991 resultados para Laboratory animal
Proteins for brood nutrition of social wasps are obtained from many prey, including insects (even bees and other wasps), spiders and bits of decaying meat. After being captured and killed, prey are reduced to a shapeless mass and distributed to the brood. Little is known about the foraging activity, especially on this group. Herein we describe the sequence of foraging behaviours of the social wasp Polybia (Trichothorax) ignobilis for hunting flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae and Muscidae) over pig carcasses. To our knowledge, there are few scientific descriptions of prey foraging behaviour on this species.
Studies in the laboratory tested the suitability of synthetic wool string, cotton string, cheesecloth, and commercial cotton ball as artificial oviposition substrates for the small green stink bug, Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). In confined cages, 54% of total egg masses was laid on synthetic wool string, 31% on cotton string, and only 15% on cheesecloth. In an additional test, the best substrate selected, synthetic wool string, received 92% of egg masses compared to 8% on the commonly used substrate, cotton ball. Synthetic wool string received the most egg masses of any size, in particular those in the range 11-20 eggs/mass. Because the eggs of P. guildinii are laid in two parallel double rows, the egg masses fit the wool string perfectly.
The question of where retroviral DNA becomes integrated in chromosomes is important for understanding (i) the mechanisms of viral growth, (ii) devising new anti-retroviral therapy, (iii) understanding how genomes evolve, and (iv) developing safer methods for gene therapy. With the completion of genome sequences for many organisms, it has become possible to study integration targeting by cloning and sequencing large numbers of host-virus DNA junctions, then mapping the host DNA segments back onto the genomic sequence. This allows statistical analysis of the distribution of integration sites relative to the myriad types of genomic features that are also being mapped onto the sequence scaffold. Here we present methods for recovering and analyzing integration site sequences.
It is hoped that the use of gene transfer technology to treat both monogenetic and acquired diseases may soon become a common therapy option in medicine. For gene therapy to achieve this objective, any gene delivery method will have to meet several criteria, including ease of manufacturing, efficient gene transfer to target tissue, long-term gene expression to alleviate the disease, and most importantly safety in patients. Viral vectors are an attractive choice for use in gene therapy protocols due to their relative efficiency in gene delivery. Since there is inherent risk in using viruses, investigators in the gene therapy community have devoted extensive efforts toward reengineering viral vectors for enhance safety. Here we review the approaches and technologies that are being evaluated for the use of recombinant vectors based upon adeno-associated virus (AAV) in the treatment of a variety of human diseases. AAV is currently the only known human DNA virus that is non-pathogenic and AAV-based vectors are classified as Risk Group 1 agents for all laboratory and animal studies carried out in the US. Although its apparent safety in natural infection and animals appears well documented, we examine the accumulated knowledge on the biology and vectorology of AAV, lessons learned from gene therapy clinical trials, and how this information is impacting current vector design and manufacturing with an overall emphasis on biosafety.
Acute myocardial dysfunction is a typical manifestation of septic shock. Experimentally, the administration of endotoxin [lipopolysacharride (LPS)] to laboratory animals is frequently used to study such dysfunction. However, a majority of studies used load-dependent indexes of cardiac function [including ejection fraction (EF) and maximal systolic pressure increment (dP/dt(max))], which do not directly explore cardiac inotropism. Therefore, we evaluated the direct effects of LPS on myocardial contractility, using left ventricular (LV) pressure-volume catheters in mice. Male BALB/c mice received an intraperitoneal injection of E. coli LPS (1, 5, 10, or 20 mg/kg). After 2, 6, or 20 h, cardiac function was analyzed in anesthetized, mechanically ventilated mice. All doses of LPS induced a significant drop in LV stroke volume and a trend toward reduced cardiac output after 6 h. Concomitantly, there was a significant decrease of LV preload (LV end-diastolic volume), with no apparent change in LV afterload (evaluated by effective arterial elastance and systemic vascular resistance). Load-dependent indexes of LV function were markedly reduced at 6 h, including EF, stroke work, and dP/dt(max). In contrast, there was no reduction of load-independent indexes of LV contractility, including end-systolic elastance (ejection phase measure of contractility) and the ratio dP/dt(max)/end-diastolic volume (isovolumic phase measure of contractility), the latter showing instead a significant increase after 6 h. All changes were transient, returning to baseline values after 20 h. Therefore, the alterations of cardiac function induced by LPS are entirely due to altered loading conditions, but not to reduced contractility, which may instead be slightly increased.
Studies assessing skin irritation to chemicals have traditionally used laboratory animals; however, such methods are questionable regarding their relevance for humans. New in vitro methods have been validated, such as the reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) model (Episkin®, Epiderm®). The comparison (accuracy) with in vivo results such as the 4-h human patch test (HPT) is 76% at best (Epiderm®). There is a need to develop an in vitro method that better simulates the anatomo-pathological changes encountered in vivo. To develop an in vitro method to determine skin irritation using human viable skin through histopathology, and compare the results of 4 tested substances to the main in vitro methods and in vivo animal method (Draize test). Human skin removed during surgery was dermatomed and mounted on an in vitro flow-through diffusion cell system. Ten chemicals with known non-irritant (heptylbutyrate, hexylsalicylate, butylmethacrylate, isoproturon, bentazon, DEHP and methylisothiazolinone (MI)) and irritant properties (folpet, 1-bromohexane and methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI/MI)), a negative control (sodiumchloride) and a positive control (sodiumlaurylsulphate) were applied. The skin was exposed at least for 4h. Histopathology was performed to investigate irritation signs (spongiosis, necrosis, vacuolization). We obtained 100% accuracy with the HPT model; 75% with the RHE models and 50% with the Draize test for 4 tested substances. The coefficients of variation (CV) between our three test batches were <0.1, showing good reproducibility. Furthermore, we reported objectively histopathological irritation signs (irritation scale): strong (folpet), significant (1-bromohexane), slight (MCI/MI at 750/250ppm) and none (isoproturon, bentazon, DEHP and MI). This new in vitro test method presented effective results for the tested chemicals. It should be further validated using a greater number of substances; and tested in different laboratories in order to suitably evaluate reproducibility.
The goal of this article is to map out public perceptions of animal experimentation in 28 European countries. Postulating cross-cultural differences, this study mixes country-level variables (from the Eurostat database) and individual-level variables (from Eurobarometer Science and Technology 2010). It is shown that experimentation on animals such as mice is generally accepted in European countries, but perceptions are divided on dogs and monkeys. Between 2005 and 2010, we observe globally a change of approval on dogs and monkeys, with a significant decrease in nine countries. Multilevel analysis results show differences at country level (related to a post-industrialism model) and at individual level (related to gender, age, education, proximity and perceptions of science and the environment). These results may have consequences for public perceptions of science and we call for more cross-cultural research on press coverage of animal research and on the level of public engagement of scientists doing animal research
Newsletter produced by Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship about the animal industry in Iowa.
Identifying species exhibiting variation in social organization is an important step towards explaining the genetic and environmental factors underlying social evolution. In most studied populations of the ant Leptothorax acervorum, reproduction is shared among queens in multiple queen colonies (polygyny). By contrast, reports from other populations, but based on weaker evidence, suggest a single queen may monopolize all reproduction in multiple queen colonies (functional monogyny). Here we identify a marked polymorphism in social organization in this species, by conclusively showing that functional monogyny is exhibited in a Spanish population, showing that the social organization is stable and not purely a consequence of daughter queens overwintering, that daughter queen re-adoption is frequent and queen turnover is low. Importantly, we show that polygynous and functionally monogynous populations are not genetically distinct from one another based on mtDNA and nDNA. This suggests a recent evolutionary divergence between social phenotypes. Finally, when functionally monogynous and polygynous colonies were kept under identical laboratory conditions, social organization did not change, suggesting a genetic basis for the polymorphism. We discuss the implications of these findings to the study of reproductive skew.
Host preference of the egg parasitoids Telenomus remus and Trichogramma pretiosum in laboratory. This research aimed to evaluate the host preference of the egg parasitoids Telenomus remus and Trichogramma pretiosum. Trials were carried out in laboratory, under controlled environmental conditions (25 ± 2ºC temperature; 70 ± 10% RH; and 14 h photophase). The parasitoid searching behavior was evaluated based on the distribution (%) of eggs parasitized by each parasitoid, on egg masses of each host species. Results showed the host preference of T. remus by Spodoptera cosmioides eggs. T. pretiosum, reared in A. gemmatalis eggs, choose to parasitize always eggs of the host where the parasitoid had been reared. The egg preference was not observed when T. pretiosum was reared in S. frugiperda eggs. These results show that, in general, host preference of T. remus is less influenced by the host where it is developed than T. pretiosum. Host preference is an important parameter for biological control programs because more than one pest species may occur in the field, different from those where they were reared in the laboratory.
The effect of environment on development and survival of pupae of the necrophagous fly Ophyra albuquerquei Lopes (Diptera, Muscidae). Species of Ophyra Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 are found in decomposing bodies, usually in fresh, bloated and decay stages. Ophyra albuquerquei Lopes, for example, can be found in animal carcasses. The influence of environmental factors has not been evaluated in puparia of O. albuquerquei. Thus, the focus of this work was motivated by the need for models to predict the development of a necrophagous insect as a function of abiotic factors. Colonies of O. albuquerquei were maintained in the laboratory to obtain pupae. On the tenth day of each month 200 pupae, divided equally into 10 glass jars, were exposed to the environment and checked daily for adult emergence of each sample. We concluded that the high survival rate observed suggested that the diets used for rearing the larvae and maintaining the adults were appropriate. Also, the data adjusted to robust generalized linear models and there were no interruptions of O. albuquerquei pupae development within the limits of temperatures studied in southern Rio Grande do Sul, given the high survival presented.
Development of the immature stages of Culex (Culex) saltanensis Dyar (Diptera, Culicidae) under laboratory conditions. Culex (Culex) saltanensis Dyar, 1928 is becoming frequent and abundant in natural and artificial breeding sites in urban and rural areas of Brazil. This study contributes to the knowledge of the biology of a Brazilian strain of C. saltanensis. The development of specimens reared individually or grouped was observed. The study was conducted at a constant temperature of 27 ± 2°C, 14L:10D photoperiod and 80 ± 5% relative humidity. The immature stages were observed every 6 hours until adult emergence, which occurred in 12.29 days among individually reared specimens and in 13.12 days among group-reared specimens. Egg rafts for the experiment were obtained from the laboratory and field. Eggs hatched at a rate of 97.48 ± 2.32%. More eggs per egg raft were obtained from the field than from the laboratory. Males from individually reared specimens emerged in 12.29 ± 1.11 days and females in 13.12 ± 1.58 days. The male-female ratio was 1:1. Larval survival rate was higher than 85% for larvae reared isolated and higher than 95% for group-reared larvae. The Culex saltanensis life cycle was completed within 12 to 14 days, where larval instars I and IV took the most time to develop and the pupae, the shortest.
The plastron theory was tested in adults of Neochetina eichhorniae Warner, 1970, through the analysis of the structure that coats these insects' integument and also through submersion laboratorial experiments. The tegument processes were recognized in three types: agglutinated scales with large perforations, plumose scales of varied sizes and shapes, and hairs. The experiments were carried out on 264 adult individuals which were kept submerged at different time intervals (n = 11) and in two types of treatment, natural non-aerated water and previously boiled water, with four repetitions for each treatment. The tests showed a maximum mortality after 24 hours of immersion in the previously boiled water treatment. The survival of the adults was negative and significantly correlated with the types of treatment employed and within the different time intervals. The values of oxygen dissolved in water (mg/l) differed significantly within the types of treatment employed. They were positively correlated with the survival of the adults in the two types of treatment, although more markedly in the treatment with previously boiled water. The mortality of adults after 24 hours of submersion in the treatment with previously boiled water may be associated with the physical-chemical conditions of the non-tested water in this study, such as low surface tension and concentration of solutes. These results suggest plastron functionality in the adults of this species.