871 resultados para Gas Poisoning
Allergic asthma represents an important public health issue, most common in the paediatric population, characterized by airway inflammation that may lead to changes in volatiles secreted via the lungs. Thus, exhaled breath has potential to be a matrix with relevant metabolomic information to characterize this disease. Progress in biochemistry, health sciences and related areas depends on instrumental advances, and a high throughput and sensitive equipment such as comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time of flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC–ToFMS) was considered. GC × GC–ToFMS application in the analysis of the exhaled breath of 32 children with allergic asthma, from which 10 had also allergic rhinitis, and 27 control children allowed the identification of several hundreds of compounds belonging to different chemical families. Multivariate analysis, using Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis in tandem with Monte Carlo Cross Validation was performed to assess the predictive power and to help the interpretation of recovered compounds possibly linked to oxidative stress, inflammation processes or other cellular processes that may characterize asthma. The results suggest that the model is robust, considering the high classification rate, sensitivity, and specificity. A pattern of six compounds belonging to the alkanes characterized the asthmatic population: nonane, 2,2,4,6,6-pentamethylheptane, decane, 3,6-dimethyldecane, dodecane, and tetradecane. To explore future clinical applications, and considering the future role of molecular-based methodologies, a compound set was established to rapid access of information from exhaled breath, reducing the time of data processing, and thus, becoming more expedite method for the clinical purposes.
MELO, Dulce Maria de Araújo et al. Evaluation of the Zinox and Zeolite materials as adsorbents to remove H2S from natural gas. Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Estados Unidos, v. 272, p. 32-36, 2006.
With the increasing of energetic consumption in the worldwile, conventional reservoirs, known by their easy exploration and exploitation, are not being enough to satisfy this demand, what has made necessary exploring unconventional reservoirs. This kind of exploration demands developing more advanced technologies to make possible to exploit those hydrocarbons. Tight gas is an example of this kind of unconventional reservoir. It refers to sandstone fields with low porosity, around 8%, and permeabilities between 0.1 and 0.0001 mD, which accumulates considerable amounts of natural gas. That natural gas can only be extracted by applying hydraulic fracturing, aiming at stimulating the reservoir, by creating a preferential way through the reservoir to the well, changing and making easier the flow of fluids, thus increasing the productivity of those reservoirs. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is analyzing the recovery factor of a reservoir by applying hydraulic fracturing. All the studies were performed through simulations using the IMEX software, by CMG (Computer Modelling Group), in it 2012.10 version
We have studied the universal conductance fluctuations (UCF) due to quantum interface in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) grown on the substrates with pre-patterned, sub-micron wires. The dependence of UCF on the angle between the direction of the magnetic field and the substrate has been investigated. We found, that magnetoresistance traces for different angles are completely uncorrelated. A non-planar character of electron motion is responsible for these angular conductance fluctuations. We compared the experimental results with a simple geometrical model.
The influence of 2 different levels of the inspired oxygen fraction (FiO(2)) on blood gas variables was evaluated in dogs with high intracranial pressure (ICP) during propofol anesthesia (induction followed by a continuous rate infusion [CRI] of 0.6 mg/kg/min) and intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV). Eight adult mongrel dogs were anesthetized on 2 occasions, 21 d apart, and received oxygen at an FiO(2) of 1.0 (G100) or 0.6 (G60) in a randomized crossover fashion. A fiberoptic catheter was implanted on the surface of the right cerebral cortex for assessment of the ICP. An increase in the ICP was induced by temporary ligation of the jugular vein 50 min after induction of anesthesia and immediately after baseline measurement of the ICP. Blood gas measurements were taken 20 min later and then at 15-min intervals for 1 h. Numerical data were submitted to Morrison's multivariate statistical methods. The ICP, the cerebral perfusion pressure and the mean arterial pressure did not differ significantly between FiO(2) levels or measurement times after jugular ligation. The only blood gas values that differed significantly (P < 0.05) were the arterial oxygen partial pressure, which was greater with G100 than with G60 throughout the procedure, and the venous haemoglobin saturation, that was greater with G100 than with G60 at M0. There were no significant differences between FiO(2) levels or measurement times in the following blood gas variables: arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure, arterial hemoglobin saturation, base deficit, bicarbonate concentration, pH, venous oxygen partial pressure, venous carbon dioxide partial pressure and the arterial-to-end-tidal carbon dioxide difference.
In the present study we evaluated the precision of the ELISA method to quantify caffeine in human plasma and compared the results with those obtained by gas chromatography. A total of 58 samples were analyzed by gas chromatography using a nitrogen-phosphorus detector and routine techniques. For the ELISA test, the samples were diluted to obtain a concentration corresponding to 50% of the absorbance of the standard curve. To determine whether the proximity between the I50 of the standard curve and that of the sample would bring about a more precise result, the samples were divided into three blocks according to the criterion of difference, in modulus, of the I50 of the standard curve and of the I50 of the sample. The samples were classified into three groups. The first was composed of 20 samples with I50 up to 1.5 ng/ml, the second consisted of 21 samples with I50 ranging from 1.51 to 3 ng/ml, and the third of 17 samples with I50 ranging from 3.01 to 13 ng/ml. The determination coefficient (R² = 0.999) showed that the data obtained by gas chromatography represented a reliable basis. The results obtained by ELISA were also reliable, with an estimated Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.82 between the two methods. This coefficient for the different groups (0.88, 0.79 and 0.49 for groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively) showed greater reliability for the test with dilutions closer to I50.
Avaliou-se a pressão intra-ocular (PIO) e estimaram-se as correlações entre PIO e pressão de dióxido de carbono (PaCO2) e pH arterial de cinco caracarás (Caracara plancus), anestesiados com isofluorano (ISO) ou sevofluorano (SEV). Valores basais da PIO foram aferidos em ambos os olhos (M0). Cateterizou-se previamente a artéria braquial para obtenção de parâmetros hemogasométricos e cardiorrespiratórios. Anestesia foi induzida com ISO a 5V% e mantida por 40 minutos com 2,5V%. PIO e amostras de sangue foram avaliadas em diferentes momentos até o final do procedimento. Após recuperação, uma segunda anestesia foi realizada com SEV a 6% e mantida com 3,5%. Os parâmetros foram aferidos nos mesmos momentos estabelecidos previamente. A PIO decresceu significativamente (P=0,012) de M0 em todos os momentos e não houve diferença estatística entre ISO e SEV. Correlações significativas entre PIO e PaCO2 e entre PIO e pH sangüíneo foram observadas apenas para a anestesia com SEV. O pH sangüíneo decresceu paralelamente a PIO, enquanto a PaCO2 aumentou, em carcarás anestesiados com isofluorano e sevofluorano.
The primary objective of this study was to estimate the amount of gas not emitted into the air in areas cultivated with sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) that were mechanically harvested. Satellite images CBERS-2/CCD, from 08-13-2004, 08-14-2005, 08-15-2006 and 08-16-2007, of northwestern São Paulo State were processed using the Geographic Information System (GIS)-IDRISI 15.0. Areas of interest (the mechanically-harvested sugarcane fields) were identified and quantified based on the spectral response of the bands studied. Based on these data, the amount of gas that was not emitted was evaluated, according to the estimate equation proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The results of 396.65 km(2) (5.91% for 2004); 447.56 km(2) (6.67% for 2005); 511.54 km(2) (7.62% in 2006); and 474.60 km(2) (7.07% for 2007), calculated from a total area of 6,710.89 km(2) with sugarcane, showed a significant increase of mechanical harvesting in the study area and a reduction of gas emissions of more than 300,000 t yr(-1).
Amongst the results of the AutPoc Project - Automation of Wells, established between UFRN and Petrobras with the support of the CNPq, FINEP, CTPETRO, FUNPEC, was developed a simulator for equipped wells of oil with the method of rise for continuous gas-lift. The gas-lift is a method of rise sufficiently used in production offshore (sea production), and its basic concept is to inject gas in the deep one of the producing well of oil transform it less dense in order to facilitate its displacement since the reservoir until the surface. Based in the use of tables and equations that condense the biggest number of information on characteristics of the reservoir, the well and the valves of gas injection, it is allowed, through successive interpolations, to simulate representative curves of the physical behavior of the existing characteristic variable. With a simulator that approaches a computer of real the physical conditions of an oil well is possible to analyze peculiar behaviors with very bigger speeds, since the constants of time of the system in question well are raised e, moreover, to optimize costs with assays in field. The simulator presents great versatility, with prominance the analysis of the influence of parameters, as the static pressure, relation gas-liquid, pressure in the head of the well, BSW (Relation Basic Sediments and Water) in curves of request in deep of the well and the attainment of the curve of performance of the well where it can be simulated rules of control and otimization. In moving the rules of control, the simulator allows the use in two ways of simulation: the application of the control saw software simulated enclosed in the proper simulator, as well as the use of external controllers. This implies that the simulator can be used as tool of validation of control algorithms. Through the potentialities above cited, of course one another powerful application for the simulator appears: the didactic use of the tool. It will be possible to use it in formation courses and recycling of engineers
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A gas chromatographic method to determine caprolactam in multilayer PA-6 films used for meat foodstuffs and cheese was developed and validated. A wide linear range (0.8-400 mu g/ml), RSD <= 4.1% and recovery higher than 90.0% were obtained for the chromatographic system, while precision and accuracy of the method showed RSD <= 3.8%, recovery from 95.5-100.0% and LOQ of 32 mu g/g. Irradiated (3, 7 and 12 kGy) and non-irradiated commercial films were analyzed. Most of them increased caprolactam levels with the increase of irradiation doses. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
An analytical procedure using supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and capillary gas chromatography with electron-capture detection was developed to determine simultaneously residues of different pesticides (organochlorine, organophosphorus, organonitrogen and pyrethroid) in honey samples. Fortification experiments were conducted to test conventional extraction (liquid-liquid) and optimize the extraction procedure in SFE by varying the CO2-modifier, temperature, extraction time and pressure. Best efficiency was achieved at 400 bar using acetonitrile as modifier at 90 degreesC. For the clean-up step, Florisil cartridges were used for both methods LLE and SFE. Recoveries for majority of pesticides from fortified samples of honey at fortification level of 0.01-0.10 mg/kg ranged 75-94% from both methods. Limits of detection found were less than 0.01 mg/kg for ECD and confirmation of pesticide identity was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in selected-ion monitoring mode. The multiresidue methods in real honey samples were applied and the results of developed methods were compared. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The applicability of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) in pesticide multiresidue analysis (organohalogen, organonitrogen, organophosphorus, and pyrethroid) in soil samples was investigated. Fortification experiments were conducted to test the conventional extraction (solid-liquid) and to optimize the extraction procedure in SFE by varying the CO2 Modifier, temperature, extraction time, and pressure. The best efficiency was achieved at 400 bar using methanol as modifier at 60 degreesC. For the SFE method, C-18 cartridges were used for the cleanup. The analytical screening was performed by gas chromatography equipped with electron-capture detection (ECD). Recoveries for the majority of pesticides from spiked samples of soil at different residence times were 1, 20, and 40 days at the fortification level of 0.04-0.10 mg/kg ranging from 70 to 97% for both methods. The detection limits found were <0.01 mg/kg for ECD, and the confirmation of pesticide identity was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in a selected-ion monitoring mode. Multiresidue methods were applied in real soil samples, and the results of the methods developed were compared.
The potential energy surfaces at the singlet (s) and the triplet (t) electronic states associated with the gas-phase ion/molecule reactions of NbO3-, NbO5-, and NbO2(OH)(2)(-) with H2O and O-2 have been investigated by means of DFT calculations at the B3LYP level. An analysis of the results points out that the most favorable reactive channel comprises s-NbO3- reacting with H2O to give an ion-molecule complex s-NbO3(H2O)without a barrier. From this minima, an intramolecular hydrogen transfer takes place between the incoming water molecule and an oxygen atom of the NbO3- fragment to render the most stable minimum, s-NbO2(OH)(2)(-). This oxyhydroxide system reacts with O-2 along a barrierless process to obtain the triplet t-NbO4(OH)(2)(-)-A intermediate, and the crossing point, CP1, between s and t electronic states has been characterized. The next step is the hydrogen-transfer process between the oxygen atom of a hydroxyl group and the one adjacent oxygen atom to render a minimum with the two OH groups near each other, t-NbO4(OH)(2)(-)-B. From this point, the last hydrogen migration takes place, to obtain the product complex, t-NbO5(H2O)(-), that can be connected with the singlet separated products, s-NbO5- and H2O. Therefore, a second crossing point, CP2, has been localized. The nature of the chemical bonding of the key minima (NbO3-, NbO2(OH)(2)(-), NbO4(OH)(2)(-)-B, and NbO5-) in both electronic states of the reaction and an interaction with O-2 has been studied by topological analysis of Becke-Edgecombe electron-localization function (ELF) and atoms-in-molecules (AIM) methodology. The niobium-oxygen interactions are characterized as unshared-electron (ionic) interactions and some oxygen-oxygen interactions as protocovalent bonds.