954 resultados para Causal attributions


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Many disorders are associated with altered serum protein concentrations, including malnutrition, cancer, and cardiovascular, kidney, and inflammatory diseases. Although these protein concentrations are highly heritable, relatively little is known about their underlying genetic determinants. Through transethnic meta-analysis of European-ancestry and Japanese genome-wide association studies, we identified six loci at genome-wide significance (p < 5 × 10(-8)) for serum albumin (HPN-SCN1B, GCKR-FNDC4, SERPINF2-WDR81, TNFRSF11A-ZCCHC2, FRMD5-WDR76, and RPS11-FCGRT, in up to 53,190 European-ancestry and 9,380 Japanese individuals) and three loci for total protein (TNFRS13B, 6q21.3, and ELL2, in up to 25,539 European-ancestry and 10,168 Japanese individuals). We observed little evidence of heterogeneity in allelic effects at these loci between groups of European and Japanese ancestry but obtained substantial improvements in the resolution of fine mapping of potential causal variants by leveraging transethnic differences in the distribution of linkage disequilibrium. We demonstrated a functional role for the most strongly associated serum albumin locus, HPN, for which Hpn knockout mice manifest low plasma albumin concentrations. Other loci associated with serum albumin harbor genes related to ribosome function, protein translation, and proteasomal degradation, whereas those associated with serum total protein include genes related to immune function. Our results highlight the advantages of transethnic meta-analysis for the discovery and fine mapping of complex trait loci and have provided initial insights into the underlying genetic architecture of serum protein concentrations and their association with human disease.


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Goal: To study an August 2004 outbreak of brucellosis notified in Velez-Rubio (Almeria) and to determine the source of that infection as well as its transmission mechanisms, in addition to proposing preventive measures. Methodology: Descriptive study and paired case controls (three controls were selected for each case). Setting: Health Centers in de Vélez-Rubio (Almeria) and Alcalá de Guadaira (Seville). Population: Suspected/probable case: a person with compatible clinical symptoms and positive brusella agglutination diagnosed between July 2005 and March 2005. Confirmed case: in addition to identifying the causal agent, laboratory test results resulted in a confirmation. Interventions: Report forms, epidemiological surveys, clinical histories, and laboratory tests were used as sources of data. Odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals were calculated to study the relationship among cases, sources of infection, and transmission mechanisms. The Chi Square test and Yates correction were employed. Results: 10 cases were identified (9 in Almeria and 1 in Seville), 8 of them pobable and 2 confirmed, in persons between the ages of 45 and 81. The symptoms first appeared between the months of May and September 2005. Fever was the most frequent symptom (100%). The OR for the consumption of fresh, non.-pasteurized cheese was 112 (CI 4,48-16968,94), p< 0,001. Infected animals were intervened. Conclusions: The inter-provincial outbreak of brucellosis was confirmed as stemming from the consumption of non-pasteurized cheese sold on the street. The source of infection was identified and the Department of Agriculture carried out the necessary actions.


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Corynebacterium striatum is a potentially pathogenic microorganism with the ability to produce outbreaks of nosocomial infections. Here, we document a nosocomial outbreak caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) C. striatum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. C. striatum identification was confirmed by 16S rRNA and rpoB gene sequencing. Fifteen C. striatum strains were isolated from adults (half of whom were 50 years of age and older). C. striatum was mostly isolated in pure culture from tracheal aspirates of patients undergoing endotracheal intubation procedures. The analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) indicated the presence of four PFGE profiles, including two related clones of MDR strains (PFGE I and II). The data demonstrated the predominance of PFGE type I, comprising 11 MDR isolates that were mostly isolated from intensive care units and surgical wards. A potential causal link between death and MDR C. striatum (PFGE types I and II) infection was observed in five cases.


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Se explora el fundamento y finalidad de las atribuciones legales mortis causa previstas para el cónyuge y el conviviente. Los beneficios viudales y sucesorios se analizan para aportar reflexiones que sirvan para afrontar una reforma de los mismos que sea capaz de ajustarles mejor técnica, familiar y socialmente.


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BACKGROUND The concept of achievement is important to study the professional development. In medicine there are gender inequalities in career. The purpose was to know and compare the professional achievement's perceptions and attributions of female and male primary care physicians in Andalusia. METHOD Qualitative study with 12 focus groups (October 2009 to November 2010). POPULATION primary care physicians. SAMPLE intentionally segmented by age, sex and health care management. Were conducted by sex: two groups with young physicians, two groups with middle aged and two with health care management. TOTAL: 32 female physician and 33 male physicians. Qualitative content analysis with Nuddist Vivo. RESULTS Female and male physicians agree to perceive internal achievements and to consider aspects inherent to the profession as external achievements. The most important difference is that female physician related professional achievement with affective bond and male physician with institutional merit. Internal attributions are more important for female physician who also highlight the importance of family, the organization of working time and work-family balance. Patients, continuing education, institutional resources and computer system are the most important attributions for male physician. CONCLUSIONS There are similarities and differences between female and male physicians both in the understanding and the attributions of achievement. The differences are explained by the gender system. The perception of achievement of the female physicians questions the dominant professional culture and incorporates new values in defining achievement. The attributions reflect the unequal impact of family and organizational variables and suggest that the female physicians would be changing gender socialization.


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ABSTRACTThe Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database (OMIM) reports about 3000 Mendelian diseases of known causal gene and about 2000 that remain to be mapped. These cases are often difficult to solve because of the rareness of the disease, the structure of the family (too big or too small) or the heterogeneity of the phenotype. The goal of this thesis is to explore the current genetic tools, before the advent of ultra high throughput sequencing, and integrate them in the attempt to map the genes behind the four studied cases. In this framework we have studied a small family with a recessive disease, a modifier gene for the penetrance of a dominant mutation, a large extended family with a cardiac phenotype and clinical and/or allelic heterogeneity and we have molecularly analyzed a balanced chromosomal translocation.RESUMELa base de données des maladies à transmission mendélienne, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), contient environ 3000 affections à caractère mendélien pour lesquelles le gène responsable est connu et environ 2000 qui restent à élucider.Les cas restant à résoudre sont souvent difficiles soit par le caractère intrinsèquement rare de ces maladies soit à cause de difficultés structurelles (famille trop petite ou trop étendue) ou hétérogénéité du phénotype ou génétique. Cette thèse s'inscrit avant l'arrivée des nouveaux outils de séquençage à haut débit. Son but est d'explorer les outils génétiques actuels, et de les intégrer pour trouver les gènes impliqués dans quatre cas représentant chacun une situation génétique différente : nous avons étudié une famille de quatre individus avec une transmission récessive, recherché un gène modificateur de la pénétrance de mutations dominantes, étudié une famille étendue présentant un phénotype cardiaque cliniquement et/ou allèliquement hétérogène et nous avons fait l'analyse moléculaire d'une translocation chromosomique balancée.


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En el següent treball es vol observar com influeixen diferents processos individuals (autoconcepte, autoestima, atribució causal dels èxits o fracassos, relacions familiars...) en el rendiment acadèmic de l'alumne. Per això s'ha fet el seguiment de 4 casos on s'ha explorat com afecten aquestes variables en el seu rendiment.


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OBJECTIVES: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection of particular interest because of its high prevalence rate and strong causal association with cervical cancer. Two prophylactic vaccines have been developed and different countries have made or will soon make recommendations for the vaccination of girls. Even if there is a consensus to recommend a vaccination before the beginning of sexual activity, there are, however, large discrepancies between countries concerning the perceived usefulness of a catch-up procedure and of boosters. The main objective of this article is to simulate the impact on different vaccination policies upon the mid- and long-term HPV 16/18 age-specific infection rates. METHODS: We developed an epidemiological model based on the susceptible-infective-recovered approach using Swiss data. The mid- and long-term impact of different vaccination scenarios was then compared. RESULTS: The generalization of a catch-up procedure is always beneficial, whatever its extent. Moreover, pending on the length of the protection offered by the vaccine, boosters will also be very useful. CONCLUSIONS: To be really effective, a vaccination campaign against HPV infection should at least include a catch-up to early reach a drop in HPV 16/18 prevalence, and maybe boosters. Otherwise, the protection insured for women in their 20s could be lower than expected, resulting in higher risks to later develop cervical cancer.


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Objective: Compared historical overview and systematic description of the distribution, features and public health implication of incidents occurred in swimming pools associated with exposure to chemicals, during the period 2008-2012 in Spain. Method: Retrospective observational design, using information reported to the digital mass media internetbased. Records of chemical incidents from a database of 5-year were analyzed to categorize main features. We examined the following variables: year, frequency and geographical location of incidents, class of swimming pool, settings lead to the event, causal factors, chemicals released, exposure ways, balance of victims, attending hospital and evacuated people. Results: 41 chemical incidents were identified in 5 years with a balance of 428 victims, 119 in-patient and 1750 people evacuated. Common profile of a chemical incident in a swimming pool was featured as a municipal setting where a release or hazardous chemical leak, mainly chlorine or mixed with acids occurred. An average of 10 exposed people per event, mostly children, exposed by respiratory airway, needed to be attended in hospital or community health center an annual average of 24 people, including bathers, employees or users. Conclusions: Swimming pools display scenarios with chemical risks that must be evaluated. Planning and implementing preventive measures are priority to mitigate a negative impact for public health. Our findings suggest the convenience of the regulation of a coordinated information system for ongoing surveillance of incidents in swimming pools to enable a safe management of chemical hazards.


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Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the most common infections worldwide and is associated with gastric diseases. Virulence factors such as VacA and CagA have been shown to increase the risk of these diseases. Studies have suggested a causal role of CagA EPIYA-C in gastric carcinogenesis and this factor has been shown to be geographically diverse. We investigated the number of CagA EPIYA motifs and the vacA i genotypes in H. pylori strains from asymptomatic children. We included samples from 40 infected children (18 females and 22 males), extracted DNA directly from the gastric mucus/juice (obtained using the string procedure) and analysed the DNA using polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing. The vacA i1 genotype was present in 30 (75%) samples, the i2 allele was present in nine (22.5%) samples and both alleles were present in one (2.5%) sample. The cagA-positive samples showed distinct patterns in the 3’ variable region of cagA and 18 of the 30 (60%) strains contained 1 EPIYA-C motif, whereas 12 (40%) strains contained two EPIYA-C motifs. We confirmed that the studied population was colonised early by the most virulent H. pylori strains, as demonstrated by the high frequency of the vacA i1 allele and the high number of EPIYA-C motifs. Therefore, asymptomatic children from an urban community in Fortaleza in northeastern Brazil are frequently colonised with the most virulent H. pylori strains.


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We examined drivers of article citations using 776 articles that were published from 1990-2012 in a broad-based and high-impact social sciences journal, The Leadership Quarterly. These articles had 1,191 unique authors having published and received in total (at the time of their most recent article published in our dataset) 16,817 articles and 284,777 citations, respectively. Our models explained 66.6% of the variance in citations and showed that quantitative, review, method, and theory articles were significantly more cited than were qualitative articles or agent-based simulations. As concerns quantitative articles, which constituted the majority of the sample, our model explained 80.3% of the variance in citations; some methods (e.g., use of SEM) and designs (e.g., meta-analysis), as well as theoretical approaches (e.g., use of transformational, charismatic, or visionary type-leadership theories) predicted higher article citations. Regarding the statistical conclusion validity of quantitative articles, articles having endogeneity threats received significantly fewer citations than did those using a more robust design or an estimation procedure that ensured correct causal estimation. We make several general recommendations on how to improve research practice and article citations.


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Multipliers are routinely used for impact evaluation of private projects and public policies at the national and subnational levels. Oosterhaven and Stelder (2002) correctly pointed out the misuse of standard 'gross' multipliers and proposed the concept of 'net' multiplier as a solution to this bad practice. We prove their proposal is not well founded. We do so by showing that supporting theorems are faulty in enunciation and demonstration. The proofs are flawed due to an analytical error but the theorems themselves cannot be salvaged as generic, non-curiosum counterexamples demonstrate. We also provide a general analytical framework for multipliers and, using it, we show that standard 'gross' multipliers are all that is needed within the interindustry model since they follow the causal logic of the economic model, are well defined and independent of exogenous shocks, and are interpretable as predictors for change.


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How can we best understand the emergence of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP)? This paper applies the theories of historical institutionalism and experiential learning to offer a dynamic conceptualisation of moves towards an ESDP which highlights some of the causal factors that a more temporally-restricted analysis would miss. It firstly shows how the institutional and functional expansion of European Political Cooperation (EPC) over the course of the 1970s and 80s gave rise to a context in which the development of a security and defence dimension came to be viewed as more logical and even necessary. It then goes on to analyse some of the external factors (in the form of actors, events and institutions) that further pushed in this direction and proved to influence the policy’s subsequent evolution. The paper is therefore intended to act as a first-step to understanding the ESDP’s development from this perspective.


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Variation in the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of the HLA-C locus determines binding of the microRNA Hsa-miR-148a, resulting in lower cell surface expression of alleles that bind miR-148a relative to those alleles that escape its binding. The HLA-C 3'UTR variant was shown to associate with HIV control, but like the vast majority of disease associations in a region dense with causal candidates, a direct effect of HLA-C expression level on HIV control was not proven. We demonstrate that a MIR148A insertion/deletion polymorphism associates with its own expression levels, affecting the extent to which HLA-C is down-regulated, the level of HIV control, and the risk of Crohn disease only among those carrying an intact miR-148a binding site in the HLA-C 3'UTR. These data illustrate a direct effect of HLA-C expression level on HIV control that cannot be attributed to other HLA loci in linkage disequilibrium with HLA-C and highlight the rich complexity of genetic interactions in human disease.