979 resultados para Electric field analysis


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Boron nitride is a promising material for nanotechnology applications due to its two-dimensional graphene-like, insulating, and highly-resistant structure. Recently it has received a lot of attention as a substrate to grow and isolate graphene as well as for its intrinsic UV lasing response. Similar to carbon, one-dimensional boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) have been theoretically predicted and later synthesised. Here we use first principles simulations to unambiguously demonstrate that i) BN nanotubes inherit the highly efficient UV luminescence of hexagonal BN; ii) the application of an external perpendicular field closes the electronic gap keeping the UV lasing with lower yield; iii) defects in BNNTS are responsible for tunable light emission from the UV to the visible controlled by a transverse electric field (TEF). Our present findings pave the road towards optoelectronic applications of BN-nanotube-based devices that are simple to implement because they do not require any special doping or complex growth


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We study driven by an external electric field quantum orbital and spin dynamics of electron in a one-dimensional double quantum dot with spin-orbit coupling. Two types of external perturbation are considered: a periodic field at the Zeeman frequency and a single half-period pulse. Spin-orbit coupling leads to a nontrivial evolution in the spin and orbital channels and to a strongly spin-dependent probability density distribution. Both the interdot tunneling and the driven motion contribute into the spin evolution. These results can be important for the design of the spin manipulation schemes in semiconductor nanostructures.


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a technique that stimulates the brain using a magnetic coil placed on the scalp. Since it is applicable to humans non-invasively, directly interfering with neural electrical activity, it is potentially a good tool to study the direct relationship between perceptual experience and neural activity. However, it has been difficult to produce a clear perceptible phenomenon with TMS of sensory areas, especially using a single magnetic pulse. Also, the biophysical mechanisms of magnetic stimulation of single neurons have been poorly understood.

In the psychophysical part of this thesis, perceptual phenomena induced by TMS of the human visual cortex are demonstrated as results of the interactions with visual inputs. We first introduce a method to create a hole, or a scotoma, in a flashed, large-field visual pattern using single-pulse TMS. Spatial aspects of the interactions are explored using the distortion effect of the scotoma depending on the visual pattern, which can be luminance-defined or illusory. Its similarity to the distortion of afterimages is also discussed. Temporal interactions are demonstrated in the filling-in of the scotoma with temporally adjacent visual features, as well as in the effective suppression of transient visual features. Also, paired-pulse TMS is shown to lead to different brightness modulations in transient and sustained visual stimuli.

In the biophysical part, we first develop a biophysical theory to simulate the effect of magnetic stimulation on arbitrary neuronal structure. Computer simulations are performed on cortical neuron models with realistic structure and channels, combined with the current injection that simulates magnetic stimulation. The simulation results account for general and basic characteristics of the macroscopic effects of TMS including our psychophysical findings, such as a long inhibitory effect, dependence on the background activity, and dependence on the direction of the induced electric field.

The perceptual effects and the cortical neuron model presented here provide foundations for the study of the relationship between perception and neural activity. Further insights would be obtained from extension of our model to neuronal networks and psychophysical studies based on predictions of the biophysical model.


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The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a chloride channel member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of membrane proteins. CFTR has two homologous halves, each consisting of six transmembrane spanning domains (TM) followed by a nucleotide binding fold, connected by a regulatory (R) domain. This thesis addresses the question of which domains are responsible for Cl^- selectivity, i.e., which domains line the channel pore.

To address this question, novel blockers of CFTR were characterized. CFTR was heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes to study the mechanism of block by two closely related arylaminobenzoates, diphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid (DPC) and flufenamic acid (FFA). Block by both is voltage-dependent, with a binding site ≈ 40% through the electric field of the membrane. DPC and FFA can both reach their binding site from either side of the membrane to produce a flickering block of CFTR single channels. In addition, DPC block is influenced by Cl^- concentration, and DPC blocks with a bimolecular forward binding rate and a unimolecular dissociation rate. Therefore, DPC and FFA are open-channel blockers of CFTR, and a residue of CFTR whose mutation affects their binding must line the pore.

Screening of site-directed mutants for altered DPC binding affinity reveals that TM-6 and TM-12 line the pore. Mutation of residue 5341 in TM-6 abolishes most DPC block, greatly reduces single-channel conductance, and alters the direction of current rectification. Additional residues are found in TM-6 (K335) and TM-12 (T1134) whose mutations weaken or strengthen DPC block; other mutations move the DPC binding site from TM-6 to TM-12. The strengthened block and lower conductance due to mutation T1134F is quantitated at the single-channel level. The geometry of DPC and of the residues mutated suggest α-helical structures for TM-6 and TM-12. Evidence is presented that the effects of the mutations are due to direct side-chain interaction, and not to allosteric effects propagated through the protein. Mutations are also made in TM-11, including mutation S1118F, which gives voltage-dependent current relaxations. The results may guide future studies on permeation through ABC transporters and through other Cl^- channels.


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We present a novel technique to fabricate deeply embedded microelectrodes in LiNbO3 using femtosecond pulsed laser ablation and selective electroless plating. The fabrication process mainly consists of four steps, which are (1) micromachining of microgrooves on the surface of LiNbO3 by femtosecond laser ablation; (2) formation of AgNO3 films on substrates; (3) scanning the femtosecond laser beam in the fabricated microgrooves for modi. cation of the inner surfaces; and (4) electroless copper plating. The void-free electroless copper plating is obtained with appropriate cross section of microgrooves and uniform initiation of the autocatalytic deposition on the inner surface of grooves. The dimension and shape of the microelectrodes could be accurately controlled by changing the conditions of femtosecond laser ablation, which in turn can control the distribution of electric field inside LiNbO3 crystal for various applications, opening up a new approach to fabricate three-dimensional integrated electro-optic devices. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Part A

A problem restricting the development of the CuCl laser has been the decrease in output power with increases of tube temperature above 400°C. At that temperature the CuCl vapor pressure is about .1 torr. This is a small fraction of the buffer gas pressure (He at 10 torr).

The aim of the project was to measure the peak radiation temperature (assumed related to the mean energy of electrons) in the laser discharge as a function of the tube temperature. A 24 gHz gated microwave radiometer was used.

It was found that at the tube temperatures at which the output power began to deteriorate, the electron radiation temperature showed a sharp increase (compared with radiation temperature in pure buffer).

Using the above result, we have postulated that this sudden increase is a result of Penning ionization of the Cu atoms. As a consequence of this process the number of Cu atoms available for lasing decrease.


The aim of the project was to study the dissociation of CO2 in the glow discharge of flowing CO2 lasers.

A TM011 microwave (3 gHz) cavity was used to measure the radially averaged electron density ne and the electron-neutral collision frequency in the laser discharge. An estimate of the electric field is made from these two measurements. A gas chromatograph was used to measure the chemical composition of the gases after going through the discharge. This instrument was checked against a mass spectrometer for accuracy and sensitivity.

Several typical laser mixtures were .used: CO2-N2-He (1,3,16), (1,3,0), (1,0,16), (1,2,10), (1,2,0), (1,0,10), (2,3,15), (2,3,0), (2,0,15), (1,3,16)+ H2O and pure CO2. Results show that for the conditions studied the dissociation as a function of the electron density is uniquely determined by the STP partial flow rate of CO2, regardless of the amount of N2 and/or He present. The presence of water vapor in the discharge decreased the degree of dissociation.

A simple theoretical model was developed using thermodynamic equilibrium. The electrons were replaced in the calculations by a distributed heat source.

The results are analyzed with a simple kinetic model.


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An analytical fluid model for resonance absorption during the oblique incidence by femtosecond laser pulses on a small-scale-length density plasma [k(0)L is an element of(0.1,10)] is proposed. The physics of resonance absorption is analyzed more clearly as we separate the electric field into an electromagnetic part and an electrostatic part. It is found that the characteristics of the physical quantities (fractional absorption, optimum angle, etc.) in a small-scale-length plasma are quite different from the predictions of classical theory. Absorption processes are generally dependent on the density scale length. For shorter scale length or higher laser intensity, vacuum heating tends to be dominant. It is shown that the electrons being pulled out and then returned to the plasma at the interface layer by the wave field can lead to a phenomenon like wave breaking. This can lead to heating of the plasma at the expanse of the wave energy. It is found that the optimum angle is independent of the laser intensity while the absorption rate increases with the laser intensity, and the absorption rate can reach as high as 25%. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The microwave scattering properties of an axially magnetized afterglow plasma column in an S-band waveguide have been investigated experimentally. The column axis is perpendicular to the electric field and the direction of wave propagation in the H_(10)-mode waveguide. Strong absorption is found in the range of upper hybrid frequencies, ω_c ≤ ω ≤ [ω^2_c + ω^2_p(r,t)]^(1/2) where ω_c is the electron cyclotron frequency and ω_p is the locally and temporally varying electron plasma frequency. With the high absorption the noise emission approaches the blackbody limit. A microwave radiometer has been used to measure the noise power and with a comparison and null-technique the electron temperature. As emission and absorption are largely confined to a resonant layer, spatially resolved temperature data are obtained. Time resolution is obtained by gating the radiometer. The peak electron density is derived from the emission or absorption onset at the maximum upper hybrid frequency and confirmed by independent measurements. With this diagnostic technique the electron density and temperature decay has been studied under a variety of experimental conditions. Ambipolar diffusion and collisional cooling essentially account for the plasma decay, but impurities and metastable ions play an important role. The diagnostic method is successfully applied in a microwave heating experiment. The existence of absorbing resonant layers is shown by a peak in the radial temperature profile where the local upper hybrid frequency equals the heating frequency. The knowledge of the plasma parameters is important in the study of hot plasma effects. Buchsbaum-Hasegawa modes are investigated in a wide range of magnetic fields (.5 < ω_c/ω < .985).


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[ES]El estándar de radiodifusión de televisión digital terrestre DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial) es uno de los estándares más extendidos en todo el mundo. Su sucesor, DVB-T2, ha sido desplegado en 24 países y adoptado por otros 32 a lo largo de los últimos cinco años. Este despliegue ha coincidido con el rápido desarrollo de la telefonía móvil, con la que comparte la banda UHF. Debido a las limitaciones del espectro, es necesario estudiar la posibilidad de ofrecer los servicios de DVB-T2 en la banda VHF. El objetivo de este trabajo de fin de grado es estudiar los criterios de planificación de las redes DVB-T2 en la banda VHF. Para ello se analizan las áreas afectadas por el cambio de banda, como son la estimación del campo eléctrico, los características de los componentes de transmisión y recepción de la señal y los parámetros estándar. Además, se calculan las intensidades mínimas de campo y los alcances máximos de cobertura para diferentes configuraciones.


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Baseado na convicção de que trabalhar é gerir fruto das pesquisas com a perspectiva da Ergologia , procura-se nesta tese pensar gestão como um conceito ampliado, algo que todos os humanos operam ao trabalhar, e não somente como uma função exclusiva de administradores, no sentido restrito do termo (referido apenas aos chefes, diretores, etc.). Tendo como campo empírico o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e investigando-se as proposições de alguns dos principais autores sobre o tema da Gestão e Planejamento em Saúde, verificou-se que uma exaustiva busca vem sendo empreendida por diversos agentes do campo da Saúde e por pesquisadores para aproximarem-se, compreenderem e desenvolverem melhor as habilidades, os conhecimentos, as competências e os dispositivos que permitiriam uma gestão mais eficiente do SUS e, mais especificamente, no âmbito de uma Unidade de Saúde Pública no Brasil. Estiveram em análise as práticas de gestão desenvolvidas em um Centro Municipal de Saúde do estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), no qual o autor da tese, além das atividades de pesquisa, exercia a função de diretor geral. A tese teve como objetivo principal analisar, do ponto de vista da atividade, a dimensão gestionária do trabalho na Unidade de Saúde citada, a fim de discutir a viabilidade naquele local e, possivelmente em outras Unidades de Saúde do exercício de uma ergogestão, isto é, uma gestão com base nos princípios propostos pela Ergologia quando o ponto de vista da atividade tem cidadania no meio de trabalho. O referencial teórico constituiu-se de algumas abordagens clínicas do trabalho (Ergonomia da Atividade, Psicopatologia do Trabalho, Psicodinâmica do Trabalho e Clínica da Atividade, esta última em menor proporção) com elementos das contribuições do educador brasileiro Paulo Freire, do psicanalista inglês Donald Winnicott e do biólogo chileno Humberto Maturana, todas colocadas em sinergia dialética sob a orientação da perspectiva ergológica. No curso da investigação foram utilizados métodos e técnicas pertinentes a este quadro e que objetivaram possibilitar a aproximação e o diálogo com os protagonistas da atividade na Unidade de Saúde em análise. Destacam-se as influências da pesquisa-intervenção e da pesquisa etnográfica, sendo o principal dispositivo técnico utilizado aquele denominado Encontros sobre o Trabalho. A pesquisa empreendida, conjuntamente com a experiência concreta de gerenciamento (como diretor geral), permitiu concluir que o esforço de implantação da modalidade que se denomina ergogestão, privilegiando o ponto de vista da atividade, pôde colaborar para promover transformações positivas no cotidiano da Unidade posta em análise. Contudo, sua aceitação por um maior número de atores e seu desenvolvimento dependem do atendimento de algumas necessidades, apontadas pelo coletivo de trabalho como entraves a superar. Os achados aqui presentes podem contribuir para a construção de um patrimônio de informações acerca da Unidade. A partir desse patrimônio outras experiências de gerenciamento podem vir a se desenvolver, obtendo-se assim, cada vez maior êxito na gestão do processo de trabalho e na melhoria das condições do atendimento oferecido aos usuários.


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We propose a surface planar ion chip which forms a linear radio frequency Paul ion trap. The electrodes reside in the two planes of a chip, and the trap axis is located above the chip surface. Its electric field and potential distribution are similar to the standard linear radio frequency Paul ion trap. This ion trap geometry may be greatly meaningful for quantum information processing.


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We investigate a planar ion chip design with a two-dimensional array of linear ion traps for the scalable quantum information processor. The segmented electrodes reside in a single plane on a substrate and a grounded metal plate, a combination of appropriate rf and DC potentials are applied to them for stable ion confinement, and the trap axes are located above the surface at a distance controlled by the electrodes' lateral extent and the substrate's height as discussed. The potential distributions are calculated using static electric field qualitatively. This architecture is conceptually simple and many current microfabrication techniques are feasible for the basic structure. It may provide a promising route for scalable quantum computers.


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强外加电场与大调制度在光折变效应的研究中已经得到了广泛应用。采用PDECOL算法, 严格求解光折变带输运方程, 得到外加电场时不同调制度下光折变晶体中随时间变化的空间电荷场、载流子浓度, 并讨论了外加电场对它们的影响。通过将物质方程与耦合波方程联立数值求解, 可得到光折变光栅形成过程中两波耦合增益系数以及光束条纹相位的变化。模拟结果表明, 在强外加电场作用下, 两束记录光之间的光强与相位耦合都得到了增强, 而原有的解析式忽视了强外加电场与大调制度对空间电荷场相位耦合的影响, 此时不再适用。同时发现折射率光