974 resultados para Island of Elba,Fluid inclusions,Petrography,Torre di Rio skarn,Iron ore deposits


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The transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43kDa (TDP-43) is an RNA binding protein encoded by the TARDPB gene. Abnormal aggregations of TDP-43 in neurons in the form of neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) are the pathological hallmark of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). To investigate the role of TDP-43 in FTLD-TDP, the spatial patterns of the NCI were studied in frontal and temporal cortex of FTLD-TDP cases using a phosphorylation dependent anti-TDP-43 antibody (pTDP-43). In many regions, the NCI formed clusters and the clusters were distributed regularly parallel to the tissue boundary. In about 35% of cortical regions, cluster size of the NCI was within the size range of the modular columns of the cortex. The spatial patterns of the pTDP-immunoreactive inclusions were similar to those revealed by a phosphorylation-independent anti-TDP-43 antibody and also similar to inclusions characterized by other molecular pathologies such as tau, ?-synuclein and ‘fused in sarcoma’ (FUS). In conclusion, the data suggest degeneration of cortical and hippocampal anatomical pathways associated with accumulation of cellular pTDP-43 is characteristic of FTLD-TDP. In addition, the data are consistent with the hypothesis of cell to cell transfer of pTDP-43 within the brain.


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Abnormal protein aggregates of transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein (TDP-43) in the form of neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), oligodendroglial inclusions (GI), neuronal internuclear inclusions (NII), and dystrophic neurites (DN) are the pathological hallmark of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). To investigate the role of phosphorylated TDP-43 (pTDP-43) in neurodegeneration in FTLD-TDP, the spatial patterns of the pTDP-43-immunoreactive NCI, GI, NII, and DN were studied in frontal and temporal cortex in three groups of cases: (1) familial FTLD-TDP caused by progranulin (GRN) mutation, (2) a miscellaneous group of familial cases containing cases caused by valosin-containing protein (VCP) mutation, ubiquitin associated protein 1 (UBAP1) mutation, and cases not associated with currently known genes, and (3) sporadic FTLD-TDP. In a significant number of brain regions, the pTDP-43-immunoreactive inclusions developed in clusters and the clusters were distributed regularly parallel to the tissue boundary. The spatial patterns of the inclusions were similar to those revealed by a phosphorylation-independent anti-TDP-43 antibody. The spatial patterns and cluster sizes of the pTDP-43-immunoreactive inclusions were similar in GRN mutation cases, remaining familial cases, and in sporadic FTLD-TDP. Hence, pathological changes initiated by different genetic factors in familial cases and by unknown causes in sporadic FTLD-TDP appear to follow a parallel course resulting in very similar patterns of degeneration of frontal and temporal lobes.


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Tourism studies related to small island destinations have become a research stream amongst many academics in recent years. The current study investigates tourist satisfaction related to a tour operator on the island of Aruba that specializes in jeep and bus tours. As there is an increased expenditure pattern for these types of activities, companies are looking for ways to improve customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Results indicate that tourists are generally satisfied with the tour company; however a difference in satisfaction ratings was obtained for respondents 61 years old or above. Four factors were extracted from tourists’ satisfaction attributes and three of these factors, including the overall tour value, tour guide, and sound systems used during these tours, were found to be strong predictors of behavioral intentions measured by the likelihood to rebook and the likelihood to recommend the tour company to family and friends. Operational and marketing strategies were suggested based on the findings of the study.


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Reactive iron (oxyhydr)oxide minerals preferentially undergo early diagenetic redox cycling which can result in the production of dissolved Fe(II), adsorption of Fe(II) onto particle surfaces, and the formation of authigenic Fe minerals. The partitioning of iron in sediments has traditionally been studied by applying sequential extractions that target operationally-defined iron phases. Here, we complement an existing sequential leaching method by developing a sample processing protocol for d56Fe analysis, which we subsequently use to study Fe phase-specific fractionation related to dissimilatory iron reduction in a modern marine sediment. Carbonate-Fe was extracted by acetate, easily reducible oxides (e.g. ferrihydrite and lepidocrocite) by hydroxylamine-HCl, reducible oxides (e.g. goethite and hematite) by dithionite-citrate, and magnetite by ammonium oxalate. Subsequently, the samples were repeatedly oxidized, heated and purified via Fe precipitation and column chromatography. The method was applied to surface sediments collected from the North Sea, south of the Island of Helgoland. The acetate-soluble fraction (targeting siderite and ankerite) showed a pronounced downcore d56Fe trend. This iron pool was most depleted in 56Fe close to the sediment-water interface, similar to trends observed for pore-water Fe(II). We interpret this pool as surface-reduced Fe(II), rather than siderite or ankerite, that was open to electron and atom exchange with the oxide surface. Common extractions using 0.5 M HCl or Na-dithionite alone may not resolve such trends, as they dissolve iron from isotopically distinct pools leading to a mixed signal. Na-dithionite leaching alone, for example, targets the sum of reducible Fe oxides that potentially differ in their isotopic fingerprint. Hence, the development of a sequential extraction Fe isotope protocol provides a new opportunity for detailed study of the behavior of iron in a wide-range of environmental settings.


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New radiogenic isotope and trace element data are presented for the volcanic sequences along 600 km of the active Izu-Bonin arc, the Oligocene Izu arc, and their associated rift basins. As with many intra-oceanic island arcs, the Pliocene-Recent Izu-Bonin frontal-arc lavas are highly depleted in Zr, Nb and the rare-earth elements relative to typical mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), indicating that the mantle wedge source has undergone a previous episode of melting. Ratios between these elements (such as Nb/Zr and La/Sm), as well as 143Nd/144Nd, do not vary significantly along the length of the frontal-arc. These parameters suggest that each of the arc volcanoes is derived from similar melt fractions of the mantle wedge. However, Ba/Zr, Ba/Rb and 87Sr/86Sr increase along the frontal-arc to the north. This leads us to propose that a variable enrichment in Ba and radiogenic Sr is superimposed on the mantle wedge. Sr-Nd and Pb-Nd isotope variation indicate that both Sr and Pb become more radiogenic after fluid addition. However, Pb isotope ratios do not correlate with increases in Pb concentration or ratios such as Ba/Zr and Nb/Pb. In other words, the Pb isotopic composition of the arc lavas appears to be independent of the amount of Pb introduced by subduction fluids into the mantle source. This buffering of Pb isotopes along the frontal-arc means that the isotopic composition of the lavas is indistinguishable from that of the fluid. Isotopic mixing models presented for the arc are only illustrative of the many plausible combinations of components and quantities. Despite this, we are able to determine that the mantle wedge has isotopic characteristics similar to Indian Ocean MORB, and that the subduction-fluid solute is primarily derived from subducted oceanic basalt with a <2% contribution from subducted sediment. Lavas in the Oligocene Izu arc and fore-arc basin were derived from a mantle wedge of similar composition to the active arc. Despite levels of Pb enrichment comparable to those of the modern arc, the Pb isotopes of the Oligocene volcanics indicate a lower sediment input into the melting region.


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Fluid mixing processes and thermal regimes within the Snowcap and Roman Ruins vent sites of the PACMANUS hydrothermal system, Papua New Guinea, were investigated using 3He/4He ratios from fluid inclusions within pyrite and anhydrite and the d18O signature of anhydrite. Depressed 3He/4He ratios of 0.2-6.91RA appear to be caused by significant atmospheric diffusive exchange, whilst He-Ne diffusive fractionation precludes correction using 20Ne. 40Ar/36Ar ratios of 295-310 are elevated above seawater, indicating the majority of argon is seawater derived but with a magmatic component. d18O anhydrite ratios are 6.5 per mil to 11 per mil for Snowcap and 6.4 per mil to 11.9 per mil for Roman Ruins. Using oxygen isotope fractionation factors for the anhydrite-water system, the temperatures calculated assuming isotopic equilibrium at depth are up to 100 °C cooler than fluid inclusion trapping temperatures. It is likely that anhydrite is precipitated rapidly, preventing d18O equilibration. By comparing new d18O values for anhydrite with corresponding published 87Sr/86Sr ratios, seawater is inferred to penetrate deep into the Snowcap system with little conductive heating. A simple fluid mixing model has been constructed whereby the differing venting styles can be explained by a plumbing system at depth which favors delivery of end-member hydrothermal fluid to the high temperature sites.


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Mallorca, the largest of the Balearic Islands, is a well-known summer holidays destination; an ideal place to relax and enjoy the sun and the sea. That tourist gaze reflected on postcards results from advertising campaigns, where cinema played an important role with documentaries and fiction films. The origins of that iconography started in the decades of the 1920’s and 1930’s, reflecting the so-called myth of the “island of calm”. On the other hand, the films of the 1950’s and 1960’s created new stereotypes related to the mass tourism boom. Busy beaches and the white bodies of tourists replaced white sandy beaches, mountains and landscapes shown up in the movies of the early decades of the 20th century. Besides, hotels and nightclubs also replaced monuments, rural landscapes and folk exhibitions. These tourist images mirror the social and spatial transformations of Mallorca, under standardization processes like other seaside mass tourist destinations. The identity was rebuilt on the foundations of "modernity". Although "balearization" has not ceased, nowadays filmmaking about Mallorca is advertising again a stereotype close to that one of the 1920s and 1930s, glorifying the myth of the "island of calm". This singular identity makes the island more profitable for capital that searches socio-spatial differentiation in post-fordist times.


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Kepler-93b is a 1.478 ± 0.019 R ⊕ planet with a4.7 day period around a bright (V = 10.2), astroseismicallycharacterized host star with a mass of 0.911 ± 0.033 M⊙ and a radius of 0.919 ± 0.011 R⊙. Based on 86 radial velocity observations obtainedwith the HARPS-N spectrograph on the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo and 32archival Keck/HIRES observations, we present a precise mass estimate of4.02 ± 0.68 M ⊕. The corresponding high densityof 6.88 ± 1.18 g cm-3 is consistent with a rockycomposition of primarily iron and magnesium silicate. We compareKepler-93b to other dense planets with well-constrained parameters andfind that between 1 and 6 M ⊕, all dense planetsincluding the Earth and Venus are well-described by the same fixed ratioof iron to magnesium silicate. There are as of yet no examples of suchplanets with masses >6 M ⊕. All known planets inthis mass regime have lower densities requiring significant fractions ofvolatiles or H/He gas. We also constrain the mass and period of theouter companion in the Kepler-93 system from the long-term radialvelocity trend and archival adaptive optics images. As the sample ofdense planets with well-constrained masses and radii continues to grow,we will be able to test whether the fixed compositional model found forthe seven dense planets considered in this paper extends to the fullpopulation of 1-6 M ⊕ planets.Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo(TNG) operated on the island of La Palma by the Fundación GalileoGalilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias.


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[EN] The main nesting area for loggerhead turtles in the eastern Atlantic is in the Cape Verde Islands, largely restricted to the island of Boa Vista. Extensive monitoring demonstrated a globally significant population for the species despite a sustained high level of anthropogenic take of nesting females for local consumption. Through an extensive stratified monitoring program across the island in the seasons 2007-2009, we estimated a total of 13955, 12028 and 19950 clutches in the 3 years, respectively. These values indicate that the mean number of nesting females averaged 3700. Considering that a female breed, on average, every 2.4 years, we estimate that the overall number of adult females in the population during these three seasons was 8900.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07


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This thesis describes two separate projects. The first is a theoretical and experimental investigation of surface acoustic wave streaming in microfluidics. The second is the development of a novel acoustic glucose sensor. A separate abstract is given for each here. Optimization of acoustic streaming in microfluidic channels by SAWs Surface Acoustic Waves, (SAWs) actuated on flat piezoelectric substrates constitute a convenient and versatile tool for microfluidic manipulation due to the easy and versatile interfacing with microfluidic droplets and channels. The acoustic streaming effect can be exploited to drive fast streaming and pumping of fluids in microchannels and droplets (Shilton et al. 2014; Schmid et al. 2011), as well as size dependant sorting of particles in centrifugal flows and vortices (Franke et al. 2009; Rogers et al. 2010). Although the theory describing acoustic streaming by SAWs is well understood, very little attention has been paid to the optimisation of SAW streaming by the correct selection of frequency. In this thesis a finite element simulation of the fluid streaming in a microfluidic chamber due to a SAW beam was constructed and verified against micro-PIV measurements of the fluid flow in a fabricated device. It was found that there is an optimum frequency that generates the fastest streaming dependent on the height and width of the chamber. It is hoped this will serve as a design tool for those who want to optimally match SAW frequency with a particular microfluidic design. An acoustic glucose sensor Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterised by an inability to properly regulate blood glucose levels. In order to keep glucose levels under control some diabetics require regular injections of insulin. Continuous monitoring of glucose has been demonstrated to improve the management of diabetes (Zick et al. 2007; Heinemann & DeVries 2014), however there is a low patient uptake of continuous glucose monitoring systems due to the invasive nature of the current technology (Ramchandani et al. 2011). In this thesis a novel way of monitoring glucose levels is proposed which would use ultrasonic waves to ‘read’ a subcutaneous glucose sensitive-implant, which is only minimally invasive. The implant is an acoustic analogy of a Bragg stack with a ‘defect’ layer that acts as the sensing layer. A numerical study was performed on how the physical changes in the sensing layer can be deduced by monitoring the reflection amplitude spectrum of ultrasonic waves reflected from the implant. Coupled modes between the skin and the sensing layer were found to be a potential source of error and drift in the measurement. It was found that by increasing the number of layers in the stack that this could be minimized. A laboratory proof of concept system was developed using a glucose sensitive hydrogel as the sensing layer. It was possible to monitor the changing thickness and speed of sound of the hydrogel due to physiological relevant changes in glucose concentration.


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In the presented thesis work, the meshfree method with distance fields was coupled with the lattice Boltzmann method to obtain solutions of fluid-structure interaction problems. The thesis work involved development and implementation of numerical algorithms, data structure, and software. Numerical and computational properties of the coupling algorithm combining the meshfree method with distance fields and the lattice Boltzmann method were investigated. Convergence and accuracy of the methodology was validated by analytical solutions. The research was focused on fluid-structure interaction solutions in complex, mesh-resistant domains as both the lattice Boltzmann method and the meshfree method with distance fields are particularly adept in these situations. Furthermore, the fluid solution provided by the lattice Boltzmann method is massively scalable, allowing extensive use of cutting edge parallel computing resources to accelerate this phase of the solution process. The meshfree method with distance fields allows for exact satisfaction of boundary conditions making it possible to exactly capture the effects of the fluid field on the solid structure.


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In the absence of effective vaccine(s), control of African swine fever caused by African swine fever virus (ASFV) must be based on early, efficient, cost-effective detection and strict control and elimination strategies. For this purpose, we developed an indirect ELISA capable of detecting ASFV antibodies in either serum or oral fluid specimens. The recombinant protein used in the ELISA was selected by comparing the early serum antibody response of ASFV-infected pigs (NHV-p68 isolate) to three major recombinant polypeptides (p30, p54, p72) using a multiplex fluorescent microbead-based immunoassay (FMIA). Non-hazardous (non-infectious) antibody-positive serum for use as plate positive controls and for the calculation of sample-to-positive (S:P) ratios was produced by inoculating pigs with a replicon particle (RP) vaccine expressing the ASFV p30 gene. The optimized ELISA detected anti-p30 antibodies in serum and/or oral fluid samples from pigs inoculated with ASFV under experimental conditions beginning 8 to 12 days post inoculation. Tests on serum (n = 200) and oral fluid (n = 200) field samples from an ASFV-free population demonstrated that the assay was highly diagnostically specific. The convenience and diagnostic utility of oral fluid sampling combined with the flexibility to test either serum or oral fluid on the same platform suggests that this assay will be highly useful under the conditions for which OIE recommends ASFV antibody surveillance, i.e., in ASFV-endemic areas and for the detection of infections with ASFV isolates of low virulence.


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Since the fifteen century, the rainfed-cultivation of wheat for grain is traditionally performed on the Island of Madeira. Under several microclimatic conditions and along very sloppy mountains, the landraces are grown on isolated terraces of Andosols with high amounts of iron. Iron oxides are the main inorganic binding agent contributing to the stability of aggregates and to soil fertility in long-term sustainable agriculture in acid and iron-rich soils. After a two day period of seedling initial growth, a screening test of sixty traditional wheat (Triticum spp.) landraces from the ISOPlexis Genebank at the University of Madeira, Funchal, was performed using nutrient solutions containing 10 or 600 mM Fe, during five days, under controlled laboratory conditions. The elongation of the longest primary root was measured for each genotype and the mean root increment relative to control (as, % relative root increment or RRI; n=28) calculated. This parameter appeared to be a sensitive indicator of Fe tolerance in wheat. Over 85% of wheat germplasm showed the RRI higher than 50%, while the RRI of seven accessions exceeded 70%. This indicates that those landraces are Fe tolerant and might be of particular interest for cultivation under acid rich iron soils of tropical and subtropical areas.


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Since the fifteen century, the rainfed-cultivation of wheat for grain is traditionally performed on the Island of Madeira. Under several microclimatic conditions and along very sloppy mountains, the landraces are grown on isolated terraces of Andosols with high amounts of iron. Iron oxides are the main inorganic binding agent contributing to the stability of aggregates and to soil fertility in long-term sustainable agriculture in acid and iron-rich soils. After a two day period of seedling initial growth, a screening test of sixty traditional wheat (Triticum spp.) landraces from the ISOPlexis Genebank at the University of Madeira, Funchal, was performed using nutrient solutions containing 10 or 600 mM Fe, during five days, under controlled laboratory conditions. The elongation of the longest primary root was measured for each genotype and the mean root increment relative to control (as, % relative root increment or RRI; n=28) calculated. This parameter appeared to be a sensitive indicator of Fe tolerance in wheat. Over 85% of wheat germplasm showed the RRI higher than 50%, while the RRI of seven accessions exceeded 70%. This indicates that those landraces are Fe tolerant and might be of particular interest for cultivation under acid rich iron soils of tropical and subtropical areas.