834 resultados para Habit
With the development and improvement of techniques for molecular studies and their subsequent application to the systematic, significant changes occurred in the classification of gasteroid fungi. The genus Morganella belongs to the family Lycoperdaceae, and is characterized mainly by lignicolous habit and presence of paracapilicium. Recent data demonstrate the discovery of new species for the group and the existence of a wide variety of species occurring in tropical ecosystems. However, the phylogenetic relationships of the genus, as well as the taxonomic classification, still require revisions to be better understood, the literature studies that address this issue are still very scarce. Thus, the objective of this study was to conduct studies of molecular phylogeny with species of the genus Morganella, to enhance understanding of the phylogeny of the group by including tropical species data. For this, the specimens used both for DNA extractions as for morphological review were obtained from Brazilian and foreign herbaria. For morphological analysis were observed characters relevant to the group's taxonomy. For phylogenetic analysis the Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian Analyzes were used, using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. In phylogenetic analyzes, representatives from Morganella form a monophyletic clade with good support value and based on these results the genus should not be included as subgenus of Lycoperdon. The analysis indicated that M. pyriformis was not grouped with other representatives of Morganella, and therefore should not be included in the group as representative of Apioperdon subgenus because it is a Lycoperdon representative. Moreover, M. fuliginea, M. nuda, M. albostipitata, M. velutina, M. subincarnata are grouped with high support values within the genus Morganella. Morganella arenicola based on morphological and molecular studies does not aggregate in Morganella. Morganella nuda was grouped with M. fuliginea giving indications that can be treated as an intraspecific variation. The results of the analyzes favor to a better understanding of the species of Morganella. However, additional studies using a greater number of species, as well as other molecular markers are needed for a better understanding of the phylogenetic of Morganella.
The fish, Hoplias malabaricus (Osteichthyes: Erythrinidae) and armored catfish, Hypostomus pusarum (Loricariidae) are of freshwater origin from the neotropical region, and are considered ecologically and economically of important. This work investigated the trophic strategies, the morphology and histology of the digestive tract of these fish captured from the Marechal Dutra reservoir, Acari, the semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. A total of 133 individuals of H. malabaricus and 118 specimens of H. pusarum were analyzed. The two study species occupy different levels in the food chain and spatial distribution in the water column of the reservoir. The results of this study are presented in the form of four scientific papers. The first article describes the morphology and histology of the digestive tract and the feeding habits of H. malabaricus (Bloch, 1794). This fish has a short intestine, with an intestinal coefficient of 0.72 ± 0.09. The dietary importance index indicates that H. malabaricus feeds preferentially on animal matter, especially on fish (72.8%) and prawns (27.2%). The histology of its digestive tract confirms the carnivorous feeding habit. The second article discusses about the pioneering work on the feeding strategy and the characterization of anatomy and histology of the digestive tract of H. pusarum. The intestine of this fish is long, with an intestinal coefficient of 10.8±0.7. The dietary importance index indicates that H. pusarum feeds preferentially on organic matter in decomposition (88.7%) and on filamentous microalgae and diatoms (11.3%). The third article compares the morphological aspects of the digestive tract of H. malabaricus and H. pusarum, in relation to their food habits. The arrangement of the digestive organs in both species is directly related to the shape of the peritoneal cavity and the form of the body. The short intestine of H. malabaricus and the long intestine of H. pusarum are associated with their feeding habits. The morphology of the digestive tracts of H. malabaricus and H. pusarum confirm their food habits, carnivorous and detritivorous / herbivorous, respectively. The fourth article discusses the food and reproductive aspects (length and weight, length-weight relationship, type of growth and sex ratio) of H. pusarum. This species has a negatively allometric growth, with the predominance of females in the sampled population. H. malabaricus inhabits the pelagic environment and is a carnivore, while H. pusarum, lives in the benthic environment and is characterized as a detritivore/herbivore. Each species studied shows a very different diet, without trophic competition between them. The morphological and anatomical structures of the digestive tract reflect their feeding strategy.
Faults in the genes responsible for repairs to the DNA can influence the onset of cancer or affect the response to treatment. This research evaluated the frequency of three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in two repair genes DNA RAD51 172g> T (rs1801321), RAD51 135G> C (rs1801320) and XRCC3 T241M (rs861539) in individuals without cancer (n = 130) and patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSC) and carcinoma oropharyngeal squamous (ORSC) (n = 126) and investigated possible relationships of these findings with clinical and pathological data and clinical outcomes: tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, disease-free survival, and overall survival. It was found that the allele and genotype frequencies were in equilibrium Hard-Weinberg equilibrium. The presence of at least one polymorphic allele in XRCC3 (rs861539) gene is associated with histological grade (WHO) higher (p = 0.007). We observed a higher recurrence rate trend (p = 0.08) and more advanced stage (p = 0.08) in the group that had at least one polymorphic allele of RAD51 gene (rs1801321). The presence of the analyzed SNPs not proved to be a risk factor for the development of CEO or CEOR; however, when combined with smoking or drinking, increased the risk of developing cancer from three to one hundred and fifty times. The tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy was similar in patients with and without SNPs. No polymorphism showed statistical significance in relation to recurrence-free survival or overall survival. We conclude that the presence of at least one polymorphic allele of the SNPs rs861539 in XRCC3 gene, rs1801320 and rs1801321 in the RAD51 gene increase the risk of development of OSC and ORSC, when associated with the habit of drinking or smoking. Polymorphisms studied in XRCC3 and RAD51 genes are not associated with response to radiation therapy, relapse-free survival or overall survival.
Relatório de estágio para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino de pré-escolar e de 1º ciclo do ensino básico
A cuarenta años del último Golpe de Estado en nuestro país se hace preciso recrear las lecturas que las manifestaciones artísticas del período de la post dictadura construyeron de su propia historia, particularmente desde el cine. Toda sociedad reflexiona sobre las causas profundas de sus conflictos y el cine, como manifestación artística, logra integrar lo icónico y lo lingüístico, imagen y sonido, convirtiéndose así, en uno de los medios más utilizados a la hora de denunciar determinados sucesos que contribuyen a reconstruir el entramado social desgarrado por la última dictadura. El cine abre nuevas perspectivas sobre lo que una sociedad confiesa de sí misma y también sobre lo que niega, este artículo intenta ser una invitación a revisitar el film La Historia Oficial (Puenzo, 1985) interpretando la trama que narra a partir del viaje de Alicia de Lewis Carroll. Para la Alicia de Carroll, atravesar el espejo implica traspasar el universo de la rutinaria y aburrida realidad a un mundo maravilloso, contrariamente, la Alicia de la película, habitó un mundo fantástico toda su vida y atravesar el espejo significará pasar del espacio privado al público. En ese recorrido, por ese "mundo extraño", descubrirá que el país de las maravillas que la albergaba, desapareció
The Jurassic (hemi)pelagic continental margin deposits drilled at Hole 547B, off the Moroccan coast, reveal striking Tethyan affinity. Analogies concern not only types and gross vertical evolution of facies, but also composition and textures of the fine sediment and the pattern of diagenetic alteration. In this context, the occurrence of the nanno-organism Schizosphaerella Deflandre and Dangeard (sometimes as a conspicuous portion of the fine-grained carbonate fraction) is of particular interest. Schizosphaerella, an incertae sedis taxon, has been widely recorded as a sediment contributor from Tethyan Jurassic deeper-water carbonate facies exposed on land. Because of its extremely long range (Hettangian to early Kimmeridgian), the genus Schizosphaerella (two species currently described, S. punctulata Deflandre and Dangeard and S. astrea Moshkovitz) is obviously not of great biostratigraphic interest. However, it is of interest in sedimentology and petrology. Specifically, Schizosphaerella was often the only component of the initial fine-grained fraction of a sediment that was able to resist diagenetic obliteration. However, alteration of the original skeletal structure did occur to various degrees. Crystal habit and mineralogy of the fundamental skeletal elements, as well as their mode of mutual arrangement in the test wall with the implied high initial porosity of the skeleton (60-70%), appear to be responsible for this outstanding resistance. Moreover, the ability to concentrate within and, in the case of the species S. punctulata, around the skeleton, large amounts of diagenetic calcite also contributed to the resistance. In both species of Schizosphaerella, occlusion of the original skeletal void space during diagenesis appears to have proceeded in an analogous manner, with an initial slight uniform syntaxial enlargement of the basic lamellar skeletal crystallites followed, upon mutual impingement, by uneven accretion of overgrowth cement in the remaining skeletal voids. However, distinctive fabrics are evident according to the different primary test wall architecture. In S. punctulata, intraskeletal cementation is usually followed by the growth of a radially structured crust of bladed to fibrous calcite around the valves. These crusts are interpreted as a product of aggrading neomorphism, associated with mineralogic stabilization of the original, presumably polyphase, sediment. Data from Hole 547B, along with inferences, drawn from the fabric relationships, suggest that the crusts formed and (inferentially) mineralogic stabilization occurred at a relatively early time in the diagenetic history in the shallow burial realm. An enhanced rate of lithification at relatively shallow burial depths and thus the chance for neomorphism to significantly influence the textural evolution of the buried sediment may be related to a lower Mg/Ca concentration ratio in the oceanic system and, hence, in marine pore waters in pre-Late Jurassic times.
Through a fine-grained reading of a London-French blog, this article aims to shed light on the lived experience of the French community in London. The ethnosemiotic conceptual framework brings together ethnographic and semiotic schools of thought, focusing in particular on Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of habitus and Gunther Kress’s multimodal social semiotic analytical model. Habitus is broken down into its material manifestations of habitat, habit and habituation, all displayed in the blog and revealing of the blogger’s identity and positioning within the migration setting. As all modes are considered to be of equal semiotic potential, equivalent emphasis is placed on the multiple modes of meaning-making present in the blog, such as layout, colour, typography and language. By examining the dynamic relationships between blogger and audience, subjectivity and objectivity, on-line and on-land habitus, and intermodal dynamics themselves, through the prism of multimodality, hidden facets of the blogger’s cultural identity and sense of community belonging within the diasporic context begin to materialise.
In the first third of the 20th century, Spain entered into modernity thanks to the positive state of its economic, cultural and social domains after the First World War. The objective of this article is to understand the role of artistic advertisements in the transformation of Spanish society that occurred during the decade of the ‘20s. My study of the illustrated magazine La Esfera has revealed that illustrated advertisements spread fashion, fostered sports and outdoors life, created the habit of smoking among women and had an educational influence that was powerful enough to change hygienic practices among children.
Le risque de développer un problème de jeu chez les personnes atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson (MP) est de plus en plus documenté. Un type de médicament visant à contrôler les symptômes moteurs, l’agoniste dopaminergique, serait l’un des principaux facteurs liés à son développement. Par le biais d’une synthèse narrative présentée dans le chapitre 3, les mécanismes neurobiologiques et les autres facteurs en lien sont discutés. Un important constat ressort toutefois : l’étude des habitudes de jeu de ces patients est pratiquement absente. Ce constat est surprenant puisque la littérature sur le jeu regorge d’informations à prendre en considération dans le développement de ce trouble, telles que les types de jeu pratiqués, les montants dépensés, les raisons pour jouer et la présence de proches. Le deuxième article consiste donc à répondre à cette lacune relevée en faisant le portrait de leurs habitudes de jeu. Vingt-cinq personnes souffrant de la MP ont été recrutées et parmi celles-ci, quinze ont joué dans les six derniers mois. L’examen de leurs habitudes de jeu révèle que les jeux préférés sont la loterie et la machine à sous et qu’elles ont, en majorité, débuté la pratique de ces jeux avant l’établissement du diagnostic de la MP. Les patients sont moins intéressés à jouer aux machines à sous comparativement à un échantillon de joueurs âgés de plus de 55 ans mais, en contrepartie, ce jeu est celui auquel les plus grands montants étaient dépensés chez les participants qui ont rapporté avoir développé un problème de jeu. Les participants jouent pour le plaisir ou pour gagner de l’argent, mais des raisons non répertoriées, liées à leur maladie, ont été relevées. Ces patients n’ont pas recours à des proches aidants pour les aider dans la pratique de leur jeu favori et ces derniers ont manifesté leur méconnaissance de la pratique de jeux de hasard et d’argent des participants. Parmi l’ensemble des participants rencontrés, trois d’entre eux se sont révélés être des joueurs à risque. En plus de jouer aux machines à sous, des croyances erronées et des motivations spécifiques à jouer ont été relevées chez ces derniers. La réflexion découlant de ces résultats pourra stimuler la recherche dans l’étude des variables psychosociales en lien avec le développement d’un problème de jeu chez ces patients.
Com a proliferação da internet assistiu-se desde a década de 90 a um aumento exponencial das casas de jogo online, estando muitas delas traduzidas para português e aceitando euros. Sendo este um tema pouco estudado em Portugal, pretende-se desenvolver e validar um modelo conceptual que reflita os fatores que levam o consumidor a utilizar este tipo de sites. Numa altura em que o governo p g ês p de “ eg iz ” es ivid de, é igualmente interessante perceber qual o perfil do público-alvo, as suas motivações e preferências face à oferta existente. A análise fatorial exploratória, a análise de fiabilidade e os modelos de regressão linear foram as técnicas utilizadas para validar este modelo. Com base num questionário, este estudo mostrou que a expectativa de desempenho, influência social, condições facilitadoras, motivações hedónicas, valor do preço, hábito e o risco psicológico, financeiro e de tempo são fatores determinantes da intenção de utilização de sites de jogo online. Do estudo emergem relevantes implicações académicas e para o mundo empresarial.
L'immigrant arabo-musulman chargé, à Montréal, Québec, Sherbrooke ou ailleurs, de responsabilités revêt le plus souvent le costume occidental et sur son lieu de travail adopte les attitudes, les gestes, les façons de voir et de parler du système de vie nord-américain. Il mange dans les restaurants à midi et parle parfois de hockey et de la série télévisée "Lance et compte" avec ses collègues. Le soir, en famille, il revêt fréquemment l'habit traditionnel et quitte, avec le vêtement du jour, la langue française souvent liée au travail pour parler celle de sa culture d'origine. Il mange du couscous et des briks. On observe avec cet exemple un cas concret d acculturation. Cependant, les arrivants dans une nouvelle culture, les Arabo—Musulmans au Québec par exemple, ne sont pas tous caractérisés par des comportements biculturels, résultats d'un processus d'ajustement entre deux cultures, la culture québécoise d'une part, et la culture arabo—musulmane d'autre part. Ainsi, on peut observer des immigrants dont le comportement public et privé tire ses principes et ses valeurs de l'unique culture d'origine. Cela atteint parfois un niveau de "fanatisme culturel"; on parle dans ce cas de contre-acculturation. Ceux-ci refusent la dépendance et tentent de réaliser le retour aux sources dans la culture d'origine à travers la langue de communication, les fêtes traditionnelles, le style de consommation, les produits consommés, etc. Ce comportement en est un d'opposition à l'acculturation. Par exemple, certaines immigrantes ont manifesté leur refus à l’'occidentalisation par le port de tchador, voile opaque masquant le visage, signe de la femme musulmane recluse, réservée à l'égard de son époux propriétaire exclusif et jaloux. On peut observer par ailleurs des immigrants arabo-musulmans dont le comportement social et de consommation ressemble de très près et se confond même avec celui des Québécois. On parle dans ce cas d'assimilation. Ainsi, n'a-t-on pas vu un certain Mohamed qui après un certain temps au Québec a changé de nom pour devenir Mike, un jeune qui parle le français avec un bon accent québécois, un fanatique du baseball et du hockey. En décidant de rester au Québec, Mohamed a rompu tout attachement avec son pays d'origine. Comme un nord-américain typique, il va magasiner toutes les fins de semaine, accompagné de sa femme québécoise, à la conquête des spéciaux de la semaine et rentre chez-lui très content d'avoir fait de bons achats. Il vide alors une ou deux caisses de bière à la santé de la belle vie que lui offre le Québec. Le comportement de consommation de l’émigrant dépend de sa situation, qu'il soit contre-acculturé, acculturé ou assimilé. Cette position varie dans la nouvelle culture selon son niveau d’acculturation. Dans ce mémoire, nous nous proposons d'étudier le comportement de consommation de 107 immigrants arabo-musulmans au Québec.
An outcrop of Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) age in Lower Saxony (NW Germany) has yielded small teeth probably of crocodilian origin. The dental morphology is still unknown among crocodiles and indicates a durophagous habit. The teeth are provisionally referred to as Metasuchia fam., gen. et sp. indet.
Chionanthus pygmaeus Small (pygmy fringetree) (Oleaceae) is an endemic and rare Florida species, which has an attractive, small habit giving it great potential for use in managed landscapes. Members of the genus Chionanthus are difficult to propagate via cuttings and possess complex seed dormancies that are not well understood. Conservation of pygmy fringetree and its potential for commercial propagation for use in managed landscapes is contingent on a better understanding of its complex seed dormancy and enhancement of its propagation. I conducted two experiments to assess sexual and asexual propagation methods for pygmy fringetree. The first experiment was conducted to determine what factors are involved in overcoming seed dormancy. Various scarification treatments, which mimicked conditions seeds are exposed to in the wild, were investigated to determine their effects on germination of 20-year-old seeds originally collected from the species’ native range. Treatments included endocarp removal, sulfuric acid, boiling-water, and smoke-water treatments. Prior to treatment initiation, seed viability was estimated to be 12%. Treated seeds went through two cold- and two warm-stratification periods of 4°C and 25°C, respectively, in a dark growth chamber. After 180 days, none of the treatments induced early germination. Seeds were then tested for viability, which was 11%. Seed dormancy of the species is apparently complex, allowing some of the seeds to retain some degree of viability, but without dormancy requirements satisfied. The second experiment was conducted to assess if pygmy fringetree could be successfully propagated via hardwood or root cuttings if the appropriate combination of environmental conditions and hormones were applied. Hardwood and root cuttings were treated with either 1000 ppm IBA talc, 8000 ppm IBA talc, or inert talc. All cuttings were placed on a mist bench in a greenhouse for 9 weeks. Hardwood cuttings were supplemented with bottom heat at 24 °C. No treatments were successful in inducing adventitious root formation. I conclude that pygmy fringetree seeds possess complex dormancy that was not able to be overcome by the treatments utilized. However, this result is confounded by the age of the seeds used in the experiment. I also conclude that vegetative propagation of pygmy fringetree is highly dependent on the time of year cuttings are harvested. Further research of both seed and asexual propagation methods need to be explored before pygmy fringetree can be propagated on a commercial scale.
Low genetic diversity in Diplomystes camposensis, an endemic and endangered catfish from South Chile
In-situ observations on the size and shape of particles in arctic cirrus are less common than those in mid-latitude and tropical cirrus with considerable uncertainty about the contributions of small ice crystals (maximum dimension D<50 µm) to the mass and radiative properties that impact radiative forcing. In situ measurements of small ice crystals in arctic cirrus were made during the Indirect and Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign (ISDAC) in April 2008 during transits of the National Research Council of Canada Convair-580 between Fairbanks and Barrow, Alaska and during Mixed Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment (MPACE) in October 2004 with the University of North Dakota (UND) Citation over Barrow, Alaska. Concentrations of small ice crystals with D < 50 μm from a Cloud and Aerosol Spectrometer (CAS), a Cloud Droplet Probe (CDP), a Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe (FSSP), and a two-dimensional stereo probe (2DS) were compared as functions of the concentrations of crystals with D > 100 μm measured by a Cloud Imaging Probe (CIP) and two-dimensional stereo probe (2DS) in order to assess whether the shattering of large ice crystals on protruding components of different probes artificially amplified measurements of small ice crystal concentrations. The dependence of the probe comparison on other variables as CIP N>100 (number concentrations greater than diameter D>100 μm),temperature, relative humidity respect to ice (RHice), dominant habit from the Cloud Particle Imager (CPI), aircraft roll, pitch, true air speed and angle of attack was examined to understand potential causes of discrepancies between probe concentrations. Data collected by these probes were also compared against the data collected by a CAS, CDP and CIP during the Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE) and by a CAS and 2DS during the Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling (TC4) missions. During ISDAC, the CAS and FSSP both overestimated measurements of small ice crystals compared to both the CDP and 2DS by 1-2 orders of magnitude. Further, the amount of overestimation increased with the concentrations from the CIP2 (N>100 > 0.1 L-1). There was an unexplained discrepancy in concentrations of small crystals between the CDP and 2DS during ISDAC. In addition, there was a strong dependence on RHice of the average ratios of the N3-50, CAS/N3-50,CDP, N3-50, FSSP096/N3-50,CDP, N3-50, CAS/N3-50,FSSP096, N10-50, CDP/N3-50,2DS, N10-50, FSSP096/N10-50,2DS. Continued studies are needed to understand the discrepancy of these probes.