963 resultados para Gospel of John


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Final report of John A. Roebling, Civil Engineer, to the presidents and directors of the Niagara Falls Suspension and Niagara Falls International Bridge Companies, on the condition of the Niagara Railway Suspension Bridge.


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The Fenians were a group intent on securing Irish independence from England. The movement had its origins in Ireland in1857, under the leadership of James Stephens, with the assistance of John O'Mahony, an American who had raised funds for the cause. The American branch of this movement was especially successful, having raised $500 000 and enlisting about 10 000 American Civil War veterans. The group split into two separate factions, one desiring an invasion of Canada and the other preferring an uprising in Ireland. It soon became apparent that an uprising in Ireland was not imminent, and a decision was made to invade Canada. In April, 1866, a raid was launched against New Brunswick. It proved unsuccessful, and another raid was attempted on June 1, 1866, this time in Ridgeway, near Fort Erie, Ontario. The Canadian militiamen were defeated, but the Fenians subsequently withdrew. A third incident occurred on June 7, this time at Missisquoi Bay in Quebec, when the Fenians crossed the border, remained there for 2 days, and withdrew. A failed uprising in Ireland in 1867 signaled the demise of the movement. The Fenian threat helped to promote a sense of union among Canadians and provided an incentive for Confederation.


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The Fenians were a group intent on securing Irish independence from England. The movement had its origins in Ireland in1857, under the leadership of James Stephens, with the assistance of John O'Mahony, an American who had raised funds for the cause. The American branch of this movement was especially successful, having raised $500 000 and enlisting about 10 000 American Civil War veterans. The group split into two separate factions, one desiring an invasion of Canada and the other preferring an uprising in Ireland. It soon became apparent that an uprising in Ireland was not imminent, and a decision was made to invade Canada. In April, 1866, a raid was launched against New Brunswick. It proved unsuccessful, and another raid was attempted on June 1, 1866, this time in Ridgeway, near Fort Erie, Ontario. The Canadian militiamen were defeated, but the Fenians subsequently withdrew. A third incident occurred on June 7, this time at Missisquoi Bay in Quebec, when the Fenians crossed the border, remained there for 2 days, and withdrew. A failed uprising in Ireland in 1867 signaled the demise of the movement. The Fenian threat helped to promote a sense of union among Canadians and provided an incentive for Confederation.


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Richard Leonard was a member of the 104th Regiment of the British Army. He fought during the War of 1812 at Sackett’s Harbour, Lundy’s Lane and Fort Erie. After the war he settled at Lundy’s Lane and was appointed lieutenant colonel of the 1st Lincoln Militia. He later became the Sheriff of Niagara. He died in 1833 and is buried in the Drummond Hill Cemetery.


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Letter of administration from Lewiston, New York to William Woodruff. William Woodruff is granted the right to dispose of the goods and chattels of John Woodruff (deceased).


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Last Will and Testament of John Picard of the township of Niagara. He leaves his land which consists of part of Lot 113 in the township of Niagara to Annie Mariah Steel. The executors are John Stevens and Gilbert Anderson. The document was registered July 3, 1882 – instrument no. 1743, May 9, 1882.


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John R.A. Mayer (de Berncastle) was a professor in the Philosophy Department at Brock University from 1965 to 1997. During his career at Brock he served as Chair of the Philosophy Department and as Associate Dean of Arts and Science. In 1972 he conceived the Master of Philosophy Program, along with G.M.C. Sprung. He was also a special member of the Brock Philosophical Society, a group of Brock alumni, faculty, students and Niagara citizens, which promoted an open and free discussion of ideas.


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Toutes les illustrations qui ponctuent cette thèse ont été réalisées par Chantal Poirier. Elles ont été insérées dans le texte selon un ordre méticuleusement aléatoire.


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Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV).


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Jean-Paul II a été favorable à une bonne utilisation des moyens de communication sociale pour renforcer les activités missionnaires de l'Église catholique dans un monde davantage sécularisé. Plusieurs autres auteurs qui seront mentionnés dans ce mémoire célèbrent ce rapport positif que le pape entretient avec les médias et les professionnels des médias. Toutefois une relecture des textes de Jean-Paul II permet de conclure que ce rapport aux médias prend en compte les problèmes associés aux effets négatifs des médias. Certes, son usage et sa compréhension des médias se trouvaient motivés largement par les avantages certains qu'ils offrent, dont il se servira avec habileté, mais aussi par les effets débilitants sur l’annonce de l'Évangile dans le monde actuel qu'ils provoquent. Ambivalent, ce pape réussira tout de même à tirer son épingle du jeu et tentera par tous les moyens de convaincre les Catholiques de l'importance des médias, toutes les formes de médias. Dans le but d'éclaircir ce rapport ambivalent, le mémoire formule deux questions sur lesquelles les analyses sont centrées : 1. Quels sont les enjeux problématiques des médias sous-entendus dans les réflexions de Jean-Paul II en matière de communication sociale ? 2. Quelles approches a-t-il utilisées en réponse à ces enjeux ? En définitive, ces questions permettent, du moins nous semble-t-il, de saisir des aspects fondamentaux concernant les apports de Jean-Paul II en communication sociale.


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This thesis is a study of -Equality of Opportunity in Public Employment : Judicial Perspectives on Backwardness. This study is an attempt to evaluate the concept of backwardness and equality of opportunity in employment and to assess the judicial perspectives in relation to them. The study reveals that the recent review petition of the Constitution Bench did not assess the decision of Chakradhar and its import. The study reveals that the Indian judiciary could successfully locate and apply the above principles. It was-Justice Subba Rao's nascent attempt in Devadasan which marked the starting point of such a jurisprudential enquiry. Later Thomas developed the thoughts by a reading new meaning and content to equality provisions of the Constitution which included the elimination of inequalities as the positive content of Articles 14 and 16(1) and elevated reservation provision to the same status of equality principles under the Constitution. Soshit, Vasanth Kumar and Mandal supplemented further to the jurisprudential contents. In this process, the courts were guided by the theories of John Rawls, David Miller, Ronald Dworkin, Max Weber and Roscoe Pound. Thus there was a slow and steady process of transformation of the reservation provision. From an anti-meritarian, unenforceable and enabling provision, it reached a stage of equally relevant and explanatory part of fundamental right to equality. Mandal viewed it as a part of sharing of State power. Though this can be seen by rereading and re-joining thoughts of judges in this regard, the judicial approach lacks coherence and concerted efforts in evolving a jurisprudential basis for protective discrimination. The deliberations of the framers of the Constitution reveals that there was much confusion and indeterminacy with regard to the concept of Backwardness. The study shows that the judiciary has been keeping intact the framers’ expectation of having a reasonable quantum of reservation, preventing the undeserved sections from enjoying the benefit, avoiding its abuse and evolving a new criteria and rejecting the old ones.


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Aquest article es proposa explorar la possibilitat d'apropar a la concepció del liberalisme polític metafilosòfic de John Rawls des del punt de vista pragmatista de Richard Rorty. La proposta està motivada per les similituds que es poden observar entre elles respecte de la finalitat i la sortida d'una concepció política. El resultat final de l'article és ambigua: d'una banda, no sembla tan descabellat afirmar que la teoria de Rawls es pot llegir sense més dificultats des d'una perspectiva pragmàtica, d'altra banda, hi ha alguns aspectes importants en els quals un liberalisme polític de Rawls segueix sent incompatible amb una concepció política de Rorty


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Este ensayo busca establecer una comparación entre los elementos centrales de la teoría de la justicia de John Rawls y de Amartya Sen, así como analizar algunas debilidades y contribuciones de estas propuestas teóricas. Nuestro trabajo se concentra en cuatro temas centrales en la discusión de la teoría de la justicia: las circunstancias que han de ser consideradas en cualquier evaluación de la justicia, principios de la justicia y reglas de combinación, bases informacionales de la justicia y desigualdades admitidas en las evaluaciones de justicia.-----This essay aims to establish a comparison between the central elements present in the theory of justice of John Rawls and Amartya Sen, as well as analyze some of the weaknesses and contributions of these theoretical proposals. This work focuses on four topics that are core to the discussion on the theory of justice: circumstances to be considered in any evaluation of justice, principles of justice and rules of combination, informational bases, and inequalities admitted by the evaluations of justice.


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Bringing together a range of little-considered materials, this article assesses the portrayal of Persia in seventeenth-century travel literature and drama. In particular it argues that such texts use their awareness of Islamic sectarian division to portray Persia as a good potential trading partner in preference to the Ottoman Empire. A close reading of John Day, William Rowley and George Wilkins’ The Travailes of the Three English Brothers (1607) demonstrates how the play develops a fantasy model of how relations between Persia and England might function. The potential unity between England and Persia, imagined in terms of both religion and trade, demonstrates how Persia figured as a model ‘other England’ in early modern literature.