989 resultados para Catiline, ca. 108-62 B.C.
Six steers (3/4 Charolaisx1/4 Brahman) (mean body weight 314 +/- 27 kg) and six spayed heifers (3/5 Shorthornx2/5 Red Angus) (mean body weight 478 +/- 30 kg) were used to determine the effects of climatic conditions and hormone growth promotants (HGP) on respiration rate (RR; breaths/min), pulse rate (beats/min), rectal temperature (RT; degrees C), and heat production (HP; kJ). Cattle were exposed to the following climatic conditions prior to implantation with a HGP and then again 12 days after implantation: 2 days of thermoneutral conditions (TNL) [21.9 +/- 0.9 degrees C ambient temperature (T-A) and 61.7 +/- 22.1% relative humidity (RH)] then 2 days of hot conditions [HOT; 29.2 +/- 4 degrees C (T-A) and 78.3 +/- 13.2% (RH)], then TNL for 3 days and then 2 days of cold conditions [COLD; 17.6 +/- 0.9 degrees C (T-A) and 63.4 +/- 1.8% (RH); cattle were wet during this treatment]. The HGP implants used were: estrogenic implant (E), trenbolone acetate implant (TBA), or both (ET). Both prior to and following administration of HGP, RRs were lower (P < 0.05) on cold days and greater (P < 0.05) on hot days compared to TNL. On hot days, RTs, were 0.62 degrees C higher after compared to before implanting. Across all conditions, RTs were > 0.5 degrees C greater (P < 0.05) for E cattle than for TBA or ET cattle. On cold days, RTs of steers were > 0.8 degrees C higher than for the heifers, while under TNL and HOT, RTs of steers were 0.2-0.35 degrees C higher than those of heifers. Prior to implantation, HP per hour and per unit of metabolic body weight was higher (P < 0.05) for cattle exposed to hot conditions, when compared to HP on cold days. After implantation, HP was greater (P < 0.05) on hot days than on cold days. Under TNL, ET cattle had the lowest HP and greatest feed intake. On hot days, E cattle had the lowest HP, and the highest RT; therefore, if the potential exists for cattle death from heat episodes, the use of either TBA or ET may be preferred. Under cold conditions HP was similar among implant groups.
Diets with more than 30 g K/kg DM have previously been associated with hypomagnesaemia in grazing cattle, and to test whether such diets lead to mineral disorders in sheep, the absorption of Mg and other elements was investigated using experimental diets to which KC I had been added to provide 27, 29, 32 or 34 g K/kg DM. The apparent absorption, balance and apparent retention of Mg, and to a lesser extent Ca, were reduced for sheep offered the diets with 32 or 34 g K/kg DM. The absorption and retention of K, Na, P, Zn, Pb and Cd was not affected by treatment. The blood intracellular Ca concentration was reduced by the diets with 29, 32 or 34 g K/kg DM, compared to the diet with 27 g K/kg DM, but the concentration of other elements was unaffected. Blood plasma Ca concentration was increased at the highest level of K inclusion, providing evidence of mild hyperkalaemia and the involvement of Ca homeostatic mechanisms. It is concluded that Mg absorption by sheep will be impaired if the diet contains more than 30 g K/kg DM, equivalent to an intake of approximately 13 g K/d, but that a high K diet may be beneficial before parturition to accustom the sheep to Ca mobilization before lactation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O memóravel rei Salomão passou para a história como um sábio por excelência. Ainda na atualidade, a maioria das pessoas relaciona o seu nome com a sabedoria. Mas a partir do momento que passamos a ter conhecimento dos textos que se referem a Salomão, de como foram construídos e quais as ideologias ali presentes (tanto as favoráveis quanto as contrárias), surgem muitos questionamentos, em especial, quando se busca metodicamente dissociar a história da memória. Ao que parece a historiografia tradicional sobre Salomão, ainda encontra-se muito dependente da figura idealizada de Salomão. Resultado de uma construção feita desde a sua época, pelas mãos de seus escribas, como também em tempos posteriores, de acordo com os interesses de cada época. Concluí-se que a sabedoria de Salomão nada mais é do que uma construção ideológica. A partir dessa perspectiva, surge o desafio de buscar outra memória de Salomão, a fim de propor um caminho alternativo, que nos permita produzir uma nova historiografia a respeito de Salomão. Uma historiografia que não se firma na memória oficial , mas que siga na direção contrária, a partir das memórias dos que não se deixaram influenciar pela ideologia do poder. Dessa forma, poderemos alcançar a comprovação de nossa tese: a existência de duas memórias conflitantes a respeito de Salomão, dentro da Escola de Escribas da corte de Jerusalém no século X a.C. Infelizmente, as fontes disponíveis sobre esse assunto são realmente escassas, o que temos são textos, isto é, memórias sobre Salomão. Escolheu-se um texto crítico a Salomão. Trata-se de 1Rs 1-2, texto que pertence a chamada História da Sucessão de Davi, acreditando-se que a partir dele, consiga-se produzir uma historiografia diferente da historiografia tradicional. Concluímos que dentro da Escola de Escribas Salomônica existiam duas ideologias conflitantes. Os que eram a favor de Salomão, defendiam os interesses urbanos. Aqueles que pertenciam à escola anti-Salomônica e anti-Jerusalém, representavam os interesses dos camponeses explorados e oprimidos pelo poder.
Esta pesquisa procura examinar, à luz da metodologia exegética, a perícope de Miqueias 2,1-5, a fim de reconstruir o cenário no qual emergiu a dura crítica social do profeta. O texto apresenta, em sua análise literária, características de um dito profético coeso, em estilo poético. Sua estrutura encontra-se dividida em duas unidades (denúncia e castigo), sendo que cada uma das unidades possui outras duas subunidades (genérica e específica). O gênero literário harmoniza-se com um dito profético de julgamento geralmente conhecido como oráculo ai . A análise da dimensão histórica situa o acontecimento fundante em 701 a.C., na Sefelá judaíta. Numa análise investigativa do conteúdo da denúncia norteado pelo modelo teórico do modo de produção tributário, observa-se um conflito entre dois grupos. Nesse conflito, Miqueias faz uma acusação a um grupo de poder em Judá que planeja e executa ações criminosas contra a herança camponesa. O castigo descreve a conspiração e o plano divino contra esse grupo de poder. Javé havia planejado um mal idêntico ao que eles haviam cometido, desonra e privação de suas possessões. Os valores culturais de honra e vergonha subjazem a esse oráculo. Por descumprirem seus deveres junto a Javé e ao povo, os criminosos perderiam todos os seus direitos e, sobretudo, a honra perante a própria comunidade. Com base no modelo teórico do modo de produção tributário, constata-se que, na situação social em Judá no oitavo século, prevalecia um conflito entre campo e cidade. As comunidades aldeãs pagavam tributo à cidade em forma de produtos e serviços. A excessiva arrecadação de tributo e as falhas no sistema de ajuda mútua forçaram os indivíduos e famílias a contrair dívidas, a hipotecar suas terras herdadas dos pais e eventualmente perdê-las. O profeta Miqueias é o porta-voz do protesto da classe campesina que resolve reagir aos desmandos praticados pela elite citadina. Para ele, Javé escuta a queixa dos que estão sendo oprimidos e intervém na história tomando o partido do oprimido.(AU)
A Administração Financeira surge no início do século XIX juntamente com o movimento de consolidação das grandes empresas e a formação dos mercados nacionais americano enquanto que no Brasil os primeiros estudos ocorrem a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Desde entãoo país conseguiu consolidar alguns centros de excelência em pesquisa, formar grupo significativo de pesquisadores seniores e expandir as áreas de pesquisa no campo, contudo, ainda são poucos os trabalhos que buscam retratar as características da produtividade científica em Finanças. Buscando contribuir para a melhor compreensão do comportamento produtivo dessa área a presente pesquisa estuda sua produção científica, materializada na forma de artigos digitais, publicados em 24 conceituados periódicos nacionais classificados nos estratos Qualis/CAPES A2, B1 e B2 da Área de Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo. Para tanto são aplicadas a Lei de Bradford, Lei do Elitismo de Price e Lei de Lotka. Pela Lei de Bradford são identificadas três zonas de produtividade sendo o núcleo formado por três revistas, estando uma delas classificada no estrato Qualis/CAPES B2, o que evidencia a limitação de um recorte tendo como único critério a classificaão Qualis/CAPES. Para a Lei do Elitismo de Price, seja pela contagem direta ou completa, não identificamos comportamento de uma elite semelhante ao apontado pela teoria e que conta com grande número de autores com apenas uma publicaão.Aplicando-se o modelo do Poder Inverso Generalizado, calculado por Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO), verificamos que produtividade dos pesquisadores, quando feita pela contagem direta, se adequa àquela definida pela Lei de Lotka ao nível de α = 0,01 de significância, contudo, pela contagem completa não podemos confirmar a hipótese de homogeneidade das distribuições, além do fato de que nas duas contagens a produtividade analisada pelo parâmetro n é maior que 2 e, portanto, a produtividade do pesquisadores de finanças é menor que a defendida pela teoria.
Corpora amylacea (CA) are spherical or ovoid bodies 50-50 microns in diameter. They have been described in normal elderly brain as well as in a number of neurodegenerative disorders. In this study, the incidence of CA in the optic nerves of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients was compared with normal elderly controls. Samples of optic nerves (MRC Brain Bank, Institute of Psychiatry) were taken from 12 AD patients (age range 69-94 years) and 18 controls (43-82 years). Optic nerves were fixed in 2% buffered glutaraldehyde, post-fixed in osmium tetroxide, embedded in epoxy resin and then sectioned to a thickness of 2 microns. Sections were stained with toluidine blue. CA were present in all of the optic nerves examined. In addition, a number of similarly stained but more irregularly shaped bodies were present. Fewer CA were found in the optic nerves of AD patients compared with controls. By contrast, the number or irregularly shaped bodies was increased in AD. In AD, there may be a preferential decline in the large diameter fibres which may mediate the M-cell pathway. Hence, the decline in the incidence of CA in AD may be associated with a reduction in these fibres. It is also possible that the irregualrly shaped bodies are a degeneration product of the CA.
A uniform chronology for foraminifera-based sea surface temperature records has been established in more than 120 sediment cores obtained from the equatorial and eastern Atlantic up to the Arctic Ocean. The chronostratigraphy of the last 30,000 years is mainly based on published d18O records and 14C ages from accelerator mass spectrometry, converted into calendar-year ages. The high-precision age control provides the database necessary for the uniform reconstruction of the climate interval of the Last Glacial Maximum within the GLAMAP-2000 project.
Profound changes have marked Greek society from the fourth century B.C.. Conquests, wars and epidemics altered drastically the Greek’s posture regarding his public life, his conception of gods and hence the construction of their spaces, whether sacred or profane. Through the fonts, we perceived that the cult of god Asklepeios turned very popular, in this context, for the peculiar way that the god relates to his devotees, through the dreams. We know that the dream was held, for the Greeks, as a space of real existence, it was sacred, and could be accessed in the healing rituals of Asklepios. Our work intends, thereby, to understand the curious and peculiar oniric space, mainly through the inscriptions, architectural structures of the sanctuary and the ancient texts that refer to the context of the period, because we understand that this space was the essential condition for the popularization of the cult, it placed the individual in direct contact with the divinity, a rare closeness between men and gods accepted by the greek imagery until then.
The L-moments based index-flood procedure had been successfully applied for Regional Flood Frequency Analysis (RFFA) for the Island of Newfoundland in 2002 using data up to 1998. This thesis, however, considered both Labrador and the Island of Newfoundland using the L-Moments index-flood method with flood data up to 2013. For Labrador, the homogeneity test showed that Labrador can be treated as a single homogeneous region and the generalized extreme value (GEV) was found to be more robust than any other frequency distributions. The drainage area (DA) is the only significant variable for estimating the index-flood at ungauged sites in Labrador. In previous studies, the Island of Newfoundland has been considered as four homogeneous regions (A,B,C and D) as well as two Water Survey of Canada's Y and Z sub-regions. Homogeneous regions based on Y and Z was found to provide more accurate quantile estimates than those based on four homogeneous regions. Goodness-of-fit test results showed that the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution is most suitable for the sub-regions; however, the three-parameter lognormal (LN3) gave a better performance in terms of robustness. The best fitting regional frequency distribution from 2002 has now been updated with the latest flood data, but quantile estimates with the new data were not very different from the previous study. Overall, in terms of quantile estimation, in both Labrador and the Island of Newfoundland, the index-flood procedure based on L-moments is highly recommended as it provided consistent and more accurate result than other techniques such as the regression on quantile technique that is currently used by the government.
Variability in the oceanic environment of the Arabian Sea region is strongly influenced by the seasonal monsoon cycle of alternating wind directions. Prominent and well studied is the summer monsoon, but much less is known about late Holocene changes in winter monsoon strength with winds from the northeast that drive convective mixing and high surface ocean productivity in the northeastern Arabian Sea. To establish a high-resolution record of winter monsoon variability for the late Holocene, we analyzed alkenone-derived sea surface temperature (SST) variations and proxies of primary productivity (organic carbon and d15N) in a well-laminated sediment core from the Pakistan continental margin. Weak winter monsoon intensities off Pakistan are indicated from 400 B.C. to 250 A.D. by reduced productivity and relatively high SST. At about 250 A.D., the intensity of the winter monsoon increased off Pakistan as indicated by a trend to lower SST. We infer that monsoon conditions were relatively unstable from ~500 to 1300 A.D., because primary production and SST were highly variable. Declining SST and elevated biological production from 1400 to 1900 A.D. suggest invigorated convective winter mixing by strengthening winter monsoon circulation, most likely a regional expression of colder climate conditions during the Little Ice Age on the Northern Hemisphere. The comparison of winter monsoon intensity with records of summer monsoon intensity suggests that an inverse relationship between summer and winter monsoon strength exists in the Asian monsoon system during the late Holocene, effected by shifts in the Intertropical Convergence Zone.
In this study, we investigated the relationship between vegetation and modern-pollen rain along the elevational gradient of Mount Paggeo. We apply multivariate data analysis to assess the relationship between vegetation and modern-pollen rain and quantify the representativeness of forest zones. This study represents the first statistical analysis of pollen-vegetation relationship along an elevational gradient in Greece. Hence, this paper improves confidence in interpretation of palynological records from north-eastern Greece and may refine past climate reconstructions for a more accurate comparison of data and modelling. Numerical classification and ordination were performed on pollen data to assess differences among plant communities that beech (Fagus sylvatica) dominates or co-dominates. The results show a strong relationship between altitude, arboreal cover, human impact and variations in pollen and nonpollen palynomorph taxa percentages.
La reafirmación del modelo político-administrativo ciudadano tras la fase arcaica colonial abre una nueva etapa de prosperidad en la antigua fundación tiria. El esplendor de Gadir en el s. V a.C. se refleja en los textos clásicos y en los hallazgos arqueológicos y, sin embargo, nuestros conocimientos sobre el desarrollo histórico de la ciudad de época púnica son muy limitados. El horizonte arcaico comienza a esclarecerse tras los hallazgos del Teatro Cómico que han sacado a la luz los restos de la fundación tiria y, sin embargo, la ciudad posterior continúa siendo una gran incógnita. ¿A qué lugar se traslada la población una vez que se abandona el asentamiento primitivo? ¿Quiénes son los individuos enterrados en los excepcionales sarcófagos antropoides? ¿Qué relación jerárquica existe entre el asentamiento insular y los situados en tierra firme? ¿Qué papel jugó la industria y comercialización de las salazones? Los interrogantes planteados son múltiples y no hacen más que evidenciar la incapacidad del paradigma tradicional para explicar el desarrollo histórico de la Gadir postcolonial y la necesidad de buscar nuevos modelos interpretativos.
Quintus Curtius found in his sources a speech where a Scythian censured Alexander, followed by the King’s reply. Curtius drastically abridged this second discourse in order to highlight the criticism of the Macedonian. The Scythian’s words have a striking rhetorical language and some allusions taken from Greek literature, in addition to possible indirect references to Caligula. Curtius declares that he follows his source word-for-word aiming to justify these inconsistencies, but also trying to hide the manipulations he has done to achieve his own narrative purposes.
L’étude du “brigandage lusitanien” a donné lieu à une importante activité de recherche depuis la fin du XIXe siècle. Pour autant, et malgré une inflexion progressive de l’historiographie moderne vers une approche plus nuancée de l’origine du phénomène, le problème de la terre reste encore aujourd’hui au centre des préoccupations de nombre d’historiens et archéologiques. À partir d’une discussion serrée des principaux passages de Tite-Live, Diodore et surtout Appien, relatifs à la relation que d’aucuns ont voulu établir entre manque et/ou pauvreté de la terre et développement du brigandage chez les Lusitaniens, il est proposé une critique de l’interprétation socio-économique.