974 resultados para Light absorption in nanocomposites
The purpose of this study was to develop a mucoadhesive stimuli-sensitive drug delivery system for nasal administration of zidovudine (AZT). The system was prepared by formulating a low viscosity precursor of a liquid crystal phase, taking advantage of its lyotropic phase behavior. Flow rheology measurements showed that the formulation composed of PPG-5-CETETH-20, oleic acid and water (55, 30, 15% w/w), denominated P, has Newtonian flow behavior. Polarized light microscopy (PLM) revealed that formulation P is isotropic, whereas its 1:1 (w/w) dilution with artificial nasal mucus (ANM) changed the system to an anisotropic lamellar phase (PD). Oscillatory frequency sweep analysis showed that PD has a high storage modulus (G′) at nasal temperatures. Measurement of the mucoadhesive force against excised porcine nasal mucosa or a mucin disk proved that the transition to the lamellar phase tripled the work of mucoadhesion. Ex vivo permeation studies across porcine nasal mucosa exhibited an 18-fold rise in the permeability of AZT from the formulation. The Weibull mathematical model suggested that the AZT is released by Fickian diffusion mechanisms. Hence, the physicochemical characterization, combined with ex vivo studies, revealed that the PPG-5-CETETH-20, oleic acid, and water formulation could form a mucoadhesive matrix in contact with nasal mucus that promoted nasal absorption of the AZT. For an in vivo assessment, the plasma concentrations of AZT in rats were determined by HPLC method following intravenous and intranasal administration of AZT-loaded P formulation (PA) and AZT solution, respectively, at a dose of 8 mg/kg. The intranasal administration of PA resulted in a fast absorption process (Tmax = 6.7 min). Therefore, a liquid crystal precursor formulation administered by the nasal route might represent a promising novel tool for the systemic delivery of AZT and other antiretroviral drugs. In the present study, the uptake of AZT absorption in the nasal mucosa was demonstrated, providing new foundations for clinical trials in patients with AIDS. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Deciduous forests from the neotropics are one of the most endangered forest types in the world due to the exploitation of their natural resources by mankind. Many aspects of these ecosystems have been studied; however, there is a lack of information about leaf structure and the effects of tree dominance on their structural leaf patterns. In this article, we examine leaf anatomy and specific leaf areas (SLA) in 13 tree species differing in their dominance in a Dry Forest site in Central Brazil, relating leaf anatomical traits with phytosociological aspects. Leaf anatomical traits differed according to tree dominance: greater leaf thickness (achieved through greater thickness of the mesophyll), low values of SLA and bigger stomata were found for the most dominant species, whereas the less dominant species showed thinner leaves with high SLA, as well as numerous and small stomata. These responses suggest that tree dominance is an important indirect effect associated with vertical light availability in the forest. These strategies are probably related to the accomplishment of a high performance in carbon gain and water economy, given the distinction in irradiance that the leaves of different species are subject to in the dry forest. © 2013 Copyright The Royal Society of New Zealand.
Este estudo comparou a resistência à compressão de uma resina composta e de um compômero, fotoativados com luz halógena convencional de quarto-tungstênio (QTH) (XL 300, 3M/SPE) e LED azul (SmartLite PS; Dentsply/De Trey). Foram confeccionados 40 espécimes em forma de disco usando uma matriz bipartida de politetrafluoretileno (4,0 mm de diâmetro x 8,0 mm de altura) em que o material foi inserido incrementalmente. O tempo de polimerização de cada incremento foi de 40 s para a luz halógena convencional e de 10 s para o LED. Os espécimes foram aleatoriamente alocados em 4 grupos (n=10), de acordo com a fonte de luz e com o material restaurador. Depois de armazenadas em água destilada a 37°C ± 2°C por 24 h, a resistência à compressão dos espécimes foi testada em uma máquina universal de ensaios com célula de carga de 500 kgf a uma velocidade de carregamento de 0,5 mm/min. Os dados (em MPa) foram analisados estatisticamente por ANOVA e teste de Student-Newman-Keuls (p<0,05). Para a resina composta, a fotopolimerização com luz halógena não produziu diferença estatisticamente significante (p>0,05) em sua resistência à compressão quando comparada à fotopolimerização com LED. Contudo, a fotopolimerização do compômero com a luz halógena resultou em uma resistência à compressão significativamente maior que a feita o LED (p>0,05). A resina composta apresentou resistência à compressão significativamente maior que a do compômero, independente da fonte de luz. Concluiu-se que a resistência à compressão dos materiais fotopolimerizados com luz halógena e LED foi influenciada pela densidade de energia empregada e pela composição química dos materiais restauradores estéticos.
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o efeito da polimerização gradual, mediante a utilização de aparelhos de Quartzo-Tungustênio-Halógena (QTH) e Arco de Plasma de Xenônio (PAC), no selamento marginal de restaurações classe V em resina composta com margens localizadas em dentina. Setenta e cinco incisivos bovinos receberam preparos de cavidades classe V, na raiz, com o intuito de situar as margens cavitárias em dentina. Os dentes foram divididos em cinco grupos de acordo com o método de fotoativação. As cavidades, depois de condicionadas, foram tratadas com o sistema adesivo Single Bond (3M Dental) e restauradas com a resina composta Z100 (3M Dental) pela técnica incremental. A fotoativação foi realizada para cada grupo como descrito a seguir: Grupo I: PAC pelo método de fotoativação constante: 1600mW/cm2 – 3s; Grupo II: PAC pelo método de fotoativação por passos (800mW/cm2 – 2s, subindo automaticamente para 1600mW/cm2 – 4s); Grupo III: QTH pelo método de fotoativação constante: 400 mW/cm2 – 40s; Grupo IV: QTH pelo método de fotoativação em rampa: 100 a 600 mW/cm2 – 15s, permanecendo a 600mW/cm2 por mais 25s; Grupo V: QTH pelo método de fotoativação por pulso: 200 mW/cm2 – 3s, tempo de espera de 3min.e a seguir 600mW/cm2 – 30s. Os dentes foram armazenados em água destilada a 37ºC por 30 dias e então submetidos à ciclagem térmica, por 500 ciclos à 5 ºC e 55 ºC. Os ápices dos dentes foram selados com resina composta e os dentes foram cobertos com duas camadas de esmalte para unha, antes da sua imersão em fucsina básica a 0,5%. Os dentes foram seccionados e os cortes foram escaneados para avaliação da área infiltrada por corante por um programa de computador (Image Tools). Os cortes foram também visualizados com lupa para a determinação do grau de penetração do corante na interface dente-restauração por escores. Diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram observadas entre os grupos quanto ao grau e à área de penetração de corante (p < 0,05). Os grupos I e II apresentaram valores significantemente mais altos de infiltração e penetração do corante que os grupos III, IV e V. Em conclusão, o uso da fonte de PAC, no modo constante e por passos, resultou em valores significantemente maiores de infiltração marginal quando comparados com a intensidade de luz média emitida pelos aparelhos de QTH. Os métodos de fotoativação por pulso, rampa e continuo com a fonte de QTH resultaram num grau similar de microinfiltração.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
The influence of tilapia cages on limnological characteristics of the Chavantes Reservoir, Paranapanema River, Brazil, was investigated in March and June 2007. Principal components analysis was used to compare the transparency; dissolved oxygen; temperature; total organic nitrogen, phosphorus, and dissolved solids; chlorophyll aand electrical conductivity of fish farm 1 (239.3m.t.), 2 (461.5m.t.) and areas without cages, in the lacustrine and river-reservoir transition regions. The variables differentiated the regions and areas with and without cages. In March, in the lacustrine region, there was a thermal and chemical stratification, and in the transition region, there was a temperature and oxygen reduction gradient between the surface and bottom that was also observed in June in fish farm 1. The higher transparency confirmed the increased light penetration in the lacustrine region. In the transition region, there were higher turbidity, total dissolved solid, and conductivity values that are likely related to allochthonous material flow and transport. In fish farms, lower oxygen and pH values indicate intense decomposition and respiration. The generally higher total dissolved solid and nutrient values, turbidity, and conductivity and the lower transparency in one or both fish farms indicate their contribution to eutrophication, demonstrating the need for careful monitoring.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Monitoring non-ionizing radiant energy is increasingly demanded for many applications such as automobile, biomedical and security system. Thermal type infrared (IR) sensors can operate at room temperature and pyroelectric materials have high sensitivity and accuracy for that application. Working as thermal transducer pyroelectric sensor converts the non-quantified thermal flux into the output measurable quantity of electrical charge, voltage or current. In the present study the composite made of poly(vinylidene fluoride) -PVDF and lead zirconate titanate (PZT) partially recovered with polyaniline (PAni) conductor polymer has been used as sensor element. The pyroelectric coefficient p(T) was obtained by measuring the pyroelectric reversible current, i.e., measuring the thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) after removing all irreversible contribution to the current such as injected charge during polarization of the sample. To analyze the sensing property of the pyroelectric material, the sensor is irradiated by a high power light source (halogen lamp of 250 W) that is chopped providing a modulated radiation. A device assembled in the laboratory is used to change the light intensity sensor, an aluminum strip having openings with diameters ranging from 1 to 10 mm incremented by one millimeter. The sensor element is assembled between two electrodes while its frontal surface is painted black ink to maximize the light absorption. The signal from the sensor is measured by a Lock-In amplifier model SR530 -Stanford Research Systems. The behavior of the output voltage for an input power at several frequencies for PZT-PAni/PVDF (30/ 70 vol%) composite follows the inverse power law (1/ f) and the linearity can be observed in the frequency range used.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Current work to assess the capacity of water potability samples for that, we used seven different brands of mineral water, bought locally, and also collected seven samples of public drinking fountains located in different places on campus headquarters of the State University of Maringá. The parameters analyzed were presence of fecal and total coliform, turbidity, color and compounds with UV-absorption at 254 nm. On the analysis of coliforms, two brands of mineral water and four samples of drinkers showed presence of total coliform, but no analysis indicated the presence of fecal coliforms. In the turbidity parameter, all samples were within the limits allowed by law, for both cases. No apparent color attribute, two samples of mineral water and a sample of drinking were outside the range required by law. Finally, the determination of UV showed the values of light absorption of each sample at a wavelength of 254nm, however, does not yet exist in Brazil a regulation on this parameter. With such analysis, it was possible to compare the results with current legislation. After these findings, it appears that more stringent hygienic practices should be adopted throughout the processing of mineral water as drinking in public. It is also necessary for greater oversight over the other parameters for determining the quality of water.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
For this purpose, samples of Nelore fetus abomasum (Bos taurus indicus) were classified into five groups: 1 – fetuses with 9 to 15 weeks (8 to 21 cm) of gestation, 2 – fetuses with 16 to 22 weeks (23 to 37 cm), 3 – fetuses at 23 to 29 weeks (40 to 58 cm) 4 – fetuses with 30 to 36 weeks (61 to 77 cm) and 5 – fetuses with 37 to 43 weeks (79 to 88 cm). Histologic sections were stained with Hematoxylin and eosin, picrosirius and Mallory’s trichrome methods and examined under light microscopy. In fetus with 11 cm of length showed deep mucosa, wide folds and villi lined by single cylindrical epithelium, lamina propria, submucosa, muscular sublayers and serosa. Fetus with 13.5 cm, villi were evident and muscular layer of the mucosa was formed. At 16.5 cm, could be seen an increase in mucosa glands size and number. In fetus of 26 cm, showed gastric mucous glands at great number and ramifications. At 29 cm large folds, were observed. At 37 cm, showed glandular epithelium, muscular layer of the mucosa and muscular layer well development. Fetus with 42 cm, showed deep glands with corresponding mucous cells surrounding by thin lamina propria. It was concluded that the histomorphometric values of muscular layer and total abomasum wall were increased for all groups except for groups 4 and 5 which there was a decline of values, without presenting a significant difference and there was no continuous pattern of growth for other components of abomasum wall.
Mira are pulsating variable stars in advanced stages of evolution. Their atmospheres are sources of intense absorption bands attributed to molecular titanium monoxide (TiO). It has been suggested that the abundance of TiO reaches its maximum value near the minimum light. In this sense, the study of the processes of formation and destruction of TiO in circumstellar envelopes of Mira stars, not only allows us to understand the physical and chemical processes that occur in these environments, as it allows to verify the correlation between the abundance of TiO and its light curve. However, the main mechanisms of formation and destruction of TiO are poorly known and, consequently, the possible correlation between the abundance of this species and the light curve. In these sense, we studied the main processes of formation and destruction of titanium monoxide in molecular layers of Mira atmospheres and determined its temporal variation as function of the stellar radius. The TiO profile along the radius was expected for the different stellar phase, however its abundance is not enough to explain the light curve. The reasons behind it are discussed in details