992 resultados para Charged leptons


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We discuss symmetries and scenarios leading to quasi-degenerate neutrinos in type I seesaw models. The existence of degeneracy in the present approach is not linked to any specific structure for the Dirac neutrino Yukawa coupling matrix y(D) and holds in general. Basic input is the application of the minimal flavour violation principle to the leptonic sector. Generalizing this principle, we assume that the structure of the right-handed neutrino mass matrix is determined by y(D) and the charged lepton Yukawa coupling matrix y(l) in an effective theory invariant under specific groups G(F) contained in the full symmetry group of the kinetic energy terms. G(F) invariance also leads to specific structure for the departure from degeneracy. The neutrino mass matrix (with degenerate mass m(0)) resulting after seesaw mechanism has a simple form Mv approximate to m(0)(I - py(l)y(l)(T)) in one particular scenario based on supersymmetry. This form is shown tolead to correct description of neutrino masses and mixing angles. The thermal leptogenesis after inclusion of flavour effects can account for the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe within the present scenario. Rates for lepton flavour violating processes can occur at observable levels in the supersymmetric version of the scenario. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The chemical groups which take part in the proton transfer reaction in bacteriorhodopsin have been studied by ab initio quantum chemical methods. The various factors such as conjugation with a linear system, electron delocalization of the guanidine type, cis-trans isomerism, geometry distortion and hydrogen bonding with charged groups can influence the properties of a given chemical group. Several systems are studied at 4-31G and STO-3G levels. Some of the Schiff-base analogues and guanidine type molecules are characterized by their molecular orbital diagrams, energy levels and the nature of charge distribution. Also, the effects of the above-mentioned factors on proton affinity are studied. It is hoped that the values thus obtained can be helpful in evaluating various structural models for proton transfer.


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The most important French literary movement of the 1950s and 1960s, the nouveau roman, radically questioned the idea of the novel as storytelling, claiming that narratives create a false illusion of the world’s intelligibility. However, in the 1970s storytelling finds its way back into the French novel – a shift that has been characterized as the “return of the narrative”. In my article, I argue that the “narrative turn” in the French novel of the 1970s can be seen as a turn towards a fundamentally hermeneutic view of the narrative mediatedness of our relation to the world. From a hermeneutic perspective, the nouveaux romanciers – insofar as they reject the narrative in order to disclose the discontinuous, fragmentary and chaotic nature of reality – hang onto the positivistic idea that “real” is only that which is independent of human meaning-giving processes. By contrast, the hermeneutists, such as Paul Ricoeur, consider also the human experience of the world to be real, and largely narrative in form. This view is shared by the principal novelists associated with the narrative turn, such as Michel Tournier to whom man is a “mythological animal”. However, after the nouveau roman , narratives have lost their innocence: they no longer appear as “natural” but are conscious of their own narrativity, historicity, and the way they represent only one possible – inevitably ethically and politically charged – perspective into reality. By making storytelling thematic and by telling “counter-stories” that question prevailing models of sense-making, Tournier and other “new storytellers” strive to promote critical reflection on the stories on the basis of which we orient to the world and narrate our lives – both as individuals and as communities.


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Pyrophosphate prototypes such as methyl triphosphate and methyl diphosphate molecules in their different protonation states have been investigated at high levels of quantum chemical calculations. The optimized geometries, the thermochemistry of the hydrolysis and the molecular orbitals contributing to the high energy of these compounds have been analyzed. These investigations provide insights into the "high energy" character of ATP molecule. Further, the dependence of vibrational frequencies on the number of phosphate groups and the charged states has also been presented. These results can aid the interpretation of spectra obtained by experiments on complexes containing pyrophosphate prototypes.


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We have prepared a new nanocomposite polymer electrolyte using nanoparticles of hydrotalcite, an anionic clay, as the filler. Hydrotalcite has the chemical composition [M-1-x(2+) M-x(3+) (OH)(2)](x+) [A(x/n)(n-)center dot mH(2)O] where M2+ is a divalent cation (e.g. Mg2+, Ni2+, Co2+,etc.) and M3+ is a trivalent cation (e.g. Al3+, Fe3+, Cr3+, etc.). A(n-) is an anion intercalated between the positively charged double hydroxide layers. The nanoparticles of [Mg0.67Al0.33 (OH)(2)] [(CO3)(0.17)center dot mH(2)O] were prepared by the co-precipitation method (average particle size as observed by TEM similar to 50 nm) and were doped into poly(ethylene glycol) PEG (m.w.2000) complexed with LiCIO4. Samples with different wt.% of hydrotalcite were prepared and characterized using XRD, DSC, TGA, impedance spectroscopy and NMR. Ionic conductivity for the pristine sample, similar to 7.3 x 10(-7) S cm(-1), was enhanced to a maximum of = 1.1 x 10(-5) S cm(-1) for 3.6 wt.% nanoparticle doped sample. We propose that the enhancement of ionic conductivity is caused by percolation effects of the high conductivity paths provided by interfaces between the nanoparticles and the polymer electrolyte. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This doctoral thesis is about the solar wind influence on the atmosphere of the planet Venus. A numerical plasma simulation model was developed for the interaction between Venus and the solar wind to study the erosion of charged particles from the Venus upper atmosphere. The developed model is a hybrid simulation where ions are treated as particles and electrons are modelled as a fluid. The simulation was used to study the solar wind induced ion escape from Venus as observed by the European Space Agency's Venus Express and NASA's Pioneer Venus Orbiter spacecraft. Especially, observations made by the ASPERA-4 particle instrument onboard Venus Express were studied. The thesis consists of an introductory part and four peer-reviewed articles published in scientific journals. In the introduction Venus is presented as one of the terrestrial planets in the Solar System and the main findings of the work are discussed within the wider context of planetary physics. Venus is the closest neighbouring planet to the Earth and the most earthlike planet in its size and mass orbiting the Sun. Whereas the atmosphere of the Earth consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen, Venus has a hot carbon dioxide atmosphere, which is dominated by the greenhouse effect. Venus has all of its water in the atmosphere, which is only a fraction of the Earth's total water supply. Since planets developed presumably in similar conditions in the young Solar System, why Venus and Earth became so different in many respects? One important feature of Venus is that the planet does not have an intrinsic magnetic field. This makes it possible for the solar wind, a continuous stream of charged particles from the Sun, to flow close to Venus and to pick up ions from the planet's upper atmosphere. The strong intrinsic magnetic field of the Earth dominates the terrestrial magnetosphere and deflects the solar wind flow far away from the atmosphere. The region around Venus where the planet's atmosphere interacts with the solar wind is called the plasma environment or the induced magnetosphere. Main findings of the work include new knowledge about the movement of escaping planetary ions in the Venusian induced magnetosphere. Further, the developed simulation model was used to study how the solar wind conditions affect the ion escape from Venus. Especially, the global three-dimensional structure of the Venusian particle and magnetic environment was studied. The results help to interpret spacecraft observations around the planet. Finally, several remaining questions were identified, which could potentially improve our knowledge of the Venus ion escape and guide the future development of planetary plasma simulations.


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A thermodynamic study of the Ti-O system at 1573 K has been conducted using a combination of thermogravimetric and emf techniques. The results indicate that the variation of oxygen potential with the nonstoichiometric parameter delta in stability domain of TiO2-delta with rutile structure can be represented by the relation, Delta mu o(2) = -6RT In delta - 711970(+/-1600) J/mol. The corresponding relation between non-stoichiometric parameter delta and partial pressure of oxygen across the whole stability range of TiO2-delta at 1573 K is delta proportional to P-O2(-1/6). It is therefore evident that the oxygen deficient behavior of nonstoichiometric TiO2-delta is dominated by the presence of doubly charged oxygen vacancies and free electrons. The high-precision measurements enabled the resolution of oxygen potential steps corresponding to the different Magneli phases (Ti-n O2n-1) up to n = 15. Beyond this value of n, the oxygen potential steps were too small to be resolved. Based on composition of the Magneli phase in equilibrium with TiO2-delta, the maximum value of n is estimated to be 28. The chemical potential of titanium was derived as a function of composition using the Gibbs-Duhem relation. Gibbs energies of formation of the Magneli phases were derived from the chemical potentials of oxygen and titanium. The values of -2441.8(+/-5.8) kJ/mol for Ti4O7 and -1775.4(+/-4.3) kJ/mol for Ti3O5 Obtained in this study refine values of -2436.2(+/-26.1) kJ/mol and-1771.3(+/-6.9) kJ/mol, respectively, given in the JANAF thermochemical tables.


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Aerosol particles play an important role in the Earth s atmosphere and in the climate system: they scatter and absorb solar radiation, facilitate chemical processes, and serve as seeds for cloud formation. Secondary new particle formation (NPF) is a globally important source of these particles. Currently, the mechanisms of particle formation and the vapors participating in this process are, however, not truly understood. In order to fully explain atmospheric NPF and subsequent growth, we need to measure directly the very initial steps of the formation processes. This thesis investigates the possibility to study atmospheric particle formation using a recently developed Neutral cluster and Air Ion Spectrometer (NAIS). First, the NAIS was calibrated and intercompared, and found to be in good agreement with the reference instruments both in the laboratory and in the field. It was concluded that NAIS can be reliably used to measure small atmospheric ions and particles directly at the sizes where NPF begins. Second, several NAIS systems were deployed simultaneously at 12 European measurement sites to quantify the spatial and temporal distribution of particle formation events. The sites represented a variety of geographical and atmospheric conditions. The NPF events were detected using NAIS systems at all of the sites during the year-long measurement period. Various particle formation characteristics, such as formation and growth rates, were used as indicators of the relevant processes and participating compounds in the initial formation. In a case of parallel ion and neutral cluster measurements, we also estimated the relative contribution of ion-induced and neutral nucleation to the total particle formation. At most sites, the particle growth rate increased with the increasing particle size indicating that different condensing vapors are participating in the growth of different-sized particles. The results suggest that, in addition to sulfuric acid, organic vapors contribute to the initial steps of NPF and to the subsequent growth, not just later steps of the particle growth. As a significant new result, we found out that the total particle formation rate varied much more between the different sites than the formation rate of charged particles. The results infer that the ion-induced nucleation has a minor contribution to particle formation in the boundary layer in most of the environments. These results give tools to better quantify the aerosol source provided by secondary NPF in various environments. The particle formation characteristics determined in this thesis can be used in global models to assess NPF s climatic effects.


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Aerosol particles deteriorate air quality, atmospheric visibility and our health. They affect the Earth s climate by absorbing and scattering sunlight, forming clouds, and also via several feed-back mechanisms. The net effect on the radiative balance is negative, i.e. cooling, which means that particles counteract the effect of greenhouse gases. However, particles are one of the poorly known pieces in the climate puzzle. Some of the airborne particles are natural, some anthropogenic; some enter the atmosphere in particle form, while others form by gas-to-particle conversion. Unless the sources and dynamical processes shaping the particle population are quantified, they cannot be incorporated into climate models. The molecular level understanding of new particle formation is still inadequate, mainly due to the lack of suitable measurement techniques to detect the smallest particles and their precursors. This thesis has contributed to our ability to measure newly formed particles. Three new condensation particle counter applications for measuring the concentration of nano-particles were developed. The suitability of the methods for detecting both charged and electrically neutral particles and molecular clusters as small as 1 nm in diameter was thoroughly tested both in laboratory and field conditions. It was shown that condensation particle counting has reached the size scale of individual molecules, and besides measuring the concentration they can be used for getting size information. In addition to atmospheric research, the particle counters could have various applications in other fields, especially in nanotechnology. Using the new instruments, the first continuous time series of neutral sub-3 nm particle concentrations were measured at two field sites, which represent two different kinds of environments: the boreal forest and the Atlantic coastline, both of which are known to be hot-spots for new particle formation. The contribution of ions to the total concentrations in this size range was estimated, and it could be concluded that the fraction of ions was usually minor, especially in boreal forest conditions. Since the ionization rate is connected to the amount of cosmic rays entering the atmosphere, the relative contribution of neutral to charged nucleation mechanisms extends beyond academic interest, and links the research directly to current climate debate.


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Distamycin and netropsin, a class of minor groove binding nonintercalating agents, are characterized by their B-DNA and A-T basespecific interactions. To understand the CQI I ~OIT~ ~ I ~ ~aOnMd ~c hemical basis of the above specificities, the DNA-binding characteristics of a novel synthetic analogue of distamycin have been studied. The analogue, mPD derivative, has the requisite charged end groups and a number of potential hydrogen-bonding loci equal to those of distamycin. The difference in the backbone curvatures of the ligands, distamycin, the mPD derivative, and NSC 101327 (another structurally analogous compound),is a major difference between these ligands. UV and CD spectrosoopic studies reported here show the following salient features: The mPD derivative recognizes only B-DNA, to which it binds via the minor groove. On the other hand, unlike distamycin, it binds with comparable affinities to A-T and G-C base pairs in a natural DNA. These DNA-binding properties are compared with those reported earlier for distamycin and NSC 101327 [Zimmer, Ch., & Wahnert, U. (1986) Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 47, 31-1121. The backbone structures of these three ligands were compared to show the progressive decrease in curvatures in the order distamycin, mPD derivative, and NSC 101327. The plausible significance of the backbone curvature vis-&vis the characteristic B-DNA and AT-specific binding of distamycin is discussed. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt (with a model synthetic analogue) to probe the possible influence of backbone curvature upon the specificity of interactions of the distamycin class of groove-binding ligands with DNA.


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Pyrophosphate prototypes such as methyl triphosphate and methyl diphosphate molecules in their different protonation states have been investigated at high levels of quantum chemical calculations. The optimized geometries, the thermochemistry of the hydrolysis and the molecular orbitals contributing to the high energy of these compounds have been analyzed. These investigations provide insights into the ``high energy'' character of ATP molecule. Further, the dependence of vibrational frequencies on the number of phosphate groups and the charged states has also been presented. These results can aid the interpretation of spectra obtained by experiments on complexes containing pyrophosphate prototypes. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel method of detecting the charge-carrying species in inorganic decomposable salts is described. In ammonium perchlorate it is observed that the charge-carrying species at temperatures 150 and 230°C are oppositely charged; i.e., they are negatively charged (ClO−4 ions) at 230°C and positively charged (H+ or NH+4) at 150°C.


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Aerosol particles have effect on climate, visibility, air quality and human health. However, the strength of which aerosol particles affect our everyday life is not well described or entirely understood. Therefore, investigations of different processes and phenomena including e.g. primary particle sources, initial steps of secondary particle formation and growth, significance of charged particles in particle formation, as well as redistribution mechanisms in the atmosphere are required. In this work sources, sinks and concentrations of air ions (charged molecules, cluster and particles) were investigated directly by measuring air molecule ionising components (i.e. radon activity concentrations and external radiation dose rates) and charged particle size distributions, as well as based on literature review. The obtained results gave comprehensive and valuable picture of the spatial and temporal variation of the air ion sources, sinks and concentrations to use as input parameters in local and global scale climate models. Newly developed air ion spectrometers (Airel Ltd.) offered a possibility to investigate atmospheric (charged) particle formation and growth at sub-3 nm sizes. Therefore, new visual classification schemes for charged particle formation events were developed, and a newly developed particle growth rate method was tested with over one year dataset. These data analysis methods have been widely utilised by other researchers since introducing them. This thesis resulted interesting characteristics of atmospheric particle formation and growth: e.g. particle growth may sometimes be suppressed before detection limit (~ 3 nm) of traditional aerosol instruments, particle formation may take place during daytime as well as in the evening, growth rates of sub-3 nm particles were quite constant throughout the year while growth rates of larger particles (3-20 nm in diameter) were higher during summer compared to winter. These observations were thought to be a consequence of availability of condensing vapours. The observations of this thesis offered new understanding of the particle formation in the atmosphere. However, the role of ions in particle formation, which is not well understood with current knowledge, requires further research in future.


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Escherichia coli RNA polymerase is a multi-subunit enzyme containing alpha(2)beta beta'omega sigma, which transcribes DNA template to intermediate RNA product in a sequence specific manner. Although most of the subunits are essential for its function, the smallest subunit omega (average molecular mass similar to 10,105 Da) can be deleted without affecting bacterial growth. Creating a mutant of the omega subunit can aid in improving the understanding of its role. Sequencing of rpoZ gene that codes for omega subunit from a mutant variant suggested a substitution mutation at position 60 of the protein: asparagine (N) -> aspartic acid (D). This mutation was verified at the protein level by following a typical mass spectrometry (MS) based bottom-up proteomic approach. Characterization of in-gel trypsin digested samples by reverse phase liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to electrospray ionization (ESI)-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) enabled in ascertaining this mutation. Electron transfer dissociation (ETD) of triply charged (M + 3H)(3+)] tryptic peptides (residues 53-67]), EIEEGLINNQILDVR from wild-type and EIEEGLIDNQILDVR from mutant, facilitated in unambiguously determining the site of mutation at residue 60.


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A novel method of detecting the charge-carrying species in inorganic decomposable salts is described. In ammonium perchlorate it is observed that the charge-carrying species at temperatures 150 and 230°C are oppositely charged; i.e., they are negatively charged (ClO−4 ions) at 230°C and positively charged (H+ or NH+4) at 150°C.