979 resultados para CLIMBERS ELEVATION


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Introdução: A artroplastia total do ombro é largamente aceite como tratamento para uma variedade de patologias do ombro com dor persistente e perda acentuada da funcionalidade. Em termos globais, os resultados obtidos após a intervenção cirúrgica são bastante bons, parecendo estar, no entanto, condicionados com a patologia subjacente e a qualidade da coifa dos rotadores. Objectivo: Pretende-se com este trabalho descrever e avaliar a eficácia de um plano de intervenção numa prótese total do ombro com integridade da coifa dos rotadores. Metodologia: Paciente sexo feminino, 61 anos, reformada, com dor acentuada no ombro esquerdo desde há três anos, submetida a uma cirurgia de colocação de prótese total do ombro. Apresentava limitação da amplitude articular, diminuição da força, alteração do ritmo escapulo-umeral e ligeira incapacidade funcional. Cinco semanas após a cirurgia, iniciou sessões diárias de fisioterapia durante 12 semanas. A intervenção incluiu a aplicação de modalidades anti-álgicas, mobilização articular, fortalecimento muscular e reeducação neuromuscular. Foi avaliada em quatro momentos: antes da intervenção (M1), 4 (M2), 7 (M3) e 12 (M4) semanas após. Resultados: A dor diminuiu de 4 para 0 (END) no final de 7 semanas e as amplitudes articulares passivas aproximaram-se dos valores definidos pelo protocolo com a flexão/elevação anterior a evoluir de 90º para 130º; a abdução/elevação lateral de 80º para 110º e a rotação medial de 35º para 70º. A força muscular inicial era de 3 nos grupos musculares flexores, extensores e rotadores do ombro atingindo no final grau 4. O ritmo escapulo-umeral demonstrou assincronia durante a elevação do ombro na primeira avaliação, ficando quase normalizado no final das sessões. Quanto à funcionalidade, antes da intervenção o score obtido foi de 30.8 atingindo um valor de 11.6 no final das sessões de tratamento. Conclusão: Após 12 semanas de tratamento, os objectivos delineados foram praticamente atingidos, uma vez que a utente já não refere dor no ombro e apresenta uma boa capacidade funcional, apesar de apresentar ligeiras diferenças nas amplitudes articulares e força muscular esperadas, apontando para o sucesso do protocolo de tratamento aplicado.


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We are launching a long-term study to characterize the biodiversity at different elevations in several Azorean Islands. Our aim is to use the Azores as a model archipelago to answer the fundamental question of what generates and maintains the global spatial heterogeneity of diversity in islands and to be able to understand the dynamics of change across time. An extensive, standardized sampling protocol was applied in most of the remnant forest fragments of five Azorean Islands. Fieldwork followed BRYOLAT methodology for the collection of bryophytes, ferns and other vascular plant species. A modified version of the BALA protocol was used for arthropods. A total of 70 plots (10 m x 10 m) are already established in five islands (Flores, Pico, São Jorge, Terceira and São Miguel), all respecting an elevation step of 200 m, resulting in 24 stations examined in Pico, 12 in Terceira, 10 in Flores, 12 in São Miguel and 12 in São Jorge. The first results regarding the vascular plants inventory include 138 vascular species including taxa from Lycopodiophyta (N=2), Pteridophyta (N=27), Pinophyta (N=2) and Magnoliophyta (N=107). In this contribution we also present the main research question for the next six years within the 2020 Horizon.


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A navegação de veículos autónomos em ambientes não estruturados continua a ser um problema em aberto. A complexidade do mundo real ainda é um desafio. A difícil caracterização do relevo irregular, dos objectos dinâmicos e pouco distintos(e a inexistência de referências de localização) tem sido alvo de estudo e do desenvolvimento de vários métodos que permitam de uma forma eficiente, e em tempo real, modelizar o espaço tridimensional. O trabalho realizado ao longo desta dissertação insere-se na estratégia do Laboratório de Sistemas Autónomos (LSA) na pesquisa e desenvolvimento de sistemas sensoriais que possibilitem o aumento da capacidade de percepção das plataformas robóticas. O desenvolvimento de um sistema de modelização tridimensional visa acrescentar aos projectos LINCE (Land INtelligent Cooperative Explorer) e TIGRE (Terrestrial Intelligent General proposed Robot Explorer) maior autonomia e capacidade de exploração e mapeamento. Apresentamos alguns sensores utilizados para a aquisição de modelos tridimensionais, bem como alguns dos métodos mais utilizados para o processo de mapeamento, e a sua aplicação em plataformas robóticas. Ao longo desta dissertação são apresentadas e validadas técnicas que permitem a obtenção de modelos tridimensionais. É abordado o problema de analisar a cor e geometria dos objectos, e da criação de modelos realistas que os representam. Desenvolvemos um sistema que nos permite a obtenção de dados volumétricos tridimensionais, a partir de múltiplas leituras de um Laser Range Finder bidimensional de médio alcance. Aos conjuntos de dados resultantes associamos numa nuvem de pontos coerente e referenciada. Foram desenvolvidas e implementadas técnicas de segmentação que permitem inspeccionar uma nuvem de pontos e classifica-la quanto às suas características geométricas, bem como ao tipo de estruturas que representem. São apresentadas algumas técnicas para a criação de Mapas de Elevação Digital, tendo sido desenvolvida um novo método que tira partido da segmentação efectuada


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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The physiological responses of the clam R. decussatus from the Ria Formosa, southern Portugal, were examined in relation to normoxia, hypoxia (11, 6, 3 and 1.2 kPa) and anoxia; acute elevation of temperature (at 20, 27 and 32 °C), and its effect on the resistance to air exposure (at 20, 28 and 35 °C); current velocity (0.6, 3, 8 17, 24 and 36 cm. s-1) and turbidity (10, 100 and 300 mg. l-1 dry weight of particulate matter), and the efficiency of this species in retaining particles of different size (at 10 and 100 mg. l-1); and to copper contamination considering both short-term acute exposure to high levels (0.1-10 mg Cu. l-1) and chronic environmental levels (0.01 mg Cu. l-1). Clearance rates, respiration rates, absorption efficiency and excretion rates were assessed through the physiological energetics in terms of the energy budget and scope for growth (SFG). Stress independent respiration rates (R) and clearance rates (CR) were observed in relation to hypoxia down to 12 kPa and 6 kPa, respectively. Anoxic rates were 3.6 % of normoxic rates. Scope for growth was greatly reduced under extreme hypoxia (14 % of SFG in normoxia). Respiration rate was temperature independent in the range 20-32 °C but the decline in clearance rate resulted in negative SFG at 32 °C. Gaping during air exposure and the maintenance of faster aerobic metabolism led to 100 % mortality in 20 hours at 35 °C, 4 days at 28 °C and 5 days at 20 °C. Low current velocities (≤ 8 cm. s-1) supported high clearance rates. Shear stresses ≥ 0.9 Pa induced sediment movement and disturbed the feeding processes resulting in decreased clearance rates (at 36 cm. s-1, is 10 % of maximum CR). The observed ability of jetting out depleted water at a different level than the one of the inhalant current results is an important adaptation of clams to the slow currents of sheltered environments. Ingestion at high seston concentrations (> 100 mg. l-1) is controled by reducing the amount filtered, lowering CR (to 30 % of CR at low seston loads) and producing pseudofeces. Observed efficient retention of particles (70-100 %) in the range 3 to 8 μm is beneficial when algal cells are diluted by fine silt particles as it is likely to occur in the clams natural environment. R. decussatus in the short term escaped the exposure to copper by valve closure and therefore acute tests are not applicable to adult clams of this species. At environmental levels chronic exposure to copper did not induce lethal effects during the exposure period (20 days), but scope for growth was reduced to c. 30 %, indicating sustained impairment of physiological functions. The sensitivity of the physiological energetics and the integrated scope for growth measurement in assessing stress effects caused by natural environmental factors was highlighted.


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The Iberian viticultural regions are convened according to the Denomination of Origin (DO) and present different climates, soils, topography and management practices. All these elements influence the vegetative growth of different varieties throughout the peninsula, and are tied to grape quality and wine type. In the current study, an integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth was performed for the Iberian DO regions, using state-of-the-art datasets. For climatic assessment, a categorized index, accounting for phenological/thermal development, water availability and grape ripening conditions was computed. Soil textural classes were established to distinguish soil types. Elevation and aspect (orientation) were also taken into account, as the leading topographic elements. A spectral vegetation index was used to assess grapevine vegetative growth and an integrated analysis of all variables was performed. The results showed that the integrated climate-soil-topography influence on vine performance is evident. Most Iberian vineyards are grown in temperate dry climates with loamy soils, presenting low vegetative growth. Vineyards in temperate humid conditions tend to show higher vegetative growth. Conversely, in cooler/warmer climates, lower vigour vineyards prevail and other factors, such as soil type and precipitation acquire more important roles in driving vigour. Vines in prevailing loamy soils are grown over a wide climatic diversity, suggesting that precipitation is the primary factor influencing vigour. The present assessment of terroir characteristics allows direct comparison among wine regions and may have great value to viticulturists, particularly under a changing climate.


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This paper studies the application of fractional algorithms in the control of a quad-rotor rotorcraft. The development of a flight simulator provide the evaluation of the controller algorithm. Several basic maneuvers are investigated, namely the elevation and the position control.


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The morpho-structural evolution of oceanic islands results from competition between volcano growth and partial destruction by mass-wasting processes. We present here a multi-disciplinary study of the successive stages of development of Faial (Azores) during the last 1 Myr. Using high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM), and new K/Ar, tectonic, and magnetic data, we reconstruct the rapidly evolving topography at successive stages, in response to complex interactions between volcanic construction and mass wasting, including the development of a graben. We show that: (1) sub-aerial evolution of the island first involved the rapid growth of a large elongated volcano at ca. 0.85 Ma, followed by its partial destruction over half a million years; (2) beginning about 360 ka a new small edifice grew on the NE of the island, and was subsequently cut by normal faults responsible for initiation of the graben; (3) after an apparent pause of ca. 250 kyr, the large Central Volcano (CV) developed on the western side of the island at ca 120 ka, accumulating a thick pile of lava flows in less than 20 kyr, which were partly channelized within the graben; (4) the period between 120 ka and 40 ka is marked by widespread deformation at the island scale, including westward propagation of faulting and associated erosion of the graben walls, which produced sedimentary deposits; subsequent growth of the CV at 40 ka was then constrained within the graben, with lava flowing onto the sediments up to the eastern shore; (5) the island evolution during the Holocene involves basaltic volcanic activity along the main southern faults and pyroclastic eruptions associated with the formation of a caldera volcano-tectonic depression. We conclude that the whole evolution of Faial Island has been characterized by successive short volcanic pulses probably controlled by brief episodes of regional deformation. Each pulse has been separated by considerable periods of volcanic inactivity during which the Faial graben gradually developed. We propose that the volume loss associated with sudden magma extraction from a shallow reservoir in different episodes triggered incremental downward graben movement, as observed historically, when immediate vertical collapse of up to 2 m was observed along the western segments of the graben at the end of the Capelinhos eruptive crises (1957-58).


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An improved class of Boussinesq systems of an arbitrary order using a wave surface elevation and velocity potential formulation is derived. Dissipative effects and wave generation due to a time-dependent varying seabed are included. Thus, high-order source functions are considered. For the reduction of the system order and maintenance of some dispersive characteristics of the higher-order models, an extra O(mu 2n+2) term (n ??? N) is included in the velocity potential expansion. We introduce a nonlocal continuous/discontinuous Galerkin FEM with inner penalty terms to calculate the numerical solutions of the improved fourth-order models. The discretization of the spatial variables is made using continuous P2 Lagrange elements. A predictor-corrector scheme with an initialization given by an explicit RungeKutta method is also used for the time-variable integration. Moreover, a CFL-type condition is deduced for the linear problem with a constant bathymetry. To demonstrate the applicability of the model, we considered several test cases. Improved stability is achieved.


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A total of 125 rats were infected with the Colômbia strain of T. cruzi (2000 parasites/g) shortly after weaning. Of these, 58 survived the acute phase and were used in the present experiment. Twenty eight similar but not infected rats served as controls. All rats were submitted to the resting ECG When they were 6 months old. Classic and 3 precordial leads were employed in order to record the ECG as completely as possible. Electrocardiographic changes similar to those found in human chronic Chagas' heart disease and not previously described in this model were found in 44% of the T. cruzi-infected rats: left axis deviation (22%), right axis deviation (7%), lengthened and bizarre QRS complex (14%) and abnormal J point elevation (3%). On the basis of these results, we believe that the resting ECG constitutes a valuable tool for studying experimental chronic Chagas' heart disease in rats.


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A distinção entre miocárdio atordoado e danificado tem sido uma preocupação relevante, no cenário de um enfarte agudo do miocárdio (EAM). A avaliação da viabilidade do miocárdio, pós-enfarte, é de importância vital, no contexto clínico, principalmente numa fase inicial. Actualmente a Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca é o exame de referência para a avaliação de viabilidade do miocárdio. No entanto, é um exame com elevado custo e de difícil acesso. Estudos preliminares demonstraram potencial na utilização de imagens por Tomografia Computorizada para avaliação da área de enfarte, quer em estudos animais quer em humanos. É objectivo desta tese verificar a utilidade de um protocolo de avaliação de viabilidade do miocárdio, com base em imagens de realce tardio (RT) por Tomografia Computorizada, após um procedimento de intervenção coronária percutânea, no contexto de enfarte agudo do miocárdio com elevação do segmento ST (STEMI). Pretende-se igualmente contribuir para a análise da imagem médica do miocárdio, proporcionando métodos de quantificação do RT e software de suporte à decisão médica nesta modalidade de imagem substancialmente recente. São avaliados vários processos para a quantificação do volume de RT, incluindo um método inovador baseado na detecção automática do miocárdio normal. _E ainda proposto um algoritmo para detecção automática do grau de transmuralidade, por segmento do miocárdio, e comparado o seu grau de eficiência face ao diagnóstico médico dos mesmos exames. Apesar do reduzido número de exames utilizado para validação das técnicas descritas nesta tese, os resultados são bastante promissores e podem constituir uma mais-valia no auxilio à gestão do paciente com EAM.


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The main purpose of this work was the development of procedures for the simulation of atmospheric ows over complex terrain, using OpenFOAM. For this aim, tools and procedures were developed apart from this code for the preprocessing and data extraction, which were thereafter applied in the simulation of a real case. For the generation of the computational domain, a systematic method able to translate the terrain elevation model to a native OpenFOAM format (blockMeshDict) was developed. The outcome was a structured mesh, in which the user has the ability to de ne the number of control volumes and its dimensions. With this procedure, the di culties of case set up and the high computation computational e ort reported in literature associated to the use of snappyHexMesh, the OpenFOAM resource explored until then for the accomplishment of this task, were considered to be overwhelmed. Developed procedures for the generation of boundary conditions allowed for the automatic creation of idealized inlet vertical pro les, de nition of wall functions boundary conditions and the calculation of internal eld rst guesses for the iterative solution process, having as input experimental data supplied by the user. The applicability of the generated boundary conditions was limited to the simulation of turbulent, steady-state, incompressible and neutrally strati ed atmospheric ows, always recurring to RaNS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) models. For the modelling of terrain roughness, the developed procedure allowed to the user the de nition of idealized conditions, like an uniform aerodynamic roughness length or making its value variable as a function of topography characteristic values, or the using of real site data, and it was complemented by the development of techniques for the visual inspection of generated roughness maps. The absence and the non inclusion of a forest canopy model limited the applicability of this procedure to low aerodynamic roughness lengths. The developed tools and procedures were then applied in the simulation of a neutrally strati ed atmospheric ow over the Askervein hill. In the performed simulations was evaluated the solution sensibility to di erent convection schemes, mesh dimensions, ground roughness and formulations of the k - ε and k - ω models. When compared to experimental data, calculated values showed a good agreement of speed-up in hill top and lee side, with a relative error of less than 10% at a height of 10 m above ground level. Turbulent kinetic energy was considered to be well simulated in the hill windward and hill top, and grossly predicted in the lee side, where a zone of ow separation was also identi ed. Despite the need of more work to evaluate the importance of the downstream recirculation zone in the quality of gathered results, the agreement between the calculated and experimental values and the OpenFOAM sensibility to the tested parameters were considered to be generally in line with the simulations presented in the reviewed bibliographic sources.


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The effects of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi on the electrocardiographic tracings of mice were studied in 4.groups of animals: (1) normal; (2) infected with a pathogenic T. cruzi strain (TS COB); (3) immunized with 3 intraperitoneal inocula of 10(6) attenuated T. cruzi epimastigotes (TCC) and (4) immunized-infected, which sequentially received the treatments of groups 3 and 2. Infection and protection were confirmed by xenodiagnosis and histopathology. Isolated alterations such as extrasystolia, 1st degree atrioventricular block, arrhythmia and ST elevation were observed in normal as well as infected mice. However, tracings taken repeatedly on each mouse over a 293 day period revealed a set of alterations which were more frequently seen in infected (14/22) than in normal (4/27) animals (p = 0.00048). These alterations consisted of supraventricular tachycardia, sinus bradycardia and persisting, first degree AV blocks, often associated to pacemaker changes. Inoculation of attenuated T. cruzi (group 3) did not increase these alterations (2/27 mice) but significantly prevented their development after challenge with the pathogenic strain (1/19 versus 14/22 mice, p = 0.000095). Thus, preimmunization reduced not only parasitemia but also a pathogenic consequence of T. cruzi infection. This evidence is relevant for immunoprevention studies against Chagas' disease.


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Proceedings of tile 1" R.C.A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992


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An improved class of nonlinear bidirectional Boussinesq equations of sixth order using a wave surface elevation formulation is derived. Exact travelling wave solutions for the proposed class of nonlinear evolution equations are deduced. A new exact travelling wave solution is found which is the uniform limit of a geometric series. The ratio of this series is proportional to a classical soliton-type solution of the form of the square of a hyperbolic secant function. This happens for some values of the wave propagation velocity. However, there are other values of this velocity which display this new type of soliton, but the classical soliton structure vanishes in some regions of the domain. Exact solutions of the form of the square of the classical soliton are also deduced. In some cases, we find that the ratio between the amplitude of this wave and the amplitude of the classical soliton is equal to 35/36. It is shown that different families of travelling wave solutions are associated with different values of the parameters introduced in the improved equations.