954 resultados para D-shape quartz column
Mating order can have important consequences for the fertilization success of males whose ejaculates compete to fertilize a clutch of eggs. Despite an excellent body of literature on mating-order effects in many animals, they have rarely been considered in marine free-spawning invertebrates, where both sexes release gametes into the water column. In this study, we show that in such organisms, mating order can have profound repercussions for male reproductive success. Using in vitro fertilization for two species of sea urchin we found that the 'fertilization history' of a clutch of eggs strongly influenced the size distribution of unfertilized eggs, and consequently the likelihood that they will be fertilized. Males that had first access to a batch of eggs enjoyed elevated fertilization success because they had privileged access to the largest and therefore most readily fertilizable eggs within a clutch. By contrast, when a male's sperm were exposed to a batch of unfertilized eggs left over from a previous mating event, fertilization rates were reduced, owing to smaller eggs remaining in egg clutches previously exposed to sperm. Because of this size-dependent fertilization, the fertilization history of eggs also strongly influenced the size distribution of offspring, with first-spawning males producing larger, and therefore fitter, offspring. These findings suggest that when there is variation in egg size, mating order will influence not only the quantity but also the quality of offspring sired by competing males.
ArtinM is a D-mannose binding lectin that has been arousing increasing interest because of its biomedical properties, especially those involving the stimulation of Th1 immune response, which confers protection against intracellular pathogens The potential pharmaceutical applications of ArtinM have motivated the production of its recombinant form (rArtinM) so that it is important to compare the sugar-binding properties of jArtinM and rArtinM in order to take better advantage of the potential applications of the recombinant lectin. In this work, a biosensor framework based on a Quartz Crystal Microbalance was established with the purpose of making a comparative study of the activity of native and recombinant ArtinM protein The QCM transducer was strategically functionalized to use a simple model of protein binding kinetics. This approach allowed for the determination of the binding/dissociation kinetics rate and affinity equilibrium constant of both forms of ArtinM with horseradish peroxidase glycoprotein (HRP), a N-glycosylated protein that contains the trimannoside Man alpha 1-3[Man alpha 1-6]Man, which is a known ligand for jArtinM (Jeyaprakash et al, 2004). Monitoring of the real-time binding of rArtinM shows that it was able to bind HRP, leading to an analytical curve similar to that of jArtinM, with statistically equivalent kinetic rates and affinity equilibrium constants for both forms of ArtinM The lower reactivity of rArtinM with HRP than jArtinM was considered to be due to a difference in the number of Carbohydrate Recognition Domains (CRDs) per molecule of each lectin form rather than to a difference in the energy of binding per CRD of each lectin form. (C) 2010 Elsevier B V. All rights reserved
The effect of several carbon sources on the production of mycelial-bound beta-glucosidase by Humicola grisea var. thermoidea in submerged fermentation was investigated. Maximum production occurred when cellulose was present in the culture medium, but higher specific activities were achieved with cellobiose or sugarcane bagasse. Xylose or glucose (1%) in the reaction medium stimulated beta-glucosidase activity by about 2-fold in crude extracts from mycelia grown in sugarcane bagasse. The enzyme was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, followed by Sephadex G-200 and DEAE-cellulose chromatography, showing a single band in PAGE and SDS-PAGE. The beta-glucosidase had a carbohydrate content of 43% and showed apparent molecular masses of 57 and 60 kDa, as estimated by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration, respectively. The optimal pH and temperature were 6.0 and 50 degrees C, respectively. The purified enzyme was thermostable up to 60 min in water at 55 degrees C and showed half-lives of 7 and 14 min when incubated in the absence or presence of 50 mM glucose, respectively, at 60 degrees C. The enzyme hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-fucopyranoside, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-xylopyranoside, o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside, lactose, and cellobiose. The best synthetic and natural substrates were p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-fucopyranoside and cellobiose, respectively. Purified enzyme activity was stimulated up to 2-fold by glucose or xylose at concentrations from 25 to 200 mM. The addition of purified or crude beta-glucosidase to a reaction medium containing Trichoderma reesei cellulases increased the saccharification of sugarcane bagasse by about 50%. These findings suggest that H. grisea var. thermoidea beta-glucosidase has a potential for biotechnological applications in the bioconversion of lignocellulosic materials.
An extracellular alpha-glucosidase produced by Aspergillus niveus was purified using DEAE-Fractogel ion-exchange chromatography and Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration. The purified protein migrated as a single band in 5% PAGE and 10% SDS-PAGE. The enzyme presented 29% of glycosylation, an isoelectric point of 6.8 and a molecular weight of 56 and 52 kDa as estimated by SDS-PAGE and Bio-Sil-Sec-400 gel filtration column, respectively. The enzyme showed typical alpha-glucosidase activity, hydrolyzing p-nitrophenyl alpha-d-glucopyranoside and presented an optimum temperature and pH of 65A degrees C and 6.0, respectively. In the absence of substrate the purified alpha-glucosidase was stable for 60 min at 60A degrees C, presenting t (50) of 90 min at 65A degrees C. Hydrolysis of polysaccharide substrates by alpha-glucosidase decreased in the order of glycogen, amylose, starch and amylopectin. Among malto-oligosaccharides the enzyme preferentially hydrolyzed malto-oligosaccharide (G10), maltopentaose, maltotetraose, maltotriose and maltose. Isomaltose, trehalose and beta-ciclodextrin were poor substrates, and sucrose and alpha-ciclodextrin were not hydrolyzed. After 2 h incubation, the products of starch hydrolysis measured by HPLC and thin layer chromatography showed only glucose. Mass spectrometry of tryptic peptides revealed peptide sequences similar to glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidases from Aspergillus fumigatus, and Hypocrea jecorina. Analysis of the circular dichroism spectrum predicted an alpha-helical content of 31% and a beta-sheet content of 16%, which is in agreement with values derived from analysis of the crystal structure of the H. jecorina enzyme.
Perianth development is specifically disrupted in mutants of the PETAL LOSS (PTL) gene, particularly petal initiation and orientation. We have cloned PTL and show that it encodes a plant-specific trihelix transcription factor, one of a family previously known only as regulators of light-controlled genes. PTL transcripts were detected in the early-developing flower, in four zones between the initiating sepals and in their developing margins. Strong misexpression of PTL in a range of tissues universally results in inhibition of growth, indicating that its normal role is to suppress growth between initiating sepals, ensuring that they remain separate. Consistent with this, sepals are sometimes fused in ptl single mutants, but much more frequently in double mutants with either of the organ boundary genes cup-shaped cotyledon1 or 2. Expression of PTL within the newly arising sepals is apparently prevented by the PINOID auxin-response gene. Surprisingly, PTL expression could not be detected in petals during the early stages of their development, so petal defects associated with PTL loss of function may be indirect, perhaps involving disruption to signalling processes caused by overgrowth in the region. PTL-driven reporter gene expression was also detected at later stages in the margins of expanding sepals, petals and stamens, and in the leaf margins; thus, PTL may redundantly dampen lateral outgrowth of these organs, helping define their final shape.
Statement of the study: Based on data from ecological and analytic epidemiological studies, we have proposed that low prenatal vitamin D is a candidate risk-modifying factor for schizophrenia. Previously, we demonstrated that low prenatal vitamin D adversely affected brain development in neonatal rats (Eyles et al, 2003). Here we examine the impact of both prenatal and early life hypovitaminosis D on various outcomes in the adult rat brain. Methods: Female Sprague-Dawley rats were made vitamin D deficient via the use of a special diet (Dyets CA) and lighting conditions that excluded UVB radiation. Animals were kept under these conditions for 6 weeks then mated with males kept under normal conditions. Vitamin deplete dams were kept under these conditions during pregnancy. Offspring from two test groups were examined. Offspring were either reared with dams repleted with vitamin D at birth or remained under deplete conditions till weaning. Both test groups were weaned under normal vitamin D conditions and remained so till testing at adulthood. We compared the brains of adult offspring kept under both test conditions with animals from control environments. Summary of results: We found a significant persistent dose-related increase in lateral ventricle volume and alterations in anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortical cell densities (consistent with the known prodifferentiation properties of this steroid). In both test groups we observed a reduced expression of NGF as well as a down-regulation of transcripts coding for GABAA alpha 4 receptor and two neuronal structural elements; MAP2 and Neurofilament L. Conclusion: These findings provide further evidence that vitamin D is involved in brain development. An increase in prefrontal cortical cell density, a reduction neuronal structural elements and persistent ventriculomegaly are all common anatomical findings in the brains of patients with schizophrenia. The specific reduction in transcripts for neuronal structural proteins but not GFAP is also in accordance with the proposal that frontal cortical architecture in schizophrenia reflects a reduction in connectivity rather than a reduction in glial processes(Goldman-Rakic and Selemon, 1997). These findings confirm the biological plausibility of early life hypovitaminosis D as a risk factor for schizophrenia.
Calcium Carbonate Particle Growth Depending on Coupling among Adjacent Layers in Hybrid LB/LbL Films
There are practical and academic situations that justify the study of calcium carbonate crystallization and especially of systems that are associated with organic matrices and a confined medium. Despite the fact that many different matrices have been studied, the use of well-behaved, thin organic films may provide new knowledge about this system. In this work, we have studied the growth of calcium carbonate particles on well-defined organic matrices that were formed by layer-by-layer (LbL) polyelectrolyte films deposited on phospholipid Langmuir-Blodgett films (LB). We were able to change the surface electrical charge density of the LB films by changing the proportions of a negatively charged lipid, the sodium salt of dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-phosphatidyl acid (DMPA), and a zwitterionic lipid. dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-phosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE). This affects the subsequent polyelectrolyte LbL film deposition, which also changes the the nature of the bonding (electrostatic interaction or hydrogen bonding). This approach allowed for the formation of calcium carbonate particles of different final shapes, roughnesses, and sizes. The masses of deposited lipids, polyelectrolytes, and calcium cabonate were quantified by the quartz crystal microbalance technique. The structures of obtained particles were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy.
The filamentous fungus A. phoenicis produced high levels of beta-D-fructofuranosidase (FFase) when grown for 72 hrs under Solid-State Fermentation (SSF), using soy bran moistened with tap water (1:0.5 w/v) as substrate/carbon source. Two isoforms (I and II) were obtained, and FFase II was purified 18-fold to apparent homogeneity with 14% recovery. The native molecular mass of the glycoprotein (12% of carbohydrate content) was 158.5 kDa with two subunits of 85 kDa estimated by SDS-PAGE. Optima of temperature and pH were 55 degrees C and 4.5. The enzyme was stable for more than 1 hr at 50 degrees C and was also stable in a pH range from 7.0 to 8.0. FFase II retained 80% of activity after storage at 4 degrees C by 200 hrs. Dichroism analysis showed the presence of random and beta-sheet structure. A. phoenicis FFase II was activated by Mn(2+), Mg(2+) and Co(2+), and inhibited by Cu(2+), Hg(2+) and EDTA. The enzyme hydrolyzed sucrose, inulin and raffinose. K(d) and V(max) values were 18 mM and 189 U/mg protein using sucrose as substrate.
The main aim was to identify the active compound against Rhizoctonia solani produced by the cassava endophyte Paenibacillus sp. IIRAC-30. The compounds produced were extracted with ethyl acetate and purified by Sephadex column prior to analysis by Q-TOF mass spectrometry. A C(15)-lipopeptide with an estimated molecular weight of 1036 Da and homologues were identified. The lipopeptide had a cyclic structure, which was deduced by interpreting the ESI-MS/MS spectra of main protonated homologues containing 15:0 FA, and the amino acid composition was Glu-Leu-Leu-Val-Asp-Leu-Leu. Therefore, the lipopeptides produced by isolate IIRAC-30 was characterized as a surfactin series. Thus, the main mechanism used by Paenibacillus sp. IIRAC-30 to suppress R. solani was elucidated. Furthermore, because lipopeptides active against phytopathogens generally show low toxicity to humans and the environment, the positive findings presented here suggest that the isolate IIRAC-30 could be a possible candidate for biocontrol of R. solani.
Proteins incorporated into phospholipid Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films are a good model system for biomembranes and enzyme immobilization studies. The specific fluidity of biomembranes, an important requisite for enzymatic activity, is naturally controlled by varying phospholipid compositions. In a model system, instead, LB film fluidity may be varied by covering the top layer with different substances able to interact simultaneously with the phospholipid and the protein to be immobilized. In this study, we immobilized a carbohydrate rich Neurospora crassa alkaline phosphatase (NCAP) in monolayers of the sodium salt of dihexadecylphosphoric acid (DHP), a synthetic phospholipid that provides very condensed Langmuir films. The binding of NCAP to DHP Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films was mediated by the anionic polysaccharide iota-carrageenan (iota-car). Combining results from surface isotherms and the quartz crystal microbalance technique, we concluded that the polysaccharide was essential to promote the interaction between DHP and NCAP and also to increase the fluidity of the film. An estimate of DHP:iota-car ratio within the film also revealed that the polysaccharide binds to DHP LB film in an extended conformation. Furthermore, the investigation of the polysaccharide conformation at molecular level, using sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy (SFG), indicated a preferential conformation of the carrageenan molecules with the sulfate groups oriented toward the phospholipid monolayer, and both the hydroxyl and ether groups interacting preferentially with the protein. These results demonstrate how interfacial electric fields can reorient and induce conformational changes in macromolecules, which may significantly affect intermolecular interactions at interfaces. This detailed knowledge of the interaction mechanism between the enzyme and the LB film is relevant to design strategies for enzyme immobilization when orientation and fluidity properties of the film provided by the matrix are important to improve enzymatic activity.