946 resultados para Diesel emissions
In this study, gaseous emissions and particles are measured during start-up and stop periods for an over-fed boiler and an under-fed boiler. Both gaseous and particulate matter emissions are continuously measured in the laboratory. The measurement of gaseous emissions includes oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide and (NO). The emissions rates are calculated from measured emissions concentrations and flue gas flow. The behaviours of the boilers during start-up and stop periods are analysed and the emissions are characterised in terms of CO, NO, TOC and particles (PM2.5 mass and number). The duration of the characterised periods vary between two boilers due to the difference in type of ignition and combustion control. The under-fed boiler B produces higher emissions during start-up periods than the over-fed boiler A. More hydrocarbon and particles are emitted by the under-fed boiler during stop periods. Accumulated mass of CO and TOC during start-up and stop periods contribute a major portion of the total mass emitted during whole operation. However, accumulated mass of NO and PM during start-up and stop periods are not significant as the duration of emission peak is relatively short.
Gaseous and particulate emissions from a residential pellet boiler and a stove are measured at a realistic 6-day operation sequence and during steady state operation. The aim is to characterize the emissions during each phase in order to identify when the major part of the emissions occur to enable actions for emission reduction where the savings can be highest. The characterized emissions comprised carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NO), total organic carbon (TOC) and particulate matter (PM 2.5). In this study, emissions were characterised by mass concentration and emissions during start-up and stop phases were also presented in accumulated mass. The influence of start-up and stop phases on the emissions, average emission factors for the boiler and stove were analysed using the measured data from a six-days test. The share of start-up and stop emissions are significant for CO and TOC contributing 95% and 89% respectively at the 20kW boiler and 82% and 89% respectively at the 12 kW stove. NO and particles emissions are shown to dominate during stationary operation.
This report contains a suggestion for a simple monitoring and evaluation guideline for PV-diesel hybrid systems. It offers system users a way to better understand if their system is operated in a way that will make it last for a long time. It also gives suggestions on how to act if there are signs of unfavourable use or failure. The application of the guide requires little technical equipment, but daily manual measurements. For the most part, it can be managed by pen and paper, by people with no earlier experience of power systems.The guide is structured and expressed in a way that targets PV-diesel hybrid system users with no, or limited, earlier experience of power engineering. It is less detailed in terms of motivations for certain choices and limitations, but rich in details concerning calculations, evaluation procedures and maintenance routines. A more scientific description of the guide can be found in a related journal article.
Emissions from residential combustion appliances vary significantly depending on the firing behaviours and combustion conditions, in addition to combustion technologies and fuel quality. Although wood pellet combustion in residential heating boilers is efficient, the combustion conditions during start-up and stop phases are not optimal and produce significantly high emissions such as carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon from incomplete combustion. The emissions from the start-up and stop phases of the pellet boilers are not fully taken into account in test methods for ecolabels which primarily focus on emissions during operation on full load and part load. The objective of the thesis is to investigate the emission characteristics during realistic operation of residential wood pellet boilers in order to identify when the major part of the annual emissions occur. Emissions from four residential wood pellet boilers were measured and characterized for three operating phases (start-up, steady and stop). Emissions from realistic operation of combined solar and wood pellet heating systems was continuously measured to investigate the influence of start-up and stop phases on total annual emissions. Measured emission data from the pellet devices were used to build an emission model to predict the annual emission factors from the dynamic operation of the heating system using the simulation software TRNSYS. Start-up emissions are found to vary with ignition type, supply of air and fuel, and time to complete the phase. Stop emissions are influenced by fan operation characteristics and the cleaning routine. Start-up and stop phases under realistic operation conditions contribute 80 – 95% of annual carbon monoxide (CO) emission, 60 – 90% total hydrocarbon (TOC), 10 – 20% of nitrogen oxides (NO), and 30 – 40% particles emissions. Annual emission factors from realistic operation of tested residential heating system with a top fed wood pelt boiler can be between 190 and 400 mg/MJ for the CO emissions, between 60 and 95 mg/MJ for the NO, between 6 and 25 mg/MJ for the TOC, between 30 and 116 mg/MJ for the particulate matter and between 2x10-13 /MJ and 4x10-13 /MJ for the number of particles. If the boiler has the cleaning sequence with compressed air such as in boiler B2, annual CO emission factor can be up to 550 mg/MJ. Average CO, TOC and particles emissions under realistic annual condition were greater than the limits values of two eco labels. These results highlight the importance of start-up and stop phases in annual emission factors (especially CO and TOC). Since a large or dominating part of the annual emissions in real operation arise from the start-up and stop sequences, test methods required by the ecolabels should take these emissions into account. In this way it will encourage the boiler manufacturers to minimize annual emissions. The annual emissions of residential pellet heating system can be reduced by optimizing the number of start-ups of the pellet boiler. It is possible to reduce up to 85% of the number of start-ups by optimizing the system design and its controller such as switching of the boiler pump after it stops, using two temperature sensors for boiler ON/OFF control, optimizing of the positions of the connections to the storage tank, increasing the mixing valve temperature in the boiler circuit and decreasing the pump flow rate. For 85 % reduction of start-ups, 75 % of CO and TOC emission factors were reduced while 13% increase in NO and 15 % increase in particle emissions was observed.
Transportation is seen as one of the major sources of CO2 pollutants nowadays. The impact of increased transport in retailing should not be underestimated. Most previous studies have focused on transportation and underlying trips, in general, while very few studies have addressed the specific affects that, for instance, intra-city shopping trips generate. Furthermore, most of the existing methods used to estimate emission are based on macro-data designed to generate national or regional inventory projections. There is a lack of studies using micro-data based methods that are able to distinguish between driver behaviour and the locational effects induced by shopping trips, which is an important precondition for energy efficient urban planning. The aim of this study is to implement a micro-data method to estimate and compare CO2 emission induced by intra-urban car travelling to a retail destination of durable goods (DG), and non-durable goods (NDG). We estimate the emissions from aspects of travel behaviour and store location. The study is conducted by means of a case study in the city of Borlänge, where GPS tracking data on intra-urban car travel is collected from 250 households. We find that a behavioural change during a trip towards a CO2 optimal travelling by car has the potential to decrease emission to 36% (DG), and to 25% (NDG) of the emissions induced by car-travelling shopping trips today. There is also a potential of reducing CO2 emissions induced by intra-urban shopping trips due to poor location by 54%, and if the consumer selected the closest of 8 existing stores, the CO2 emissions would be reduced by 37% of the current emission induced by NDG shopping trips.
The Boston Red Sox emit a great deal of carbon throughout the regular baseball season because of flights to the home fields of their opponents. Knowing that air travel is one of the biggest transportation-based contributors to global climate change, the Boston Red Sox (and all major league teams) should be encouraged to offset their carbon emissions from regular season travel. Using ArcGIS to map the flight paths along great circle routes, the distance of flights to opponents’ cities was calculated to total the number of miles traveled in the 2008 season. The price of offsetting this carbon was estimated using the calculators of carbon offset retailers, such as Native Energy, a Vermont-based retailer. This project provides the potential costs of offsetting the carbon emitted from Red Sox air travel. To take the lead in the future of the Northeast, the Red Sox should begin to consider their contribution to climate change.
Most of water distribution systems (WDS) need rehabilitation due to aging infrastructure leading to decreasing capacity, increasing leakage and consequently low performance of the WDS. However an appropriate strategy including location and time of pipeline rehabilitation in a WDS with respect to a limited budget is the main challenge which has been addressed frequently by researchers and practitioners. On the other hand, selection of appropriate rehabilitation technique and material types is another main issue which has yet to address properly. The latter can affect the environmental impacts of a rehabilitation strategy meeting the challenges of global warming mitigation and consequent climate change. This paper presents a multi-objective optimization model for rehabilitation strategy in WDS addressing the abovementioned criteria mainly focused on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions either directly from fossil fuel and electricity or indirectly from embodied energy of materials. Thus, the objective functions are to minimise: (1) the total cost of rehabilitation including capital and operational costs; (2) the leakage amount; (3) GHG emissions. The Pareto optimal front containing optimal solutions is determined using Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm NSGA-II. Decision variables in this optimisation problem are classified into a number of groups as: (1) percentage proportion of each rehabilitation technique each year; (2) material types of new pipeline for rehabilitation each year. Rehabilitation techniques used here includes replacement, rehabilitation and lining, cleaning, pipe duplication. The developed model is demonstrated through its application to a Mahalat WDS located in central part of Iran. The rehabilitation strategy is analysed for a 40 year planning horizon. A number of conventional techniques for selecting pipes for rehabilitation are analysed in this study. The results show that the optimal rehabilitation strategy considering GHG emissions is able to successfully save the total expenses, efficiently decrease the leakage amount from the WDS whilst meeting environmental criteria.
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Este trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento do Biodiesel como combustível de fontes renováveis na matriz energética brasileira. Em especial será abordada a flexibilidade de utilização entre o Diesel tradicional de origem petrolífera e o Biodiesel de origem vegetal. Será feita a avaliação do valor da flexibilidade de um equipamento com motor ciclo diesel quando da possibilidade de utilização de Diesel mineral ou Biodiesel. A valoração da flexibilidade operacional será feita utilizando a Teoria de Opções Reais. Por fim, será comentado o potencial de ganho no agregado para um país como o Brasil, com um modal de transportes predominantemente rodoviário movido a Diesel.
A compra da Fábrica Nacional de Motores (FNM) pela Fiat italiana, em Xerém, determina a inserção daquela unidade na linha de produção internacional da fábrica italiana, e as conseqüentes modificações no processo de trabalho. Caracterfsticas do setor moderno do processo capitalista de produção, as técnicas de organização do trabalho, complementadas pela maquinaria computadorizada, além de excludentes de mão-de-obra, visam retirar dos trabalhadores toda a atividade intelectual. Ficam, assim, reduzidas as possibilidades de controle sobre o processo de trabalho, bem como sobre as formas de desenvolvimento do potencial de libertação dos operários. Da recusa a esse estado de coisas nasce o movimento dos operários da Fiat, expresso em quatro greves (1978, 1979, 1980, 1981). Na dialética das greves, a aparência das reivindicações encobre seu aspecto essencial: a negação da opressão das relações de trabalho. A essência dos movimentos revela-se no processo de recomposição da existência coletiva em torno de um fundo comum, base objetiva da ruptura com os esquemas da organização capita lista do trabalho. Nascida com a demissão dos operários mais ativos no movimento da Fiat, a Associação Cultural de Apoio Mútuo (Acam) carregou consigo a contradição básica do ser de classe oprimida: a convivência de forças repressoras que o mantêm submisso à ordem do trabalho assalariado, de um lado, com as forças emancipatórias que o atraem para relações associativas, e possibilitam o desenvolvimento das potencial idades humanas. A reinserção dos operários na ordem do trabalho assalariado, ao fim do movimento grevista, e o fechamento da Acam, três anos depois, revelam a necessidade de se encontrar novas formas de generalização e unificação das organizações associativas esboçadas durante as greves.
Através de um Modelo de Correção de Erros este estudo explora possíveis assimetrias no passthrough dos preços de petróleos para os preços do diesel e da gasolina no mercado dos Estados Unidos, analisando, principalmente, se as inversões das tendências das demandas destes derivados afetaram o mecanismo de transmissão de preços. A partir de dados mensais de janeiro de 2001 a dezembro de 2012, para a gasolina foram encontrados indícios de que houve alterações do passthrough em decorrência da quebra da demanda. Porém, é válido destacar que tal resultado ocorreu concomitantemente ao período de recuperação de preços presenciada após a crise de 2008. Em relação ao diesel, não há indícios de que houve alterações no passthrough. Por fim, há evidências da redução do WTI como petróleo de referência em decorrência da sua desvalorização a partir de 2010.
Existe farta evidência internacional de assimetria no ajuste dos preços, em particular com relação aos combustíveis. A literatura a este respeito com dados brasileiros é escassa e, nesse sentido, o objetivo deste artigo é suprir esta lacuna e investigar a assimetria na transmissão do preço do óleo diesel no atacado (refinarias e distribuidores) para os consumidores finais. Os resultados apontam que há assimetria e que ela se manifesta no curto e no longo prazo. Enquanto aumentos nos preços no atacado são repassados quase que totalmente no mesmo mês do choque, as reduções são repassadas de modo bem mais lento. Os resultados são robustos à presença de quebras estruturais e choques de 1% no preço no atacado implicam transferência de pelo menos R$ 2,1 bilhões por anos dos consumidores para os distribuidores e refinarias.
Este estudo objetiva estimar a demanda regional de diesel para os próximos 10 anos no Brasil através de uma abordagem top down. Foram testadas as variáveis que mais contribuem com a projeção do consumo de diesel, chegando-se à conclusão de que o PIB e o preço são bastante relevantes. Os melhores modelos econométricos com resultados mais aderentes às projeções dentro e fora da amostra foram: (i) com correção de erros e (ii) com as variáveis em diferença. Concluímos ao longo desta dissertação, que o acionamento das térmicas com geradores a óleo diesel em períodos específicos, como os últimos anos, afetam substancialmente o consumo do combustível. Para a desagregação do consumo nacional foram analisados modelos regressivos congruentes na totalização, como o utilizado por Moreira (1986), modelos com fatores proporcionais fixos baseados no crescimento histórico de 5 anos e modelos mais simples de médias proporcionais - estes últimos com resultados inferiores. Na projeção de um Cenário Base, com PIB crescendo 2,5% ao ano nos próximos 10 anos, em algumas regiões do Brasil, como o conjunto dos estados do Maranhão, Tocantins e Piauí, deverá crescer o consumo de diesel em 40%, enquanto no Rio Grande do Sul, apenas 21%.
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