828 resultados para Ferdinando de Medici


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The risk-to-benefit ratio for the use of low dose of aspirin in primary cardiovascular (CV) prevention in patients with diabetes mellitus remains to be clarified. We assessed the effect of aspirin on risk of CV events in type 2 diabetic patients with nephropathy, in order to verify the usefulness of Guidelines in clinical practice. We carried out a prospective multicentric study in 564 patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy free of CV disease attending outpatient diabetes clinics. A total of 242 patients received antiplatelet treatment with aspirin 100 mg/day (group A), and 322 were not treated with antiplatelet drugs (group B). Primary end point was the occurrence of total major adverse cardio-vascular events (MACE). Secondary end points were the relative occurrence of fatal MACE. The average follow-up was 8 years. Total MACE occurred in 49 patients from group A and in 52 patients from group B. Fatal MACE occurred in 22 patients from group A and in 20 from group B; nonfatal MACE occurred in 27 patients from group A and in 32 patients from group B. Kaplan-Meier analysis did not show a statistically significant difference of cumulative MACE between the two groups. A not statistically significant difference in the incidence of both fatal (p = 0.225) and nonfatal CV events (p = 0.573) between the two groups was observed. These results were confirmed after adjustment for confounders (HR for MACE 1.11, 95 % CI 0.91-1.35). These findings suggest that low dose of aspirin is ineffective in primary prevention for patients with nephropathy. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Italia.


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In his discourse - The Chef In Society: Origins And Development - Marcel R. Escoffier, Graduate Student, School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University, initially offers: “The role of the modern professional chef has its origins in ancient Greece. The author traces that history and looks at the evolution of the executive chef as a manager and administrator.” “Chefs, as tradespersons, can trace their origins to ancient Greece,” the author offers with citation. “Most were slaves…” he also informs you. Even at that low estate in life, the chef was master of the slaves and servants who were at close hand in the environment in which they worked. “In Athens, a cook was the master of all the household slaves…” says Escoffier. As Athenian influence wanes and Roman civilization picks-up the torch, chefs maintain and increase their status as important tradesmen in society. “Here the first professional societies of cooks were formed, almost a hierarchy,” Escoffier again cites the information. “It was in Rome that cooks established their first academy: Colleqium Coquorum,” he further reports. Chefs, again, increase their significance during the following Italian Renaissance as the scope of their influence widens. “…it is an historical fact that the marriage of Henry IV and Catherine de Medici introduced France to the culinary wonders of the Italian Renaissance,” Escoffier enlightens you. “Certainly the professional chef in France became more sophisticated and more highly regarded by society after the introduction of the Italian cooking concepts.” The author wants you to know that by this time cookbooks are already making important inroads and contributing to the history of cooking above and beyond their obvious informational status. Outside of the apparent European influences in cooking, Escoffier also ephemerally mentions the development of Chinese and Indian chefs. “It is interesting to note that the Chinese, held by at least one theory as the progenitors of most of the culinary heritage, never developed a high esteem for the position of chef,” Escoffier maintains the historical tack. “It was not until the middle 18th Century that the first professional chef went public. Until that time, only the great houses of the nobility could afford to maintain a chef,” Escoffier notes. This private-to-public transition, in conjunction with culinary writing are benchmarks for the profession. Chefs now establish authority and eminence. The remainder of the article devotes itself to the development of the professional chef; especially the melding of two seminal figures in the culinary arts, Cesar Ritz and August Escoffier. The works of Frederick Taylor are also highlighted.


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The Ais were a Native American group who lived along the Atlantic shoreline of Florida south of Cape Canaveral. This coastal population’s position adjacent to a major shipping route afforded them numerous encounters with the Atlantic world that linked Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, and the Americas. Through their exploitation of the goods and peoples from the European shipwrecks thrown ashore, coupled with their careful manipulation of other Atlantic contacts, the Ais polity established an influential domain in central east Florida during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The pre-contact peoples of Florida’s east coast, including the ancestors of the Ais, practiced a maritime adaptation concentrated on the exploitation of their bountiful riverine, estuarine, and marine environments. The Ais then modified their maritime skills to cope with the opportunities and challenges that accompanied European contact. Using their existing aquatic abilities, they ably salvaged goods and castaways from the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch vessels dashed on the rocks and reefs of Florida’s coast. The Ais’ strategic redistribution of these materials and peoples to other Florida Native Americans, the Spaniards of St. Augustine, and other passing Europeans gained them greater influence. This process, which I call indigenous wrecking, enabled the Ais to expand their domain on the peninsula. Coastal Florida Native Americans’ maritime abilities also attracted the attention of Europeans. In the late seventeenth century, English buccaneers and salvagers raided Florida’s east coast to capture indigenous divers, whom they sent to work the wreck of a sunken Spanish treasure ship located in the Bahamas. The English subsequently sold the surviving Native American captives to other Caribbean slave markets. Despite population losses to such raids, the Ais and other peoples of the east coast thrived on Atlantic exchange and used their existing maritime adaptation to resist colonial intrusions until the start of the eighteenth century. This dissertation thus offers a narrative about Native Americans and the Atlantic that is unlike most Southeastern Indian stories. The Ais used their maritime adaptation and the process of indigenous wrecking to engage and exploit the arriving Atlantic world. In the contact era, the Ais truly became Atlantic Ais.


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Scopo di questo lavoro è l’individuazione di una metodica che permetta la valutazione dosimetrica interna dei lavoratori in Medicina Nucleare, dell’I.R.S.T. I radionuclidi impiegati hanno elevata volatilità e tempi di dimezzamento molto brevi quindi, diventa di fondamentale importanza la misura della concentrazione in aria. come radioisotopo d'interesse è stato considerato il F-18. Per la misura della contaminazione in aria è stato utilizzato un sistema progettato dall’azienda MecMurphil (MP-AIR). L’aria attraversa un beaker Marinelli, posto in un pozzetto schermato in piombo (5/6 cm di spessore più rivestimento in rame di 3 mm) nel quale è inserito un rivelatore a scintillazione NaI(Tl) a basso fondo in modalità di campionamento continuo. Attraverso il software MAIR-C, collegato al rivelatore, è stato possibile calibrarlo in energia, FWHM e efficienza. I locali analizzati, poiché quotidianamente frequentati dal personale, sono: Laboratorio caldo, Corridoio, Attesa calda, Camere degenza, e Radiofarmacia. Mediante l’uso di fogli di calcolo, è stata determinata la concentrazione media presente nei diversi locali. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato che la concentrazione massima di F-18 è nella radiofarmacia.Le persone con accesso ai locali “caldi” sono state classificate, sulla base delle attività da loro svolte in: medici, TSRM, infermieri e radiofarmacisti. Per ognuna di queste figure è stato stimato il tempo di permanenza all’interno dei locali.Si è proceduto, poi, alla validazione del metodo utilizzato per il calcolo della dose interna per inalazione, applicando quanto riportato nella pubblicazione I.C.R.P. 66, che ha come scopo principale quello di determinare i limiti annuali d’introduzione dei radionuclidi per i lavoratori.Le metodiche, applicate al solo radioisotopo F-18, permettono di ricavare una prima stima della dose inalata dagli operatori, aprendo un’ ampia gamma di possibili sviluppi futuri.


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von Johann Andr. Roeper Med. Doctore des Königl. Preußl. Collegii Medici & fanitatis zu Halberstadt. Mitgliede, Guarnison Medico und Physico


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The Mitochondrial Carrier Family (MCF) is a signature group of integral membrane proteins that transport metabolites across the mitochondrial inner membrane in eukaryotes. MCF proteins are characterized by six transmembrane segments that assemble to form a highly-selective channel for metabolite transport. We discovered a novel MCF member, termed Legionellanucleotide carrier Protein (LncP), encoded in the genome of Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaire's disease. LncP was secreted via the bacterial Dot/Icm type IV secretion system into macrophages and assembled in the mitochondrial inner membrane. In a yeast cellular system, LncP induced a dominant-negative phenotype that was rescued by deleting an endogenous ATP carrier. Substrate transport studies on purified LncP reconstituted in liposomes revealed that it catalyzes unidirectional transport and exchange of ATP transport across membranes, thereby supporting a role for LncP as an ATP transporter. A hidden Markov model revealed further MCF proteins in the intracellular pathogens, Legionella longbeachae and Neorickettsia sennetsu, thereby challenging the notion that MCF proteins exist exclusively in eukaryotic organisms.


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analisi sperimentale e progettazione di cinematismi atti alla movimentazione di devices protesici all’interno di una camera di deposizione pvd. descrizione delle tecniche di deposizione PVD attualmente esistenti. deduzione e progetto ex novo, con l'ausilio di Autodesk Inventor (CAD 3D), di movimentazioni per particolari devices medici dalla geometria complessa all'interno di una speciale camera di deposizione.


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Questo lavoro si pone l'obiettivo di fornire stime della dose efficace annua e della dose al cristallino annua per operatori di radiologia interventistica. Ci si concentra inoltre sulla dose al cristallino vista la recente direttiva EURATOM che dovrà essere recepita dalla normativa italiana entro febbbraio 2018. Ci si è occupati di una equipe di tre medici radiologi operanti presso il reparto di Neuroradiologia dell'Ospedale Bellaria di Bologna che lavora principalmente con un angiografo biplanare. Il lavoro sperimentale ha avuto inizio delineando il campo di radiazione presente nella sala operatoria ed in particolare, nei pressi del primo medico operatore che è risultato essere quello più esposto alle radiazioni. Il campo di radiazione è stato definito tramite misurazioni con camera a ionizzazzione utilizzando dei fantocci in PMMA simulanti un paziente. Determinati i valori del campo di radiazione e stabiliti alcuni parametri fissi si è cercato un parametro (possibilmente registrato dalla macchina) che permettesse una correlazione tra il carico di lavoro degli operatori e la dose da essi ricevuta in modo da ricavare stime sul lungo periodo. Questo è stato individuato nel DAP totale (registrato automaticamente dopo ogni intervento e presenti nei report) grazie alla presenza di mappe isokerma fornite dalla ditta costruttrice dell'angiografo. Tali mappe forniscono una relazione tra Kerma e DAP al variare di alcuni parametri di macchina. Affinchè fosse possibile utilizzare le mappe isokerma ne è stata necessaria la verifica tramite ulteriori misure sperimentali (nelle stesse condizioni operative definite nelle mappe). Effettuata la verifica si è determinato il carico di lavoro degli operatori per quattro mesi, assunto come periodo sufficientemente lungo per una stima sulla dose assorbita annua. Combinando i carichi di lavoro con i valori di dose assorbita rilevati si sono ottenute le stime obiettivo della tesi che vengono discusse sotto vari aspetti.


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A Grande Guerra foi o acontecimento ápice de tensões acumuladas entre as potências da Europa ainda no começo da segunda década do século XX. O conflito deflagrado no verão de 1914 expandiu-se e envolveu nações de outros continentes, tornando-o mundial, com repercussões que extrapolaram os mais de quatro anos de batalhas oficiais – atualmente pode-se concluir que a Segunda Guerra Mundial nada mais foi do que a segunda parte de um conflito que não acabou de forma a contentar todos os países beligerantes. Entretanto, a Grande Guerra também demarcou o final de uma era conhecida como belle époque, um tempo que simbolicamente representava o apogeu cultural, econômico e social na Europa, inspirador do modelo civilizador em nações no novo mundo, inclusive no Brasil. Na Amazônia, sobretudo na capital do Estado do Pará, Belém, vivia-se ainda sob o imaginário da era da abundância provocada pela exportação da borracha nativa, cujo inicio ocorreu no final do século XIX e na primeira década do século passado. Nesse cenário, desenvolveu-se um jornalismo forte e muito sintonizado com as questões nacionais, regionais e de além-mar. Formado por intelectuais, políticos e escritores, o jornalismo paraense cobriu de forma sistemática os acontecimentos em torno da Grande Guerra, desde a morte do herdeiro do trono do Império Austro-húngaro, Francisco Ferdinando, até a paz ser selada. Com base neste panorâma, o objetivo desta investigação centra-se no esforço para compreender a natureza da cobertura jornalística dos jornais paraenses acerca da Primeira Guerra Mundial, tendo como objeto de análise três jornais diários que circulavam à época: Estado do Pará, Folha do Norte e A Tarde. Os dois primeiros eram jornais generalistas e de longo período de circulação. O terceiro foi um jornal vespertino, publicado entre setembro de 1915 e setembro de 1916, portanto, de caráter ocasional. Para alcançar esse objetivo, a metodologia usada compreende as análises quantitativa e qualitativa de conteúdo, conforme descrito por Sousa (2006). A primeira parte das análises centra-se em avaliar os dados relativos ao número de peças, de espaços dedicados ao tema da guerra, entre outros aspectos quantificáveis. Na segunda parte usou-se a análise qualitativa com base no estudo do diálogo establecido entre os aspectos da historiografia e os achados jornalísticos nos três jornais.


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The issue of sustainability is at the top of the political and societal agenda, being considered of extreme importance and urgency. Human individual action impacts the environment both locally (e.g., local air/water quality, noise disturbance) and globally (e.g., climate change, resource use). Urban environments represent a crucial example, with an increasing realization that the most effective way of producing a change is involving the citizens themselves in monitoring campaigns (a citizen science bottom-up approach). This is possible by developing novel technologies and IT infrastructures enabling large citizen participation. Here, in the wider framework of one of the first such projects, we show results from an international competition where citizens were involved in mobile air pollution monitoring using low cost sensing devices, combined with a web-based game to monitor perceived levels of pollution. Measures of shift in perceptions over the course of the campaign are provided, together with insights into participatory patterns emerging from this study. Interesting effects related to inertia and to direct involvement in measurement activities rather than indirect information exposure are also highlighted, indicating that direct involvement can enhance learning and environmental awareness. In the future, this could result in better adoption of policies towards decreasing pollution.


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The development of ICT infrastructures has facilitated the emergence of new paradigms for looking at society and the environment over the last few years. Participatory environmental sensing, i.e. directly involving citizens in environmental monitoring, is one example, which is hoped to encourage learning and enhance awareness of environmental issues. In this paper, an analysis of the behaviour of individuals involved in noise sensing is presented. Citizens have been involved in noise measuring activities through the WideNoise smartphone application. This application has been designed to record both objective (noise samples) and subjective (opinions, feelings) data. The application has been open to be used freely by anyone and has been widely employed worldwide. In addition, several test cases have been organised in European countries. Based on the information submitted by users, an analysis of emerging awareness and learning is performed. The data show that changes in the way the environment is perceived after repeated usage of the application do appear. Specifically, users learn how to recognise different noise levels they are exposed to. Additionally, the subjective data collected indicate an increased user involvement in time and a categorisation effect between pleasant and less pleasant environments.


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El constante deterioro de las fuentes h?dricas y su uso como recurso en el abastecimiento de agua para consumo humano han conllevado a la b?squeda de la optimizaci?n de los procesos de tratamiento de forma tal que se alcancen condiciones de agua segura con el menor riesgo posible de afectaciones a la salud de la poblaci?n. Es por esto que los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua potable han adoptado estrategias enmarcadas dentro de los planes de seguridad del agua mediante la reducci?n de la contaminaci?n en la fuente de abastecimiento, la remoci?n o reducci?n de diferentes contaminantes mediante los procesos de tratamiento y la prevenci?n de la contaminaci?n del agua en el sistema de almacenamiento y distribuci?n al usuario final. Al observar que la filtraci?n es una de las etapas m?s cr?ticas dentro del tratamiento por ser la ?ltima barrera f?sica para la remoci?n de part?culas presentes en el agua; se plante? este proyecto de grado para estudiar a escala de laboratorio el uso de carb?n activado granular en el proceso de filtraci?n de agua clarificada del Rio Cauca, con el fin de analizar la eficiencia de remoci?n de turbiedad y materia org?nica medida como UV254 y as? establecer el alcance de los valores l?mite recomendados por las entidades internacionales para la disminuci?n del riesgo microbiol?gico y el riesgo cr?nico que pueda estar asociado a la presencia de materia org?nica en el agua para consumo humano. Se emple? carb?n activado granular de origen bituminoso y arena en seis diferentes configuraciones como medio filtrante principal en la etapa de filtraci?n (50%CAG ? 50% Arena, 65% CAG ? 35% Arena, 75% CAG ? 25% Arena, 85% CAG ? 15% Arena, 90% CAG ? 10% Arena y 100% CAG). Se consider? adem?s una configuraci?n con antracita y arena (70% Antracita ? 30% Arena) para comparar el comportamiento de ambos materiales filtrantes en el tratamiento de agua resultante del proceso de clarificaci?n efectuado por la Planta de Tratamiento de Agua Potable Puerto Mallarino en la ciudad de Cali. Se emple? un sistema de filtraci?n en columnas con distribuci?n de agua mediante conducciones reguladas a un caudal constante de 12 mL/min. El efluente de cada unidad de filtros fue evaluado y comparado con el afluente mediante la medici?n de Color Aparente, Turbiedad, UV254, pH y Conductividad. Se obtuvo como resultado que la configuraci?n C5 con 90% de CAG y 10% Arena logr? una mayor estabilidad de la turbiedad obteniendo valores m?nimos por debajo de 2 UNT (MAVDT), 0.5 UNT (WHO) y 0.15 UNT (EPA) y aunque no tuvo diferencias significativas comparado con el filtro de Antracita y Arena, si present? un mejor desempe?o en la remoci?n de turbiedad debido al alcance de un mayor n?mero de datos por debajo de 0.3 UNT. En cuanto a la eficiencia de remoci?n de materia org?nica en el agua medida como UV254 se observaron mejores resultados para la configuraci?n C4 con 85% de CAG y 15% Arena y aunque las eficiencias de remoci?n de materia org?nica no fueron significativamente altas se observa claramente la ventaja que presenta el uso de CAG como medio filtrante adsorbente comparado con el medio convencional de Antracita y Arena. La obtenci?n de bajas eficiencias de remoci?n fue debido al contenido de material en suspensi?n ya que los filtros de CAG trabajaron en la retenci?n de dicho material afectando considerablemente la capacidad de adsorci?n. Mediante esta investigaci?n se comprob? que la selecci?n adecuada de las condiciones operacionales de los filtros de CAG puede generar agua comparativamente similar o superior a los filtros conformados con materiales convencionales como Antracita y arena. De igual forma, el uso de CAG como medio filtrante para el tratamiento de agua del Rio Cauca es un insumo que puede aportar a una posible estrategia para disminuir el riesgo microbiol?gico y el riesgo cr?nico asociado con el contenido de materia org?nica en el agua distribuida a la poblaci?n cale?a


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Tooth loss is a common result of a variety of oral diseases due to physiological causes, trauma, genetic disorders, and aging and can lead to physical and mental suffering that markedly lowers the individual’s quality of life. Tooth is a complex organ that is composed of mineralized tissues and soft connective tissues. Dentin is the most voluminous tissue of the tooth and its formation (dentinogenesis) is a highly regulated process displaying several similarities with osteogenesis. In this study, gelatin, thermally denatured collagen, was used as a promising low-cost material to develop scaffolds for hard tissue engineering. We synthetized dentin-like scaffolds using gelatin biomineralized with magnesium-doped hydroxyapatite and blended it with alginate. With a controlled freeze-drying process and alginate cross-linking, it is possible to obtain scaffolds with microscopic aligned channels suitable for tissue engineering. 3D cell culture with mesenchymal stem cells showed the promising properties of the new scaffolds for tooth regeneration. In detail, the chemical–physical features of the scaffolds, mimicking those of natural tissue, facilitate the cell adhesion, and the porosity is suitable for long-term cell colonization and fine cell–material interactions.


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El presente documento constituye el informe final que se realiza sobre una investigaci?n que pretende determinar las diferencias que se pudieran dar en el desempe?o de una muestra de estudiantes al resolver problemas cient?ficos relacionados con la conceptualizaci?n y medici?n de la densidad de cuerpos no regulares en ambientes reales y/o en ambientes tecnol?gicos, para lo cual se tuvo en cuenta una metodolog?a de an?lisis de tareas.