836 resultados para Games of chance (Mathematics)


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Bibliographie des travaux de Fermat avant les publications de son fils.--Le Diophante de Samuel Fermat (1670)--L'edition des Varia opera (1679)--Les autographes de Fermat.--Le premier projet d'édition complète et les papiers de Libri.--Le manuscrit Arbogast-Boncompagni.--Le manuscrit Vicq-d'Azyer-Boncompagni.--Les manuscrits de la Nationale, etc.: v.1, p. [ix]-xxxii.


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"Many useful and entertaining particulars, peculiarly adapted to the ingenious gentlemen engaged in the delightful study and practice of the mathematics."


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1. Concerning high school text-books in California.--2. High school athletics; a plan for state-wide faculty control prepared by the Los Angeles high scchool athletics convention.--3. Official list of high school text-books in English, Latin, Greek, French, German and Spanish.--4. Official list of high school text-books in history, economics, civics, geography of commerce, mathematics, science, music and art.--5. Revised rules governing high school certification.--6. A descriptive list of text and reference books in chemistry and physics, prepared by a committee of the Pacific coast association of chemistry and physics teachers.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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In this note we first introduce balanced critical sets and near balanced critical sets in Latin squares. Then we prove that there exist balanced critical sets in the back circulant Latin squares of order 3n for n even. Using this result we decompose the back circulant Latin squares of order 3n, n even, into three isotopic and disjoint balanced critical sets each of size 3n. We also find near balanced critical sets in the back circulant Latin squares of order 3n for n odd. Finally, we examine representatives of each main class of Latin squares of order up to six in order to determine which main classes contain balanced or near balanced critical sets.


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Risk-ranking protocols are used widely to classify the conservation status of the world's species. Here we report on the first empirical assessment of their reliability by using a retrospective study of 18 pairs of bird and mammal species (one species extinct and the other extant) with eight different assessors. The performance of individual assessors varied substantially, but performance was improved by incorporating uncertainty in parameter estimates and consensus among the assessors. When this was done, the ranks from the protocols were consistent with the extinction outcome in 70-80% of pairs and there were mismatches in only 10-20% of cases. This performance was similar to the subjective judgements of the assessors after they had estimated the range and population parameters required by the protocols, and better than any single parameter. When used to inform subjective judgement, the protocols therefore offer a means of reducing unpredictable biases that may be associated with expert input and have the advantage of making the logic behind assessments explicit. We conclude that the protocols are useful for forecasting extinctions, although they are prone to some errors that have implications for conservation. Some level of error is to be expected, however, given the influence of chance on extinction. The performance of risk assessment protocols may be improved by providing training in the application of the protocols, incorporating uncertainty in parameter estimates and using consensus among multiple assessors, including some who are experts in the application of the protocols. Continued testing and refinement of the protocols may help to provide better absolute estimates of risk, particularly by re-evaluating how the protocols accommodate missing data.


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A proposta desta pesquisa pressupõe que cada um de nós, e especificamente cada educador da associação em estudo, desenvolva sua ação educativa conforme suas convicções profundas sobre o ser humano, o mundo e a sociedade. Com qual consciência isso é vivido, é uma dúvida. Pode ocorrer que o indivíduo não tenha essa percepção. Pode ocorrer também que a pessoa pense fazer algo coerente, mas, na realidade, está agindo até contra suas próprias convicções, sem, contudo, ter consciência disso. Esta análise situa-se na perspectiva da educação popular não-formal que é desenvolvida pela Associação de Promoção Humana e Resgate da Cidadania, conhecida como Centro de Formação Profissional Padre Leo Commissari . Trata-se de uma pesquisa de pesquisa de tipo qualitativo para investigar o perfil dos educadores, e identificar sua concepção de ser humano, de mundo, de sociedade e de educação. O quadro teórico é alicerçado na visão de ser humano e de educação, segundo Paulo Freire, e na visão e identidade do ser brasileiro, de acordo com Darcy Ribeiro. A metodologia usada para a investigação é a observação participante, por meio dos jogos psicodramaticos do Psicodrama, de Jocob Levy Moreno, especialmente a teoria da Matriz de Identidade e da Ação. Tal analise permitiu identificar que os educadores participantes apresentam uma visão de ser humano contraditório, retraído e incompleto, reprodutor de uma sociedade dividida em classes. A educação, identificada como uma pilastra de garantia da vida, impregnada pela conserva cultural, parece contradizer uma vontade política de transformação.


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A paralisia cerebral, doença não progressiva, compromete movimentos e postura. A fisioterapia atual volta-se para um tratamento holístico. Brincar proporciona desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. O presente estudo tem como objetivos investigar a opinião de fisioterapeutas que atuam em neuropediatria sobre a utilização do brinquedo em sua prática clínica e verificar sua possível utilização em intervenções junto a crianças com paralisia cerebral. Utiliza-se inicialmente de questionário de opinião junto a 50 fisioterapeutas das diversas clínicas da Associação de Apoio a Criança com Deficiência, AACD - SP, verificando a utilização de brinquedos face aos diversos objetivos fisioterapeuticos; a seguir, realiza observação de 60 atendimentos, em fisioterapia aquática e de solo, de crianças com paralisia cerebral, identificando a utilização de cada categoria de brinquedo relativo ao objetivo terapêutico. Os dados obtidos no questionário revelaram em ordem decrescente utilização de: brinquedos sensório-motores 57,4%, para ganho de equilíbrio (E); 22,2% para coordenação motora (CM); 18,5% para aquisições posturais (AP) e 2% para relaxamento muscular (RM). Em relação aos jogos de faz-de-conta: 37% (E); 39% (AP) e 24% (CM).Para os jogos de regras: 54% (E); 35% (CM); 11% (AP). Com os jogos de montagem: 52% (CM); 24% (E); 24% (AP). Os dados da observação revelaram que os principais objetivos terapêuticos visados com utilização de brinquedos foram: alongamento, primeiro 10 ; fortalecimento muscular, equilíbrio e treino de marcha de 10 a 40 . Quanto à modalidade de brinquedo observada houve predomínio do faz de conta no início e no fim da sessão e das demais categorias no meio, de forma intercalada. Os dados da observação coincidiram com os do questionário revelando utilização sistemática de brinquedos com objetivos fisioterapeuticos.(AU)


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Sammanfattning Studiens fokus var dels vilka kategorier av innehåll som framkom i lärarnas kommunikation dels vilka förändringar i innehållet som uttolkades i matematiklärares kommunikation i början och i slutet av ett kompetensutvecklingsprojekt. Kontexten i kompetensutvecklingsprojektet var i form av modellen learning study, där sju lärarlag, sammanlagt 20 lärare deltagit. Ramverket i studien var tematisk analys, analys av matematiska kompetenser samt funktionell textanalys. Studiens resultat visar på flera förändringar, till exempel att de fem uttolkade huvudkategorierna innefattade fler underkategorier i slutet av kompetensutvecklingsprojektet. När det gäller matematiskt innehåll så visar analysen att lärarna kommunicerade matematika kompetenser på ett mer mångfacetterat sätt i slutet av kompetensutvecklingsprojektet. Då lärarna kommunicerade matematikundervisning använde de sig till viss del av ett annat sätt att uttrycka sig i slutet än i början av kompetensutvecklingsprojektet. I början talade de till exempel om att höra vad eleverna uttrycker till att i slutet använda sig av ordet lyssna. Resultatet visade även förändringar avseende hur lärarna samtalade om laborativt material. Fokus har flyttats från det laborativa materialet till att lärarna funderade över vilken matematik som eleverna uttryckte med hjälp av det laborativa materialet.  


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This paper reviews some basic issues and methods involved in using neural networks to respond in a desired fashion to a temporally-varying environment. Some popular network models and training methods are introduced. A speech recognition example is then used to illustrate the central difficulty of temporal data processing: learning to notice and remember relevant contextual information. Feedforward network methods are applicable to cases where this problem is not severe. The application of these methods are explained and applications are discussed in the areas of pure mathematics, chemical and physical systems, and economic systems. A more powerful but less practical algorithm for temporal problems, the moving targets algorithm, is sketched and discussed. For completeness, a few remarks are made on reinforcement learning.


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Examines the basis on which damages for misrepresentation are awarded, suggesting that the underlying principles lack coherence, and calls for clarification of the law. Argues that there are valid policy considerations justifying a distinction between the basis of the award of damages for fraudulent misrepresentation and negligent misrepresentation. Explains why identification of the three stages in the process of awarding damages for misrepresentation are crucial to the application of the underlying legal principles of causation and remoteness at the right stage of the process. Reviews case law on lost opportunity damages for fraudulent misrepresentation, the application of loss of chance principles, and recovery of post-contract losses.


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Kozlov & Maz'ya (1989, Algebra Anal., 1, 144–170) proposed an alternating iterative method for solving Cauchy problems for general strongly elliptic and formally self-adjoint systems. However, in many applied problems, operators appear that do not satisfy these requirements, e.g. Helmholtz-type operators. Therefore, in this study, an alternating procedure for solving Cauchy problems for self-adjoint non-coercive elliptic operators of second order is presented. A convergence proof of this procedure is given.


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The inverse problem of determining a spacewise-dependent heat source for the parabolic heat equation using the usual conditions of the direct problem and information from one supplementary temperature measurement at a given instant of time is studied. This spacewise-dependent temperature measurement ensures that this inverse problem has a unique solution, but the solution is unstable and hence the problem is ill-posed. We propose a variational conjugate gradient-type iterative algorithm for the stable reconstruction of the heat source based on a sequence of well-posed direct problems for the parabolic heat equation which are solved at each iteration step using the boundary element method. The instability is overcome by stopping the iterative procedure at the first iteration for which the discrepancy principle is satisfied. Numerical results are presented which have the input measured data perturbed by increasing amounts of random noise. The numerical results show that the proposed procedure yields stable and accurate numerical approximations after only a few iterations.