965 resultados para Geometrical optics


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Donada una aplicació racional en una varietat complexa, Bellon i Viallet van definit l’entropia algebraica d’aquesta aplicació i van provar que aquest valor és un invariant biracional. Un invariant biracional equivalent és el grau asimptòtic, grau dinàmic o complexitat, definit per Boukraa i Maillard. Aquesta noció és propera a la complexitat definida per Arnold. Conjecturalment, el grau asimptòtic satisfà una recurrència lineal amb coeficients enters. Aquesta conjectura ha estat provada en el cas polinòmic en el pla afí complex per Favre i Jonsson i resta oberta en per al cas projectiu global i per al cas local. L’estudi de l’arbre valoratiu de Favre i Jonsson ha resultat clau per resoldre la conjectura en el cas polinòmic en el pla afí complex. El beneficiari ha estudiat l’arbre valoratiu global de Favre i Jonsson i ha reinterpretat algunes nocions i resultats des d’un punt de vista més geomètric. Així mateix, ha estudiat la demostració de la conjectura de Bellon – Viallet en el cas polinòmic en el pla afí complex com a primer pas per trobar una demostració en el cas local i projectiu global en estudis futurs. El projecte inclou un estudi detallat de l'arbre valoratiu global des d'un punt de vista geomètric i els primers passos de la demostració de la conjectura de Bellon - Viallet en el cas polinòmic en el pla afí complex que van efectuar Favre i Jonsson.


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Donada una aplicació racional en una varietat complexa, Bellon i Viallet van definit l’entropia algebraica d’aquesta aplicació i van provar que aquest valor és un invariant biracional. Un invariant biracional equivalent és el grau asimptòtic, grau dinàmic o complexitat, definit per Boukraa i Maillard. Aquesta noció és propera a la complexitat definida per Arnold. Conjecturalment, el grau asimptòtic satisfà una recurrència lineal amb coeficients enters. Aquesta conjectura ha estat provada en el cas polinòmic en el pla afí complex per Favre i Jonsson i resta oberta en per al cas projectiu global i per al cas local. L’estudi de l’arbre valoratiu de Favre i Jonsson ha resultat clau per resoldre la conjectura en el cas polinòmic en el pla afí complex. El beneficiari ha estudiat l’arbre valoratiu global de Favre i Jonsson i ha reinterpretat algunes nocions i resultats des d’un punt de vista més geomètric. Així mateix, ha estudiat la demostració de la conjectura de Bellon – Viallet en el cas polinòmic en el pla afí complex com a primer pas per trobar una demostració en el cas local i projectiu global en estudis futurs. El projecte inclou un estudi detallat de l'arbre valoratiu global des d'un punt de vista geomètric i els primers passos de la demostració de la conjectura de Bellon - Viallet en el cas polinòmic en el pla afí complex que van efectuar Favre i Jonsson.


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Measuring tissue oxygenation in vivo is of interest in fundamental biological as well as medical applications. One minimally invasive approach to assess the oxygen partial pressure in tissue (pO2) is to measure the oxygen-dependent luminescence lifetime of molecular probes. The relation between tissue pO2 and the probes' luminescence lifetime is governed by the Stern-Volmer equation. Unfortunately, virtually all oxygen-sensitive probes based on this principle induce some degree of phototoxicity. For that reason, we studied the oxygen sensitivity and phototoxicity of dichlorotris(1, 10-phenanthroline)-ruthenium(II) hydrate [Ru(Phen)] using a dedicated optical fiber-based, time-resolved spectrometer in the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane. We demonstrated that, after intravenous injection, Ru(Phen)'s luminescence lifetime presents an easily detectable pO2 dependence at a low drug dose (1 mg∕kg) and low fluence (120 mJ∕cm2 at 470 nm). The phototoxic threshold was found to be at 10 J∕cm2 with the same wavelength and drug dose, i.e., about two orders of magnitude larger than the fluence necessary to perform a pO2 measurement. Finally, an illustrative application of this pO2 measurement approach in a hypoxic tumor environment is presented.


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The objective of this work is to present a multitechnique approach to define the geometry, the kinematics, and the failure mechanism of a retrogressive large landslide (upper part of the La Valette landslide, South French Alps) by the combination of airborne and terrestrial laser scanning data and ground-based seismic tomography data. The advantage of combining different methods is to constrain the geometrical and failure mechanism models by integrating different sources of information. Because of an important point density at the ground surface (4. 1 points m?2), a small laser footprint (0.09 m) and an accurate three-dimensional positioning (0.07 m), airborne laser scanning data are adapted as a source of information to analyze morphological structures at the surface. Seismic tomography surveys (P-wave and S-wave velocities) may highlight the presence of low-seismic-velocity zones that characterize the presence of dense fracture networks at the subsurface. The surface displacements measured from the terrestrial laser scanning data over a period of 2 years (May 2008?May 2010) allow one to quantify the landslide activity at the direct vicinity of the identified discontinuities. An important subsidence of the crown area with an average subsidence rate of 3.07 m?year?1 is determined. The displacement directions indicate that the retrogression is controlled structurally by the preexisting discontinuities. A conceptual structural model is proposed to explain the failure mechanism and the retrogressive evolution of the main scarp. Uphill, the crown area is affected by planar sliding included in a deeper wedge failure system constrained by two preexisting fractures. Downhill, the landslide body acts as a buttress for the upper part. Consequently, the progression of the landslide body downhill allows the development of dip-slope failures, and coherent blocks start sliding along planar discontinuities. The volume of the failed mass in the crown area is estimated at 500,000 m3 with the sloping local base level method.


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El procés de fusió de dues o més imatges de la mateixa escena en una d'única i més gran és conegut com a Image Mosaicing. Un cop finalitzat el procés de construcció d'un mosaic, els límits entre les imatges són habitualment visibles, degut a imprecisions en els registres fotomètric i geomètric. L'Image Blending és l'etapa del procediment de mosaicing a la que aquests artefactes són minimitzats o suprimits. Existeixen diverses metodologies a la literatura que tracten aquests problemes, però la majoria es troben orientades a la creació de panorames terrestres, imatges artístiques d'alta resolució o altres aplicacions a les quals el posicionament de la càmera o l'adquisició de les imatges no són etapes rellevants. El treball amb imatges subaquàtiques presenta desafiaments importants, degut a la presència d'scattering (reflexions de partícules en suspensió) i atenuació de la llum i a condicions físiques extremes a milers de metres de profunditat, amb control limitat dels sistemes d'adquisició i la utilització de tecnologia d'alt cost. Imatges amb il·luminació artificial similar, sense llum global com la oferta pel sol, han de ser unides sense mostrar una unió perceptible. Les imatges adquirides a gran profunditat presenten una qualitat altament depenent de la profunditat, i la seva degradació amb aquest factor és molt rellevant. El principal objectiu del treball és presentar dels principals problemes de la imatge subaquàtica, seleccionar les estratègies més adequades i tractar tota la seqüència adquisició-procesament-visualització del procés. Els resultats obtinguts demostren que la solució desenvolupada, basada en una Estratègia de Selecció de Límit Òptim, Fusió en el Domini del Gradient a les regions comunes i Emfatització Adaptativa d'Imatges amb baix nivell de detall permet obtenir uns resultats amb una alta qualitat. També s'ha proposat una estratègia, amb possibilitat d'implementació paral·lela, que permet processar mosaics de kilòmetres d'extensió amb resolució de centímetres per píxel.


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The Cinque Torri group (Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy) is an articulated system of unstable carbonatic rock monoliths located in a very important tourism area and therefore characterized by a significant risk. The instability phenomena involved represent an example of lateral spreading developed over a larger deep seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD) area. After the recent fall of a monolith of more than 10 000 m3, a scientific study was initiated to monitor the more unstable sectors and to characterize the past movements as a fundamental tool for predicting future movements and hazard assessment. To achieve greater insight on the ongoing lateral spreading process, a method for a quantitative analysis of rotational movements associated with the lateral spreading has been developed, applied and validated. The method is based on: i) detailed geometrical characterization of the area by means of laser scanner techniques; ii) recognition of the discontinuity sets and definition of a reference frame for each set, iii) correlation between the obtained reference frames related to a specific sector and a stable external reference frame, and iv) determination of the 3D rotations in terms of Euler angles to describe the present settlement of the Cinque Torri system with respect to the surrounding stable areas. In this way, significant information on the processes involved in the fragmentation and spreading of a former dolomitic plateau into different rock cliffs has been gained. The method is suitable to be applied to similar case studies.


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El Grup Consolidat d’Innovació Docent de Mineralogia i òptica cristal·lina de la Universitat de Barcelona ha desenvolupat un CD interactiu que simula el funcionament d’un microscopi petrogràfic, per tal de facilitar a l’alumne un material d’autoaprenentatge, ha de servir per a reforçar els coneixements dels minerals formadors de roques en làmina prima. Aquest material te tres entrades diferents, en català, castellà i anglès. Cada mineral té una fitxa general amb les seves propietats òptiques i una complementaria amb les característiques cristal·logràfiques, camp d’estabilitat, diagrames de fases i característiques morfològiques del mineral a observar, les quals marquen els trets determinatius d’aquell mineral per tal de facilitar el seu reconeixement. Per tal de complementar les dades s’han introduït links directes amb la planes web: “webmineral” i “mindat” on hi ha les corresponents estructures i morfologies “interactives” de cadascun dels minerals que apareixen en el programa. En l’aplicació informàtica hi ha 169 filmacions corresponents a 43 dels principals minerals que formen les roques, una filmació correspon a la imatge només amb el polaritzador, i l'altre a la imatge amb el polaritzador més l'analitzador. Cadascuna d'aquestes imatges es presenta amb un gir de 360º; es pot aturar i després continuar girant, simulant el que veuríem al microscopi. D'aquesta manera es pot determinar el pleocroisme, la presència de macles, el color d'interferència i l'angle d'extinció.. S’ha intentat sempre que hi hagués diferents exemples d’un mateix mineral en diverses paragènesis. També s'incorpora una fitxa que l'usuari pot omplir amb les característiques texturals i òptiques del mineral agrupades segons les observacions que es fan, bé amb el polaritzador, amb el polaritzador i l'analitzador o bé amb les condicions específiques per veure la figura d'interferència i el signe òptic. Aquesta fitxa, un cop plena, es pot imprimir. En tot moment hi ha un menú d’ajuda on l’usuari pot remetre i fer la consulta adient per poder continuar.


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Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) allows optical-path-difference (OPD) measurements with nanometric accuracy. OPD induced by transparent cells depends on both the refractive index (RI) of cells and their morphology. This Letter presents a dual-wavelength DHM that allows us to separately measure both the RI and the cellular thickness by exploiting an enhanced dispersion of the perfusion medium achieved by the utilization of an extracellular dye. The two wavelengths are chosen in the vicinity of the absorption peak of the dye, where the absorption is accompanied by a significant variation of the RI as a function of the wavelength.


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The finding of Panstrongylus geniculatus nymphs inside a house in northeastern Antioquia, Colombia, and the reports related to their increasing presence in homes suggest the need for surveillance methods for monitoring the invasion processes. We analyzed the morphological differences between a wild population and its laboratory descendants, using the techniques of geometric morphometry, with the idea that such differences might parallel those between sylvatic and synanthropic populations. The analyses over five generations showed differences in size but not in shape. Head size and wing size were both reduced from sylvatic to laboratory populations, but the decrease in head size occurred only up to the second generation while the decrease in wing size proceeded up to the fifth generation. In contrast, although a decrease in sexual size dimorphism has been proposed as a marker of colonization in human dwellings, we did not detect any significant loss of dimorphism between sexes of P. geniculatus over the five generations studied. We conclude that size changes may have a physiological origin in response to a change of ecotopes, but more than five generations may be required for the expression of permanent morphological markers of human dwellings colonization.


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Different interferometric techniques were developed last decade to obtain full field, quantitative, and absolute phase imaging, such as phase-shifting, Fourier phase microscopy, Hilbert phase microscopy or digital holographic microscopy (DHM). Although, these techniques are very similar, DHM combines several advantages. In contrast, to phase shifting, DHM is indeed capable of single-shot hologram recording allowing a real-time absolute phase imaging. On the other hand, unlike to Fourier phase or Hilbert phase microscopy, DHM does not require to record in focus images of the specimen on the digital detector (CCD or CMOS camera), because a numerical focalization adjustment can be performed by a numerical wavefront propagation. Consequently, the depth of view of high NA microscope objectives is numerically extended. For example, two different biological cells, floating at different depths in a liquid, can be focalized numerically from the same digital hologram. Moreover, the numerical propagation associated to digital optics and automatic fitting procedures, permits vibrations insensitive full- field phase imaging and the complete compensation for a priori any image distortion or/and phase aberrations introduced for example by imperfections of holders or perfusion chamber. Examples of real-time full-field phase images of biological cells have been demonstrated. ©2008 COPYRIGHT SPIE


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Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) is a technique that allows obtaining, from a single recorded hologram, quantitative phase image of living cell with interferometric accuracy. Specifically the optical phase shift induced by the specimen on the transmitted wave front can be regarded as a powerful endogenous contrast agent, depending on both the thickness and the refractive index of the sample. Thanks to a decoupling procedure cell thickness and intracellular refractive index can be measured separately. Consequently, Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), two highly relevant clinical parameters, have been measured non-invasively at a single cell level. The DHM nanometric axial and microsecond temporal sensitivities have permitted to measure the red blood cell membrane fluctuations (CMF) on the whole cell surface. ©2009 COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the circulating filarial antigen (CFA) detected by the monoclonal antibody (mAb) Og4C3-ELISA in paired samples of serum and hydrocele fluid from 104 men with hydrocele, living in an endemic area of Wuchereria bancrofti. Nocturnal blood specimens were filtered and examined for microfilariae (MF) and ultrasound was used in order to identify the presence of adult worms (the filaria dance sign - FDS) in the lymphatic vessels of the scrotal area. Four groups were selected according to their parasitological status: group I - 71 MF- and FDS-; group II - 21 MF+ and FDS+; group III - 10 MF- and FDS+ and group IV- 2 MF+ and FDS-. CFA was identified simultaneously (fluid and serum) in 11 (15.5%), 21 (100%), 3 (30%), and 1 (50%) in groups I, II, III, and IV, respectively. In despite of high CFA+ level (antigen Og4C3) units/ml, the Geometrical Mean (GM) = 2696) in the sera of these 36/104 paired samples, when compared to the hydrocele fluid, (GM = 1079), showed a very good correlation between the CFA level in the serum and CFA level in the fluid (r = 0.731). CFA level in the serum of the 23 microfilaremics (groups II and IV) was extremely high (GM = 4189) and was correlated with MF density (r = 0.442). These findings report for the first time the potential alternative use of the hydrocele fluid to investigate CFA using the mAb Og4C3-ELISA.


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We report on advanced dual-wavelength digital holographic microscopy (DHM) methods, enabling single-acquisition real-time micron-range measurements while maintaining single-wavelength interferometric resolution in the nanometer regime. In top of the unique real-time capability of our technique, it is shown that axial resolution can be further increased compared to single-wavelength operation thanks to the uncorrelated nature of both recorded wavefronts. It is experimentally demonstrated that DHM topographic investigation within 3 decades measurement range can be achieved with our arrangement, opening new applications possibilities for this interferometric technique. ©2008 COPYRIGHT SPIE


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X-ray microtomography has become a new tool in earth sciences to obtain non-destructive 3D-image data from geological objects in which variations in mineralogy, chemical composition and/or porosity create sufficient x-ray density contrasts.We present here first, preliminary results of an application to the external and internal morphology of Permian to Recent Larger Foraminifera. We use a SkyScan-1072 high-resolution desk-top micro-CT system. The system has a conical x-ray source with a spot size of about 5µm that runs at 20-100kV, 0-250µA, resulting in a maximal resolution of 5µm. X-ray transmission images are captured by a scintillator coupled via fibre optics to a 1024x1024 pixel 12-bit CCD. The object is placed between the x-ray source and the scintillator on a stub that rotates 360°around its vertical axis in steps as small as 0.24 degrees. Sample size is limited to 2 cm due to the absorption of geologic material for x-rays. The transmission images are back projected using a Feldkamp algorithm into a vertical stack of up to 1000 1Kx1K images that represent horizontal cuts of the object. This calculation takes 2 to several hours on a Double-Processor 2.4GHz PC. The stack of images (.bmp) can be visualized with any 3D-imaging software, used to produce cuts of Larger Foraminifera. Among other applications, the 3D-imaging software furnished by SkyScan can produce 3D-models by defining a threshold density value to distinguish "solid" from "void. Several models with variable threshold values and colors can be imbricated, rotated and cut together. The best results were obtained with microfossils devoid of chamber-filling cements (Permian, Eocene, Recent). However, even slight differences in cement mineralogy/composition can result in surprisingly good x-ray density contrasts.X-ray microtomography may develop into a powerful tool for larger microfossils with a complex internal structure, because it is non-destructive, requires no preparation of the specimens, and produces a true 3D-image data set. We will use these data sets in the future to produce cuts in any direction to compare them with arbitrary cuts of complex microfossils in thin sections. Many groups of benthic and planktonic foraminifera may become more easily determinable in thin section by this way.