877 resultados para Financial Management, Hospital


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Economists consider education as an investment in man. Education develops human resources necessary for the economic and political growth of any nation. Adam Smith stressed the importance of education and included the acquired and useful activities of all the inhabitants or members of society in his concept of fixed capital. Karl Marx shared with Smith's view when he laid down that the function of education in a socialist society will be to overcome the alienation of the worker from the means of production; while developing the technical skill it will make him a complete man as well as a producer.2 Education is also considered as a powerful instrument for social change. By inculcating moral and spiritual values, it brings changes both in the individual and in the society. It aims at creating a social order founded on the values of freedom, social justice and equal opportunity.3 The objective of this exploratory study is to enquire into the existing system of managing higher educational institutions in Kerala, compare it with the accepted principles of management believed to be applicable to all organisations, and develop a model capable of introducing more effective management practices


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The thesis entitled Inventory Management In Public Sector Electrical Industry In Kerala. Investigations were carried out on inventory management in public sector electrical industry in Kerala and suggest methods to improve their efficiency. Various aspects of inventory management, its scope and need in industry are detailed. The objectives of the present study concentrates to get an overall view of the system of inventory management, assess the positions and levels of inventory. It analyzes the inventory management policies and practices, the organizational set-up for materials by the electrical undertakings. The study examines the liquidity of the electrical undertakings as well as techniques of inventory management in the electrical industry in Kerala. Hypotheses state that the existing organizational systems and practices are inadequate to ensure efficient management of inventories in electrical industry. Introduction of scientific inventory techniques has a favourable effect on the workings of inventory departments. The financial performance of the public sector electrical undertakings is not at all satisfactory on account of the high raw material costs, heavy borrowings and huge interest burdens. The scope of this study is limited to the assessment of savings, in inventories of electrical products due to inventory management. The methodology of the study is to project the cost reduction of the inventory department on the basis of data collected and to validate this projection with the aid of analysis and survey. The limitations of the study is that the data obtained relate to the period 1989-90 and earlier and the current position is not available and uniform norms cannot be applied to evaluate different inventory management organisation.


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Today India is seeking a speedy transformation of her semi-stagnant economy to a dynamic one by means of economic planning in a democratic set up. In the context of this growth oriented endeavour public sector has a vital role to play. After three decades of planned development, it has become important that India must make fresh appraisals on the role of public sector in the economic renaissance of the country. Almost no comprehensive study has been made on this vital segment of the economy vis-a-vis the growth economics. This study is an attempt to fill this need in a very modest way. It presents the subject in a new perspective. An earnest attempt is made to reveal the critical problems inhibiting the growth of the public sector from a new angle which focusses the spot-light on the economics of development.


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The research problem selected for this study is one of the important issues in the field of financial market and its marketing dimensions on which researchers and academicians encourage more research studies. This research study may be relevant considering its significance in terms of some possible findings which may be useful to Fls in framing successful market segmentation approach to turn their dissatisfied and merely' satisfied customers into delighted customers, which in turn can result in better savings mobilisation. The household segments may also be benefited from the research findings if they bring about an attitudinal change in their savings behaviour. The importance of the study may be briefly highlighted in the following points. The research study examines existing theories on market segmentation by Fls and the findings might supplement the existing theories on this topic. The study brings to light certain clues to strengthen market segmentation approach of Fls.The study throws light on the existing beliefs and perceptions on customer behaviour which may be useful in effecting some positive changes in market segmentation approach by Fls. The study suggests certain relationship between market segmentation variables and customer behaviour in the context of marketing of financial products by Fls. The study supplements the existing knowledge on different dimension of market segmentation in the financial market which might encourage future research in the field.


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In the absence of entry barrier or regulatory restrictions, Non Banking Financial Companies frantically grew and accessed the public deposit without any regulatory control. The deposit of NBFCs grew from Rs. 41.9 crore in 1971 to 53116.0 crore in 1997. This growth was the result of a combined effect of increase in the number of NBFCs and increase in the amount of deposits. The deposits amazed as above was invested in various assets especially that in motor vehicles by these asset financing NBFCs. Various tactics were adopted by these NBFCs and their agents for recovering the receivable outstanding from such assets. Both central government and RBI were concerned about the protection of depositors interest and various committees were set up to frame a comprehensive regulation for the functioning of these NBFCs.


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The problem of regional disparities in economic development is for India an inheritance from the colonial past. At the beginning of the First Five Year Plan (1950-51), three years after the advent of independence, the per capita State income showed considerable interstate variations.


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The healthcare sector in Kerala is witnessing a spiralling growth due to the healthy economic development and the serious outlook of individuals towards personal health. Private sector is thriving exuberantly well since there is a wide gap between demand and supply for healthcare due to the lack of government initiatives. The proliferation of these private hospitals have paved the way for many unhealthy practices like poor working conditions, low wages, excess workload and lack of retirement and welfare measures to the employees. This state of affairs demanded a serious investigation into the functioning of the private hospitals in Kerala, especially on the human resource management practices, as the success of every organisation depends on the satisfaction level of its employees, which, in turn, will benefit the consumer, i.e., the patients. Hence the present study was undertaken to find out the extent of human resource management practices in private hospitals in Kerala with a view to suggest appropriate remedial measures wherever required


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Solid waste management nowadays is an important environmental issue in country like India. Statistics show that there has been substantial increase in the solid waste generation especially in the urban areas. This trend can be ascribed to rapid population growth, changing lifestyles, food habits, and change in living standards, lack of financial resources, institutional weaknesses, improper choice of technology and public apathy towards municipal solid waste. Waste is directly related to the consumption of resources and dumping to the land. Ecological footprint analysis an impact assessment environment management tool makes a relationship between two factors- the amount of land required to dispose per capita generated waste. Ecological footprint analysis is a quantitative tool that represents the ecological load imposed on the earth by humans in spatial terms. By quantifying the ecological footprint we can formulate strategies to reduce the footprint and there by having a sustainable living. In this paper, an attempt is made to explore the tool Ecological Footprint Analysis with special emphasis to waste generation. The paper also discusses and analyses the waste footprint of Kochi city,India. An attempt is also made to suggest strategies to reduce the waste footprint thereby making the city sustainable, greener and cleaner


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Commercial banks play a vital role in the economic development of a country like India. Indian economy in general and banking services in particular have made rapid strides in the recent past. However, a sizeable section of the population, particularly the vulnerable groups, such as weaker sections and low income groups, continue to remain excluded from even the most basic opportunities and services provided by the financial sector. To address the issue of such financial exclusion in a holistic manner, it is essential to ensure that a range of financial services is available to every individual


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Abstract: Quality Management is an essential part of successful organisations. But the effect of it is mostly not directly visible. The effects are more indirect, and have a time lag till results appear. In todays challenging times, all activities of an organisation have to proof their ability to add value. While Value Based Management is more focussed on financial value, other concepts and models like EFQM Excellence Model and Kaplan and Nortons Balanced Score Card also point on values that are the basis and driver for financial success. Quality Management has to proof its effects on company values, and therefore the transacting mechanisms have to be identified and procedure to manage the process of Value Adding Quality Management has to be developed.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, wie Fhrung zur Bewltigung von Unternehmenskrisen und Umsetzung von Vernderungen im Kontext des Interim Management beitragen kann. Dazu wurde die Theorie transformationaler Fhrung um aufgabenbezogene und indirekte Fhrung und den Einsatz von Positionsmacht ergnzt. Damit wurden diese erfolgskritischen Fhrungsdimensionen erstmals in einem gemeinsamen theoretischen Rahmen verbunden und die Auswirkungen einer kombinierten Anwendung untersucht. Dieser neue Ansatz wurde als Total Range of Leadership bezeichnet. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung konnten neue Erkenntnisse zum Kontext und den Erfolgsfaktoren des Interim Management sowie zu den Auswirkungen und Wirkungsmechanismen transformationaler Fhrung und des Total Range of Leadership gewonnen werden. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Interim Management ein hoch effektives Vernderungsinstrument ist. Als erfolgsrelevante Rahmenbedingungen wurden die Ausstattung der Interim Manager mit umfassenden Vollmachten sowie die Untersttzung durch die Auftraggeber, als wichtigster Erfolgsfaktor des Interim Management aber eindeutig die Anwendung transformationaler Fhrung und des Total Range of Leadership identifiziert. Die Anwendung transformationaler Fhrung im Rahmen des Total Range of Leadership wirkt sich positiv auf Persnlichkeit, Einstellungen, Kompetenz und Verhalten der Mitarbeiter sowie Organisationsstruktur, Unternehmenskultur, organisationale Lernfhigkeit und finanziellen und marktbezogenen Erfolg von Unternehmens aus. Dabei erzielt transformationale Fhrung die bei Weitem grte Wirkung aller Fhrungsdimensionen. Es konnte aufgezeigt werden, dass transformationale Fhrung diese Wirkung nur in Verbindung mit der kompetenten Anwendung von transaktionaler, aufgabenbezogener und indirekter Fhrung entfalten kann. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse deuten auerdem darauf hin, dass eine transformationale Fhrungsbeziehung nur dann entstehen kann, wenn die Mitarbeiter Vertrauen in die professionelle Kompetenz und die Integritt ihrer Fhrungskraft fassen. Als normative Grundlagen transformationaler Fhrung wurden die Gewhrleistung der Wohlfahrt und des Nutzens der Gefhrten sowie der Bezug auf und die Bercksichtigung von geteilten und allgemein akzeptierte Werten, insbesondere der distributiven und prozeduralen Gerechtigkeit, identifiziert. Insgesamt deuten die Erkenntnisse der Untersuchung darauf hin, dass mit dem Total Range of Leadership ein ganzheitlicher Fhrungsansatz entwickelt wurde, der alle aktiven und positiven Fhrungsverhaltensweisen umfasst, die zur Bewltigung von Krisen und Durchfhrung von Vernderungen in Unternehmen sowie fr effektive Fhrung berhaupt erforderlich sind.


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The main objective of this PhD research study is to provide a perspective on the urban growth management and sustainable development in Palestine, and more specifically in Hebron district as a case study. Hebron is located 36 km south of Jerusalem, with an overall population size of around 600,000 people living in a total area around1246km2. Hebron is the biggest Palestinian district that has 16 municipalities and 154 localities. The research discusses and analyzes the urban planning system, economical and environmental policies and the solution required to manage and integrate the development elements to develop a sustainable development plan for Hebron. The research provides answers for fundamental questions such as what kind and definition of sustainable development are applicable to the Palestinian case?. What are the sustainability problems there and how the Israeli occupation and unstable political condition affect the sustainable development in Palestine? What are the urban growth management and sustainability policies and actions required from government, public and privets sector in Palestine? The fast urban growth in Palestine is facing many problems and challenges due to the increase in the population size and the resulting impact of this increase including, but not limited to, the demand of new houses, need for more infrastructure services, demands on new industrial, commercial, educational and health projects, which in turn reduces the area of agricultural lands and threatens the natural resources and environment. There are also other associated sustainability problems like the absence of effective plans or regulations that control urban expansion, the absence of sufficient sustainable development plans at the national levels for the district, new job requirements, Israeli restrictions and occupation for more than 60 years, existence of construction factories near residential areas, poor public awareness and poor governmental funds for service projects and development plans. The study consists of nine chapters. Chapter One includes an introduction, study objectives, problems and justifications, while Chapter Two has a theoretical background on sustainability topic and definitions of sustainability. The Palestinian urban planning laws and local government systems are discussed in Chapter Three and the methodology of research is detailed in Chapter Four. As for Chapter Five, it provides a general background on Hebron District including demographical and economical profiles, along with recommendations related to sustainable development for each profile Chapter Six addresses the urban environment, sustainability priorities and policies required. Chapter Seven discusses and analyzes infrastructure services including transportation, water and wastewater. As for Chapter Eight, it addresses the land use, housing and urban expansion beside the cultural heritage, natural heritage with relevant sustainable development polices and recommendations. Finally, Chapter Nine includes a conclusion and comprehensive recommendations integrating all of urban and sustainability event in one map. Hebron has a deep history including a rich cultural heritage aged by thousands of years, with 47% of Hebron district population under 14 years old. Being the biggest Palestinian district, Hebron has thousands of industrial and economical organizations beside a large agricultural sector at Palestine level. This gives Hebron a potential to play major roles in developing a national sustainability plan, as the current urban planning system in Palestine needs urgent reform and development to fulfill the sustainability requirement. The municipalities and ministers should find permanent financial aid for urban planning and development studies so as to face future challenges. The Palestinian government can benefit from available local human resources in development projects; hence Palestinian people have sufficient qualifications in most sectors. The Palestinian people also can invest in the privet sector in Palestine in case businessmen have been encouraged and clear investment laws and plans have been developed. The study provides recommendations associated to the sustainable development in Palestine in general and Hebron, as a case study, in specific. Recommendations include increasing the privet sector as well as the public involvement in urban growth management, and stopping unplanned urban expansion, subjecting granting building permits of new projects to the no-harm environmental impact assessment, increasing the coordination and cooperation between localities and central bodies, protection and renovation of old cites and green areas, increasing the quality and quantity of infrastructure services, establishing district urban planning department to coordinate and organize urban planning and sustainable development activities. Also, among recommendations come dividing Hebron into three planning and administrative areas (north, central and south), and dividing the sustainable development and implementation period (2010 to 2025) into three main phases. Finally, the study strongly recommends benefiting from the same urban development plans in similar districts at national and international levels, also to use new technologies and information systems in urban planning process.


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Introduccin: el tratamiento usual para fracturas del tercio medio de la clavcula es el ortopdico, sin embargo recientemente se ha propuesto que el tratamiento quirrgico podra ser una mejor opcin para los pacientes jvenes laboralmente activos afectados por este tipo de fractura. Mtodos: este es un estudio retrospectivo analtico de corte transversal comprendido en un periodo de cuatro aos (2006-2009) en el servicio de Ortopedia del Hospital Kennedy E.S.E. Los desenlaces que se evaluaron fueron la funcin del hombro, el reintegro laboral, lesin neurolgica y alteracin cosmtica. Resultados: en total se evaluaron 204 pacientes, de los cuales solo 103 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusin (17 mujeres y 86 hombres), de los cuales 83 recibieron tratamiento ortopdico y 20 requirieron manejo quirrgico con promedio de edades de 28.4 aos manejados ortopdicamente y 30.4 aos en tratamiento quirrgico predominando el gnero masculino. Conclusin: para los pacientes con fractura de clavcula de tercio medio, sin importar el tipo de tratamiento al que fueron sometidos, el resultado desde el punto de vista funcional, lesin neurolgica y reintegro laboral fueron similares con excepcin de la alteracin cosmtica.


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Objetivo: establecer la prevalencia de la disfuncin sexual en las pacientes sometidas a correccin de incontinencia urinaria por medio de la uretrocistopexia con cabestrillo en el Hospital Universitario Mayor. Metodologa: se realizo un estudio analtico de corte transversal donde se evaluara la disfuncin sexual en pacientes con incontinencia urinaria por medio de la encuesta PISQ-12 despus de 6 meses de la realizacin de cabestrillo suburetral dentro del manejo de incontinencia urinaria femenina y buscarn la asociacin con otros factores como el tipo de ciruga asociada al cabestrillo, menopausia, terapia hormonal, edad, nmero de embarazos utilizando la prueba de asociacin ji-cuadrado de Pearson o el test exacto de Fisher o razn de verosimilitud exacta (valores esperados < 5). Resultados: la prevalencia de disfuncin sexual fue del 27% (12 pacientes), de ellas 25% tuvieron disfuncin moderada (11 pacientes) y dos por ciento disfuncin severa (1 paciente) deacuerdo con la escala PISQ-12. La disfuncin sexual fue ms frecuente en las pacientes con prolapso posterior estadio 2 (4 de las 5 mujeres), seguido del prolapso anterior y posterior estadio 2 (4 de 10 mujeres), las otras categoras fueron menores, mostrando asociacin significativa (p=0.011, Test exacto de Razn de verosimilitud). Conclusin: del presente estudio podemos concluir que la ciruga de piso pelvico (colporrafas) contomintante a la ciruga de incontinencia urinaria con cabestrillo suburetral est asociada a un mayor grado de disfuncin sexual femenina.


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La GF es una infeccin fulminante, afecta cualquier edad y gnero. Se ha descrito el ndice de severidad de gangrena de Fournier (ISGF), el cual es til para evaluar el pronstico de estos pacientes. OBJETIVO. Reportar nuestra experiencia con esta patologa en los ltimos 12 aos y evaluar el valor predictivo del ISGF de manera retrospectiva. METODOS Se analizaron las historias clnicas de los pacientes con GF de los ltimos 12 aos en el HUS. Se determinaron los factores asociados a mortalidad y se realiz un anlisis de calibracin y discriminacin del ISGF. RESULTADOS Se recolectaron 40 pacientes todos del gnero masculino con una edad promedio de 60.3 aos (+ / 14.9). La comorbilidad y causa ms frecuente fueron hipertensin arterial y causas urolgicas. El patgeno ms frecuente fue E. coli. El porcentaje mortalidad en nuestra poblacin fue del 15%. El promedio de ISGF y ISGF ajustado fue: 4.9 y 9.83 ; 9.83 y 4.91 para los fallecidos y los no fallecidos respectivamente, existiendo una diferencia estadsticamente significativa para los dos. (p < 0,05). En el anlisis de correlacin, discriminacin y concordancia, el ISGF sobreestima mortalidad y en ISGF ajustado subestima mortalidad, pero tiene una buena correlacin con mortalidad DISCUSIN: En nuestro hospital, la GF es una patologa poco frecuente; a pesar de esto, se cuenta con un diagnstico rpido y a su vez un manejo inmediato. Hasta el momento la conducta quirrgica inmediata y el pronto inicio de antibioticoterapia continan siendo la mejor opcin teraputica. Existe una relacin entre el ndice de severidad y la sobrevida de los pacientes, lo cual puede convertirlo en un parmetro til en la evaluacin de estos pacientes. Sin embargo se necesitan estudios prospectivos para validar la escala en nuestra poblacin