800 resultados para Cultural (re)production


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El presente proyecto Creación e Implementación de una Revista Sociocultural en la parroquia San Miguel de Porotos del cantón Azogues, fue creado por dos estudiantes de la carrera de comunicación social con el principal objetivo de crear un vínculo comunicacional en la parroquia, y como un aporte a la conservación y difusión de la cultura. En su desarrollo se pone de manifiesto la combinación de los saberes teóricos adquiridos en la universidad con la práctica e inclusión en el campo de estudio, basado en investigación teórica complementada con la historia de la parroquia en estudio. Culturas y Tradiciones San Migueleñas, revista que abarca temas de índole cultural, religioso, social y deportivo, recoge historias innatas de los habitantes del lugar y pone en manifiesto la riqueza ancestral que posee su gente, la alfarería, el tejido de paja toquilla y su alto índice de catolicismo fueron las principales características para la elaboración de los artículos y fotografías publicados en la primera edición de este medio de comunicación. La apertura y colaboración de las autoridades parroquiales y pobladores permitieron la realización de este trabajo periodístico, el mismo que se forjó a base de entrevistas directas e involucramiento con la comunidad en diferentes espacios sociales y familiares.


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Atral is a Portuguese Pharmaceutical firm devoted to the production of finished drugs. Due to domestic market hurdles, Atral is now, more than ever, focused in the world. The Central America region seams alluring due to its context alignment with firm’s resources bundle. As Atral should approach one regional country at a time, the purpose of this thesis is to find out the most suitable country to approach now. Hence a tailored scoring model was applied, based on contexts analysis and importance of benchmarking indicators to both firm and industry. Upon analysis of the highest scored country, the most appropriate entry modes were assessed.


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The present dissertation explores the concept of masculinity as power, paying special attention to the production and resistance of the rigid narratives of masculinity. Such configuration has prescribed the role of men in society—both at an individual and collective level—placing man at the centre of the patriarchal system and thus conferring upon men superiority over women. Such ideological construction is based on an essentialist view of the world, where biology determines destiny. As Men’s Studies have been advocating since their emergence, the victims of such an inegalitarian system are mainly women, but there are others, such as marginalized groups of men and hegemonic men themselves. Our focus is centered on the so-called crisis of masculinity that North American men went through in the last two decades of the twentieth century, the consequences of which have not yet been completely overcome. While from an essentialist point of view such a crisis is questionable, the political, economic and sociological reality of the Reagan’s Age made visible the downsides and pitfalls of toxic masculinity. In order to face the problems derived from the damaging nature of a construction that constrains men, three broad responses to the problem were taken: pro-feminist, anti-feminist and spiritual. Except for pro-feminists, the main reaction of these groupings consisted of victimizing themselves and of defending their essentialist supremacy—lulled by the fantasy world fostered by the “politics of symbolism” (Dallek, 1999 [1984]) of Reagan’s escapist policies. Opposing this reassuring image of the United States, the Blank Generation addressed the crisis of masculinity from a nihilist perspective. Through the analysis of American Psycho, this dissertation will illustrate the darkest side of the hegemonic model of masculinity...


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No existe en Cuenca un proyecto de investigación periodística y de producción audiovisual que indague, recopile y presente información sobre aquellas profesiones tradicionales heredadas a través del tiempo y que poco a poco se van perdiendo con miras a extinguirse completamente. Este proyecto, de cierta manera, puede ser innovador, ya que involucra dos áreas: comunicación audiovisual y redacción dentro del periodismo. Se involucran por el hecho de presentar información relevante, a través de un producto final, visual y escrito, que enseñe de quéforma estas profesiones son desarrolladas por diferentes actores humanos, sus contextos y sus procesos, con la intención de servir de apoyo investigativo cultural en el ámbito local y nacional.


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The tertiary sector has been (re)defining and (re)qualifying, in an impacting way, the urban spaces in the cities, introducing new elements for the discussion of the relationship center/periphery. In Natal, as an inducing economic activity of its development, it conforms to the new needs of the capital, expanding, being materialized through several processes and spatial forms. We aim at analyzing one of those processes, which has taken its Northern Administrative Area to (re)define the design of its urban space, through the actions developed by the agents involved with the spatialization of the tertiary activities, at the same time as it redimensions its role as a periphery of Natal, contributing to the study of the recent and growing transformations of the Brazilian capitals. The studied district corresponds to 39.4% of the municipal area and, until recently, was composed by precarious reproduction spaces, unprovided of relevant economical activities. After the boom of the development of extensive housing complexes by SFH/BNH, the area, gradually stopped being a dependent area, and it imposed itself as an economically participant region, with the increase of the trade and services sectors, as well as a favorable place for the appearance of new activities. Its reflexes are noticeable in the achieved spatial configuration. As the main road to induct changes, Dr. João Medeiros Filho Avenue presents these new tendencies in the production of the intraurban space, concentrating the largest goods and services equipments of the area, through investments of the private and public sectors, which guarantee the capital allocation for the construction of a new centrality


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Both the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century have been characterized as a period of major political, economic, social and cultural transformations. Two of the major consequences of the political-economical crisis of the end of last century are the restructuring of capitalist production, and the consolidation of neoliberalism as a worldwide phenomenon. This new world political-economical scenario has influenced, in a dialectic way, the contemporary urban development. In that sense, "new" spatial processes and new paradigms in both urban management and urban planning have gained shape. In this context of urban transformations, the central areas of western cities, also known as historic centers, are being increasingly (re)valued. Since the Second World War, the historic centers urban areas which have great infrastructure and symbolic relevance had been undergoing a process of evasion of population and activities, undeniably linked to the neglect of government authorities. However, in recent decades, the question of historic centers rehabilitation has acquired a growing interest, academically and in political agendas. The object of this dissertation is to focus on how the government of each Brazil and Portugal has dealt with the issue of historic center rehabilitation through programs of urban rehabilitation


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O artigo discute a produção acadêmica contemporânea brasileira sobre a relação entre educação formal e situação de pobreza, a partir da procura em três fontes: Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD), a Scientific Electronic Library OnLine (SciELO) e o Google Acadêmico. Também foram analisados dados sobre os autores, utilizando a Plataforma Lattes e o Diretório de Grupos de Pesquisa do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). Os objetivos da pesquisa foram: a) propiciar um levantamento (localização e sistematização) da produção científica elaborada no contexto das ciências sociais e humanas sobre a relação entre situação de pobreza e educação formal; b) estabelecer uma tipologia (comparação e diferenciação) das formas que assume a mencionada relação na visão dos pesquisadores e pesquisadoras; e c) analisar as questões de gênero, raça/cor e classe social (identificação e consideração) envolvidas na relação entre a pobreza e a educação formal nessa produção científica. Os resultados mostram que há um interesse crescente na relação entre educação formal e situação de pobreza, com maior concentração das publicações nas áreas disciplinares de educação, economia, saúde e serviço social. A frequência com que o mesmo autor ou um mesmo grupo foi registrado é baixa, indicando uma alta rotatividade de interessados na temática. Os assuntos mais discutidos foram "Bolsa escola, Bolsa família ou outro programa de transferência de renda" e "exclusão social e desigualdade social". Foram encontradas 13 maneiras diferentes de se relacionar a educação e a pobreza, sendo prediminantemente: a "escolaridade como condição da mudança na situação de pobreza". __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Arquitectura de Interiores, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O AQUEDUTO DA ÁGUA DA PRATA, do alto do seu estatuto de monumento nacional e de maior projeto de aparato público do Renascimento português, tem exercido ao longo dos séculos um considerável fascínio sobre os que estimam o património histórico da cidade de Évora. E muitas são as razões que justificam um tal sentimento. Além das duas evocadas, talvez valha a pena arrolar a mais pueril de todas: a de que o velho aqueduto quinhentista, resistindo às vicissitudes do tempo, ainda hoje continua a cumprir a sua função original- o abastecimento de água potável e perene a Évora. E não se julgue que este aqueduto se limita à imagem iconográfica do arcaria agigantando-se à passagem da muralha medieval: uma complexa rede de nascentes e sistemas de adução, a montante, e um notável património urbano constituído, sobretudo, por fontes e chafarizes, a jusante, dão corpo a uma vasta estrutura hidráulica de captação, transporte e distribuição de água com mais de 19 km de extensão. E, este sim, é o verdadeiro monumento, tão utilitário quanto grandioso, que os antigos documentos designam, apropriadamente, por Cano Real da Agua da Prata. Naturalmente, nem todo este cano real resistiu ao tempo, sobretudo o troço rural entre S. Bento de Cástris e as nascentes do Divor, onde a estrutura hidráulica original foi edificada com evidente simplicidade de recursos. O seu avançado estado de ruína, obrigou, inclusivamente, a uma profunda reforma iniciada em 1873, de que resultou a catual configuração do Aqueduto, visível, sobretudo, entre a estrada de Arraiolos (monte das Pinas) e Metrogos. Esta reforma foi ampliada em sucessivas campanhas de beneficiação até cerca de 1930, época em que se iniciou a rede de distribuição domiciliária de água com a construção dos reservatórios de chegada, a central elevatória e o depósito elevado, marcas arquitetónicas ainda hoje bem visíveis na cidade, algumas das quais oportunamente integradas num itinerário expositivo municipal. Neste contexto, é natural que a relação afetiva comungada pela generalidade dos eborenses com este património monumental também se insinue na escrita familiar e sincera dos "eborógrafos". E muitos foram - entre nomes de diferentes épocas e desigual dimensão biográfica - os que lhe dedicaram generosas páginas de divulgação histórica4 , contributos científicos diversos, projetos de investigação arquitetónica e arqueológica, estudos de recuperação e valorização patrimonial, e até, como nos assegura Diogo Barbosa Machado, um "Tratado do Aqueducto Real da Fonte da agua da prata dedicado ao Senado da Cidade de Évora, em cujo Cartorio fe guarda" (MACHADO, 1741: 72), obra assinada pelo vereador (1605-1606) e Provedor do Cano, Agostinho de Moura Peçanha, e da qual parece não restar memória nos nossos arquivos. Diga-se, a propósito, que este acentuado interesse público pelo aqueduto de Évora, em especial nos últimos anos, tem sublinhado a importância da dinamização e rentabilização do seu enorme potencial turístico, lúdico e cultural, sendo bom exemplo a recente criação do "Percurso Ambiental da Água da Prata", por iniciativa camarária. Em muitos destes aspetos nos revemos tributários, quando não devedores. Talvez por isso nos sentimos tentados, desde há vários anos, a avançar no estudo e salvaguarda deste importante património local. Vontade adiada, diga-se, sobretudo pela manifesta falta de disponibilidade para levar a cabo um projeto de investigação, coerente e consequente, no mínimo tocado por algum ensaio de novidade. Contudo, em 2007, circunstâncias várias levaram-nos a interessar definitivamente pelo tema. Uma das que mais terá pesado resultou da leitura do um artigo publicado na revista Monumentos com o título "o sistema hidráulico quinhentista da cidade de Évora". Nele, os seus reputados autores sentenciavam a inexistência de um aqueduto romano anterior à obra quinhentista por mera impossibilidade técnica, afirmando-o com tal segurança que nem sentiram necessidade de esboçar a mais leve argumentação topográfica em defesa da sua tese. Dito assim, ficámos a imaginar se valeria o esforço tentar reabilitar alguma vez o tema do aqueduto romano. Em boa hora o decidimos fazer. E partimos do princípio de que a interpretação dos factos devia ser feita por cuidadosa recolha de prova que a diligência (não raras vezes a ventura) permitisse carrear com sucesso. E sendo correta esta premissa, a sua oportunidade ganhou mais força com a materialização de resultados concretos a compulsar toda a bibliografia para confronto de dúvidas e incoerências; a recolher indícios de estruturas e materiais arqueológicos; a esmiuçar a toponímia e a cartografia; a rever os locais-chave uma e outra vez; a seguir pistas abandonadas; a filtrar informação variada no mesmo crivo da dúvida; a entusiasmar gente da historiografia local a acreditar na viabilidade de hipóteses. Foi, justamente, esta a metodologia adotada ao decidirmo-nos pelo tema do Aqueduto. E, ao segui-la, julgamos ter logrado alcançar, além de um lastro de legitimidade científica, as bases conceptuais de um projeto de investigação consistente e coerente onde muito ajudou a imediata estudaram a hidráulica em Évora. ...


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On the night of April 20, 2010, a group of students from the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), Río Piedras campus, met to organize an indefinite strike that quickly broadened into a defense of accessible public higher education of excellence as a fundamental right and not a privilege. Although the history of student activism in the UPR can be traced back to the early 1900s, the 2010-2011 strike will be remembered for the student activists’ use of new media technologies as resources that rapidly prompted and aided the numerous protests. ^ This activist research entailed a critical ethnography and a critical discourse analysis (CDA) of traditional and alternative media coverage and treatment during the 2010 -2011 UPR student strike. I examined the use of the 2010-2011 UPR student activists’ resistance performances in constructing local, corporeal, and virtual spaces of resistance and contention during their movement. In particular, I analyzed the different tactics and strategies of resistance or repertoire of collective actions that student activists used (e.g. new media technologies) to frame their collective identities via alternative news media’s (re)presentation of the strike, while juxtaposing the university administration’s counter-resistance performances in counter-framing the student activists’ collective identity via traditional news media representations of the strike. I illustrated how both traditional and alternative media (re)presentations of student activism developed, maintained, and/or modified students activists’ collective identities. ^ As such, the UPR student activism’s success should not be measured by the sum of demands granted, but by the sense of community achieved and the establishment of networks that continue to create resistance and change. These networks add to the debate surrounding Internet activism and its impact on student activism. Ultimately, the results of this study highlight the important role student movements have had in challenging different types of government policies and raising awareness of the importance of an accessible public higher education of excellence.^


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The present study comparatively examined the socio-political and economic transformation of the indigenous Sámi in Sweden and the Indian American in the United States of America occurring first as a consequence of colonization and later as a product of interaction with the modern territorial and industrial state, from approximately 1500 to 1900. ^ The first colonial encounters of the Europeans with these autochthonous populations ultimately created an imagery of the exotic Other and of the noble savage. Despite these disparaging representations, the cross-cultural settings in which these interactions took place also produced the hybrid communities and syncretic life that allowed levels of cultural accommodation, autonomous space, and indigenous agency to emerge. By the nineteenth century, however, the modern territorial and industrial state rearranges the dynamics and reaches of power across a redefined territorial sovereign space, consequently, remapping belongingness and identity. In this context, the status of indigenous peoples, as in the case of Sámi and of Indian Americans, began to change at par with industrialization and with modernity. At this point in time, indigenous populations became a hindrance to be dealt with the legal re-codification of Indigenousness into a vacuumed limbo of disenfranchisement. It is, thus, the modern territorial and industrial state that re-creates the exotic into an indigenous Other. ^ The present research showed how the initial interaction between indigenous and Europeans changed with the emergence of the modern state, demonstrating that the nineteenth century, with its fundamental impulses of industrialism and modernity, not only excluded and marginalized indigenous populations because they were considered unfit to join modern society, it also re-conceptualized indigenous identity into a constructed authenticity.^


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We investigate the ways young children’s use of mobile touchscreen interfaces is both understood and shaped by parents through the production of YouTube videos and discussions in associated comment threads. This analysis expands on, and departs from, theories of parental mediation, which have traditionally been framed through a media effects approach in analyzing how parents regulate their children’s use of broadcast media, such as television, within family life. We move beyond the limitations of an effects framing through more culturally and materially oriented theoretical lenses of mediation, considering the role mobile interfaces now play in the lives of infants through analysis of the ways parents intermediate between domestic spaces and networked publics. We propose the concept of intermediation, which builds on insights from critical interface studies as well as cultural industries literature to help account for these expanded aspects of digital parenting. Here, parents are not simply moderating children’s media use within the home, but instead operating as an intermediary in contributing to online representations and discourses of children’s digital culture. This intermediary role of parents engages with ideological tensions in locating notions of “naturalness:” the iPad’s gestural interface or the child’s digital dexterity.


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Cette recherche avait pour objectif de tracer le portrait des habiletés graphomotrices d’élèves de deuxième année du primaire fréquentant le milieu scolaire francophone québécois. Elle visait aussi à comparer l’évolution au cours de la deuxième année du primaire des habiletés graphomotrices, orthographiques et rédactionnelles des participants selon le style d’écriture appris et mobilisé (script ou cursif) et en fonction de différents niveaux graphomoteurs (fort et faible). Globalement, les résultats suggèrent que les élèves québécois de deuxième année, qu’ils écrivent en script ou en cursif depuis le début de leur scolarisation, ont une fluidité graphomotrice qui est comparable et qui se traduit par la production en moyenne d’environ 14 lettres lisibles par minute en début d’année et de 20 en fin d’année. Tant en script qu’en cursif, la vitesse d’écriture des élèves de deuxième année évolue positivement en cours d’année, mais ceux qui écrivent en script manifestent une progression de vitesse plus marquée. En revanche, concernant la lisibilité des lettres, les élèves qui écrivent en script atteignent un plateau en début d’année, alors qu’une amélioration s’observe entre le début et la fin de la deuxième année chez les élèves qui écrivent en cursif. La comparaison des performances et de l’évolution des habiletés orthographiques et rédactionnelles des élèves de deuxième année pointe des écarts importants pour les variables d’orthographe en copie différée, de longueur et de contenu des textes selon que les élèves présentent une bonne ou une faible fluidité graphomotrice, indépendamment du style d’écriture mobilisé (script ou cursif). Finalement, du point de vue de l’évolution des habiletés orthographiques et rédactionnelles, l'étude n’a pas permis d’identifier un avantage pour l’un ou l’autre des styles d’écriture, et ce, tant chez les élèves forts sur le plan graphomoteur que chez les élèves plus faibles.


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This thesis proposes the development of a narrative methodology in the British Methodist Church. Such a methodology embraces and communicates both felt experience and critical theological thinking, thus producing and presenting a theology that might have a constructive transformative impact on wider society. In chapter one I explore the ways in which the Church speaks in public, identify some of the challenges it faces, and consider four models of engagement. If the Church is to engage in public discourses then I argue that its words need to be relevant and connect with people’s experiences. To ground the thinking I focus on the context of the British Methodist Church and explore how the Church engages in theological reflection through the lens of its thinking on issues of human sexuality. Chapter two reviews how theological reflection is undertaken in the British Methodist Church. I describe how the Methodist Quadrilateral of Scripture, tradition, reason and experience remains a foundational framework for theological reflection within the Methodist Church and consider the impact of institutional processes and the ways in which the Methodist people actually engage with theological thinking. The third and fourth chapters focus on how the British Methodist Church has produced its theology of human sexuality, giving particular attention to the use of personal and sexual stories in this process. I find that whilst there has been a desire to listen to the stories of the Methodist people, there has not been a corresponding interrogation or analysis of their stories so as to enable robust and constructive theological reflection on these experiences. Using resources from Foucauldian approaches to discourse analysis, I critique key statements and the processes involved in their production, offering an analysis of this body of theological thinking and indicating where possibilities for alternative ways of thinking and acting arise. The proposed methodology draws upon resources from social science methodologies, and in chapter five I look at the use of personal experience and relevant strategies of inquiry that prompt reflection on the hermeneutical process and employ narrative approaches in undertaking, analysing and presenting research. The exploration shows that qualitative research methodologies offer resources and methods of inquiry that could help the Church to engage with personal stories in its theological thinking in a robust, interrogative and imaginative way. In chapter six an examination of story and narrative is undertaken, to show how they have been understood as ways of knowing and how they relate to theological inquiry. Whilst acknowledging some of the limitations of narrative, I indicate how it offers constructive possibilities for theological reflection and could be a means for the British Methodist Church to engage in public discourse. This is explored further in chapter seven, which looks in more detail at how the British Methodist Church has used narrative in its theological thinking, and outlines areas requiring further attention in order for a narrative theological methodology to be developed, namely: attention to the question ‘whose experience?’; investigation of issues of power and the dynamics involved in the process of the production of theological thought; how personal stories and experiences are interrogated and how narrative is constructed; and how narrative might be employed within the Methodist Quadrilateral. The final chapter considers the advantages and limitations of such an approach, whether the development of such a method is possible in the Methodist Church today and its potential for helping the Church to engage in public discourse more effectively. I argue that this methodology can provoke new theological insights and enable new ways of being in the world


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En este trabajo se estima el efecto que tienen distintos choques a los hogares sobre el logro académico de los niños. Mediante un modelo de regresión lineal, se encuentra un efecto adverso de la presencia de choques sobre el puntaje de la prueba Saber 11. Además, los resultados sugieren que el trabajo infantil es un mecanismo por el cual los choques afectan negativamente la acumulación de capital humano. Al explorar efectos heterogéneos por sexo y edad, las estimaciones indican que el efecto de los choques es guiado por los hombres y los adolescentes mayores a 14 años.