902 resultados para LOURO, ANTÓNIO AUGUSTO
In this paper I describe and analyse the socio-educational significance of a theatre arts approach to learning for young adults in Jamaica, implemented by the Area Youth Foundation (AYF). Briefly outlining the genesis and development of the AYF, I provide snapshots of the experiences and destinations of some of its young participants. The paper discusses AYF workshops to show how the pedagogy was shaped by the expressive arts and based on the critical praxis approach systematized by Paulo Freire in adult education and Augusto Boal in theatre. Based on interviews with AYF’s leader and some of the learners, I discuss how the foundation’s motto, “Youth Empowerment Through the Arts,” is played out in workshops and creative productions that are simultaneously learner-driven and teacher-guided, with the powerful impact of inspiring politically thoughtful creativity and skills in youths from less-privileged communities.
This paper discusses a method to quantify robust autonomy of Uninhabited Vehicles and Systems (UVS) in aerospace, marine, or land applications. Based on mission-vehicle specific performance criteria, we define an system utility function that can be evaluated using simulation scenarios for an envelope of environmental conditions. The results of these evaluations are used to compute a figure of merit or measure for operational efectiveness (MOE). The procedure is then augmented to consider faults and the performance of mechanisms to handle these faulty operational modes. This leads to a measure of robust autonomy (MRA). The objective of the proposed figures of merit is to assist in decision making about vehicle performance and reliability at both vehicle development stage (using simulation models) and at certification stage (using hardware-in-the-loop testing). Performance indices based on dynamic and geometric tasks associated with vehicle manoeuvring problems are proposed, and an example of a two- dimensional y scenario is provided to illustrate the use of the proposed figures of merit.
We have studied the mineral analcime using a combination of scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy and vibrational spectroscopy. The mineral analcime Na2(Al4SiO4O12)·2H2O is a crystalline sodium silicate. Chemical analysis shows the mineral contains a range of elements including Na, Al, Fe2+ and Si. The mineral is characterized by intense Raman bands observed at 1052, 1096 and 1125 cm−1. The infrared bands are broad; nevertheless bands may be resolved at 1006 and 1119 cm−1. These bands are assigned to SiO stretching vibrational modes. Intense Raman band at 484 cm−1 is attributed to OSiO bending modes. Raman bands observed at 2501, 3542, 3558 and 3600 cm−1 are assigned to the stretching vibrations of water. Low intensity infrared bands are noted at 3373, 3529 and 3608 cm−1. The observation of multiple water bands indicate that water is involved in the structure of analcime with differing hydrogen bond strengths. This concept is supported by the number of bands in the water bending region. Vibrational spectroscopy assists with the characterization of the mineral analcime.
The mineral pectolite NaCa2Si3O8(OH) is a crystalline sodium calcium silicate which has the potential to be used in plaster boards and in other industrial applications. Raman bands at 974 and 1026 cm−1 are assigned to the SiO stretching vibrations of linked units of Si3O8 units. Raman bands at 974 and 998 cm−1 serve to identify Si3O8 units. The broad Raman band at around 936 cm−1 is attributed to hydroxyl deformation modes. Intense Raman band at 653 cm−1 is assigned to OSiO bending vibration. Intense Raman bands in the 2700–3000 cm−1 spectral range are assigned to OH stretching vibrations of the OH units in pectolite. Infrared spectra are in harmony with the Raman spectra. Raman spectroscopy with complimentary infrared spectroscopy enables the characterisation of the silicate mineral pectolite.
The mineral harmotome (Ba,Na,K)1-2(Si,Al)8O16⋅6H2O is a crystalline sodium calcium silicate which has the potential to be used in plaster boards and other industrial applications. It is a natural zeolite with catalytic potential. Raman bands at 1020 and 1102 cm−1 are assigned to the SiO stretching vibrations of three dimensional siloxane units. Raman bands at 428, 470 and 491 cm−1 are assigned to OSiO bending modes. The broad Raman bands at around 699, 728, 768 cm−1 are attributed to water librational modes. Intense Raman bands in the 3100 to 3800 cm−1 spectral range are assigned to OH stretching vibrations of water in harmotome. Infrared spectra are in harmony with the Raman spectra. A sharp infrared band at 3731 cm−1 is assigned to the OH stretching vibration of SiOH units. Raman spectroscopy with complimentary infrared spectroscopy enables the characterization of the silicate mineral harmotome.
The mineral meliphanite (Ca,Na)2Be[(Si,Al)2O6(F,OH)] is a crystalline sodium calcium beryllium silicate which has the potential to be used as piezoelectric material and for other ferroelectric applications. The mineral has been characterized by a combination of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and vibrational spectroscopy. EDS analysis shows a material with high concentrations of Si and Ca and low amounts of Na, Al and F. Beryllium was not detected. Raman bands at 1016 and 1050 cm−1 are assigned to the SiO and AlOH stretching vibrations of three dimensional siloxane units. The infrared spectrum of meliphanite is very broad in comparison with the Raman spectrum. Raman bands at 472 and 510 cm−1 are assigned to OSiO bending modes. Raman spectroscopy identifies bands in the OH stretching region. Raman spectroscopy with complimentary infrared spectroscopy enables the characterization of the silicate mineral meliphanite.
The mineral yuksporite (K,Ba)NaCa2(Si,Ti)4O11(F,OH)⋅H2O has been studied using the combination of SEM with EDX and vibrational spectroscopic techniques of Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy shows a single pure phase with cleavage fragment up to 1.0 mm. Chemical analysis gave Si, Al, K, Na and Ti as the as major elements with small amounts of Mn, Ca, Fe and REE. Raman bands are observed at 808, 871, 930, 954, 980 and 1087 cm−1 and are typical bands for a natural zeolite. Intense Raman bands are observed at 514, 643 and 668 cm−1. A very sharp band is observed at 3668 cm−1 and is attributed to the OH stretching vibration of OH units associated with Si and Ti. Raman bands resolved at 3298, 3460, 3562 and 3628 cm−1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations.
We have studied the mineral normandite using a combination of scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy and vibrational spectroscopy. The mineral normandite NaCa(Mn2+,Fe2+)(Ti,Nb,Zr)Si2O7(O,F)2 is a crystalline sodium calcium silicate which contains rare earth elements. Chemical analysis shows the mineral contains a range of elements including Na, Mn2+, Ca, Fe2+ and the rare earth element niobium. No Raman bands are observed above 1100 cm−1. The mineral is characterised by Raman bands observed at 724, 748, 782 and 813 cm−1. Infrared bands are broad; nevertheless bands may be resolved at 723, 860, 910, 958, 933, 1057 and 1073 cm−1. Intense Raman bands at 454, 477 and 513 cm−1 are attributed to OSiO bending modes. No Raman bands are observed in the hydroxyl stretching region, but low intensity infrared bands are observed at 3191 and 3450 cm−1. This observation brings into question the true formula of the mineral.
Variation in body iron is associated with or causes diseases, including anaemia and iron overload. Here, we analyse genetic association data on biochemical markers of iron status from 11 European-population studies, with replication in eight additional cohorts (total up to 48,972 subjects). We find 11 genome-wide-significant (P<5 × 10−8) loci, some including known iron-related genes (HFE, SLC40A1, TF, TFR2, TFRC, TMPRSS6) and others novel (ABO, ARNTL, FADS2, NAT2, TEX14). SNPs at ARNTL, TF, and TFR2 affect iron markers in HFE C282Y homozygotes at risk for hemochromatosis. There is substantial overlap between our iron loci and loci affecting erythrocyte and lipid phenotypes. These results will facilitate investigation of the roles of iron in disease.
Väitöskirja analysoi espanjan kielen dekonstruktioita ruumiin metaforista ja troopeista koostuvassa aineistossa chileläisen kirjailijan Diamela Eltitin (1949 -) neljässä romaanissa: Lumpérica (1983), Vaca sagrada (1991), El infarto del alma (1994) ja Los trabajadores de la muerte (1998). Näkökulma on kielen muutoksessa Eltitin proosassa 1980- ja 1990-luvuilla alkaen kokeellisesta huippuvaiheesta 1983, jolloin hän julkaisi esikoisromaaninsa Lumpérica. Tutkimus korostaa Eltitin romaanien historiallista arvoa, kirjallisuuden tapaa murtaa kielen rakenteita ja sitä miten tämä murros kytkeytyy taideteoreettiseen muutokseen kulttuuridiskursseissa. Tutkimus tarkastelee Eltitin kehityskaarta kenraali Augusto Pinochetin sotilasvallankaappauksesta 1973 halki sotilashallituksen kauden (1973-1990) aina kansalaisyhteiskunnan vahvistumiseen ja vuoteen 1998. Tutkimus analysoi ruumiin troopeista ja metaforista koostuvaa tutkimusaineistoa lingvistiikan, kirjallisuustieteen, historian ja sukupuolen tutkimuksen monitieteisessä viitekehyksessä. Sen vuoksi väitöskirja liittyy espanjalaisen filologian, yleisen kirjallisuustieteen, Latinalaisen Amerikan tutkimuksen ja naistutkimuksen oppiaineisiin. Kolme tärkeintä oppiteoreettista runkoa ovat lingvistinen strukturalismi, dekonstruktio ja feministiset kirjallisuusteoriat. Dekonstruktiivinen lähestymistapa tekstiin korostaa kielen merkityksen muodostumisen filosofista perustaa. Se pyrkii selvittämään, miten merkitys muodostuu kirjoittajan, tekstin ja lukijan välillä. Tekstikritiikki koostuu semanttisesta ja dekonstruktiivisesta tekstianalyysistä, jonka metodologisen mallin perusta on tanskalaisen kielitieteilijän Louis Hjelmslevin (1899-1965) kielitieteellinen malli. Väitös ei käytä mallia suoraan, vaan soveltaa sitä kaunokirjallisuuden tutkimukseen. Oppiteoreettisen viitekehyksen osalta tutkimus sijoittuu strukturalismin ja poststrukturalismin murrokseen. Tutkimus korostaa Eltitin radikaalia muotokieltä ja teatraalisuutta, hänen kielensä visuaalisuutta ja ruumiin metaforien eroottista jännitettä, mikä ilmenee mm. falloksen metaforaksi tulkitun hehkuvan valon kuvissa romaanissa Lumpérica. Vanhat kreikkalaiset myytit Éros ja Thánatos kasvavat esille länsimaisen taidehistorian perinteestä ja kontekstualisoituvat uusiksi kielikuviksi Chilen kirjallisessa maaperässä. Ne muodostavat Eltitin taiteellisen tuotannon pysyvän aihepiirin ja luovat teoksiin synkkää ja karua virettä sekä tummia ja eroottisia sävyjä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että Eltit dekonstruoi kieltä, mutta dekonstruktiot eivät ole jatkuvia eivätkä samanlaisia kaikissa romaaneissa. Kielellisten dekonstruktioiden variaatio on laaja eikä Eltit murra kielen syntaktisia ja morfologisia rakenteita kaikissa teksteissään. Tutkimuksen perusteella väitän, että Eltitin kirjoituksesta puhuttaessa useat tutkijat käyttävät epämääräisesti dekonstruktio-termiä. Useiden tutkijoiden toteamus dekonstruktiosta Diamela Eltitin kirjallisessa tuotannossa pysyvänä piirteenä on epätäsmällinen. Sen sijaan dekonstruktiivinen kirjoitus tarkoittaa Eltitillä laajasti vaihtelevaa lähestymistapaa kieleen, mikä ilmenee kehityslinjana hänen tuotannossaan ja eri tavoin jokaisessa teoksessa.
This paper addresses the problem of discovering business process models from event logs. Existing approaches to this problem strike various tradeoffs between accuracy and understandability of the discovered models. With respect to the second criterion, empirical studies have shown that block-structured process models are generally more understandable and less error-prone than unstructured ones. Accordingly, several automated process discovery methods generate block-structured models by construction. These approaches however intertwine the concern of producing accurate models with that of ensuring their structuredness, sometimes sacrificing the former to ensure the latter. In this paper we propose an alternative approach that separates these two concerns. Instead of directly discovering a structured process model, we first apply a well-known heuristic technique that discovers more accurate but sometimes unstructured (and even unsound) process models, and then transform the resulting model into a structured one. An experimental evaluation shows that our “discover and structure” approach outperforms traditional “discover structured” approaches with respect to a range of accuracy and complexity measures.
The amount of water stored and moving through the surface water bodies of large river basins (river, floodplains, wetlands) plays a major role in the global water and biochemical cycles and is a critical parameter for water resources management. However, the spatiotemporal variations of these freshwater reservoirs are still widely unknown at the global scale. Here, we propose a hypsographic curve approach to estimate surface freshwater storage variations over the Amazon basin combining surface water extent from a multi-satellite-technique with topographic data from the Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) from Advance Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER). Monthly surface water storage variations for 1993-2007 are presented, showing a strong seasonal and interannual variability, and are evaluated against in situ river discharge and precipitation. The basin-scale mean annual amplitude of similar to 1200 km(3) is in the range of previous estimates and contributes to about half of the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) total water storage variations. For the first time, we map the surface water volume anomaly during the extreme droughts of 1997 (October-November) and 2005 (September-October) and found that during these dry events the water stored in the river and floodplains of the Amazon basin was, respectively, similar to 230 (similar to 40%) and 210 (similar to 50%) km(3) below the 1993-2007 average. This new 15 year data set of surface water volume represents an unprecedented source of information for future hydrological or climate modeling of the Amazon. It is also a first step toward the development of such database at the global scale.
This work deals with the homogenization of an initial- and boundary-value problem for the doubly-nonlinear system D(t)w - del.(z) over right arrow = g(x, t, x/epsilon) (0.1) w is an element of alpha(u, x/epsilon) (0.2) (z) over right arrow is an element of (gamma) over right arrow (del u, x/epsilon) (0.3) Here epsilon is a positive parameter; alpha and (gamma) over right arrow are maximal monotone with respect to the first variable and periodic with respect to the second one. The inclusions (0.2) and (0.3) are here formulated as null-minimization principles, via the theory of Fitzpatrick MR 1009594]. As epsilon -> 0, a two-scale formulation is derived via Nguetseng's notion of two-scale convergence, and a (single-scale) homogenized problem is then retrieved. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work deals with the homogenization of an initial- and boundary-value problem for the doubly-nonlinear system D(t)w - del.(z) over right arrow = g(x, t, x/epsilon) (0.1) w is an element of alpha(u, x/epsilon) (0.2) (z) over right arrow is an element of (gamma) over right arrow (del u, x/epsilon) (0.3) Here epsilon is a positive parameter; alpha and (gamma) over right arrow are maximal monotone with respect to the first variable and periodic with respect to the second one. The inclusions (0.2) and (0.3) are here formulated as null-minimization principles, via the theory of Fitzpatrick MR 1009594]. As epsilon -> 0, a two-scale formulation is derived via Nguetseng's notion of two-scale convergence, and a (single-scale) homogenized problem is then retrieved. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Con el objetivo de caracterizar la ganadería bovina con énfasis en la carne, del municipio de Muy Muy, Departamento de Matagalpa, se realizó un diagnóstico estático en 238 fincas ganaderas. La zona es de trópico semihumedo, en transición entre la zona seca y la zona húmeda, con precipitaciones anuales de 1,505 mm promedio, con temperaturas de 27 grados celcius promedio mensual y una humedad relativa de 80. 30%. Los suelos son mollisoles con alto contenido de materia orgánica y nutriente, excepto fósforo, cuyo principal limitante la representa la pendiente de la zona alta. Los resultados muestran que la ganadería extensiva se practica en un 89.91% de los productores, siendo muestreado el 35% del territorio, el municipio cuenta con 376 kilómetros cuadrados, del área muestreada el 85.56% está ocupada en actividades ganaderas, el 7.31 % con agricultura y un 7.12 % con área forestal. El inventario del hato ganadero del municipio es aproximadamente de 21,986 cabezas de ganado, siendo el 21.22 % vacas en 20.65 % novillos, 1.83 % toros y 1.12 % bueyes, raciales dominantes son: Brahaman con 58.71 %, Pardo% producción; los grupos suizo 14.93%, Suindico 13.43 %, Holstein 8.96 %., Reyna 1.49 % e Indobrasil. con 1.49 %, el 80 % de los terneros son retenidos por sus dueños, para engordarlos y venderlos a mayor precio. La distribución del sistema de la producción de carne encontrado es: crianza 52.52 %, Crianza-Desarrollo 29.83 %, Crianza-Desarrollo-Engorde 11.34 % , el 6.31 % de los ganaderos, lo tiene como producción de leche de autoconsumo, el incremento de peso por día de los novillos de engorde es de 9.49 kilogramos y los novillos de desarrollo 0.32 kilogramos, los terneros al destete tienen un incremento de peso de 0.24 kilogramos por día y al nacer pesan menos de 22 kilogramos aproximadamente, los suplementos que más se suministran al ganado son: sal común 96.64 % , micronutrientes el 19.75 % y caña de azúcar el 19.33% Los principales indicadores zootécnicos encontrados son: natalidad de 48 %, mortalidad de terneros 9.84 % , morbilidad de terneros 19.37 % 1 mortalidad de adultos 2.23 % , morbilidad de adultos 2.99 % , destete efectivo 90.16 % , largo de lactancia 309.07 días, carga animal 0.78 ua/mz, intervalo entre parto y parto 432.39 días, producción de leche por vaca en verano 3.93 litros promedio, producción de leche por vaca en invierno 6.47 litros promedio, producción anual por vaca 1,607.16 litros, edad del primer parto 3.42 años, peso de la vaquilla al primer celo 175.56 kilogramos aproximadamente, peso del recién nacido 21.71 kilogramos aproximadamente. Los costos de producción de la carne y la leche resultan más eficientes en los pequeños y medianos ganaderos, obteniendo que el costo de producción de un kilogramo de carne es de es 0.97 para los pequeños ganaderos y de es 1.40 para los medianos, mientras que los grandes ganaderos tienen es 1.83 , de igual manera, en la producción de leche los pequeños y medianos ganaderos son más eficientes , obteniendo un costo por litro de leche, de es 0.24 los pequeños y es 0.49 los medianos y los grandes ganaderos tienen es 0.56.