965 resultados para Chase, James Hadley
"Although famous for his paintings and etchings today, James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) was also an important interior designer in the nineteenth-century British Aesthetic movement. Whistler‘s most famous and only extant interior design is Harmony in Blue and Gold: The Peacock Room (1876-77). It is also his most puzzling interior. Long considered an exception to the rule of Whistler‘s other interiors, the Peacock Room has often been overlooked in the few studies of the artist‘s interior designs"
This review is part of a research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (ref. FFI 2008-02165).
En aquest Treball Fi de Grau (TFG) farem una anàlisi comparativa de James and the Giant Peach i les seues traduccions al català i al castellà. Pararem especial atenció al fet que es tracta d’un exemple de literatura juvenil, a l’hora d’analitzar els elements típics d’aquest gènere, com ara noms propis, elements culturals, expressions pragmàtiques, etc. El nostre objectiu principal serà extraure unes conclusions ben fonamentades sobre les tendències pel que fa a la traducció de literatura juvenil.