928 resultados para Computers and Society


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Although modern systems of mass education are typically defined in their opposition to violence, it has been argued that it is only through an insistent and critical focus upon violence that radical thought can be sustained. This article seeks to take up this challenge in relation to Walter Benjamin’s lesser-known writings on education. Benjamin retained throughout his life a deep suspicion about academic institutions and about the pedagogic, social and economic violence implicated in the idea of cultural transmission. He nonetheless remained committed to the possibility of another kind of revolutionary potential inherent to true education and, when he comes to speak of this in his Critique of Violence, it is remarkable that he describes it as manifesting an educative violence. This article argues that Benjamin’s philosophy works toward a critique of educative violence that results in a distinction between a ‘first’ and ‘second’ kind of education and asks whether destruction might have a positive role to play within pedagogical theories in contrast to current valorisations of creativity and productivity.


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This chapter is based on a case study of one UK university sociology department and shows how sociology knowledge can transform the lives of ‘non-traditional’ students. The research from which the case is drawn focused on four departments teaching sociology-related subjects in universities positioned differently in UK league tables. It explored the question of the relationship between university reputation, pedagogic quality and curriculum knowledge, challenging taken-for-granted judgements about ‘quality’ and in conceptualising ‘just’ university pedagogy by taking Basil Bernstein’s ideas about how ‘powerful’ knowledge is distributed in society to illuminate pedagogy and curriculum. The project took the view that ‘power’ lies in the acquisition of specific (inter)disciplinary knowledges which allows the formation of disciplinary identities by way of developing the means to think about and act in the world in specific ways. We chose to focus on sociology because (1) university sociology is taken up by all socio-economic classes in the UK and is increasingly taught in courses in which the discipline is applied to practice; (2) it is a discipline that historically pursues social and moral ambition which assists exploration of the contribution of pedagogic quality to individuals and society beyond economic goals; (3) the researchers teach and research sociology or sociology of education - an understanding of the subjects under discussion is essential to make judgements about quality. ‘Diversity’ was one of four case study universities. It ranks low in university league tables; is located in a large, multi-cultural English inner city; and, its students are likely to come from lower socio-economic and/or ethnic minority groups, as well as being the first in their families to attend university. To make a case for transformative teaching at Diversity, the chapter draws on longitudinal interviews with students, interviews with tutors, curriculum documents, recordings of teaching, examples of student work, and a survey. It establishes what we can learn from the case of sociology at Diversity, arguing that equality, quality and transformation for individuals and society are served by a university curriculum which is research led and challenging combined with pedagogical practices which give access to difficult-to-acquire and powerful knowledge.


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The inter-disciplinarity of information systems, applied discipline and activity of design, and the study from different paradigms perspectives explains the diversity of problems addressed. The context is broad and includes important issues beyond technology, as the application, use, effectiveness, efficiency and their organizational and social impacts. In design science, the research interest is in contributing to the improvement of the processes of the design activity itself. The relevance of research in design science is associated with the result obtained for the improvement of living conditions in organizational, inter-organizational and Society contexts. In the research whose results are artifacts, the adoption of design research as a process of research is crucial to ensure discipline, rigor and transparency. Based on a literature review, this paper clarifies the terms of design science and design research. This is the main motivation for presenting this paper, determinant for the phase in research in technologies and information systems which are the three research projects presented. As a result the three projects are discussed in relation to the concepts of design science and design research.


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A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar mediante observações e entrevistas as consequências da implantação de uma política inclusiva, utilizando-se de tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) em uma associação assistencial. Possibilitando, através da disponibilização de computadores e programas educativos, observar o desenvolvimento do sujeito portador de condições cognitivas desfavoráveis em função de problemas associados a fatores físicos e socioeconômicos. Buscou-se com este trabalho, através de uma abordagem qualitativa de natureza aplicada, analisar quais elementos determinantes de boa absorção de conteúdos e desenvolvimento de competências estão suscetíveis a entraves, verificando-se o quanto do fator motivacional pode estar envolvido no processo, identificando formas de se trabalhar a retenção e participação dos internos da instituição. A diversidade de anseios e expectativas associadas às condições cognitivas de cada participante foi determinante para acarear as representações de grupos distintos em suas particularidades, onde cada indivíduo apresentava uma resposta diferente aos estímulos apresentados durante o processo de exposição do material educacional. Concluiu-se que a política de inclusão digital objetivando minimizar os efeitos da marginalização de um contingente esquecido pela sociedade, tem de estabelecer critérios de continuidade e diversificação, onde, além de perseguir resultados voltados ao desenvolvimento de competências, deve possibilitar momentos de ludicidade para todos os internos em associações assistenciais.


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In this thesis, I critically examine the discourses that inform how we conceptualise HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa as they are produced in a sample of Canadian news articles, two nonfiction texts - Stephanie Nolen's 28 Stories of AIDS in Africa and Jonathan Morgan and the Bambanani Women's Group's Long Life ... Positive HIV Stories - as well as two literary texts - John Le Carre's popular fiction novel The Constant Gardener and an anthology of stories and poems from Southern Africa titled Nobody Ever Said AIDS, compiled and edited by Nobantu Rasebotsa, Meg Samuelson and Kylie Thomas. Paying particular attention to the role of metaphor in discursive formation, I have found that military metaphors, usually used in conjunction with biomedical discourses, continue to dominate what is said about HIV/AIDS. However, the use of military metaphors to conceptualise HIV/AIDS contributes to stigma and limits the effectiveness of responses to the pandemic. I argue that accessing alternative metaphors and discourses, such as biopsychosocial discourse, can lead to a more layered - and more beneficial - conceptualisation of HIV/AIDS, encouraging a more active response to the pandemic.


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Studying positive adolescent development requires an examination of the mutually beneficial associations between youth and their environment. These youthcontext relations include both the contributions that youth make to others and society and the youth-context interactions that might predict positive youth outcomes. Community and youth-serving organizations, where youth may be involved in decision-making roles such as service delivery, advocacy, or on boards of directors, can provide one important context for youth contributions and for positive adolescent development. Research on the outcomes of youth involvement in organizational decision-making, however, is limited, and largely consists of exploratory qualitative studies. This dissertation is formatted as an integrated article dissertation. It begins with a review of the literature on contexts of structured youth activities and positive youth development. This review is intended to describe theory on development-context relations, in which development is considered an interactive process that occurs between individuals and their contexts, as it pertains the positive development of youth who are involved in various structured activities (e.g., volunteering). This description follows with a review of current research, and conclusions and rationale for the current studies. Following this theoretical and research background, the dissertation includes reports of two studies that were designed to address gaps in the research on youth involvement in organizational decision-making. The first was a qualitative research synthesis to elucidate and summarize the extant qualitative research on the outcomes of youth involvement in organizational decision making on adults and organizations. Results of this study suggested a number of outcomes for service provision, staff, and broader organizational functioning, including both benefits to organizations as well as some costs. The second study was a quantitative analysis of the associations among youth involvement, organizations' learning culture, and youth initiative, and relied on survey data gathered from adults and youth in community-based organizations with youth involvement. As expected, greater youth involvement in organizational decision making was associated with higher learning culture within the organization. Two dimensions of youth involvement, greater program engagement and relationships with adults, were related to greater youth initiative. A third dimension, sense of ownership, was not- .-.- associated with youth's level of initiative. Moreover, the association between relationships with adults and youth initiative was only significant in organizations with relatively low learning culture. Despite some limitations, these studies contribute to the research literature by providing some indication of the potential benefits and costs of youth involvement and by making an important contribution toward the early stages of context-level analyses of youth development. Findings have important implications for practitioners, funders, future research, and lifespan development theory.


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Cette thèse porte sur l’appropriation d’Internet par les visiteurs des centres d’accès public à cette technologie installés par le gouvernement et les ONG au Chili au début des années 2000. L’implantation de ces centres s’insère dans une politique officielle d’accès à une technologie qui est considérée comme un outil de développement. Les autorités s’appuient sur un discours plus large qui fait référence à la Société de l’information et au besoin de la population de participer adéquatement à celle-ci; l’accès et la maîtrise des technologies de l’information et communication, et en particulier l’Internet, permettrait aux personnes de bénéficier des avantages de cette nouvelle société. Conscients que ce n’est pas toute la population qui peut s’abonner à un service d’Internet à domicile, les télécentres aideraient les personnes à faible revenu à le faire. Au niveau théorique, nous avons mobilisé certaines notions liées aux études sur les usages des technologies. Plus spécifiquement, nous nous sommes servis du modèle de l’appropriation qui se penche sur la construction des significations que font les personnes de l’usage d’une technologie. Ce modèle montre la complexité du processus et les facteurs d’ordre personnel et social qui entrent en jeu. Selon ce modèle, le contexte social est clé pour comprendre la construction de la signification sur l’usage. Nous faisons aussi référence à d’autres études qui se penchent sur les différents moments de l’appropriation : la domestication, les propos de Michel de Certeau et la sociopolitique des usages. Finalement, nous proposons de considérer certains facteurs qui peuvent avoir une influence dans le processus d’appropriation, tels que les représentations des usagers, le contexte socio-économique, le réseau d’appui et le genre. D’un point de vue méthodologique, étant donné que nous voulions explorer un phénomène sans pour autant faire de généralisations, nous avons utilisé une démarche qualitative et comme stratégie de recherche, l’ethnographie. Nous avons visité 5 télécentres dans 4 villes ou villages de différentes régions du Chili. Nous avons fait des observations et des entrevues semi-ouvertes avec des usagers, des responsables des télécentres et les responsables des réseaux de télécentres. La thèse montre la complexité du processus d’appropriation et la spécificité de l’appropriation d’Internet dans les centres d’accès public. Nous avons constaté comment les relations interpersonnelles – le réseau d’appui- jouent un des rôles les plus importants dans le processus de rapprochement au centre et à la technologie, ainsi que dans le processus d’apprentissage et d’usage même. Nous avons constaté également que la construction de la signification de l’usage est étroitement liée au contexte et aux expériences de vie des personnes. Un même usage n’a pas la même signification pour tous nos interviewés : pour certains, le clavardage peut être seulement une activité de loisir et pour quelqu’un d’autre, un outil de développement personnel et émotionnel. Les projections sur les usages futurs ne sont pas les mêmes non plus chez les adultes et chez les plus jeunes, ces derniers étant davantage conscients de l’Internet comme un outil de travail. L’interprétation de l’usage diffère aussi entre les hommes et les femmes (plus que les usages mêmes): certaines femmes voient dans l’usage d’Internet et dans la participation au télécentre une activité qui les fait sortir de leur rôle typique de femme au foyer. Finalement, nous avons observé que la signification de l’usage n’est pas seulement construite à partir de l’expérience personnelle immédiate; les usages des autres sont toujours évalués par les visiteurs des télécentres.


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Le but du présent projet de thèse est d’étudier le lien entre les habitudes à l’endroit des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) et la motivation à apprendre. Bien que l’utilisation de l’ordinateur en contexte scolaire ait été étudiée en profondeur au cours des dernières années, la majorité des études présentent la même perspective : elles examinent l’effet de l’utilisation des technologies à l’école sur le rendement et la motivation scolaire des élèves. Cependant, on connaît mal l’effet de l’utilisation des technologies à des fins personnelles sur le vécu scolaire. Il apparait que les élèves n’ont pas tous les mêmes opportunités en ce qui a trait à l’utilisation des TIC et n’acquièrent donc pas tous les mêmes compétences dans ce domaine. Quelques recherches se sont intéressées aux effets de l’ordinateur (sa présence et son utilisation à la maison) sur le rendement à l’école. Bien qu’en majorité, les auteurs s’entendent sur les bénéfices que pourrait générer l’ordinateur, ils restent prudents sur les rapports de cause à effet (Beltran, Das et Fairlie, 2008; OCDE, 2006). Nous avons voulu aborder la question différemment : déterminer les possibles liens entre les habitudes d’utilisation de l’ordinateur à des fins personnelles et la motivation à apprendre à l’école. À cet égard, la motivation pour les sciences a été retenue puisque cette matière scolaire fait souvent appel à des compétences associées à l’utilisation des TIC. Pour répondre à nos objectifs, 331 élèves du cours ordinaire de sciences et technologie au premier cycle du secondaire ont remplis un questionnaire autorapporté, composé de sept échelles motivationnelles et d’un questionnaire lié à l’utilisation des TIC. Nous avons d’abord dégagé des profils d’utilisateurs à partir des différentes utilisations de l’ordinateur. Ensuite, nous avons examiné ces profils en lien avec leurs caractéristiques motivationnelles (le sentiment de compétence, l’anxiété, l’intérêt et les buts d’accomplissement) et l’engagement pour le cours de sciences. Finalement, nous avons déterminé la valeur prédictive de l’utilisation de l’ordinateur sur les variables motivationnelles retenues. Nos résultats montrent que l’utilisation personnelle des TIC ne se fait pas nécessairement au détriment de l’école. Nous avons trouvé que les élèves qui utilisent davantage les TIC dans leurs temps libres, et ce, avec des utilisations diversifiées, ont des caractéristiques motivationnelles plus positives. Toutefois, nous constatons que le type d’usage est lié à un effet médiateur positif ou négatif sur la motivation à apprendre. Les élèves qui limitent leurs utilisations de l’ordinateur à la communication et aux jeux ont des caractéristiques motivationnelles plus négatives que ceux avec des utilisations variées. Les usages centrés sur la communication semblent être ceux qui sont le plus susceptibles d’être liés négativement à la motivation à apprendre alors que ceux orientés vers les usages à caractère intellectuel s’avèrent plus positifs. Les résultats suggèrent que la clé ne réside pas dans le temps d'utilisation mais plutôt dans l'utilisation judicieuse de ce temps. En favorisant des usages à caractère intellectuel, tout en laissant des temps libres aux jeunes, nous augmentons leurs chances de développer de bonnes habitudes technologiques qui seront essentielles dans la société de demain.


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Bodies, Saracen Giants, and the Medieval Romance: Transgression, Difference, and Assimilation explore le traitement des corps de trois géants Sarasins dans les romances de Roland and Vernagu (c. 1330), Sir Beues of Hamtoun (c. 1330), et The Taill of Rauf Coilyear (c. 1513-42).Grâce à une étude de la représentation de ces trois géants Sarasin, la signification du corps humain au Moyen Age, et des pratiques de la Chrétienté an accord avec les discours et idéologies envers le Proche-Orient qui existaient dans l’Occident médiéval, ce mémoire de maîtrise juxtapose le géant Sarasin et le héros de la romance pour indiquer une similarité apparente entre leur deux corps et leur religion respective. La romance démontre avec hésitation un désir d’assimiler le géants Sarasin dans le code héroïque ainsi que dans la religion chrétienne, mais souvent rejette avec suspicion le corps du géant par sa mort sur le champ de bataille. Malgré sa mort ou son assimilation dans le code héroïque et la Chrétienté, le corps du géant Sarasin demeure toujours important dans le contexte de la Romance, puisqu’il contribue à la construction de l’identité du héros, de sa foi, et de sa société.


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A comparative assessment of the successes and failures of the judicial reform efforts of El Salvador and Brazil in the 1980’s produces striking results. The reforms varied greatly in scope and were conducted in very different socio-political and economic backgrounds. While El Salvador’s reforms seemed narrow and ill-planned, on paper it appeared that Brazil’s broad reforms would be a successful model for any country with a fledgling democracy. Brazil’s reforms were an exercise in constitutionalism, implementing genuine separation of powers and receiving legislative and executive support. I was very surprised that these different approaches produced strikingly similar negative effects on the people’s assessment of the judiciary. From this outcome I concluded that while judicial reform of a corrupt or inefficient judiciary is an important step in ensuring the rule of law in society, it can not be the vehicle through which democratic reform is implemented. Quite to the contrary, for successful judicial reform to take place there must be considerable penetration of the law in society through enforcement of unbiased legislation, consistency in the laws and their enforcement, and sufficient time for the reform to have an effect on society.


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The shift from print to digital information has a high impact on all components of the academic library system in India especially the users, services and the staff. Though information is considered as an important resource, the use of ICT tools to collect and disseminate information has been in a slow pace in majority of the University libraries This may be due to various factors like insufficient funds, inadequate staff trained in handling computers and software packages, administrative concerns etc. In Kerala, automation has been initiated in almost all University libraries using library automation software and is under different stages of completion. There are not much studies conducted about the effects of information communication technologies on the professional activities of library professionals in the universities in Kerala. It is important to evaluate whether progress in ICT has had any impact on the library profession in these highest educational institutions. The aim of the study is to assess whether the developments in information communication technologies have any influence on the library professionals’ professional development, and the need for further education and training in the profession and evaluate their skills in handling developments in ICT. The total population of the study is 252 including the permanently employed professional library staff in central libraries and departmental libraries in the main campuses of the universities under study. This is almost a census study of the defined population of users. The questionnaire method was adopted for collection of data for this study, supplemented by interviews of Librarians to gather additional information. Library Professionals have a positive approach towards ICT applications and services in Libraries, but majority do not have the opportunities to develop their skills and competencies in their work environment. To develop competitive personnel in a technologically advanced world, high priority must be given to develop competence in ICT applications, library management and soft skills in library professionals, by the University administrators and Library associations. Library science schools and teaching departments across the country have to take significant steps to revise library science curriculum, and incorporate significant changes to achieve the demands and challenges of library science profession.


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Production Planning and Control (PPC) systems have grown and changed because of the developments in planning tools and models as well as the use of computers and information systems in this area. Though so much is available in research journals, practice of PPC is lagging behind and does not use much from published research. The practices of PPC in SMEs lag behind because of many reasons, which need to be explored This research work deals with the effect of identified variables such as forecasting, planning and control methods adopted, demographics of the key person, standardization practices followed, effect of training, learning and IT usage on firm performance. A model and framework has been developed based on literature. Empirical testing of the model has been done after collecting data using a questionnaire schedule administered among the selected respondents from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in India. Final data included 382 responses. Hypotheses linking SME performance with the use of forecasting, planning and controlling were formed and tested. Exploratory factor analysis was used for data reduction and for identifying the factor structure. High and low performing firms were classified using a Logistic Regression model. A confirmatory factor analysis was used to study the structural relationship between firm performance and dependent variables.


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Domestic violence is a gender based violation of human rights having multi- dimensional repercussions in the well- being of individuals in family and society. The Indian legislation to protect the women from domestic violence is significant in providing a mechanism for enforcing positive civil rights of protection and injunction orders to the victims of domestic violence along with the existing remedies of criminal sanctions. However the Act was brought in the backdrop of an established tradition of cohesive and stable family setting. This, in turn, results in the emergence of new issues and challenges which necessitates deeper understandings of indigenous sociocultural institutions in India i.e., marriage and family. This study is an attempt to analyse the Indian law on domestic violence and to assess whether the law addresses and answers the problems of domestic violence effectively in the culture specific setting of India


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Die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung ist ein attraktives Forschungsgebiet des vergangenen und aktuellen Jahrzehnts. Es handelt von unaufdringlicher Unterstützung von Menschen in ihren alltäglichen Aufgaben durch Rechner. Diese Unterstützung wird durch die Allgegenwärtigkeit von Rechnern ermöglicht die sich spontan zu verteilten Kommunikationsnetzwerken zusammen finden, um Informationen auszutauschen und zu verarbeiten. Umgebende Intelligenz ist eine Anwendung der ubiquitären Datenverarbeitung und eine strategische Forschungsrichtung der Information Society Technology der Europäischen Union. Das Ziel der umbebenden Intelligenz ist komfortableres und sichereres Leben. Verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke für die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung charakterisieren sich durch Heterogenität der verwendeten Rechner. Diese reichen von Kleinstrechnern, eingebettet in Gegenstände des täglichen Gebrauchs, bis hin zu leistungsfähigen Großrechnern. Die Rechner verbinden sich spontan über kabellose Netzwerktechnologien wie wireless local area networks (WLAN), Bluetooth, oder UMTS. Die Heterogenität verkompliziert die Entwicklung und den Aufbau von verteilten Kommunikationsnetzwerken. Middleware ist eine Software Technologie um Komplexität durch Abstraktion zu einer homogenen Schicht zu reduzieren. Middleware bietet eine einheitliche Sicht auf die durch sie abstrahierten Ressourcen, Funktionalitäten, und Rechner. Verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke für die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung sind durch die spontane Verbindung von Rechnern gekennzeichnet. Klassische Middleware geht davon aus, dass Rechner dauerhaft miteinander in Kommunikationsbeziehungen stehen. Das Konzept der dienstorienterten Architektur ermöglicht die Entwicklung von Middleware die auch spontane Verbindungen zwischen Rechnern erlaubt. Die Funktionalität von Middleware ist dabei durch Dienste realisiert, die unabhängige Software-Einheiten darstellen. Das Wireless World Research Forum beschreibt Dienste die zukünftige Middleware beinhalten sollte. Diese Dienste werden von einer Ausführungsumgebung beherbergt. Jedoch gibt es noch keine Definitionen wie sich eine solche Ausführungsumgebung ausprägen und welchen Funktionsumfang sie haben muss. Diese Arbeit trägt zu Aspekten der Middleware-Entwicklung für verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke in der ubiquitären Datenverarbeitung bei. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Middleware und Grundlagentechnologien. Die Beiträge liegen als Konzepte und Ideen für die Entwicklung von Middleware vor. Sie decken die Bereiche Dienstfindung, Dienstaktualisierung, sowie Verträge zwischen Diensten ab. Sie sind in einem Rahmenwerk bereit gestellt, welches auf die Entwicklung von Middleware optimiert ist. Dieses Rahmenwerk, Framework for Applications in Mobile Environments (FAME²) genannt, beinhaltet Richtlinien, eine Definition einer Ausführungsumgebung, sowie Unterstützung für verschiedene Zugriffskontrollmechanismen um Middleware vor unerlaubter Benutzung zu schützen. Das Leistungsspektrum der Ausführungsumgebung von FAME² umfasst: • minimale Ressourcenbenutzung, um auch auf Rechnern mit wenigen Ressourcen, wie z.B. Mobiltelefone und Kleinstrechnern, nutzbar zu sein • Unterstützung für die Anpassung von Middleware durch Änderung der enthaltenen Dienste während die Middleware ausgeführt wird • eine offene Schnittstelle um praktisch jede existierende Lösung für das Finden von Diensten zu verwenden • und eine Möglichkeit der Aktualisierung von Diensten zu deren Laufzeit um damit Fehlerbereinigende, optimierende, und anpassende Wartungsarbeiten an Diensten durchführen zu können Eine begleitende Arbeit ist das Extensible Constraint Framework (ECF), welches Design by Contract (DbC) im Rahmen von FAME² nutzbar macht. DbC ist eine Technologie um Verträge zwischen Diensten zu formulieren und damit die Qualität von Software zu erhöhen. ECF erlaubt das aushandeln sowie die Optimierung von solchen Verträgen.