828 resultados para GloCal vision


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This research here described explores the first phase of a research project whose aim is to introduce a new form of collaboration and communication among the Family and School through an Electronic Booklet (EB), in Spain, in the Galician schools. The EB appears to meet the growing needs of collaboration between the school and the family, promoting the teaching learning process and educational success, supported by the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Through a questionnaire we sought to obtain the perceptions of teachers and parents regarding the adoption of an EB. Both groups stressed the importance of communication between the school and the family and expressed interest in EB, as bidirectional communication tool.


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Participants at a recent workshop in Bali sought to develop a draft Southeast Asian Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) to support the implementation of the SSF Guidelines in the region.


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Certaines recherches ont investigué le traitement visuel de bas et de plus hauts niveaux chez des personnes neurotypiques et chez des personnes ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA). Cependant, l’interaction développementale entre chacun de ces niveaux du traitement visuel n’est toujours pas bien comprise. La présente thèse a donc deux objectifs principaux. Le premier objectif (Étude 1) est d’évaluer l’interaction développementale entre l’analyse visuelle de bas niveaux et de niveaux intermédiaires à travers différentes périodes développementales (âge scolaire, adolescence et âge adulte). Le second objectif (Étude 2) est d’évaluer la relation fonctionnelle entre le traitement visuel de bas niveaux et de niveaux intermédiaires chez des adolescents et des adultes ayant un TSA. Ces deux objectifs ont été évalué en utilisant les mêmes stimuli et procédures. Plus précisément, la sensibilité de formes circulaires complexes (Formes de Fréquences Radiales ou FFR), définies par de la luminance ou par de la texture, a été mesurée avec une procédure à choix forcés à deux alternatives. Les résultats de la première étude ont illustré que l’information locale des FFR sous-jacents aux processus visuels de niveaux intermédiaires, affecte différemment la sensibilité à travers des périodes développementales distinctes. Plus précisément, lorsque le contour est défini par de la luminance, la performance des enfants est plus faible comparativement à celle des adolescents et des adultes pour les FFR sollicitant la perception globale. Lorsque les FFR sont définies par la texture, la sensibilité des enfants est plus faible comparativement à celle des adolescents et des adultes pour les conditions locales et globales. Par conséquent, le type d’information locale, qui définit les éléments locaux de la forme globale, influence la période à laquelle la sensibilité visuelle atteint un niveau développemental similaire à celle identifiée chez les adultes. Il est possible qu’une faible intégration visuelle entre les mécanismes de bas et de niveaux intermédiaires explique la sensibilité réduite des FFR chez les enfants. Ceci peut être attribué à des connexions descendantes et horizontales immatures ainsi qu’au sous-développement de certaines aires cérébrales du système visuel. Les résultats de la deuxième étude ont démontré que la sensibilité visuelle en autisme est influencée par la manipulation de l’information locale. Plus précisément, en présence de luminance, la sensibilité est seulement affectée pour les conditions sollicitant un traitement local chez les personnes avec un TSA. Cependant, en présence de texture, la sensibilité est réduite pour le traitement visuel global et local. Ces résultats suggèrent que la perception de formes en autisme est reliée à l’efficacité à laquelle les éléments locaux (luminance versus texture) sont traités. Les connexions latérales et ascendantes / descendantes des aires visuelles primaires sont possiblement tributaires d’un déséquilibre entre les signaux excitateurs et inhibiteurs, influençant ainsi l’efficacité à laquelle l’information visuelle de luminance et de texture est traitée en autisme. Ces résultats supportent l’hypothèse selon laquelle les altérations de la perception visuelle de bas niveaux (local) sont à l’origine des atypies de plus hauts niveaux chez les personnes avec un TSA.


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This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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In this thesis, we will explore approaches to faculty instructional change in astronomy and physics. We primarily focus on professional development (PD) workshops, which are a central mechanism used within our community to help faculty improve their teaching. Although workshops serve a critical role for promoting more equitable instruction, we rarely assess them through careful consideration of how they engage faculty. To encourage a shift towards more reflective, research-informed PD, we developed the Real-Time Professional Development Observation Tool (R-PDOT), to document the form and focus of faculty's engagement during workshops. We then analyze video-recordings of faculty's interactions during the Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop, focusing on instances where faculty might engage in pedagogical sense-making. Finally, we consider insights gained from our own local, team-based effort to improve a course sequence for astronomy majors. We conclude with recommendations for PD leaders and researchers.


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The human-canine bond is one that has existed for thousands of years, yet not until more recently has it gained serious attention in the military medical field. The following thesis will use architecture as a way to explore the physical and psychological rehabilitative relationship between veterans and rescued canines. As soldiers return home from deployment, many struggle with reintegration into civilian life. The therapeutic potential of service dogs, however, has become a widely recognized recovery tool. Meanwhile, there are thousands of non-service dogs suffering extended periods in animal shelters with adverse psychological effects. In a society primarily centered on the typical human experience, the built environment often demonstrates a narrow perspective that lacks sensitivity towards the atypical user. Soldiers and dogs alike perceive and experience the world uniquely, and a further exploration of their distinct relationship can begin to inform how we might develop a new type of shared healing environment or co-adapted community.


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The structure of an animal’s eye is determined by the tasks it must perform. While vertebrates rely on their two eyes for all visual functions, insects have evolved a wide range of specialized visual organs to support behaviors such as prey capture, predator evasion, mate pursuit, flight stabilization, and navigation. Compound eyes and ocelli constitute the vision forming and sensing mechanisms of some flying insects. They provide signals useful for flight stabilization and navigation. In contrast to the well-studied compound eye, the ocelli, seen as the second visual system, sense fast luminance changes and allows for fast visual processing. Using a luminance-based sensor that mimics the insect ocelli and a camera-based motion detection system, a frequency-domain characterization of an ocellar sensor and optic flow (due to rotational motion) are analyzed. Inspired by the insect neurons that make use of signals from both vision sensing mechanisms, advantages, disadvantages and complementary properties of ocellar and optic flow estimates are discussed.


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José Mourinho, The Special One – a Glocal Phenomenon, addresses some unresolved issues regarding the debate on standardization/adaptation, which opened space for other alternatives, such as the glocal approach. Resorting to different types of information and considering existent theoretical contributions, the paper intends to understand how to implement this approach. Using Mourinho’s career, the work shows that a manager confronted with different backgrounds is more prone to succeed if he accounts for characteristics common to all, recognizing, simultaneously, the several differences between them. The main conclusion this study yields is that the internal/external forces are vital to build a glocal approach.


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Strawberries harvested for processing as frozen fruits are currently de-calyxed manually in the field. This process requires the removal of the stem cap with green leaves (i.e. the calyx) and incurs many disadvantages when performed by hand. Not only does it necessitate the need to maintain cutting tool sanitation, but it also increases labor time and exposure of the de-capped strawberries before in-plant processing. This leads to labor inefficiency and decreased harvest yield. By moving the calyx removal process from the fields to the processing plants, this new practice would reduce field labor and improve management and logistics, while increasing annual yield. As labor prices continue to increase, the strawberry industry has shown great interest in the development and implementation of an automated calyx removal system. In response, this dissertation describes the design, operation, and performance of a full-scale automatic vision-guided intelligent de-calyxing (AVID) prototype machine. The AVID machine utilizes commercially available equipment to produce a relatively low cost automated de-calyxing system that can be retrofitted into existing food processing facilities. This dissertation is broken up into five sections. The first two sections include a machine overview and a 12-week processing plant pilot study. Results of the pilot study indicate the AVID machine is able to de-calyx grade-1-with-cap conical strawberries at roughly 66 percent output weight yield at a throughput of 10,000 pounds per hour. The remaining three sections describe in detail the three main components of the machine: a strawberry loading and orientation conveyor, a machine vision system for calyx identification, and a synchronized multi-waterjet knife calyx removal system. In short, the loading system utilizes rotational energy to orient conical strawberries. The machine vision system determines cut locations through RGB real-time feature extraction. The high-speed multi-waterjet knife system uses direct drive actuation to locate 30,000 psi cutting streams to precise coordinates for calyx removal. Based on the observations and studies performed within this dissertation, the AVID machine is seen to be a viable option for automated high-throughput strawberry calyx removal. A summary of future tasks and further improvements is discussed at the end.


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Este artículo analiza las principales contribuciones de una corriente emergente dentro del campo de la sociología denominada por quienes han promovido su desarrollo como sociología económica. Se sistematizan en el texto un conjunto de propuestas analíticas y formulaciones teóricas que en la bibliografía aparecen dispersas, pero cuya articulación enriquecería la comprensión que tenemos sobre el origen, configuración y dinámica de los mercados y de la acción económica de los sujetos sociales.El texto se estructura en torno a cuatro ideas básicas. Primero, que los mercados no son realidades universales y autocontenidas, sino, por el contrario, productos socio-históricos. Suconfiguración, estructura y dinámica están cruzadas por la presencia de instituciones sociales que hacen viable su surgimiento, consolidación y desarrollo. Segundo, que la acción económica no es llevada a cabo por agentes individuales dotados de una racionalidad económica que se superpone a cualquier otro tipo de racionalidad.


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This article describes the Robot Vision challenge, a competition that evaluates solutions for the visual place classification problem. Since its origin, this challenge has been proposed as a common benchmark where worldwide proposals are measured using a common overall score. Each new edition of the competition introduced novelties, both for the type of input data and subobjectives of the challenge. All the techniques used by the participants have been gathered up and published to make it accessible for future developments. The legacy of the Robot Vision challenge includes data sets, benchmarking techniques, and a wide experience in the place classification research that is reflected in this article.


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Visual inputs to artificial and biological visual systems are often quantized: cameras accumulate photons from the visual world, and the brain receives action potentials from visual sensory neurons. Collecting more information quanta leads to a longer acquisition time and better performance. In many visual tasks, collecting a small number of quanta is sufficient to solve the task well. The ability to determine the right number of quanta is pivotal in situations where visual information is costly to obtain, such as photon-starved or time-critical environments. In these situations, conventional vision systems that always collect a fixed and large amount of information are infeasible. I develop a framework that judiciously determines the number of information quanta to observe based on the cost of observation and the requirement for accuracy. The framework implements the optimal speed versus accuracy tradeoff when two assumptions are met, namely that the task is fully specified probabilistically and constant over time. I also extend the framework to address scenarios that violate the assumptions. I deploy the framework to three recognition tasks: visual search (where both assumptions are satisfied), scotopic visual recognition (where the model is not specified), and visual discrimination with unknown stimulus onset (where the model is dynamic over time). Scotopic classification experiments suggest that the framework leads to dramatic improvement in photon-efficiency compared to conventional computer vision algorithms. Human psychophysics experiments confirmed that the framework provides a parsimonious and versatile explanation for human behavior under time pressure in both static and dynamic environments.