960 resultados para Desigualdade econômica - Brasil


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The emergence of the digital order renewed the Victorian civilizing ideal and strengthened a world order of techno-economic dependence. The new grand narrative is the urgency of digital transformation of societies; a dream pursued without reflection by the populations of the periphery that ended into in a collision between McLuhan's two informational orders: cold and hot societies. Latin America as part of the periphery did not participate in the development of the informatic technologies and its historical legacy made the appropriation of these technologies more difficult. This paper examines the historical circumstances of this process: the development of a discourse around the digital networks, the consequences of this social construction in the region, the fragile efforts of Brazil to create technology, and the entrance of IT networks in the region. The results showed that the status of this kind of research in the region is weak so we alert about its consequences. We concluded that to create an informational order that may serve as a space of self-affirmation, freedom and heterogeneity, it is necessary to have a deep knowledge of the social and historical context that created its basic technologies, but Latin America is indifferent in such regard. Information Science has a central role in the region within this process but it has not developed it yet.


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Nos últimos oito anos, o Brasil apresenta elevada atividade econômica e, destacadamente, os setores da construção civil e do crédito imobiliário demonstram elevado crescimento. Entretanto, diferentemente da recente dinâmica do setor e da economia brasileira, a história do setor da habitação no país é marcada por dificuldades de acesso ao crédito imobiliário para a aquisição e construção de moradias, situação a qual resultou no elevado déficit habitacional existente, nas desigualdades e outros fatores excludentes que a própria situação impõe, principalmente, pelo desenvolvimento do mercado de crédito imobiliário não ter sido capaz de acompanhar o crescimento da população e a urbanização brasileira nas últimas décadas. Este trabalho procura detalhar os diferentes momentos do crédito imobiliário no país o qual, por sua vez, teve inicio em meados dos anos 60 através de iniciativas públicas na estruturação do Sistema Financeiro de Habitação. Posteriormente, durante a década de 70, houve elevada expansão do financiamento de aquisição e construção de moradias no país, contudo, em decorrência dos desequilíbrios macroeconômicos e do próprio sistema que se acentuaram final dos anos 70 e início dos 80, a atividade de crédito imobiliário apresentou retração nas décadas posteriores, ou seja, durante a década de 80 e 90. Paralelamente ao financiamento habitacional, a década de 90 foi marcada pela execução de reformas macroeconômicas que, posteriormente, possibilitaram o controle inflacionário e a maior previsibilidade econômica no país. Adicionalmente, no final da década, estruturou-se um novo sistema denominado Sistema de Financiamento juntamente com a adoção do Regime de Metas de Inflação e a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal. As reformas recentes e a estabilidade econômica proporcionaram o favorável e recente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The biomass gasification systems have been used for a long time and prove to be a good alternative to the generation of energy problems. This type of management requires a simple installation and maintenance which gives them a high availability. In Biomass project via Call CTEnerg 33/2006-1, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology - MCT - Brazil, the Group Energy Systems Optimization – GOSE - at FEG - UNESP built and tested two prototypes of gasifiers. These is fed with 25 kg / h of dry wood (chips), and 50 Nm3 / h of air to produce gas at a flow rate of approximately 70 Nm3 / h of wood (syngas) at a temperature approximately 600 ° C. In this work of graduation, studies were conducted on the materials used in both the gasifier as well as cleaning the filter synthesis gases. The system of gas cleaning and conditioning is vital to ensure the life of the Internal Combustion Engine. In this case the studies of different filters for small gasification systems (properties, materials used, characteristics, types, etc.) are very relevant to its use in the prototype of the college campus. Were also performed a technical and economic analysis of a cogeneration system that consists in the combination of the downdraft gasifier studied in this work, an internal combustion engine, two heat exchangers and a SRA (absorption system refrigerator). Were calculated the costs of electricity generation, hot water and cold water. Finally, we analyzed the economic feasibility of the project


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Cobalt is a essential microelement for the metabolismo of ruminants. Its deficiency leads to decreased levels of vitamin B12 and, consequently, non propionic acid metabolism. Thus, there will be no gliconeogenes and animals have defict glucose, and other tramadol dosing as apathy, alitriofagia, and decrease in production. It is a disease that affects catthe, of economic importance in Brazil, wich is related to the of the soilcomposition


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The present work has shown the development of the comic book market in the United States and Brazil, according to Schumpeter's theory of technological innovation. Firstly was made an analysis of the Brazilian market during the years of rising inflation, after the end of dictatorship, in our country, following the trajectory of two publishers, D-arte e Circo that closed their doors due to the economic crisis. The analysis has followed until the current days, showing that the market has changed like the strategies used by publishers to keep launching comic books


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Recentemente, a globalização e seus efeitos tem sido alvo de estudo de muitos, bem como a pobreza e seus desdobramentos no cenário global. O presente trabalho buscou definir e analisar dados sobre globalização econômica e pobreza de diversos países da América Latina e mostrar que o modo como os países articulam-se em relação a uma elevação de sua globalização econômica apresenta relação inversamente proporcional com a pobreza e a desigualdade de renda dos países


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Faced with the global discussion about the development of new alternative energy sources, this work tries to contribute to the understanding of the introduction of biodiesel in the energy market, identifying the barriers in the social logic, economic and productive in different spaces, rural and urban. Based on the guidelines of the National Biodiesel Production and Use Program (PNPB), it intended to accompany the implementation of public policies in relation to family farmers settled in the Pontal, located in the western region of São Paulo. In parallel, we will analyze the organizational structure and logistics of the production of biodiesel in the city, although it does not dependent on agricultural production and it is not a target of public policies, it takes advantage of the demand created by PNPB when it comes to increasing the amount of biodiesel blended with mineral origin diesel. The activity examined in the urban space is the collection of used frying oil held by Ecosanta Biofuels, a company located in the town of Maua, São Paulo metropolitan region. The monograph aims to broaden our understanding despite the urban-rural issue regarding the obstacles and opportunities in expanding renewable energy


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Atualmente a China é um ator essencial do cenário econômico mundial, sendo também um grande demandante de matérias primas para manter seu acelerado crescimento, resultando assim em importante e estratégico para a região latinoamericana, sobretudo, por ser um grande comprador. Por sua importância econômica, estratégica e demográfica a China se destaca em relação à maioria dos países do mundo sendo não apenas um ator chave, responsável por grandes mudanças ocorridas no nível e estrutura da demanda mundial, mas também importante fonte de recursos financeiros para manter os equilíbrios internacionais. Através da discussão das relações de comércio entre Brasil e China buscamos analisar os principais resultados em termos econômicos e sociais, principalmente a atuação do Brasil enquanto ator global dado sua importância crescente na dinâmica mundial. A intenção desta pesquisa é entender as dimensões da relação com o país asiático, a partir do posicionamento do Brasil como um dos principais parceiros comerciais de China, sobretudo como exportador de produtos primários. Em termos de exportações realizadas por setores desde o Brasil para a China existe uma grande concentração nos recursos naturais de matérias primas, particularmente os minérios, alimentos, e combustíveis; trata-se de um pequeno hall de produtos com baixo nível de processamento


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O país passou por um período de grandes transformações no último quarto do século XX, os quais afetaram em grande medida a esfera social, política e econômica da sociedade. Dado o enfraquecimento do Estado de Bem Estar Social, e a ascensão do pensamento neoliberal nos anos 1970, houve a revisão do papel do Estado em todo o globo. As reformas neoliberais durante a década de 1990 tiveram um impacto significativo sobre os níveis do produto, e refletiram na redução do emprego até o fim da década, além do surgimento de novas formas de precarização do trabalho. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo elucidar o impacto destas reformas estruturais sobre o emprego e seus desdobramentos na sociedade


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The sugarcane agribusiness has expanded by Brazil in recent years, especially with government incentives, which funded the construction and expansion of distilleries and sugar mills and alcohol throughout the national territory, as well as the expansion of the cultivation of sugarcane sugar. The state of São Paulo is the main focus of expansion in the sector, and its municipalities impacted significantly. The Pontal do Paranapanema is one of the last frontiers of cane sugar in the state, so that the culture has brought transformations mainly from 2003. Thus, we take the case of the municipality of Martinópolis analysis, which investigated some transformations in economic dynamics from 2004, the year he began the deployment of Plant Athena. For this, we conducted interviews with several subjects and analyzed statistical data from IBGE, LUPA, MAPA and CANASAT. Aware that these changes are limited to the capitalist market economy, we analyze the benefits and disadvantages brought by the activity of the plant for the population as part of economic growth characteristic of this scenario, taking it to the very prospect of local subjects. Alongside this growth, all other forms of inequality and exploitation of surplus value also grow which is not understood or perceived by residents. Hence the need to confront views and discourses on development promoted by the alcohol sector


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The question of the solid waste is without a doubt one of the biggest problems faced for the world-wide population in the present time, resulting in the call “collapse of the garbage”. In this direction that appears the composting, in the scope of the treatment of organic waste origin, that in Brazil, approximately correspond 50% of the generated volume. However, the rare plants of selection and composting (UTC) existing at least do not obtain auto-to support themselves, increasing to each day the number of deactivations, almost always related the financial questions. In this direction, the present research brings the analysis of the economic viability of the implantation of a UTC for the city of Rio Claro-SP, relating it with the thick organic composition sales, for the cultures of vegetables cultivated in a ray of 30 km of the study area. For in such a way, they had been carried through, calculations concerning the regional demand for organic composition, and the verification of the implantation costs and operation of the plant. The reached results had been the flow of box for the first year of functioning of the UTC, as well as the break-even point between the gotten expenditures and prescriptions. From this relation investment profitability, it was verified that the UTC is presented impracticable under the economic point of view.


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This study examines how close Brazil and China are close to the goals set by the new concept of economic development now adopted by major international institutions. Presents a brief history of economic and social trajectory of both countries, with emphasis on advances that have recently occurred in these countries. The study concludes that, although they adopted different ways, both countries moving towards a sustainable economic development


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The present work aims to conduct a study of the economic feasibility of the implementation of variable frequency inverters in pump systems with variable flow rates. The concern with the reduction of energy expenditure in industries raised in 2001 due to the energy crisis that hit Brazil at that time, forcing industries to reduce their electric costs under penalty of fines if this were not done (MOREIRA, 2008). Frequency inverter is an electronic device that allow greater control in the operation of pumping systems and also a reduction in electrical consumption, being a viable solution to achieve a reduction in energy consumption. For the development of this work, approaching important topics in pumping systems was necessary in order to make a correct choice of hydraulic pumping and also other components responsible for the operation of the system , such as electric motors and frequency inverters. In the case study, a theoretical analysis of the behavior of electrical consumption in systems with variable flow rates was performed, comparing when the system is operated via frequency inverters and when the system is operated without such a device. As expected, the result of the implantation of the device was quite satisfactory, and the primary goal of reducing energy expenditure was achieved. Also important to highlight the environmental issue of this work, as all forms of energy production affects nature in some way, achieving a reduction in consumption also contributes indirectly in environmental conservation