807 resultados para Explosive Eruptions


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The Solar Intensity X-ray and particle Spectrometer (SIXS) on board BepiColombo's Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) will study solar energetic particles moving towards Mercury and solar X-rays on the dayside of Mercury. The SIXS instrument consists of two detector sub-systems; X-ray detector SIXS-X and particle detector SIXS-P. The SIXS-P subdetector will detect solar energetic electrons and protons in a broad energy range using a particle telescope approach with five outer Si detectors around a central CsI(Tl) scintillator. The measurements made by the SIXS instrument are necessary for other instruments on board the spacecraft. SIXS data will be used to study the Solar X-ray corona, solar flares, solar energetic particles, the Hermean magnetosphere, and solar eruptions. The SIXS-P detector was calibrated by comparing experimental measurement data from the instrument with Geant4 simulation data. Calibration curves were produced for the different side detectors and the core scintillator for electrons and protons, respectively. The side detector energy response was found to be linear for both electrons and protons. The core scintillator energy response to protons was found to be non-linear. The core scintillator calibration for electrons was omitted due to insufficient experimental data. The electron and proton acceptance of the SIXS-P detector was determined with Geant4 simulations. Electron and proton energy channels are clean in the main energy range of the instrument. At higher energies, protons and electrons produce non-ideal response in the energy channels. Due to the limited bandwidth of the spacecraft's telemetry, the particle measurements made by SIXS-P have to be pre-processed in the data processing unit of the SIXS instrument. A lookup table was created for the pre-processing of data with Geant4 simulations, and the ability of the lookup table to provide spectral information from a simulated electron event was analysed. The lookup table produces clean electron and proton channels and is able to separate protons and electrons. Based on a simulated solar energetic electron event, the incident electron spectrum cannot be determined from channel particle counts with a standard analysis method.


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Cette étude exploratoire dresse un portrait des transitions de milieux de vie (MDV) dans des Centres de réadaptation en déficience intellectuelle et en troubles envahissants du développement (CRDITED) de la grande région de Montréal. Elle permet d’identifier 1) les pratiques de transition de MDV des intervenants pivots en CRDITED, 2) les critères de succès de la transition de MDV et les moyens de les évaluer selon les personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle et les intervenants pivots et 3) l’écart entre les pratiques souhaitées et les pratiques actuelles à partir du point de vue des deux types de participants. Des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle (N = 9) et des intervenants pivots (N = 19) se sont exprimés sur leurs expériences de transition de MDV en participant à des entretiens de groupe. Une analyse qualitative de contenu a permis d’identifier une typologie des expériences de transition de MDV du point de vue des intervenants pivots. Un seul type de transition de MDV parmi les cinq identifiés, le type préparée, offre des conditions favorisant la réalisation de la transition dans des conditions satisfaisantes pour les intervenants pivots. Les autres types de transitions (types dernière minute, explosive, clé en main et salle d’attente) offrent peu d’occasions pour la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle de s’impliquer dans le processus de transition. Les propos des intervenants pivots permettent d’identifier les caractéristiques d’une transition de MDV qu’ils jugent idéale (type comme si c’était moi). Les types de transitions sont comparés entre eux sur deux axes, soit sur l’axe représentant un continuum d’implication de la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle dans sa propre transition et sur l’axe identifiant les grandes étapes de réalisation de la transition. Les résultats permettent de déceler un écart important entre les transitions actuellement effectuées et les politiques, intentions et engagements de l’offre de service auprès de cette clientèle, notamment au regard de l’implication de la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle dans les décisions relatives à sa transition de MDV. L’étude permet aussi d’identifier trois dimensions importantes de l’évaluation du succès de la transition selon les perspectives des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle et des intervenants pivots. Les dimensions identifiées sont : bien-être psychologique et comportement, santé physique et collaboration. Les propos des intervenants pivots permettent de constater qu’il existe parfois un paradoxe entre leurs perceptions du succès de la transition de MDV et celles des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle. L’interprétation des résultats a permis d’élaborer des recommandations afin de favoriser de meilleures pratiques de transition.


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Rapid, sensitive and selective detection of chemical hazards and biological pathogens has shown growing importance in the fields of homeland security, public safety and personal health. In the past two decades, efforts have been focusing on performing point-of-care chemical and biological detections using miniaturized biosensors. These sensors convert target molecule binding events into measurable electrical signals for quantifying target molecule concentration. However, the low receptor density and the use of complex surface chemistry in receptors immobilization on transducers are common bottlenecks in the current biosensor development, adding to the cost, complexity and time. This dissertation presents the development of selective macromolecular Tobacco mosaic virus-like particle (TMV VLP) biosensing receptor, and the microsystem integration of VLPs in microfabricated electrochemical biosensors for rapid and performance-enhanced chemical and biological sensing. Two constructs of VLPs carrying different receptor peptides targeting at 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) explosive or anti-FLAG antibody are successfully bioengineered. The VLP-based TNT electrochemical sensor utilizes unique diffusion modulation method enabled by biological binding between target TNT and receptor VLP. The method avoids the influence from any interfering species and environmental background signals, making it extremely suitable for directly quantifying the TNT level in a sample. It is also a rapid method that does not need any sensor surface functionalization process. For antibody sensing, the VLPs carrying both antibody binding peptides and cysteine residues are assembled onto the gold electrodes of an impedance microsensor. With two-phase immunoassays, the VLP-based impedance sensor is able to quantify antibody concentrations down to 9.1 ng/mL. A capillary microfluidics and impedance sensor integrated microsystem is developed to further accelerate the process of VLP assembly on sensors and improve the sensitivity. Open channel capillary micropumps and stop-valves facilitate localized and evaporation-assisted VLP assembly on sensor electrodes within 6 minutes. The VLP-functionalized impedance sensor is capable of label-free sensing of antibodies with the detection limit of 8.8 ng/mL within 5 minutes after sensor functionalization, demonstrating great potential of VLP-based sensors for rapid and on-demand chemical and biological sensing.


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With the proliferation of new mobile devices and applications, the demand for ubiquitous wireless services has increased dramatically in recent years. The explosive growth in the wireless traffic requires the wireless networks to be scalable so that they can be efficiently extended to meet the wireless communication demands. In a wireless network, the interference power typically grows with the number of devices without necessary coordination among them. On the other hand, large scale coordination is always difficult due to the low-bandwidth and high-latency interfaces between access points (APs) in traditional wireless networks. To address this challenge, cloud radio access network (C-RAN) has been proposed, where a pool of base band units (BBUs) are connected to the distributed remote radio heads (RRHs) via high bandwidth and low latency links (i.e., the front-haul) and are responsible for all the baseband processing. But the insufficient front-haul link capacity may limit the scale of C-RAN and prevent it from fully utilizing the benefits made possible by the centralized baseband processing. As a result, the front-haul link capacity becomes a bottleneck in the scalability of C-RAN. In this dissertation, we explore the scalable C-RAN in the effort of tackling this challenge. In the first aspect of this dissertation, we investigate the scalability issues in the existing wireless networks and propose a novel time-reversal (TR) based scalable wireless network in which the interference power is naturally mitigated by the focusing effects of TR communications without coordination among APs or terminal devices (TDs). Due to this nice feature, it is shown that the system can be easily extended to serve more TDs. Motivated by the nice properties of TR communications in providing scalable wireless networking solutions, in the second aspect of this dissertation, we apply the TR based communications to the C-RAN and discover the TR tunneling effects which alleviate the traffic load in the front-haul links caused by the increment of TDs. We further design waveforming schemes to optimize the downlink and uplink transmissions in the TR based C-RAN, which are shown to improve the downlink and uplink transmission accuracies. Consequently, the traffic load in the front-haul links is further alleviated by the reducing re-transmissions caused by transmission errors. Moreover, inspired by the TR-based C-RAN, we propose the compressive quantization scheme which applies to the uplink of multi-antenna C-RAN so that more antennas can be utilized with the limited front-haul capacity, which provide rich spatial diversity such that the massive TDs can be served more efficiently.


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Mathematical models of gene regulation are a powerful tool for understanding the complex features of genetic control. While various modeling efforts have been successful at explaining gene expression dynamics, much less is known about how evolution shapes the structure of these networks. An important feature of gene regulatory networks is their stability in response to environmental perturbations. Regulatory systems are thought to have evolved to exist near the transition between stability and instability, in order to have the required stability to environmental fluctuations while also being able to achieve a wide variety of functions (corresponding to different dynamical patterns). We study a simplified model of gene network evolution in which links are added via different selection rules. These growth models are inspired by recent work on `explosive' percolation which shows that when network links are added through competitive rather than random processes, the connectivity phase transition can be significantly delayed, and when it is reached, it appears to be first order (discontinuous, e.g., going from no failure at all to large expected failure) instead of second order (continuous, e.g., going from no failure at all to very small expected failure). We find that by modifying the traditional framework for networks grown via competitive link addition to capture how gene networks evolve to avoid damage propagation, we also see significant delays in the transition that depend on the selection rules, but the transitions always appear continuous rather than `explosive'.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar se existe variação dos parâmetros que caraterizam a atividade motora de jogadores de futebol em treino, obtidos através do Viper Software STATSports, ao longo de vários microciclos (MCs) integrando o período preparatório (PP) e o início do período competitivo (PC), assim como, averiguar a associação existente entre a variação destes parâmetros, MC a MC, e a Perceção Subjetiva do Esforço Sessão (PSE-sessão) respetiva, e verificar, ainda, se existe correlação entre estes parâmetros e a PSE, em cada MC do período considerado. A amostra do estudo foi constituída por 13 jogadores (idade: 25 ± 1,78 anos) de futebol do sexo masculino a competir no escalão de Séniores da Associação Futebol de Setúbal. A recolha de dados ocorreu durante o PP (4 semanas) e o PC (4 semanas). Os jogadores incluídos no estudo cumpriram o único critério definido: a realização total das sessões de treino previstas. Os instrumentos utilizados durante o processo foram o sistema Viper (Viper Software v.1.2, STATSports), integrando um GPS 10 Hz, acelerómetro 100 Hz, cardiofrequencímetro e a escala de PSE adaptada por Foster. Verificou-se elevada variabilidade no comportamento dos parâmetros no PP, mas não nos 3 últimos MCs já integrados no PC. Verificamos forte associação entre os parâmetros Distância Explosiva (r=0,762), Nº Esforços de Elevada Carga Metabólica (r=0,714), Nº Acelerações (r=0,714), Nº Desacelerações (r=0,762) e a PSE-sessão (p˂0,05). O parâmetro com maior potencial preditor de elevados valores da PSE-sessão é a Distância Explosiva (p˂0,001). Por fim, não encontramos uma associação regular entre os parâmetros e a PSE-sessão em cada MC. Os valores de PSE-sessão apresentados durante o estudo são semelhantes a valores apresentados em outros estudos no futebol profissional. Conclui-se que no PP ocorreu a variabilidade de todos os parâmetros e estabilização no PC da Distância Total, Distância de Elevada Carga Metabólica, Distâcia Explosiva, Nº Esforços de Elevada Carga Metabólica e PSE-sessão. A PSE-sessão depende dos parâmetros Distância Explosiva, Nº Esforços de Elevada Carga Metabólica, Nº Acelerações e Nº Desacelerações, i.e., as ações de elevada exigência metabólica e neuromuscular explicam a relação existente entre os parâmetros de carga e a PSE-sessão como indicador global de carga interna. A utilização do sistema Viper possibilita a recolha de parâmetros que descrevem as exigências fisícas a que os jogadores estão sujeitos e fornece informação fundamental para o planeamento do treino em conjunto com a recolha sistemática da PSE-sessão.


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O objetivo da simulação é confrontar os instruendos com situações que permitam recriar as condições mais próximas da realidade, para que o processo de aprendizagem possa atingir os objetivos da formação. As polícias estrangeiras já utilizam simuladores nas áreas do ensino da condução, tiro, inativação de engenhos explosivos e fiscalização rodoviária. Cada equipamento ensina e desenvolve as capacidades dos agentes policiais, que por sua vez, contribui para a promoção da eficácia policial. Este estudo estabelece a ligação entre os conceitos de simulação e de formação no sentido de tentar desenvolver as linhas orientadoras da formação policial da GNR com recurso à simulação. Abstract: The intent of simulations is to immerse trainees in situations wich provide to recreate conditions similar to reality, for the purpose that the training process would reach training objectives. Law enforcement agencies abroad already use simulators for driver training, shooting, explosive ordinance disposal and road and transport enforcement. Each equipment teaches and enhance skills of individual officers which, in turn, will contribute to promote police effectiveness. This study aims to link the concepts of simulation and training in order to develop the guidelines of the GNR police training using simulators.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.


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This work introduces two novel approaches for the application of luminescence dating techniques to Quaternary volcanic eruptions: crystalline xenoliths from lava flows are demonstrated to be basically suitable for luminescence dating, and a set of phreatic explosion deposits from the Late Quaternary Vakinankaratra volcanic field in central Madagascar is successfully dated with infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL). Using a numerical model approach and experimental verification, the potential for thermal resetting of luminescence signals of xenoliths in lava flows is demonstrated. As microdosimetry is an important aspect when using sample material extracted from crystalline whole rocks, autoradiography using image plates is introduced to the field of luminescence dating as a method for detection and assessment of spatially resolved radiation inhomogeneities. Determinations of fading rates of feldspar samples have been observed to result in aberrant g-values if the pause between preheat and measurement in the delayed measurements was kept short. A systematic investigation reveals that the phenomenon is caused by the presence of three signal components with differing individual fading behaviour. As this is restricted to short pauses, it is possible to determine a minimal required delay between preheating and measurement after which the aberrant behaviour disappears. This is applied in the measuring of 12 samples from phreatic explosion deposits from the Antsirabe – Betafo region in the Late Quaternary Vakinankaratra volcanic field. The samples were taken from stratigraphically correlatable sections and appear to represent at least three phreatic events, one of which created the Lac Andraikiba maar near Antsirabe. The obtained ages indicate that the eruptive activity in the region started in the Late Pleistocene between 113.9 and 99.6 ka. A second layer in the Betafo area is dated at approximately 73 ka and the Lac Andraikiba deposits give an age between 63.9 and 50.7 ka. The youngest phreatic layer is dated between 33.7 and 20.7 ka. These ages are the first recorded direct ages of such volcanic deposits, as well as the first and only direct ages for the Late Quaternary volcanism in the Vakinankaratra volcanic field. This illustrates the huge potential of this new method for volcanology and geochronology, as it enables direct numerical dating of a type of volcanic deposit which has not been successfully directly dated by any other method so far.


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O presente trabalho de investigação versa sobre o tema “A contrainsurgência na atualidade: ambiente Organização do Tratado Atlântico Norte”. O objetivo desta investigação será identificar quais os aspetos a melhorar na organização, no aprontamento e nos meios necessários para uma Quick Reaction Force enfrentar um adversário insurgente num teatro de operações de uma força da Organização do Tratado Atlântico Norte. Pretende-se analisar o emprego das Forças Comandos integrando os módulos do Apoio de Combate e Apoio de Serviços. Assim, esta investigação iniciar-se-á com uma componente teórica, fundamentada numa pesquisa bibliográfica, seguida de uma componente prática, correspondente à realização de entrevistas que permitiram obter respostas para a questão central em apreço. Estas duas componentes culminam com a conclusão resultante do processo de investigação. O presente trabalho de investigação aplicada permitiu concluir que, relativamente à organização, a força de Comandos, integrada com os seus módulos provou ser a adequada para o cumprimento da missão de Quick Reaction Force, denotando, ainda assim, carência relativamente à inclusão de equipas de desativação de engenhos explosivos. O treino da força provou ser o adequado, estando relacionado com o tipo de tarefas que efetivamente foram realizadas no Afeganistão. Nos meios que equipavam a força, apesar de adequados, constatou-se que seria necessária uma atualização relativamente às versões dos mesmos.


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The Mount Meager Volcanic Complex (MMVC) in south-western British Columbia is a potentially active, hydrothermally altered massif comprising a series of steep, glaciated peaks. Climatic conditions and glacial retreat has led to the further weathering, exposure and de-buttressing of steep slopes composed of weak, unconsolidated material. This has resulted in an increased frequency of landslide events over the past few decades, many of which have dammed the rivers bordering the Complex. The breach of these debris dams presents a risk of flooding to the downstream communities. Preliminary mapping showed there are numerous sites around the Complex where future failure could occur. Some of these areas are currently undergoing progressive slope movement and display features to support this such as anti-scarps and tension cracks. The effect of water infiltration on stability was modelled using the Rocscience program Slide 6.0. The main site of focus was Mount Meager in the south- east of the Complex where the most recent landslide took place. Two profiles through Mount Meager were analysed along with one other location in the northern section of the MMVC, where instability had been detected. The lowest Factor of Safety (FOS) for each profile was displayed and an estimate of the volume which could be generated was deduced. A hazard map showing the inundation zones for various volumes of debris flows was created from simulations using LAHARZ. Results showed the massif is unstable, even before infiltration. Varying the amount of infiltration appears to have no significant impact on the FOS annually implying that small changes of any kind could also trigger failure. Further modelling could be done to assess the impact of infiltration over shorter time scales. The Slide models show the volume of material that could be delivered to the Lillooet River Valley to be of the order of 109 m3 which, based on the LAHARZ simulations, would completely inundate the valley and communities downstream. A major hazard of this is that the removal of such a large amount of material has the potential to trigger an explosive eruption of the geothermal system and renew volcanic activity. Although events of this size are infrequent, there is a significant risk to the communities downstream of the complex.


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Geologic hazards affect the lives of millions of people worldwide every year. El Salvador is a country that is regularly affected by natural disasters, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tropical storms. Additionally, rainfall-induced landslides and debris flows are a major threat to the livelihood of thousands. The San Vicente Volcano in central El Salvador has a recurring and destructive pattern of landslides and debris flows occurring on the northern slopes of the volcano. In recent memory there have been at least seven major destructive debris flows on San Vicente volcano. Despite this problem, there has been no known attempt to study the inherent stability of these volcanic slopes and to determine the thresholds of rainfall that might lead to slope instability. This thesis explores this issue and outlines a suggested method for predicting the likelihood of slope instability during intense rainfall events. The material properties obtained from a field campaign and laboratory testing were used for a 2-D slope stability analysis on a recent landslide on San Vicente volcano. This analysis confirmed that the surface materials of the volcano are highly permeable and have very low shear strength and provided insight into the groundwater table behavior during a rainstorm. The biggest factors on the stability of the slopes were found to be slope geometry, rainfall totals and initial groundwater table location. Using the results from this analysis a stability chart was created that took into account these main factors and provided an estimate of the stability of a slope in various rainfall scenarios. This chart could be used by local authorities in the event of a known extreme rainfall event to help make decisions regarding possible evacuation. Recommendations are given to improve the methodology for future application in other areas as well as in central El Salvador.


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The study of volcano deformation data can provide information on magma processes and help assess the potential for future eruptions. In employing inverse deformation modeling on these data, we attempt to characterize the geometry, location and volume/pressure change of a deformation source. Techniques currently used to model sheet intrusions (e.g., dikes and sills) often require significant a priori assumptions about source geometry and can require testing a large number of parameters. Moreover, surface deformations are a non-linear function of the source geometry and location. This requires the use of Monte Carlo inversion techniques which leads to long computation times. Recently, ‘displacement tomography’ models have been used to characterize magma reservoirs by inverting source deformation data for volume changes using a grid of point sources in the subsurface. The computations involved in these models are less intensive as no assumptions are made on the source geometry and location, and the relationship between the point sources and the surface deformation is linear. In this project, seeking a less computationally intensive technique for fracture sources, we tested if this displacement tomography method for reservoirs could be used for sheet intrusions. We began by simulating the opening of three synthetic dikes of known geometry and location using an established deformation model for fracture sources. We then sought to reproduce the displacements and volume changes undergone by the fractures using the sources employed in the tomography methodology. Results of this validation indicate the volumetric point sources are not appropriate for locating fracture sources, however they may provide useful qualitative information on volume changes occurring in the surrounding rock, and therefore indirectly indicate the source location.


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Detection canines represent the fastest and most versatile means of illicit material detection. This research endeavor in its most simplistic form is the improvement of detection canines through training, training aids, and calibration. This study focuses on developing a universal calibration compound for which all detection canines, regardless of detection substance, can be tested daily to ensure that they are working with acceptable parameters. Surrogate continuation aids (SCAs) were developed for peroxide based explosives along with the validation of the SCAs already developed within the International Forensic Research Institute (IFRI) prototype surrogate explosives kit. Storage parameters of the SCAs were evaluated to give recommendations to the detection canine community on the best possible training aid storage solution that minimizes the likelihood of contamination. Two commonly used and accepted detection canine imprinting methods were also evaluated for the speed in which the canine is trained and their reliability. As a result of the completion of this study, SCAs have been developed for explosive detection canine use covering: peroxide based explosives, TNT based explosives, nitroglycerin based explosives, tagged explosives, plasticized explosives, and smokeless powders. Through the use of these surrogate continuation aids a more uniform and reliable system of training can be implemented in the field than is currently used today. By examining the storage parameters of the SCAs, an ideal storage system has been developed using three levels of containment for the reduction of possible contamination. The developed calibration compound will ease the growing concerns over the legality and reliability of detection canine use by detailing the daily working parameters of the canine, allowing for Daubert rules of evidence admissibility to be applied. Through canine field testing, it has been shown that the IFRI SCAs outperform other commercially available training aids on the market. Additionally, of the imprinting methods tested, no difference was found in the speed in which the canines are trained or their reliability to detect illicit materials. Therefore, if the recommendations discovered in this study are followed, the detection canine community will greatly benefit through the use of scientifically validated training techniques and training aids.


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Calbuco Volcano, in Southern Chile, has eruptive products of predominantly andesitic hornblende-bearing lava. A purpose of this work is to understand magmatic processes and how Calbuco magma chemistry is related to the explosive volcanic character. Calbuco lava has a mineral assemblage of plagioclase, hornblende, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, olivine, and magnetite and entrained gabbroic xenoliths with the same mineral assemblage. The presence of hornblende is evidence for dissolved water in the magma. Detailed petrographic/textural analysis has been done using petrographic microscopy and back-scattered electron imaging (BSE); geochemical analysis by electron microprobe (EPMA). Major findings include 1) that hornblende and hornblende-bearing gabbroic cumulates crystallize from Calbuco magma, 2) that plagioclase grains are compositionally zoned, recording evidence of temperature, chemical, and water content fluctuations in the magma, and 3) that hornblende is unstable under upper magma chamber conditions at Calbuco, and is breaking down into plagioclase, olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and magnetite in the magma.