoms, the delivery of a cranial EBRT treatment was simulated using the BEAMnrc and DOSXYZnrc Monte Carlo codes and the likely out-of-field doses to the fetus in each model was calculated. The results of these calculations showed good agreement (with-in one standard deviation) between the doses calculated in KATJA and PRI-P6, despite substantial anatomical differ-ences between the two models. For a 36 Gy prescription dose to a 233.2 cm3 target in the right brain, the mean doses calcu-lated in a region of interest covering the entire uterus were 1.0 +/- 0.6 mSv for KATJA and 1.3 +/- 0.9 mSv for RPI-P6. This work is expected to lead to more comprehensive studies of EBRT treatment plan design and its effects on fetal dose in the future.


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Pseudo-marginal methods such as the grouped independence Metropolis-Hastings (GIMH) and Markov chain within Metropolis (MCWM) algorithms have been introduced in the literature as an approach to perform Bayesian inference in latent variable models. These methods replace intractable likelihood calculations with unbiased estimates within Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. The GIMH method has the posterior of interest as its limiting distribution, but suffers from poor mixing if it is too computationally intensive to obtain high-precision likelihood estimates. The MCWM algorithm has better mixing properties, but less theoretical support. In this paper we propose to use Gaussian processes (GP) to accelerate the GIMH method, whilst using a short pilot run of MCWM to train the GP. Our new method, GP-GIMH, is illustrated on simulated data from a stochastic volatility and a gene network model.


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A strong-coupling expansion for the Green's functions, self-energies, and correlation functions of the Bose-Hubbard model is developed. We illustrate the general formalism, which includes all possible (normal-phase) inhomogeneous effects in the formalism, such as disorder or a trap potential, as well as effects of thermal excitations. The expansion is then employed to calculate the momentum distribution of the bosons in the Mott phase for an infinite homogeneous periodic system at zero temperature through third order in the hopping. By using scaling theory for the critical behavior at zero momentum and at the critical value of the hopping for the Mott insulator–to–superfluid transition along with a generalization of the random-phase-approximation-like form for the momentum distribution, we are able to extrapolate the series to infinite order and produce very accurate quantitative results for the momentum distribution in a simple functional form for one, two, and three dimensions. The accuracy is better in higher dimensions and is on the order of a few percent relative error everywhere except close to the critical value of the hopping divided by the on-site repulsion. In addition, we find simple phenomenological expressions for the Mott-phase lobes in two and three dimensions which are much more accurate than the truncated strong-coupling expansions and any other analytic approximation we are aware of. The strong-coupling expansions and scaling-theory results are benchmarked against numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo simulations in two and three dimensions and against density-matrix renormalization-group calculations in one dimension. These analytic expressions will be useful for quick comparison of experimental results to theory and in many cases can bypass the need for expensive numerical simulations.


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The ever-increasing demand for faster computers in various areas, ranging from entertaining electronics to computational science, is pushing the semiconductor industry towards its limits on decreasing the sizes of electronic devices based on conventional materials. According to the famous law by Gordon E. Moore, a co-founder of the world s largest semiconductor company Intel, the transistor sizes should decrease to the atomic level during the next few decades to maintain the present rate of increase in the computational power. As leakage currents become a problem for traditional silicon-based devices already at sizes in the nanometer scale, an approach other than further miniaturization is needed to accomplish the needs of the future electronics. A relatively recently proposed possibility for further progress in electronics is to replace silicon with carbon, another element from the same group in the periodic table. Carbon is an especially interesting material for nanometer-sized devices because it forms naturally different nanostructures. Furthermore, some of these structures have unique properties. The most widely suggested allotrope of carbon to be used for electronics is a tubular molecule having an atomic structure resembling that of graphite. These carbon nanotubes are popular both among scientists and in industry because of a wide list of exciting properties. For example, carbon nanotubes are electronically unique and have uncommonly high strength versus mass ratio, which have resulted in a multitude of proposed applications in several fields. In fact, due to some remaining difficulties regarding large-scale production of nanotube-based electronic devices, fields other than electronics have been faster to develop profitable nanotube applications. In this thesis, the possibility of using low-energy ion irradiation to ease the route towards nanotube applications is studied through atomistic simulations on different levels of theory. Specifically, molecular dynamic simulations with analytical interaction models are used to follow the irradiation process of nanotubes to introduce different impurity atoms into these structures, in order to gain control on their electronic character. Ion irradiation is shown to be a very efficient method to replace carbon atoms with boron or nitrogen impurities in single-walled nanotubes. Furthermore, potassium irradiation of multi-walled and fullerene-filled nanotubes is demonstrated to result in small potassium clusters in the hollow parts of these structures. Molecular dynamic simulations are further used to give an example on using irradiation to improve contacts between a nanotube and a silicon substrate. Methods based on the density-functional theory are used to gain insight on the defect structures inevitably created during the irradiation. Finally, a new simulation code utilizing the kinetic Monte Carlo method is introduced to follow the time evolution of irradiation-induced defects on carbon nanotubes on macroscopic time scales. Overall, the molecular dynamic simulations presented in this thesis show that ion irradiation is a promisingmethod for tailoring the nanotube properties in a controlled manner. The calculations made with density-functional-theory based methods indicate that it is energetically favorable for even relatively large defects to transform to keep the atomic configuration as close to the pristine nanotube as possible. The kinetic Monte Carlo studies reveal that elevated temperatures during the processing enhance the self-healing of nanotubes significantly, ensuring low defect concentrations after the treatment with energetic ions. Thereby, nanotubes can retain their desired properties also after the irradiation. Throughout the thesis, atomistic simulations combining different levels of theory are demonstrated to be an important tool for determining the optimal conditions for irradiation experiments, because the atomic-scale processes at short time scales are extremely difficult to study by any other means.


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Polar Regions are an energy sink of the Earth system, as the Sun rays do not reach the Poles for half of the year, and hit them only at very low angles for the other half of the year. In summer, solar radiation is the dominant energy source for the Polar areas, therefore even small changes in the surface albedo strongly affect the surface energy balance and, thus, the speed and amount of snow and ice melting. In winter, the main heat sources for the atmosphere are the cyclones approaching from lower latitudes, and the atmosphere-surface heat transfer takes place through turbulent mixing and longwave radiation, the latter dominated by clouds. The aim of this thesis is to improve the knowledge about the surface and atmospheric processes that control the surface energy budget over snow and ice, with particular focus on albedo during the spring and summer seasons, on horizontal advection of heat, cloud longwave forcing, and turbulent mixing during the winter season. The critical importance of a correct albedo representation in models is illustrated through the analysis of the causes for the errors in the surface and near-surface air temperature produced in a short-range numerical weather forecast by the HIRLAM model. Then, the daily and seasonal variability of snow and ice albedo have been examined by analysing field measurements of albedo, carried out in different environments. On the basis of the data analysis, simple albedo parameterizations have been derived, which can be implemented into thermodynamic sea ice models, as well as numerical weather prediction and climate models. Field measurements of radiation and turbulent fluxes over the Bay of Bothnia (Baltic Sea) also allowed examining the impact of a large albedo change during the melting season on surface energy and ice mass budgets. When high contrasts in surface albedo are present, as in the case of snow covered areas next to open water, the effect of the surface albedo heterogeneity on the downwelling solar irradiance under overcast condition is very significant, although it is usually not accounted for in single column radiative transfer calculations. To account for this effect, an effective albedo parameterization based on three-dimensional Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations has been developed. To test a potentially relevant application of the effective albedo parameterization, its performance in the ground-based retrieval of cloud optical depth was illustrated. Finally, the factors causing the large variations of the surface and near-surface temperatures over the Central Arctic during winter were examined. The relative importance of cloud radiative forcing, turbulent mixing, and lateral heat advection on the Arctic surface temperature were quantified through the analysis of direct observations from Russian drifting ice stations, with the lateral heat advection calculated from reanalysis products.


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Nucleation is the first step of a first order phase transition. A new phase is always sprung up in nucleation phenomena. The two main categories of nucleation are homogeneous nucleation, where the new phase is formed in a uniform substance, and heterogeneous nucleation, when nucleation occurs on a pre-existing surface. In this thesis the main attention is paid on heterogeneous nucleation. This thesis wields the nucleation phenomena from two theoretical perspectives: the classical nucleation theory and the statistical mechanical approach. The formulation of the classical nucleation theory relies on equilibrium thermodynamics and use of macroscopically determined quantities to describe the properties of small nuclei, sometimes consisting of just a few molecules. The statistical mechanical approach is based on interactions between single molecules, and does not bear the same assumptions as the classical theory. This work gathers up the present theoretical knowledge of heterogeneous nucleation and utilizes it in computational model studies. A new exact molecular approach on heterogeneous nucleation was introduced and tested by Monte Carlo simulations. The results obtained from the molecular simulations were interpreted by means of the concepts of the classical nucleation theory. Numerical calculations were carried out for a variety of substances nucleating on different substances. The classical theory of heterogeneous nucleation was employed in calculations of one-component nucleation of water on newsprint paper, Teflon and cellulose film, and binary nucleation of water-n-propanol and water-sulphuric acid mixtures on silver nanoparticles. The results were compared with experimental results. The molecular simulation studies involved homogeneous nucleation of argon and heterogeneous nucleation of argon on a planar platinum surface. It was found out that the use of a microscopical contact angle as a fitting parameter in calculations based on the classical theory of heterogeneous nucleation leads to a fair agreement between the theoretical predictions and experimental results. In the presented cases the microscopical angle was found to be always smaller than the contact angle obtained from macroscopical measurements. Furthermore, molecular Monte Carlo simulations revealed that the concept of the geometrical contact parameter in heterogeneous nucleation calculations can work surprisingly well even for very small clusters.


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We present an extensive study of Mott insulator (MI) and superfluid (SF) shells in Bose-Hubbard (BH) models for bosons in optical lattices with harmonic traps. For this we apply the inhomogeneous mean-field theory developed by Sheshadri et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4075 (1995)]. Our results for the BH model with one type of spinless bosons agree quantitatively with quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Our approach is numerically less intensive than such simulations, so we are able to perform calculations on experimentally realistic, large three-dimensional systems, explore a wide range of parameter values, and make direct contact with a variety of experimental measurements. We also extend our inhomogeneous mean-field theory to study BH models with harmonic traps and (a) two species of bosons or (b) spin-1 bosons. With two species of bosons, we obtain rich phase diagrams with a variety of SF and MI phases and associated shells when we include a quadratic confining potential. For the spin-1 BH model, we show, in a representative case, that the system can display alternating shells of polar SF and MI phases, and we make interesting predictions for experiments in such systems.


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A combination of ab initio and classical Monte Carlo simulations is used to investigate the effects of functional groups on methane binding. Using Moller-Plesset (MP2) calculations, we obtain the binding energies for benzene functionalized with NH2, OH, CH3, COOH, and H2PO3 and identify the methane binding sites. In all cases, the preferred binding sites are located above the benzene plane in the vicinity of the benzene carbon atom attached to the functional group. Functional groups enhance methane binding relative to benzene (-6.39 kJ/mol), with the largest enhancement observed for H2PO3 (-8.37 kJ/mol) followed by COOH and CH3 (-7.77 kJ/mol). Adsorption isotherms are obtained for edge-functionalized bilayer graphene nanoribbons using grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations with a five-site methane model. Adsorbed excess and heats of adsorption for pressures up to 40 bar and 298 K are obtained with functional group concentrations ranging from 3.125 to 6.25 mol 96 for graphene edges functionalized with OH, NH2, and COOH. The functional groups are found to act as preferred adsorption sites, and in the case of COOH the local methane density in the vicinity of the functional group is found to exceed that of bare graphene. The largest enhancement of 44.5% in the methane excess adsorbed is observed for COOH-functionalized nanoribbons when compared to H terminated ribbons. The corresponding enhancements for OH- and NH2-functionalized ribbons are 10.5% and 3.7%, respectively. The excess adsorption across functional groups reflects the trends observed in the binding energies from MP2 calculations. Our study reveals that specific site functionalization can have a significant effect on the local adsorption characteristics and can be used as a design strategy to tailor materials with enhanced methane storage capacity.


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Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) grown on substrates are potential electron sources in field emission applications. Several studies have reported the use of CNTs in field emission devices, including field emission displays, X-ray tube, electron microscopes, cathode-ray lamps, etc. Also, in recent years, conventional cold field emission cathodes have been realized in micro-fabricated arrays for medical X-ray imaging. CNTbased field emission cathode devices have potential applications in a variety of industrial and medical applications, including cancer treatment. Field emission performance of a single isolated CNT is found to be remarkable, but the situation becomes complex when an array of CNTs is used. At the same time, use of arrays of CNTs is practical and economical. Indeed, such arrays on cathode substrates can be grown easily and their collective dynamics can be utilized in a statistical sense such that the average emission intensity is high enough and the collective dynamics lead to longer emission life. The authors in their previous publications had proposed a novel approach to obtain stabilized field emission current from a stacked CNT array of pointed height distribution. A mesoscopic modeling technique was employed, which took into account electro-mechanical forces in the CNTs, as well as transport of conduction electron coupled with electron phonon induced heat generation from the CNT tips. The reported analysis of pointed arrangements of the array showed that the current density distribution was greatly localized in the middle of the array, the scatter due to electrodynamic force field was minimized, and the temperature transients were much smaller compared to those in an array with random height distribution. In the present paper we develop a method to compute the emission efficiency of the CNT array in terms of the amount of electrons hitting the anode surface using trajectory calculations. Effects of secondary electron emission and parasitic capacitive nonlinearity on the current-voltage signals are accounted. Field emission efficiency of a stacked CNT array with various pointed height distributions are compared to that of arrays with random and uniform height distributions. Effect of this parasitic nonlinearity on the emission switch-on voltage is estimated by model based simulation and Monte Carlo method.


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We develop a strong-coupling (t << U) expansion technique for calculating the density profile for bosonic atoms trapped in an optical lattice with an overall harmonic trap at finite temperature and finite on-site interaction in the presence of superfluid regions. Our results match well with quantum Monte Carlo simulations at finite temperature. We also show that the superfluid order parameter never vanishes in the trap due to the proximity effect. Our calculations for the scaled density in the vacuum-to-superfluid transition agree well with the experimental data for appropriate temperatures. We present calculations for the entropy per particle as a function of temperature which can be used to calibrate the temperature in experiments. We also discuss issues connected with the demonstration of universal quantum critical scaling in the experiments.


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Development of microporous adsorbents for separation and sequestration of carbon dioxide from flue gas streams is an area of active research. In this study, we assess the influence of specific functional groups on the adsorption selectivity of CO2/N-2 mixtures through Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations. Our model system consists of a bilayer graphene nanoribbon that has been edge functionalized with OH, NH2, NO2, CH3 and COOH. Ab initio Moller-Plesset (MP2) calculations with functionalized benzenes are used to obtain binding energies and optimized geometries for CO2 and N-2. This information is used to validate the choice classical forcefields in GCMC simulations. In addition to simulations of adsorption from binary mixtures of CO2 and N-2, the ideal adsorbed solution theory (IAST) is used to predict mixture isotherms. Our study reveals that functionalization always leads to an increase in the adsorption of both CO2 and N-2 with the highest for COOH. However, significant enhancement in the selectivity for CO2 is only seen with COOH functionalized nanoribbons. The COOH functionalization gives a 28% increase in selectivity compared to H terminated nanoribbons, whereas the improvement in the selectivity for other functional groups are much Enure modest. Our study suggests that specific functionalization with COOH groups can provide a material's design strategy to improve CO2 selectivity in microporous adsorbents. Synthesis of graphene nanoplatelets with edge functionalized COOH, which has the potential for large scale production, has recently been reported (Jeon el, al., 2012). (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved,


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Rarefied gas flows through micro-channels are simulated using particle approaches, named as the information preservation (IP) method and the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. In simulating the low speed flows in long micro-channels the DSMC method encounters the problem of large sample size demand and the difficulty of regulating boundary conditions at the inlet and outlet. Some important computational issues in the calculation of long micro-channel flows by using the IP method, such as the use the conservative form of the mass conservation equation to guarantee the adjustment of the inlet and outlet boundary conditions and the super-relaxation scheme to accelerate the convergence process, are addressed. Stream-wise pressure distributions and mass fluxes through micro-channels given by the IP method agree well with experimental data measured in long micro-channels by Pong et al. (with a height to length ratio of 1.2:3000), Shih et al. (l.2:4800), Arkilic et al. and Arkilic (l.3:7500), respectively. The famous Knudsen minimum of normalized mass flux is observed in IP and DSMC calculations of a short micro-channel over the entire flow regime from continuum to free molecular, whereas the slip Navier-Stokes solution fails to predict it.


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In the first part I perform Hartree-Fock calculations to show that quantum dots (i.e., two-dimensional systems of up to twenty interacting electrons in an external parabolic potential) undergo a gradual transition to a spin-polarized Wigner crystal with increasing magnetic field strength. The phase diagram and ground state energies have been determined. I tried to improve the ground state of the Wigner crystal by introducing a Jastrow ansatz for the wave function and performing a variational Monte Carlo calculation. The existence of so called magic numbers was also investigated. Finally, I also calculated the heat capacity associated with the rotational degree of freedom of deformed many-body states and suggest an experimental method to detect Wigner crystals.

The second part of the thesis investigates infinite nuclear matter on a cubic lattice. The exact thermal formalism describes nucleons with a Hamiltonian that accommodates on-site and next-neighbor parts of the central, spin-exchange and isospin-exchange interaction. Using auxiliary field Monte Carlo methods, I show that energy and basic saturation properties of nuclear matter can be reproduced. A first order phase transition from an uncorrelated Fermi gas to a clustered system is observed by computing mechanical and thermodynamical quantities such as compressibility, heat capacity, entropy and grand potential. The structure of the clusters is investigated with the help two-body correlations. I compare symmetry energy and first sound velocities with literature and find reasonable agreement. I also calculate the energy of pure neutron matter and search for a similar phase transition, but the survey is restricted by the infamous Monte Carlo sign problem. Also, a regularization scheme to extract potential parameters from scattering lengths and effective ranges is investigated.