1000 resultados para FUSIÓN DE SOCIEDADES


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A evolução da sociedade, da ciência, da política e de outras realidades da actualidade constitui uma variável constante embora em permanente mutação. Este ininterrupto devir é a alma de muitos poetas que, tal como Fernando Pessoa, referem que 'a espantosa realidade das coisas, é a minha descoberta de todos os dias '"*: sendo este mutantis mutanti que nos estimula à descoberta de novas oportunidades e de possíveis altemativas ao estado actual de desenvolvimento. Não sô os poetas se alimentam deste devir mas cada vez mais nos damos conta de que a transformação permanente é o motor das sociedades. É na descoberta de novas transformações e realidades que enquadramos a realidade do teletrabalho.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energia e Bioenergia


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As cooperativas assumem um papel fundamental na economia social portuguesa, o que justifica a necessidade de um conhecimento mais aprofundado destas entidades tanto a nível jurídico como a nível contabilístico. O principal objetivo deste estudo consiste em identificar os vários tipos de resultados nas cooperativas, compreender e caraterizar o tratamento jurídico e contabilístico dos mesmos e aferir se o normativo contabilístico em vigor permite evidenciar as especificidades daqueles. Assim, utilizando uma metodologia qualitativa, com recurso à análise de conteúdo, realizou-se um estudo de caso múltiplo. Antes, porém, procedeu-se à revisão de literatura, seletiva e seminal, sobre o estado da arte dos resultados das cooperativas em Portugal. Foram identificados três tipos de resultados, os resultados cooperativos, os resultados extracooperativos e os resultados extraordinários. O estudo mostra que o tratamento jurídico e contabilístico dos resultados cooperativos não está devidamente adequado à realidade das mesmas, por duas razões: em primeiro lugar, não são claramente identificáveis na legislação em vigor os diferentes tipos de resultados; e, em segundo lugar, constata-se que os resultados nas cooperativas têm o mesmo tratamento contabilístico que os resultados das sociedades comerciais, apesar das diferenças substanciais entre as duas formas jurídicas. Concluiu-se, então que a alteração do enquadramento contabilístico aplicável às cooperativas é pertinente e necessária no sentido de impor uma contabilização separada dos resultados cooperativos e dos resultados extracooperativos e extraordinários. Esta contabilização separada é essencial, por razões fiscais mas sobretudo para que as demonstrações financeiras apresentem a imagem verdadeira e apropriada do desempenho das cooperativas. Conclui-se, de igual modo, que existe no ordenamento português um normativo contabilístico aplicável às entidades do setor não lucrativo que seria adequado para evidenciar as especificidades das cooperativas em matéria dos resultados, dado que o modelo das demonstrações dele constante permitiria o desdobramento dos resultados por atividades.


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Este estudo pretende aferir a relevância das reservas na estrutura financeira da cooperativa e compará-las com a relevância das reservas numa sociedade comercial, de idêntica estrutura financeira. Para o efeito, depois de uma reflexão sobre o tratamento jurídico e contabilístico das reservas nas cooperativas, procede-se a um estudo empírico, tendo por referência a Cooperativa dos Pedreiros. Tendo em conta um conjunto de vertentes construídas a partir do enquadramento jurídico e contabilístico – constituição e utilização das reservas, as suas finalidades (quer durante a vida das cooperativas quer no momento da dissolução e liquidação do seu património), as funções das reservas, e o seu enquadramento contabilístico, – realizou-se uma entrevista em profundidade e procedeu-se à análise dos Estatutos da Cooperativa dos Pedreiros, com vista a analisar tais vertentes na atividade desenvolvida pela mesma e refletida nos relatórios de contas dos anos 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 e 2014. Os resultados do estudo confirmam que as reservas nas cooperativas têm um regime jurídico diferente face ao das sociedades comerciais, nomeadamente quanto ao destino da reserva legal, que nas cooperativas se circunscreve à cobertura de perdas, bem como a sua irrepartibilidade entre os cooperadores. Tal diferença é, igualmente, visível quando se estabeleceu o paralelismo entre o regime das reservas na cooperativa e na sociedade comercial. Constata-se que as reservas apresentam maior importância na estrutura financeira da cooperativa do que na sociedade comercial. Por fim, refira-se que o caráter pioneiro deste estudo empírico poderá contribuir para uma futura alteração ao normativo jurídico português aplicável às cooperativas quanto a aspetos particulares do seu regime, destacando-se a importância da contínua dotação das reservas irrepartíveis, nomeadamente da reserva legal.


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Purpose: To evaluate the safety and efficiency of sclerotherapy in ovarian vein varicocele. Study population: During 6 years, 36 women with the clinical diagnosis of ovarian vein varicocele were evaluated. Methods: The diagnosis was confirmed by flebography of the ovarian vein in 35 of the patients. In these patients sclerotherapy of the ovarian vein was performed with success by selective retrograde catheterization of the ovarian vein by femoral approach in 31 patients and by brachial approach in 4 patients. Four to eight ml of polidocanol l3% was used in each vein. Results: There was clinical improvement with complete resolution of all symptoms in 29 patients(82.9%) and partial symptomatic relief in 6 (17.1%). Long term results, evaluated between 1 and 6 years (mean 37.3 months), showed complete resolution of symptoms in 27 (77.1%) and recurrence in 8 (22.9%). Four patients with recurrence, improved following repeated sclerotherapy. Thus, there was long term improvement in 31 patients (88.6%). Conclusion: Sclerotherapy of ovarian vein appears to be a safe and efficient treatment of ovarian vein varicocele.


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Thrombophilias, whether inherited or acquired, are a topic of increased interest in women’s health. Factors that enhance thrombus formation in the presence of thrombophilia include oral contraception, hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy and the puerperium. The risk of venous thomboembolism with hormonal contraceptive use is greater in women with underlying thrombophilias, and thrombosis usually occurs earlier than in women without defined thrombophilias. The degree of increased risk varies according to the underlying thrombophilic defect, the largest bulk of evidence referring to women with Factor V Leiden or prothrombin gene mutation. However, most instances of thrombosis occur due to a combination of inherited, acquired and environmental factors. Before starting oral contraception it is important to screen patients to identify those at increased risk of thrombosis.


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Tamoxifen is a first-line agent for adjuvant treatment of estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer, and is used to reduce the risk of this condition in high-risk individuals. Retrospective studies established an association between tamoxifen use, endometrial thickness and endometrial cancer. There have been many attempts to identify an effective screening program for tamoxifen-related endometrial cancer, which have led to the use of transvaginal ultrasound and invasive procedures. The use of a 5mm endometrial cut-off in vaginal ultrasound is known to raise the number of endometrial biopsies with no gain in early cancer diagnosis. A review of the scientific literature was performed in order to establish the best available evidence for endometrial evaluation of asymptomatic breast cancer patients on tamoxifen.


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Hypoglycemia is considered when glycemia values fall below 60 mg/dl and is associated with increased maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality. In a diabetic pregnancy this complication can result from a decrease in caloric ingestion relative to administered insulin. Hypoglycemia can present as a simple adrenergic response or as a neuroglicopenic response that can lead to maternal death and stillbirth. This is the reason why it can rapidly evolve into an obstetric emergency. It is important to possess a pre-defined protocol to guide healthcare professionals regarding the rapid management of this situation. The authors review the scientific literature on the subject of hypoglycemia in pregnancy and propose a protocol to be applied in this situation.


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Obesity is known to have a negative impact on pregnancy outcome, as it is associated with an increase in the incidence of gestational diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia, neural tube defects, macrosomia, and late fetal death. Gastric banding is considered an appropriate intervention for morbid obesity when other weight-loss measures are unsuccessful, and this treatment has been shown to be effective in causing a sustainable weight loss. Some women will become pregnant after bariatric surgery, and the nutritional and metabolic challenges brought by gastric banding may have a profound impact on maternal health and pregnancy outcome. The authors report the case of a 27 year old pregnant woman, with a past medical history of gastric banding surgery for morbid obesity. At 18 weeks of gestation, the patient started complaining of severe nausea and vomiting, The situation deteriorated three weeks later when she rapidly developed severe desnutrition, dehydration and early signs of liver and renal failure. Migration of the gastric band was diagnosed, and laparoscopy conducted to remove it. In the day following surgery the patient complained of absent fetal movements, and an intrauterine demise was diagnosed on ultrasound. Pathological examination of the fetus and placenta failed to reveal the cause of death, but no growth restriction was documented, suggesting the occurrence of an acute event.


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Objective: To investigate the results of vaginal obliterate surgery in elderly women with pelvic organ prolapse. Design: observational retrospective study. Material and Methods: a total of 69 women with the diagnosis of pelvic prolapse were submitted to obliterative surgery in the urogynecology unit of a tertiary care hospital centre over the course of 8 years (2001 to 2008). The following data were collected from their clinical records: age, number of vaginal births, body mass index (BMI), hormone therapy, other existing diseases, type of prolapse and stage, anaesthetic risk score, duration of surgery, length of hospital stay, and short-term complications. Results: Of the 69 women studied, 31 were submitted to colpocleisis and the remaining 38 were managed by the LeFort technique. Mean age was 74.8 years with a standard deviation (sd) of 7.14 years. Average BMI was 26.2 (sd =3.76). Vaginal births were recorded in all patients. Only three patients were taking hormone therapy at the time of surgery. Sixty-three women were classified as having and anesthetic risk of II or III and 55 underwent local-regional anesthesia. Complications were reported in five cases, four of which in the first days after surgery. Nearly all were mild and resolved within the first 6 weeks. Conclusion: Complication rates appear to be low after obliterative surgery for pelvic organ prolapse in elderly women.


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Female genital mutilation, also named female genital cutting or female circumcision, refers to all practices involving total or partial removal of female external genitalia, or causing other lesions without an established health benefit. The World Health Organization estimates that 130 million women have been submitted to genital mutilation and 3 million are annually exposed to such risk in Africa. It has classified the practice of female genital mutation in four types. Portugal is considered a risk country for the practice of genital mutilation because of the high migration rates from the African continent, and women from Guinea-Bissau are at particular risk. A multidisciplinary commission published an Action Program in 2009, with measures directed at providing healthcare professionals with information on how to deal with this problem.


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Pregnancy loss is the most common obstetric complication. Multiple factors have been associated with recurrent or sporadic pregnancy loss, and genetic factors, particularly at earlier gestational ages, are the most important ones. The proportion of miscarriages due to chromosomal factors decreases with increasing gestational age. The most common chromosomal abnormalities in early losses are autosomal trisomies, monosomy X and polyploidy. In later losses, aneuploidies are similar to those found in live newborns (trisomies 21,18 and 13, X monosomy and polysomy of sex chromosomes. In cases of recurrent miscarriage the most common cytogenetic changes are trisomies, polyploidy, monosomy X and unbalanced translocations. Identification of the causes of pregnancy loss facilitates the families’ grief and may indicate if there is the risk of repetition, in order to reduce recurrence. The investigation recommended in each case is far from consensual, and the cost/benefit analysis of diagnostic exams is essential. The determination of the karyotype of the products of conception is indicated in cases of fetal loss and recurrent miscarriage, while the parental karyotypes should be performed only in selected cases. Couples with identified genetic conditions should be counseled about reproductive options, including prenatal or pre-implantation diagnosis. Surveillance of a future pregnancy should be multidisciplinary and adjusted in each case. The cytogenetic factors, due to their high prevalence and complexity, have a fundamental, but still not completely clear, role in pregnancy loss.


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Thyroid disease is common in pregnant women.We report a 10 weeks gestation pregnancy with hyperemesis gravidarum, hypertension crisis and hyperthyroidism


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Partimos da assunção que a festa é celebração naturalmente ligada às práticas primordiais das sociedades/civilizações desde as mais primitivas às mais avançadas, por isso o valor simbólico, excesso, transgressão e transfiguração em ligação intima com as categorias de espaço e tempo e a própria representação da vida e morte. A escola, ao longo destes últimos cinqüenta anos, tem tido festas comemorativas, festas cíclicas de regresso a um tempo mítico, festas escolares relacionadas geralmente com o início e o final do ano lectivo. A escola, como instituição, inscrevendo-se num tempo histórico (politico- ideológico), num tempo antropológico (organização do espaço social de trabalho e lazer) tem encontrado no tempo pedagógico (educação/formação) momentos festivos. Ora, quando se trata de abordar o tema da festa - como objecto de estudo - verificamos a quase ausência quer no currículo, quer nos manuais escolares e mesmo na literatura pedagógica.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ambiente