948 resultados para Ginzburg-Landau-Langevin equations
Let a > 0, Omega subset of R(N) be a bounded smooth domain and - A denotes the Laplace operator with Dirichlet boundary condition in L(2)(Omega). We study the damped wave problem {u(tt) + au(t) + Au - f(u), t > 0, u(0) = u(0) is an element of H(0)(1)(Omega), u(t)(0) = v(0) is an element of L(2)(Omega), where f : R -> R is a continuously differentiable function satisfying the growth condition vertical bar f(s) - f (t)vertical bar <= C vertical bar s - t vertical bar(1 + vertical bar s vertical bar(rho-1) + vertical bar t vertical bar(rho-1)), 1 < rho < (N - 2)/(N + 2), (N >= 3), and the dissipativeness condition limsup(vertical bar s vertical bar ->infinity) s/f(s) < lambda(1) with lambda(1) being the first eigenvalue of A. We construct the global weak solutions of this problem as the limits as eta -> 0(+) of the solutions of wave equations involving the strong damping term 2 eta A(1/2)u with eta > 0. We define a subclass LS subset of C ([0, infinity), L(2)(Omega) x H(-1)(Omega)) boolean AND L(infinity)([0, infinity), H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega)) of the `limit` solutions such that through each initial condition from H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega) passes at least one solution of the class LS. We show that the class LS has bounded dissipativeness property in H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega) and we construct a closed bounded invariant subset A of H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega), which is weakly compact in H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega) and compact in H({I})(s)(Omega) x H(s-1)(Omega), s is an element of [0, 1). Furthermore A attracts bounded subsets of H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega) in H({I})(s)(Omega) x H(s-1)(Omega), for each s is an element of [0, 1). For N = 3, 4, 5 we also prove a local uniqueness result for the case of smooth initial data.
We consider retarded functional differential equations in the setting of Kurzweil-Henstock integrable functions and we state an averaging result for these equations. Our result generalizes previous ones. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The paper studies a class of a system of linear retarded differential difference equations with several parameters. It presents some sufficient conditions under which no stability changes for an equilibrium point occurs. Application of these results is given. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we study the existence of global solutions for a class of impulsive abstract functional differential equation. An application involving a parabolic system With impulses is considered. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Inspired by the theory of semigroups of growth a, we construct an evolution process of growth alpha. The abstract theory is applied to study semilinear singular non-autonomous parabolic problems. We prove that. under natural assumptions. a reasonable concept of solution can be given to Such semilinear singularly non-autonomous problems. Applications are considered to non-autonomous parabolic problems in space of Holder continuous functions and to a parabolic problem in a domain Omega subset of R(n) with a one dimensional handle.
It is known that retarded functional differential equations can be regarded as Banach-space-valued generalized ordinary differential equations (GODEs). In this paper, some stability concepts for retarded functional differential equations are introduced and they are discussed using known stability results for GODEs. Then the equivalence of the different concepts of stabilities considered here are proved and converse Lyapunov theorems for a very wide class of retarded functional differential equations are obtained by means of the correspondence of this class of equations with GODEs.
We prove the existence of ground state solutions for a stationary Schrodinger-Poisson equation in R(3). The proof is based on the mountain pass theorem and it does not require the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we consider an initial value problem for a class of generalized ODEs, also known as Kurzweil equations, and we prove the existence of a local semidynamical system there. Under certain perturbation conditions, we also show that this class of generalized ODEs admits a discontinuous semiflow which we shall refer to as an impulsive semidynamical system. As a consequence, we obtain LaSalle`s invariance principle for such a class of generalized ODEs. Due to the importance of LaSalle`s invariance principle in studying stability of differential systems, we include an application to autonomous ordinary differential systems with impulse action at variable times. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper describes a collocation method for numerically solving Cauchy-type linear singular integro-differential equations. The numerical method is based on the transformation of the integro-differential equation into an integral equation, and then applying a collocation method to solve the latter. The collocation points are chosen as the Chebyshev nodes. Uniform convergence of the resulting method is then discussed. Numerical examples are presented and solved by the numerical techniques.
A finite difference technique, based on a projection method, is developed for solving the dynamic three-dimensional Ericksen-Leslie equations for nematic liquid crystals subject to a strong magnetic field. The governing equations in this situation are derived using primitive variables and are solved using the ideas behind the GENSMAC methodology (Tome and McKee [32]; Tome et al. [34]). The resulting numerical technique is then validated by comparing the numerical solution against an analytic solution for steady three-dimensional flow between two-parallel plates subject to a strong magnetic field. The validated code is then employed to solve channel flow for which there is no analytic solution. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The spectral theory for linear autonomous neutral functional differential equations (FDE) yields explicit formulas for the large time behaviour of solutions. Our results are based on resolvent computations and Dunford calculus, applied to establish explicit formulas for the large time behaviour of solutions of FDE. We investigate in detail a class of two-dimensional systems of FDE. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We present a sufficient condition for a zero of a function that arises typically as the characteristic equation of a linear functional differential equations of neutral type, to be simple and dominant. This knowledge is useful in order to derive the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of such equations. A simple characteristic equation, arisen from the study of delay equations with small delay, is analyzed in greater detail. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we study binary differential equations a(x, y)dy (2) + 2b(x, y) dx dy + c(x, y)dx (2) = 0, where a, b, and c are real analytic functions. Following the geometric approach of Bruce and Tari in their work on multiplicity of implicit differential equations, we introduce a definition of the index for this class of equations that coincides with the classical Hopf`s definition for positive binary differential equations. Our results also apply to implicit differential equations F(x, y, p) = 0, where F is an analytic function, p = dy/dx, F (p) = 0, and F (pp) not equal aEuro parts per thousand 0 at the singular point. For these equations, we relate the index of the equation at the singular point with the index of the gradient of F and index of the 1-form omega = dy -aEuro parts per thousand pdx defined on the singular surface F = 0.
The two-fluid and Landau criteria for superfluidity are compared for trapped Bose gases. While the two-fluid criterion predicts translational superfluidity, it is suggested, on the basis of the homogeneous Gross-Pitaevski limit, that a necessary part of Landau`s criterion, adequate for non-translationally invariant systems, does not hold for trapped Bose gases in the GP limit. As a consequence, if the compressibility is detected to be very large (infinite by experimental standards), the two-fluid criterion is seen to be the relevant one in case the system is a translational superfluid, while the Landau criterion is the relevant one if translational superfluidity is absent.
We consider the three-particle scattering S-matrix for the Landau-Lifshitz model by directly computing the set of the Feynman diagrams up to the second order. We show, following the analogous computations for the non-linear Schrdinger model [1, 2], that the three-particle S-matrix is factorizable in the first non-trivial order.