949 resultados para Golden Retriever


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L'obiettivo del presente elaborato è di fornire una proposta di traduzione dall'inglese all'italiano del poema "The White Road" di Neil Gaiman, pubblicato in Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears (1995) e in Smoke and Mirrors (1998). L'elaborato è articolato in: una breve presentazione dell’autore, con accento sui temi ricorrenti presenti nelle sue opere; una descrizione del testo scelto, sia in termini di struttura che di contenuti e riferimenti culturali; la proposta di traduzione con testo originale a fronte; un’analisi dei problemi traduttivi riscontrati con le relative soluzioni adottate.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi è stato svolto a seguito delle indagini geognostiche previste per un progetto ingegneristico volto alla riqualificazione con caratteristiche autostradali della SP46 Rho-Monza e del preesistente sistema autostradale A8/A52, la cui area interessata dai lavori è ubicata nella parte Nord del comune di Milano. Lo studio è stato finalizzato alla valutazione, attraverso metodologie e tecnologie specifiche, delle caratteristiche idrodinamiche delle acque sotterranee presenti nella zona oggetto dei lavori. A seguito di misure sul livello piezometrico della falda, compiute dopo la realizzazione di 8 piezometri, è stata realizzata (con l’ausilio del software Surfer 8.0® – Golden Software Inc.) una mappa relativa all’andamento delle isopieze e dei gradienti di flusso, attraverso interpolazione spaziale con metodo Kriging delle misure. La ricostruzione dell’assetto della falda così ottenuto ha permesso di fornire utili indicazioni riguardo le successive scelte progettuali.


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La mia tesi si compone di tre capitoli e analizza il concetto giapponese di MA da diverse prospettive. Nel primo capitolo, “Il concetto giapponese di MA: un vuoto a rendere”, viene introdotta la tematica. Si procede dunque alla spiegazione della presenza di caratteri cinesi nella lingua giapponese e delle ragioni del dibattito nato tra gli studiosi in merito alla sua origine. Segue una panoramica sull’applicazione del MA ai vari ambiti della vita (architettura, cerimonia del the, arti visive, teatro, sport/arti marziali, dimensione quotidiana). Nel secondo capitolo “Speech is silver, silence is golden” il silenzio viene analizzato da un punto di vista culturale. A questo proposito viene presentato lo studio dell’antropologa Takie Sugiyama Lebra che ha individuato il silenzio come sintomo di onestà, espressione dell’applicazione della discrezione sociale, indice del grado di intimità tra le persone ed infine come forma di sfida e ribellione. Nel terzo ed ultimo capitolo, “Il silenzio è una cosa che suona per chi ascolta avidamente”, il silenzio viene invece analizzato da un punto di vista linguistico. Sulla base degli studi condotti da Yamada, Shigimetsu e Hosoda, la pausa viene dunque individuata come strumento per prendere la parola, feedback, modalità per cambiare eventualmente argomento ed infine come escamotage per evitare di dire di no.


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Negli ultimi decenni le campagne di incoraggiamento del consumo di almeno 5 porzioni di frutta e verdura al giorno ha determinato un aumento da parte della popolazione del consumo di vegetali freschi. È ben noto infatti che i prodotti freschi sono un’importante risorsa di nutrienti, vitamine e fibre. Tra le varie tecniche di trattamento per diminuire la carica microbica in questi prodotti l’uso dell’ipoclorito di sodio rimane una delle soluzioni più utilizzate per la sua efficacia ed il basso costo. La domanda sempre più elevata da parte dei consumatori di prodotti di alta qualità sicuri ed economici è stato uno dei principali motivi che ha spinto l’industria verso lo sviluppo di tecniche di sanitizzazione alternative ai trattamenti tradizionali. Tra le varie tecniche messe a punto e studiate vi è l’acqua elettrolizzata che non sembra avere problemi di tossicità come altri sanitizzanti quali l’ipoclorito di sodio, la formaldeide e la glutaraldeide e tra i numerosi vantaggi presenta un ridotto tempo di pulizia, un facile utilizzo ed il basso costo. In questo lavoro si è voluto valutare se soluzioni di acqua elettrolizzata neutra (AE) possano essere impiegate come sanitizzanti per la decontaminazione di mele Golden Delicious. A tale scopo si sono effettuati lavaggi delle mele per immersione in AE a differente contenuto di cloro attivo (50, 100 e 200 ppm) verificando la riduzione della contaminazione superficiale rispetto sia alla microflora naturalmente presente, sia ad un patogeno deliberatamente inoculato sul prodotto, Listeria monocytogenes ceppo 56 Ly. A tale proposito si è voluto anche valutare l’effetto del livello di contaminazione iniziale di L. monocytogenes sull’efficacia dei lavaggi confrontandola con quella ottenuta con soluzioni di ipoclorito di sodio. Infine si è verificato se il potere antiossidante ed il contenuto in fenoli totali della buccia subiscono modificazioni a seguito dei lavaggi con AE neutra od ipoclorito di sodio alle condizioni adottate. I risultati di questa sperimentazione, sebbene preliminari, hanno evidenziato che l’acqua elettrolizzata può essere considerata una tecnica di decontaminazione promettente: infatti oltre ad avere un’azione sanitizzante simile all’ipoclorito nei confronti della microflora naturale, e di ridurre il rischio associato alla presenza di L. monocytogenes, non ha indotto modificazioni significative di un parametro qualitativo che caratterizza tale frutto quale l’attività antiossidante determinata, in larga misura, dall’elevato contenuto in fenoli.


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For the determination of brain death (BD) in potential organ donors, confirmatory tests that show cessation of cerebral circulation are used in many countries. Conventional angiography is considered the golden standard among these ancillary examinations. In recent years other angiographic techniques such as CT angiography (CTA) have been increasingly employed to establish the diagnosis of BD. We report our experience with CTA in this setting.


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The therapy of acute ischemic stroke aims at fast recanalization of the occluded brain vessel. In contrast to intravenous thrombolysis (IVT), endovascular approaches yield higher recanalization rates especially in large vessel occlusions. Mechanical thrombectomy with the Merci Retriever received FDA approval in 2004 as an adjunct to IVT or in the case of failed recanalization after IVT. The time window for treatment is 8 h from stroke onset. However, the recanalization rate was 55 %, still leaving space for further improvement. In addition to the Merci Retriever, the Penumbra System received FDA approval in 2008. The newest endovascular approach comprising retrievable intracranial stents results in an increased recanalization rate exceeding 90 % and has markedly reduced the time to recanalization. On the other hand, the complication rate has not increased yet. These promising results suggest a combined therapy for acute ischemic stroke. In a first step IVT can be started independently of the size of the treating hospital and in a next step the patient is transferred to a neuroradiological center. If vessel occlusion persists, additional endovascular recanalization is performed (bridging concept). Patients who don't qualify for IVT are candidates for mechanical thrombectomy up to 8 h after stroke onset.


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Toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic intracellular protozoan parasite of worldwide distribution that infects many species of warm-blooded animals, including birds. To date, there is scant information about the seropositivity of T. gondii and the risk factors associated with T. gondii infection in wild bird populations. In the present study, T. gondii infection was evaluated on sera obtained from 1079 wild birds belonging to 56 species (including Falconiformes (n = 610), Strigiformes (n = 260), Ciconiiformes (n = 156), Gruiformes (n = 21), and other orders (n = 32), from different areas of Spain. Antibodies to T. gondii (modified agglutination test, MAT titer ≥1:25) were found in 282 (26.1%, IC95%:23.5–28.7) of the 1079 birds. This study constitute the first extensive survey in wild birds species in Spain and reports for the first time T. gondii antibodies in the griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus), short-toed snake-eagle (Circaetus gallicus), Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata), golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus), osprey (Pandion haliaetus), Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus), Western marsh-harrier (Circus aeruginosus), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), long-eared owl (Asio otus), common scops owl (Otus scops), Eurasian spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), white stork (Ciconia ciconia), grey heron (Ardea cinerea), common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus); in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) “vulnerable” Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti), lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) and great bustard (Otis tarda); and in the IUCN “near threatened” red kite (Milvus milvus). The highest seropositivity by species was observed in the Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo) (68.1%, 98 of 144). The main risk factors associated with T. gondii seropositivity in wild birds were age and diet, with the highest exposure in older animals and in carnivorous wild birds. The results showed that T. gondii infection is widespread and can be at a high level in many wild birds in Spain, most likely related to their feeding behaviour.


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This thesis uses Sergei Eisenstein’s filmic theories of montage to examine the modernist American short story cycle, a genre of independent short stories that work together to create a larger and interrelated whole. Similar to the shot-by-shot editing process of montage, the story cycle builds its intertextual meaning story-by-story from an aggregate of abrupt narrative transitions and juxtapositions. Eisenstein famously felt that montage, the editing together of film fragments, was not a process of linkage, but of collision –each radically different shot in a film should crash into the next shot, until audience members were intellectually provoked into synthesizing these collisions through dialectical processes. I offer montage as an interpretive strategy for negotiating the narrative collisions in story cycles such as Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio, William Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses, and Eudora Welty’s The Golden Apples. For Go Down, Moses, I argue that Eisenstein’s politically rendered “montage of attractions” provides a template for investigating the shock tactics behind Faulkner’s chronologically and racially entangled stories of whites and African Americans. For The Golden Apples, I consider the opposites and doubles in Welty’s fiction with Eisenstein’s similar belief in the “opposing passions” of the world. Not only, then, do I suggest that the modernist story cycle bears a cinematic influence, but I also offer Eisenstein’s theories of montage and collision as a heuristic for formal, thematic, and even political patterns in a genre infamous for its resistance to definition and classification.


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The Hungarian way of decoration has certain characteristics which are rooted in the deep symbolism of ancient Hungarian mythical thinking. The ancient heritage of the Hungarians' former homeland somewhere in the Urals included eastern elements. During their migrations, the Hungarian tribes met other eastern peoples and their culture of decoration became mixed with elements drawn from these new contacts. These diverse influences mean that the Hungarian way of thinking, building and ornamentation show a certain dualism of Puritanism and rationalism in the creation of space and manufacturing, and rich fantasy in decoration and ornamentation. The Hungarians use coloured ornamentation to emphasise the symbolic importance of details. The colouring system of the built environment shows the same dualism: the main colour of the facades and inner walls is white, while the furniture, textiles, gates and windows, and sometimes the gable and fireplace are richly decorated. In Hungarian symbolism, the house and settlement are a model of the universe, so their different parts also have a transcendent meaning. The traditional meanings of the different colours reflect this transcendence. Each colour has ambivalent meanings: RED - the colour of blood - means violence and love. YELLOW - means sickness, death and ripeness (golden yellow). BLUE - means innocence, eternity (light blue) and old age, death (dark blue). BLACK - can be both ceremonial and mourning. WHILE - can have sacred meaning (bright white), while yellowish white fabric is the most common garb of both men and women in village society. GREEN - the only colour without a dual meaning, symbolises the beginning of life. Until the late 18th and early 19th centuries Hungarian folk art used one or two-coloured decoration (red, black, blue, red-blue or red-black), and from the early 19th century it moved to multi-coloured decoration. Colours are characteristically used in complementary contrast, with bright colours on a plain ground and an avoidance of subtle shadings.


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INTRODUCTION: This study was designed to examine differences in the arteriolar vasoconstrictive response between arginine vasopressin (AVP) and norepinephrine (NE) on the microcirculatory level in the hamster window chamber model in unanesthetized, normotonic hamsters using intravital microscopy. It is known from patients with advanced vasodilatory shock that AVP exerts strong additional vasoconstriction when incremental dosage increases of NE have no further effect on mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). METHODS: In a prospective controlled experimental study, eleven awake, male golden Syrian hamsters were instrumented with a viewing window inserted into the dorsal skinfold. NE (2 microg/kg/minute) and AVP (0.0001 IU/kg/minute, equivalent to 4 IU/h in a 70 kg patient) were continuously infused to achieve a similar increase in MAP. According to their position within the arteriolar network, arterioles were grouped into five types: A0 (branch off small artery) to A4 (branch off A3 arteriole). RESULTS: Reduction of arteriolar diameter (NE, -31 +/- 12% versus AVP, -49 +/- 7%; p = 0.002), cross sectional area (NE, -49 +/- 17% versus AVP, -73 +/- 7%; p = 0.002), and arteriolar blood flow (NE, -62 +/- 13% versus AVP, -80 +/- 6%; p = 0.004) in A0 arterioles was significantly more pronounced in AVP animals. There was no difference in red blood cell velocities in A0 arterioles between groups. The reduction of diameter, cross sectional area, red blood cell velocity, and arteriolar blood flow in A1 to A4 arterioles was comparable in AVP and NE animals. CONCLUSION: Within the microvascular network, AVP exerted significantly stronger vasoconstriction on large A0 arterioles than NE under physiological conditions. This observation may partly explain why AVP is such a potent vasopressor hormone and can increase systemic vascular resistance even in advanced vasodilatory shock unresponsive to increases in standard catecholamine therapy.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a highly viscous, left-shifted hemoglobin vesicle solution (HbV) on the hypoxia-related inflammation and the microcirculation in critically ischemic peripheral tissue. DESIGN: Randomized prospective study. SETTING: University laboratory. SUBJECTS: Twenty-four male golden Syrian hamsters. INTERVENTIONS: Island flaps were dissected from the back skin of anesthetized hamsters for assessment with intravital microscopy. The flap included a critically ischemic, hypoxic area that was perfused via a collateralized vasculature. One hour after completion of the preparation, the animals received an injection of 25% of total blood volume of 0.9% NaCl or NaCl suspended with HbVs at a concentration of 5 g/dL (HbV5) or 10 g/dL (HbV10). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Plasma viscosity was increased from 1.32 cP to 1.61 cP and 2.14 cP after the administration of HbV5 and HbV10, respectively (both p < .01). Both HbV solutions raised partial oxygen tension (Clark-type microprobes) in the ischemic tissue from approximately 10 torr to 17 torr (p < .01), which was paralleled by an increase in capillary perfusion by > 200% (p < .01). The 50% increase in macromolecular capillary leakage found over time in the control animals was completely abolished by the HbV solutions (p < .01), which was accompanied by a > 50% (p < .01) reduction in cells immunohistochemically stained for tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 and in leukocyte counts, whereas no such changes were observed in the anatomically perfused, normoxic tissue. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that in critically ischemic, hypoxic peripheral tissue, hypoxia-related inflammation may be reduced by a top-load infusion of HbV solutions. We attributed this effect to a restoration of tissue oxygenation and an increase in plasma viscosity, both of which may have resulted in attenuation of secondary microcirculatory impairments.


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BACKGROUND: Patent foramen ovale (PFO) has been linked to migraine, and several retrospective studies reported an improvement in migraine prevalence or frequency after PFO closure for other reasons, mostly for secondary prevention of paradoxical embolism or following diving accidents. We investigated the outcome of patients undergoing PFO closure solely for migraine headaches refractory to medical treatment. METHODS: Seventeen patients (age 44 +/- 12 years; 76% female; one atrial septal aneurysm) underwent percutaneous PFO closure using the Amplatzer PFO Occluder (AGA Medical Corporation, Golden Valley, MN). An 18-mm device was used in two patients, a 25-mm device in 13, and a 35-mm device in two. The interventions were solely guided by fluoroscopy, without intraprocedural echocardiography. RESULTS: All implantation procedures were successful. There were no peri-procedural complications. Contrast transesophageal echocardiography after Valsalva maneuver at 6 months showed complete PFO closure in 16 patients (94%), whereas a minimal residual shunt persisted in one (6%). During 2.7 +/- 1.5 years of follow-up, no deaths and no embolic events occurred. After PFO closure, migraine headaches disappeared in four patients (24%), and improved in eight additional patients (47%). Three patients (18%) reported a decrease of their headaches by 75%, three patients (18%) a decrease of 50%, and two patients (12%) a decrease of 25%, while headaches remained unchanged in five patients (29%). No patient experienced worsening headaches. Moreover, the prevalence of migraine with aura decreased from 82 to 24% (P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that percutaneous PFO closure durably alters the spontaneous course of shunt associated migraine.


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In 1938, a young folk music collector named Alan Lomax—destined to become one of the legendary folklorists of the 20th century recorded Michigan’s richly varied folk music traditions for the Archive of American Folk-Song at the Library of Congress. Michigan in the 1930s was experiencing a golden age of folksong collecting, as local folklorists mined the trove of ballads remembered by aging lumbermen and Great Lakes schoonermen. In addition to the ballads of these north woods singers, Lomax recorded a vibrant mix of ethnic music from Detroit to the western Upper Peninsula. The multimedia performance event Folksongs from Michigan-i-o combines live performance with historic images, color movie footage, and recorded sound from the Great Depression. Some of these materials haven’t been heard or seen by the general public for more than seven decades. The traveling exhibition Michigan Folksong Legacy: Grand Discoveries from the Great Depression brings Alan Lomax’s 1938 field trip to life through words, song lyrics, photographs, and sound recordings. Ten interpretive banners explore themes and each panel contains a QR code that links to related sound recordings from the Alan Lomax Collection at the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress.


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In 1938, a young folk music collector named Alan Lomax—destined to become one of the legendary folklorists of the 20th century recorded Michigan’s richly varied folk music traditions for the Archive of American Folk-Song at the Library of Congress. Michigan in the 1930s was experiencing a golden age of folksong collecting, as local folklorists mined the trove of ballads remembered by aging lumbermen and Great Lakes schoonermen. In addition to the ballads of these north woods singers, Lomax recorded a vibrant mix of ethnic music from Detroit to the western Upper Peninsula. The multimedia performance event Folksongs from Michigan-i-o combines live performance with historic images, color movie footage, and recorded sound from the Great Depression. Some of these materials haven’t been heard or seen by the general public for more than seven decades. The traveling exhibition Michigan Folksong Legacy: Grand Discoveries from the Great Depression brings Alan Lomax’s 1938 field trip to life through words, song lyrics, photographs, and sound recordings. Ten interpretive banners explore themes and each panel contains a QR code that links to related sound recordings from the Alan Lomax Collection at the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress.