981 resultados para Congregational churches North Consociation of Litchfield County.
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Increased losses of eggs and chicks resulting from human intrusion (investigator or other) into seabird colonies has been well documented. In 1990/91, I studied the effects of investigator disturbance on aggressive behaviour and breeding success of individual pairs of ring-billed gulls nesting at two colonies near Port Colborne, Ontario. The insular colony was on an artificial breakwall, associated with the Welland Ship Canal, approximately 1 km off the north shore of Lake Erie. The mainland colony was adjacent to the canal approximately 1 km east of the breakwall. The frequencies of adult threat and assault behaviours, chick movement and adult attacks on chicks were recorded by continuous scan sampling 30 min prior to, 30 min during and 60 (2 X 30) min after investigator disturbance. The frequency of threat and assault behaviours increased during the period of investigator activity in the colony while the duration of wingpulls and beakpulls decreased. Significantly more chicks ran ("runners") from their natal territories during disturbances and "runners" were more frequently attacked than "territorial" chicks. No chicks were fatally attacked during disturbance and "runners" returned to their natal territories quickly after disturbance. Breeding success was determined for pairs nesting in study plots subjected to two levels of disturbance (normal and moderate). The disturbance level of each plot differed in visitation frequency and activities performed on each visit. Investigator disturbance had no effect on the hatching success or fledging success (taken as 21 days of age) of ring-billed gull study pairs at either colony.
Sediment relationships observed during geological mapping in southeastern Ontario indicate a relatively simple deglaciation history for the area during late Wisconsin time. The ice from the north (part of the Lake Simcoe lobe) and the Lake Ontario ice lobe, which were coalesced during most of late Wisconsin time, initially separated along the crest of the Oak Ridges Moraine. Available data indicate that the Oak Ridges Moraine is composed primarily of sediments pre-late Wisconsin in age capped by late Wisconsin till and interlobate deposits. Retreat of the northern ice was relatively steady and resulted in the deposition of the Dummer Moraines, a facies of the drumlinized till to the south. Retreat of the Lake Ontario ice lobe into the Lake Ontario basin was interrupted by a re-advance which covered the southeastern half of the map area. The northern ice had already retreated from the area by this time. The Lake Ontario lobe was fed through the St. Lawrence Valley, indicating that the Ottawa Valley was ice filled at this time. High level glacial lakes fronted the ice during deglaciation. These waters quickly fell to low levels as the ice retreated from the St. Lawrence Valley, opening lower outlets.
330 km 2 of the easter-n part of the Archean Manitou Lakes - Stormy Lake metavolcanic - metasedimentary belt have been mapped and sampled. A large number of rocks ~.vere analyzed for the major and trace constituents including the rare-earth elements (REE). The Stormy Lake - Kawashegamuk Lake area may be subdivided into four major lithological groups of supracrustal rocks 1) A north-facing mafic assemblage, consisting of pillowed tholeiitic basalts and gabbro sills characterized by flat REE profiles, is exposed in the south part of the map area and belongs to a 8000 m thick homoclinal assemblage outside the map area. Felsic pyroclastic rocks believed to have been issued from a large central vent conformably overlie the tholeiites. 2) A dominantly epiclastic group facing to the north consists of terrestrial deposits interpreted to be an alluvial fan deposit ; a submarine facies is represented by turbiditic sediments. 3) The northeastern part of the study area consists of volcanic rocks belonging to two mafic - felsic cycles facing to the southuest ; andesitic flows with fractionated REE patterns make up a large part of the upper cycle, whereas the lower cycle has a stronger chemical polarity being represented by tholeiitic flows, with flat REE, which a r e succeeded by dacitic and rhyolitic pyroclasti cs. iii 4) A thick monotonous succession of tholeiitic pillmled basalt f lows and gabbro sills with flat REE represent the youngest supracrustal rocks. TIle entire belt underwent folding, faulting and granitic plutonism during a tectono-thermal event around 2700 Ma ago. Rocks exposed in the map area were subjected to regional greenschist facies metamorphism, but higher metamorphic grades are present near late granitic intrusions. Geochemical studies have been useful in 1) distinguishing the various rock units ; 2) relating volcanic and intrusive rocks 3) studying the significance of chemical changes due to post magmatic processes 4) determining the petrogenesis of the major volcanic rock types. In doing so, two major volcanic suites have been recognized : a) a tholeiitic suite, mostly represented by mafic rocks, was derived from partial melting of upper mantle material depleted in Ti, K and the light REE ; b) a calc-alkalic suite which evolved from partial melting of amphibolite in the lower crust. The more differentiated magma types have been produced by a multistage process involving partial melting and fractional crystallization to yield a continuum of compos i t i ons ranging from basaltic andesite to rhyolite. A model for the development of the eastern part of the Manitou Lakes - Stormy Lake belt has been proposed.
Published by the Committee of Arrangement of Washington County, Maryland.
Published by the Committee of Arrangement of Washington County, Maryland Printed by G.B. Zeiber and Co.
The origins of the Welland County Fair date back to the founding of the County of Welland in 1852. A provincial charter was issued in 1853 to create the Welland County Agricultural Society that was to operate the Fair. In 1970, the Welland County Fair became the Niagara Regional Exhibition, and the Society became known as the Niagara Regional Agriculture Society. The Society seeks to “encourage interest, promote improvements in and advance the standards of agriculture, domestic industry and rural life”. The Welland Festival of Arts was developed in 1986 in order to revitalize the town’s economy. An “outdoor art gallery” was created by painting murals on buildings that depicted the town’s heritage, a concept successfully adopted by the town of Chemainus, B.C. The first mural was completed in the summer of 1988, and by 1991 there were a total of 28 murals around the city. The endeavour proved successful: in the years that followed the creation of the Festival, two new hotels were constructed, a third was expanded, and there was an addition to the Seaway Mall to accommodate the increased tourist traffic. Optimist International is a non-profit organization that strives to “bring out the best in kids” . The first Canadian club was formed in Toronto in 1924. The Welland branch of the Optimist Club was founded in 1937. The first Welland County General Hospital opened in 1908. As the population increased, it became necessary to expand the existing facilities. Additions were made to the original structure with an East wing in 1930 and a children’s ward in 1931. However, in the 1950’s, the hospital was operating beyond optimum capacity and the need for a larger facility was clear. It was decided that a new hospital would be built, which opened in April 1960. The new hospital had 259 beds and 51 bassinets. Further additions were made in 1967 and 1978. The County of Welland was formed in 1850 when it was officially separated from Lincoln County, however, the two counties continued to operate together until 1856 when a new County building and jail for Welland County were completed. That same year, the first meeting of the Council of the Corporation of Welland County took place. The final meeting of the Council took place on December 18, 1969. The following year, the County of Welland merged with Lincoln County to form the Regional Municipality of Niagara. The Welland Mills in Thorold, Ont., was built in 1846-1847 by Jacob Keefer and is thought to have been one of the largest flour mills in Upper Canada. Ownership of the mill changed several times over the years and previous owners include the Howland family, the Hedley Shaw Milling Company and the Maple Leaf Milling Company. In 1986, the building received a heritage plaque from the Ontario Heritage Foundation, an agency of the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation. At this time, the mill was no longer in operation and was being used for storage by Fraser, Inc. By 2006, the dilapidated building had been redeveloped into18 apartments and 2 floors of commercial space, while maintaining many heritage features. The building is currently known as the Welland Mills Centre.
The County of Lincoln dates back to 1798, when the first Lincoln County was formed. It was comprised of the townships of Clinton, Grimsby, Saltfleet, Barton, Ancaster, Glanford, Binbrook,Gainsborough, Caistor, Newark (Niagara),Grantham, Louth, Stamford, Thorold, Pelham, Bertie, Willoughby, Crowland, Humberstone and Wainfleet. The County boundaries were revised over the years, and the formation of Welland County in 1856 left only 7 townships in Lincoln County (Niagara, Grantham, Louth, Clinton, Gainsborough, Caistor and Grimsby). A County Council was also established at this time, which consisted of a Clerk, Warden, and a representative from each township. In 1862, the County Seat was moved from Niagara-on-the-Lake to St. Catharines. In 1970, Lincoln and Welland Counties were amalgamated to form the Regional Municipality of Niagara.
Oliver Rising (1775-1855) lived in Herkimer County, New York. He is buried in Cedar Lake Cemetery, Cedar Lake (part of the town of Litchfield) in Herkimer County, with his wife Hannah (1780-1855) and his son Oliver Rising Jr. (1817-1861).
A vignette of the County Grammar School located in Beamsville.
David Brooks was the acting quarterman of shipwrights in his Majesty’s Dock Yard in Portsmouth. He resided at Ridge Street Halfway Houses in Portsea. He was married to Sally Brooks, who was the daughter of Will Thomas Baker of Kent County. Mr. Baker died on May 11, 1811. David and Sally had 5 children: David, Charles, Thomas, Sarah Ann and Hannah Baker. Mr. Brooks bequeathed all his possessions to his wife Sally. After his wife’s death he wanted his belongings and land to be divided equally between all of his children when they reached the age of 21. He names his wife Sally, and his brother, Isaac Brooks as executors of the will.
Document appointing Thomas Millard, Esquire to as "Captain of a Troop in the North Somerset Regiment Cavalry". The appointment is signed and declared "By the Right Honourable John Earl Poulett, Viscount, and Baron of Hinton Saint George of the most Ancient Order of the Thistle and Lord Lieutenant of the County of Somerset". Dated 1814
A diary and account book of Oliver Rising Senior, of Herkimer County, New York. The diary includes a black and white photograph of Esther Rising Myers and one of Rev. John Myers pasted onto the pages. Oliver recounts his travels into Canada through Chippawa, Niagara Falls, and the garrison at Little York in 1797 (p. 61-62). He also describes the British invasion of Sacket’s Harbour in 1812 (p. 100).
The King’s Royal Regiment of New York was a Loyalist regiment that served on the Canadian frontier during the American Revolutionary War. The regiment was commanded by Sir John Johnson, who recruited members from the settlers on his estates in the Mohawk Valley. After the War, the two battalions of the regiment were disbanded. The First Battalion settled on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, while the Second Battalion settled by the Bay of Quinte.
The composite includes photos of: Richard Woodruff (1822-1887) brother of Samuel Woodruff, son of William Woodruff. He married Cornelia McCrumb. His son-in- law was Samuel Zimmerman of the bank. Richard was a director of the Niagara Suspension Bridge. Joseph Woodruff (1820-1886) son of William Woodruff. He married Julia Claus. He was the Sherriff of Lincoln County and one of the incorporators of the Zimmerman Bank. Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff (1819-1904) who was the son of William Woodruff. He married Jane Caroline Sanderson (1827-1912) William Woodruff (1793-1860) who was the son of Ezekiel Woodruff who was born on July 29, 1763 and moved to the Niagara area from Litchfield Connecticut. He died in Niagara on Nov. 26, 1836. Henry Counter Woodruff (1833-1916) was the 7th child of William Woodruff. He married Emma Eloise Osgood (1835-1925) Dr. William Woodruff (1830-1908) of London, Ont. was the son of William Woodruff. Helena Woodruff (1828-1892) was the daughter of William Woodruff. She married Joseph Patterson Boomer. Julia Woodruff (1825-1870) was the sister of Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff and the daughter of William Woodruff.