999 resultados para HEMODYNAMIC FACTORS
Investigación producida a partir de una estancia en en el Instituto de Neurociencias de la Universidad Miguel Hernández entre enero y mayo del 2007. El SD o trisomía del cromosoma 21 es la aneuploidía cromosómica más frecuente y constituye la principal causa de retraso mental. Las cuestiones que aún son objeto de debate en el SD son: 1) si pueden existir, entre los genes triplicados, algunos que contribuyan de forma más importante a algunos de los fenotipos observables en SD y, 2) hasta qué punto los fenotipos observados derivan de alteraciones del neurodesarrollo o de alteraciones funcionales en el adulto. Con el fin de abordar esta cuestión nos hemos centrado en las alteraciones cognitivas del SD y hemos realizado la caracterización del papel de Dyrk1A en el desarrollo de una estructura clave para esta función: la corteza cerebral. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la sobrexpresión de Dyrk1A produce un desajuste proliferativo dando lugar a un retraso en la formación de la subplaca, con consecuencias en la laminación de la placa cortical. Las alteraciones en la corticogénesis van a tener consecuencias en el establecimiento de la conectividad tálamo-cortical que se encuentra marcadamente retrasada. En el hipocampo, los ratones transgénicos mostraron una reducción del grosor de las capas. Estos resultados pueden ser relevantes para el SD, puesto que es similar a lo observado en fetos SD.
L’ encefalopatia hepàtica és un complicació greu de la cirrosis. S’ha observat que pot aparèixer en presència o absència de factors precipitants i amb diferents graus de disfunció hepàtica; fet que fa pensar en la participació de factors predisposants genètics en els desenvolupament de la mateixa, sent la diana d’aquest estudi analitzar les característiques epidemiològiques, complicacions, tractament i dades analítiques que presenten els pacients en llista de transplantament hepàtic tot i estratificant-los entre aquells que han presentat encefalopatia hepàtica i aquells que no; per en un segon temps analitzar les variacions en la regió promotora del gen de la glutaminassa
Resum: Introducció: En la hipoxemia de novo la indicació de la VNI és controvertida. Sembla que el fracàs de la VNI s’associa a major mortalitat en aquests malalts. Objectiu: Identificar possibles factors predictors de fracàs de la VNI. Pacients i mètodes: Estudi observacional retrospectiu de 35 malalts ingressats per hipoxemia de novo i que van rebre tractament de suport amb ventilació no invasiva. Resultats: En aquests malalts la VNi va fracasar més del 50%, sobretot en malalts amb SDRA i en els més hipoxèmics. Els malalts que van fracassar van tenir major mortalitat, més infeccions nosocomials respiratòries i més dies d’ingrés a UCI.
• Identificar els possibles factors de risc de mortalitat en els pacients amb un primer episodi de diarrea associada a Clostridium difficile (DACD) mitjançant un estudi observacional retrospectiu. Després d’una anàlisi uni i multivariant amb les següents variables (sexe, edat, índex de Charlson, número d’antibiòtics previs i la seva retirada, ús de corticoids, inhibidors de la bomba de protons o antihistamínics antiH2, antiàcids, procedència de residència geriàtrica, dies de tractament per a la DACD, duració de l’ingrés, presència de recidiva i servei d’hospitalització), únicament l’aparició de recidiva va ser un factor de risc independent de mortalitat.
SETTING: Ambulatory paediatric clinic in Lausanne, Switzerland, a country with a significant proportion of tuberculosis (TB) among immigrants. AIM: To assess the factors associated with positive tuberculin skin tests (TST) among children examined during a health check-up or during TB contact tracing, notably the influence of BCG vaccination (Bacille Calmette Guérin) and history of TB contact. METHOD: A descriptive study of children who had a TST (2 Units RT23) between November 2002 and April 2004. Age, sex, history of TB contact, BCG vaccination status, country of origin and birth outside Switzerland were recorded. RESULTS: Of 234 children, 176 (75%) had a reaction equal to zero and 31 (13%) tested positive (>10 mm). In a linear regression model, the size of the TST varied significantly according to the history of TB contact, age, TB incidence in the country of origin and BCG vaccination status but not according to sex or birth in or outside Switzerland. In a logistic regression model including all the recorded variables, age (Odds Ratio = 1.21, 95% CI 1.08; 1.35), a history of TB contact (OR = 7.31, 95% CI 2.23; 24) and the incidence of TB in the country of origin (OR = 1.01, 95% CI 1.00; 1.02) were significantly associated with a positive TST but sex (OR = 1.18, 95% CI 0.50; 2.78) and BCG vaccination status (OR = 2.97, 95% CI 0.91; 9.72) were not associated. CONCLUSIONS: TB incidence in the country of origin, BCG vaccination and age influence the TSTreaction (size or proportion of TST > or = 10 mm). However the most obvious risk factor for a positive TST is a history of contact with TB.
L’evolució natural del càncer de pròstata és cap a una situació d’ hormono-resistència. Un possible factor associat a aquesta desdiferenciació és l’adquisició de trets neuroendocrins. La cromogranina A i l’enolasa són els marcadors en sèrum més estudiats Hem analitzat de forma prospectiva els marcadors neuroendocrins com a possibles factors pronòstics en pacients amb càncer de pròstata resistents a la castració. També hem analitzat altres factors pronòstics ja coneguts en cáncer de próstata. L’anàlisis realitzat suggereix que l’alteració en sèrum de cromogranina i enolasa podria ser factor pronòstic en pacients amb càncer de pròstata resistents a la castració
Background/Purpose: The aims of this study were to determine the incidence of persistent gastrocutaneous fistulas (GCF) after gastrostomy removal and to identify associated risk factors. Methods: This retrospective study included 75 children from the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland who had a gastrostomy performed between 1988 and 2010. The records of the children were reviewed for sex, age at the time of gastrostomy removal, underlying disease, type of gastrostomy placement and length of use, and then analyzed in order to find a correlation between the GCF and these parameters. Results: The gastrostomy orifice did not close spontaneously within the first month in 33 of the patients (44%), and 15 subsequently underwent surgical closure. The mean duration of gastrostomy use was significantly longer in children who developed a persistent GCF (30 vs. 19 months, P = 0.03). The other parameters studied did not show any significant association with the persistence of a GCF. Conclusions: The only predictive factor determining the persistence of a GCF was found to be the timespan between the placement and removal of the gastrostomy appliance. Elective surgical closure of the gastrostomy orifice should be considered after 1 month of persistent GCF.
An hemodialysis population in Central Brazil was screened by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and serological methods to assess the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and to investigate associated risk factors. All hemodialysis patients (n=428) were interviewed in eight dialysis units in Goiânia city. Blood samples were collected and serum samples screened for anti-HCV antibodies by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Positive samples were retested for confirmation with a line immunoassay (LIA). All samples were also tested for HCV RNA by the PCR. An overall prevalence of 46.7% (CI 95%: 42-51.5) was found, ranging from 20.7% (CI 95%: 8.8-38.1) to 90.4% (CI 95%: 79.9-96.4) depending on the dialysis unit. Of the 428 patients, 185 were found to be seropositive by ELISA, and 167 were confirmed positive by LIA, resulting in an anti-HCV prevalence of 39%. A total of 131 patients were HCV RNA-positive. HCV viremia was present in 63.5% of the anti-HCV-positive patients and in 10.3% of the anti-HCV-negative patients. Univariate analysis of risk factors showed that the number of previous blood transfusions, transfusion of blood before mandatory screening for anti-HCV, length of time on hemodialysis, and treatment in multiple units were associated with HCV positivity. However, multivariate analysis revealed that blood transfusion before screening for anti-HCV and length of time on hemodialysis were significantly associated with HCV infection in this population. These data suggest that nosocomial transmission may play a role in the spread of HCV in the dialysis units studied. In addition to anti-HCV screening, HCV RNA detection is necessary for the diagnosis of HCV infection in hemodialysis patients.
La Nocardiosi pulmonar és una infecció que afecta principalment a indivius amb immunosupressió. En els darrers anys s’ha identificat un major número de casos de NP en pacients amb Malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica. En l’actual treball es pretén analitzar els factors que s’associen a la presència de NP en indivius amb diagnòstic de MPOC i estudiar-ne el pronòstic. S’ha realitzat un estudi restrospectiu en el qual s’han inclòs tots els pacients amb diagnòstic de MPOC i amb aïllament de Nocardia spp. en mostra respiratòria entre els anys 1997-2009. S’han recollit dades demogràfiques, clíniques, microbiològiques, el tractament rebut i la mortalitat als 30, 90 dies i a l’any.
The tourism consumer’s purchase decision process is, to a great extent, conditioned by the image the tourist has of the different destinations that make up his or her choice set. In a highly competitive international tourist market, those responsible for destinations’ promotion and development policies seek differentiation strategies so that they may position the destinations in the most suitable market segments for their product in order to improve their attractiveness to visitors and increase or consolidate the economic benefits that tourism activity generates in their territory. To this end, the main objective we set ourselves in this paper is the empirical analysis of the factors that determine the image formation of Tarragona city as a cultural heritage destination. Without a doubt, UNESCO’s declaration of Tarragona’s artistic and monumental legacies as World Heritage site in the year 2000 meant important international recognition of the quality of the cultural and patrimonial elements offered by the city to the visitors who choose it as a tourist destination. It also represents a strategic opportunity to boost the city’s promotion of tourism and its consolidation as a unique destination given its cultural and patrimonial characteristics. Our work is based on the use of structured and unstructured techniques to identify the factors that determine Tarragona’s tourist destination image and that have a decisive influence on visitors’ process of choice of destination. In addition to being able to ascertain Tarragona’s global tourist image, we consider that the heterogeneity of its visitors requires a more detailed study that enables us to segment visitor typology. We consider that the information provided by these results may prove of great interest to those responsible for local tourism policy, both when designing products and when promoting the destination.
La recerca és un estudi comparatiu, descriptiu i transversal que pretén conèixer alguns trets diferencials de la població adolescent infractora en relació al sentiment de culpa, les dimensions de la personalitat, el nivell d’ira, les estratègies d’afrontament i la gestió dels esdeveniments vitals. La metodologia i el material utilitzat en la recerca són entrevistes personalitzades (en el cas del grup d’infractors), o bé de petits grups (en la resta). Es van administrar cinc qüestionaris (SC-35, EPQ-R, STAXI, ACS i AVIA) a una mostra conformada per 128 adolescents (39 estudiants de batxillerat, 47 estudiants de cicles formatius i 42 infractors, tots ells de 16 a 18 anys i residents a la província de Barcelona), procedint a l’anàlisi posterior de les dades obtingudes, mitjançant el paquet estadístic SPSS 14.0. Les principals conclusions mostren que els joves infractors presenten nivells més elevats de sentiments de culpa, de neuroticisme, de psicoticisme i d’ira. Així mateix, tendeixen a reprimir l’ira o, pel contrari, a expressar-la verbalment i físicament. Acostumen a emprar estratègies d’afrontament passives o de caràcter evitatiu i computen major nombre tant d’esdeveniments vitals negatius com d’esdeveniments vitals positius. Finalment, tendeixen a positivar esdeveniments vitals negatius dels àmbits relacional i de salut, mentre que tendeixen a negativitzar esdeveniments vitals positius de l’àmbit familiar.
Introduction: Osteoporosis (OP) is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by a low bone mineral density (BMD) and a micro-architectural (MA) deterioration. Clinical risk factors (CRF) are often used as a MA approximation. MA is yet evaluable in daily practice by the Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) measure. TBS is a novel grey-level texture measurement reflecting bone micro-architecture based on the use of experimental variograms of 2D projection images. TBS is very simple to obtain, by reanalyzing a lumbar DXA-scan. TBS has proven to have diagnosis and prognosis value, partially independent of CRF and BMD. The aim of the OsteoLaus cohort is to combine in daily practice the CRF and the information given by DXA (BMD, TBS and vertebral fracture assessment (VFA)) to better identify women at high fracture risk. Method: The OsteoLaus cohort (1400 women 50 to 80 years living in Lausanne, Switzerland) started in 2010. This study is derived from the cohort COLAUS who started in Lausanne in 2003. The main goals of COLAUS is to obtain information on the epidemiology and genetic determinants of cardiovascular risk in 6700 men and women. CRF for OP, bone ultrasound of the heel, lumbar spine and hip BMD, VFA by DXA and MA evaluation by TBS are recorded in OsteoLaus. Preliminary results are reported. Results: We included 631 women: mean age 67.4±6.7 y, BMI 26.1±4.6, mean lumbar spine BMD 0.943±0.168 (T-score -1.4 SD), TBS 1.271±0.103. As expected, correlation between BMD and site matched TBS is low (r2=0.16). Prevalence of VFx grade 2/3, major OP Fx and all OP Fx is 8.4%, 17.0% and 26.0% respectively. Age- and BMI-adjusted ORs (per SD decrease) are 1.8 (1.2- 2.5), 1.6 (1.2-2.1), 1.3 (1.1-1.6) for BMD for the different categories of fractures and 2.0 (1.4-3.0), 1.9 (1.4-2.5), 1.4 (1.1-1.7) for TBS respectively. Only 32 to 37% of women with OP Fx have a BMD < -2.5 SD or a TBS < 1.200. If we combine a BMD < -2.5 SD or a TBS < 1.200, 54 to 60% of women with an osteoporotic Fx are identified. Conclusion: As in the already published studies, these preliminary results confirm the partial independence between BMD and TBS. More importantly, a combination of TBS subsequent to BMD increases significantly the identification of women with prevalent OP Fx which would have been miss-classified by BMD alone. For the first time we are able to have complementary information about fracture (VFA), density (BMD), micro- and macro architecture (TBS & HAS) from a simple, low ionizing radiation and cheap device: DXA. Such complementary information is very useful for the patient in the daily practice and moreover will likely have an impact on cost effectiveness analysis.
Aim: The diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), comprising Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), continues to present difficulties due to unspecific symptoms and limited test accuracies. We aimed to determine the diagnostic delay (time from first symptoms to IBD diagnosis) and to identify associated risk factors in a national cohort in Switzerland.¦Materials and Methods: A total of 1,591 IBD patients (932 CD, 625 UC, 34 indeterminate colitis) from the Swiss IBD cohort study (SIBDCS) were evaluated. The SIBDCS collects data on a large sample of IBD patients from hospitals and private practice across Switzerland through physician and patient questionnaires. The primary outcome measure was the diagnostic delay.¦Results: Diagnostic delay in CD patients was significantly longer compared to UC patients (median 9 vs. 4 months, P < 0.001). Seventy-five percent of CD patients were diagnosed within 24 months compared to 12 months for UC and 6 months for IC patients. Multivariate logistic regression identified age <40 years at diagnosis (OR 2.15, P = 0.010) and ileal disease (OR 1.69, P = 0.025) as independent risk factors for long diagnostic delay in CD (>24 months). A trend for long diagnostic delay (>12 months) was associated with NSAID intake (OR 1.75, P = 0.093) and male gender (OR 0.59, P = 0.079) in UC patients.¦Conclusions: Whereas the median delay for diagnosing CD, UC, and IC seems to be acceptable, there exists a long delay in a considerable proportion of CD patients. More public awareness work needs to be done in order to reduce patient's and doctor's delay in this target population.
A total of 256 sites in 11 habitats were surveyed for Biomphalaria in Melquiades rural area (State of Minas Gerais) in August and November 1999 and in March 2000. Of the 1,780 Biomphalaria collected, 1,721 (96.7%) were B. glabrata and 59 (3.3%) B. straminea. Snails were found in all habitats except in wells, with the largest mean numbers in tanks, seepage ponds and canals, and the smallest numbers in springs, rice fields and fishponds. People's knowledge of the occurrence of Biomphalaria at the collection sites and the presence of Biomphalaria ova were strongly correlated with the occurrence of snails, and distance between houses and collection sites, as well as water velocity were inversely correlated with Biomphalaria occurrence (p < 0.001). The strongest predictor o f Biomphalaria occurrence was the presence of tilapia fish in fishponds. Fourteen Biomphalaria (0.8% of all snails) found at 6 sites were infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Suggestions are made for the utilization of local people's knowledge in snail surveys and further studies are recommended on the possible use of tilapia for biological control of Biomphalaria in fishponds, as well as modeling of S. mansoni transmission and reinfection.