931 resultados para CARBON MONOXIDE


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Contrast-matching ultrasmall-angle neutron scattering (USANS) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) techniques were used for the first time to determine both the total pore volume and the fraction of the pore volume that is inaccessible to deuterated methane, CD4, in four bituminous coals in the range of pore sizes between ∼10 Å and ∼5 μm. Two samples originated from the Illinois Basin in the U.S.A., and the other two samples were commercial Australian bituminous coals from the Bowen Basin. The total and inaccessible porosity were determined in each coal using both Porod invariant and the polydisperse spherical particle (PDSP) model analysis of the scattering data acquired from coals both in vacuum and at the pressure of CD4, at which the scattering length density of the pore-saturating fluid is equal to that of the solid coal matrix (zero average contrast pressure). The total porosity of the coals studied ranged from 7 to 13%, and the volume of pores inaccessible to CD4 varied from ∼13 to ∼36% of the total pore volume. The volume fraction of inaccessible pores shows no correlation with the maceral composition; however, it increases with a decreasing total pore volume. In situ measurements of the structure of one coal saturated with CO2 and CD4 were conducted as a function of the pressure in the range of 1−400 bar. The neutron scattering intensity from small pores with radii less than 35 Å in this coal increased sharply immediately after the fluid injection for both gases, which demonstrates strong condensation and densification of the invading subcritical CO2 and supercritical methane in small pores.


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Fluid–solid interactions in natural and engineered porous solids underlie a variety of technological processes, including geological storage of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, enhanced coal bed methane recovery, membrane separation, and heterogeneous catalysis. The size, distribution and interconnectivity of pores, the chemical and physical properties of the solid and fluid phases collectively dictate how fluid molecules migrate into and through the micro- and meso-porous media, adsorb and ultimately react with the solid surfaces. Due to the high penetration power and relatively short wavelength of neutrons, smallangle neutron scattering (SANS) as well as ultra small-angle scattering (USANS) techniques are ideally suited for assessing the phase behavior of confined fluids under pressure as well as for evaluating the total porosity in engineered and natural porous systems including coal. Here we demonstrate that SANS and USANS can be also used for determining the fraction of the pore volume that is actually accessible to fluids as a function of pore sizes and study the fraction of inaccessible pores as a function of pore size in three coals from the Illinois Basin (USA) and Bowen Basin (Australia). Experiments were performed at CO2 and methane pressures up to 780 bar, including pressures corresponding to zero average contrast condition (ZAC), which is the pressure where no scattering from the accessible pores occurs. Scattering curves at the ZAC were compared with the scattering from same coals under vacuum and analysed using a newly developed approach that shows that the volume fraction of accessible pores in these coals varies between �90% in the macropore region to �30% in the mesopore region and the variation is distinctive for each of the examined coals. The developed methodology may be also applied for assessing the volume of accessible pores in other natural underground formations of interest for CO2 sequestration, such as saline aquifers as well as for estimating closed porosity in engineered porous solids of technological importance.


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Global climate change is one of the most significant environmental issues that can harm human development. One central issue for the building and construction industry to address global climate change is the development of a credible and meaningful way to measure greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. While Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 2050, the first international GHG standard, has been proven to be successful in standardizing the quantification process, its contribution to the management of carbon labels for construction materials is limited. With the recent publication of ISO 14067: Greenhouse gases – carbon footprint of products – requirements and guidelines for quantification and communication in May 2013, it is necessary for the building and construction industry to understand the past, present and future of the carbon labelling practices for construction materials. A systematic review shows that international GHG standards have been evolving in terms of providing additional guidance on communication and comparison, as well as less flexibility on the use of carbon labels. At the same time, carbon labelling schemes have been evolving on standardization and benchmarking. In addition, future actions are needed in the aspect of raising consumer awareness, providing benchmarking, ensuring standardization and developing simulation technologies in order for carbon labelling schemes for construction materials to provide credible, accurate and transparent information on GHG emissions.


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Doping is an effective approach that allows for the intrinsic modification of the electrical and chemical properties of nanomaterials. Recently, a graphene and carbon nanotube hybrid structure (GNHS) has been reported, which extends the excellent properties of carbon-based materials to three dimensions. In this paper, we carried out a first-time investigation on the tensile properties of the hybrid structures with different dopants. It is found that with the presence of dopants, the hybrid structures usually exhibit lower yield strength, Young’s modulus, and earlier yielding compared to that of a pristine hybrid structure. For dopant concentrations below 2.5% no significant reduction of Young’s modulus or yield strength could be observed. For all considered samples, the failure is found to initiate at the region where the nanotubes and graphene sheets are connected. After failure, monatomic chains are normally observed around the failure region. Dangling graphene layers without the separation of a residual CNT wall are found to adhere to each other after failure with a distance of about 3.4 Å. This study provides a fundamental understanding of the tensile properties of the doped graphene–nanotube hybrid structures, which will benefit the design and also the applications of graphene-based hybrid materials.


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Neutral C3O has been prepared by collision induced neutralisation of the precursor radical anion formed by the reaction C-=C-CO-OEt --> C3O-. +EtO. The similar neutralisaaion reionisation (-NR+) and charge reversal (CR) spectra of C3O-. indicate that the potential surfaces of C3O and C3O+. show favourable vertical Franck-Condon overlap, This suggests that the bond connectivities of anion, neutral and cation C3O are the same. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Both [C4CO]−· and [C2COC2]−· are formed in the ion source of a VG ZAB 2HF mass spectrometer by the respective processes HO− + Me3Si–CC–CC–CO–CMe3 → [C4CO]−· + Me3SiOH + Me3C·, and Me3Si–CC–CO–CC–SiMe3 + SF6 + e → [C2COC2]−· + 2Me3SiF + SF4. The second synthetic pathway involves a double desilylation reaction similar to that first reported by Squires. The two radical anion isomers produce different and characteristic charge reversal spectra upon collisional activation. In contrast, following collision induced charge stripping, both radical anions produce neutral C4CO as evidenced by the identical neutralisation reionisation (−NR+) spectra. The exclusive rearrangement of C213COC2 to C413CO indicates that 12C–O bond formation is not involved in the reaction. Ab initio calculations (at the RCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/6-31G∗ level of theory) have been used to investigate the reaction coordinates on the potential surfaces for both singlet and triplet rearrangements of neutral C2COC2. Singlet C2COC2 is less stable than singlet C4CO by 78.8 kcal mol−1 and requires only 8.5 kcal mol−1 of additional energy to effect conversion to C4CO by a rearrangement sequence involving three C–C ring opening/cyclisation steps.


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Theoretical calculations of the C3HO potential surface at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDu/B3LYP/6-31G* level indicate that the three radicals HCCCO, CCCHO, and (cyclo-C3H)=O are stable, with HCCCO being the most stable of the three. A fourth isomer, CCHCO, is unstable with respect to cyclization to (cyclo-C3H)=O. Two isomers have been prepared by neutralization of charged precursors, formed as follows: (i) HCCCO, by HC drop C-C(O)-O+(H)(Me) --> HC3O+ + MeOH, and (ii) C2CHO, by (a) Me3SiC drop C-CHO + HO- --> C- drop C-CHO + Me3SiOH and (b) C- drop C-CH(OH)-C drop CH --> C- drop C-CHO + C2H2. A comparison of the CR and -NR+ spectra of -C2CHO indicate that C2CHO is (partially) rearranging to an isomer that shows significant formation of CO.(+) in the -NR+ spectrum of the anion. Ab initio calculations indicate that HCCCO is the product of the isomerism and that a proportion of these isomerized neutrals dissociate to CO and C2H. The neutral HCCCO may be formed by (i) synchronous rearrangement of C2CHO and/or (ii) stepwise rearrangement of C2CHO through (cyclo-C3H)=O. The second of these processes should have the higher rate, as it has the lower barrier in the rate-determining step and the higher Arrhenius pre-exponential A factor.


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The effects of crack depth (a/W) and specimen width W on the fracture toughness and ductile±brittle transition have been investigated using three-point bend specimens. Finite element analysis is employed to obtain the stress-strain fields ahead of the crack tip. The results show that both normalized crack depth (a/W) and specimen width (W) affect the fracture toughness and ductile±brittle fracture transition. The measured crack tip opening displacement decreases and ductile±brittle transition occurs with increasing crack depth (a/W) from 0.1 to 0.2 and 0.3. At a fixed a/W (0.2 or 0.3), all specimens fail by cleavage prior to ductile tearing when specimen width W increases from 25 to 40 and 50 mm. The lower bound fracture toughness is not sensitive to crack depth and specimen width. Finite element analysis shows that the opening stress in the remaining ligament is elevated with increasing crack depth or specimen width due to the increase of in-plane constraint. The average local cleavage stress is dependent on both crack depth and specimen width but its lower bound value is not sensitive to constraint level. No fixed distance can be found from the cleavage initiation site to the crack tip and this distance increases gradually with decreasing inplane constraint.


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The unimolecular reactivities of a range of perbenzoate anions (X-C6H5CO3-), including the perbenzoate anion itself (X=H), nitroperbenzoates (X=para-, meta-, ortho-NO2), and methoxyperbenzoates (X=para-, meta-OCH3) were investigated in the gas phase by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. The collision-induced dissociation mass spectra of these compounds reveal product ions consistent with a major loss of carbon dioxide requiring unimolecular rearrangement of the perbenzoate anion prior to fragmentation. Isotopic labeling of the perbenzoate anion supports rearrangement via an initial nucleophilic aromatic substitution at the ortho carbon of the benzene ring, while data from substituted perbenzoates indicate that nucleophilic attack at the ipso carbon can be induced in the presence of electron-withdrawing moieties at the ortho and para positions. Electronic structure calculations carried out at the B3LYP/6311++G(d,p) level of theory reveal two competing reaction pathways for decarboxylation of perbenzoate anions via initial nucleophilic substitution at the ortho and ipso positions, respectively. Somewhat surprisingly, however, the computational data indicate that the reaction proceeds in both instances via epoxidation of the benzene ring with decarboxylation resulting-at least initially-in the formation of oxepin or benzene oxide anions rather than the energetically favored phenoxide anion. As such, this novel rearrangement of perbenzoate anions provides an intriguing new pathway for epoxidation of the usually inert benzene ring.


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Ductile-brittle fracture transition was investigated using compact tension (CT) specimens from -70oC to 40oC for a carbon steel. Large deformation finite element analysis has been carried out to simulate the stable crack growth in the compact tension (CT, a/W=0.6), three point-point bend (SE(B), a/W=0.1) and centre-cracked tension (M(T), a/W=0.5) specimens. Experimental crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) resistance curve was employed as the crack growth criterion. Ductile tearing is sensitive to constraint and tearing modulus increases with reduced constraint level. The finite element analysis shows that path-dependence of J-integral occurs from the very beginning of crack growth and ductile crack growth elevates the opening stress on the remaining ligament. Cleavage may occur after some ductile crack growth due to the increase of opening stress. For both stationary and growing cracks, the magnitude of opening stress increases with increasing in-plane constraint. The ductile-brittle transition takes place when the opening stress ahead of the crack tip reaches the local cleavage stress as the in-plane constraint of the specimen increases.


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Carbon nanoflakes (CNFLs) are synthesized on silicon substrates deposited with carbon islands in a methane environment using hot filament chemical vapor deposition. The structure and composition of the CNFLs are studied using field emission scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results indicate that the CNFLs are composed of multilayer graphitic sheets and the area and thickness of CNFs increase with the growth time. The photoluminescence (PL) of CNFLs excited by a 325 nm He-Cd laser exhibits three strong bands centered at 408, 526, and 699 nm, which are related to the chemical radicals terminated on the CNFLs and the associated interband transitions. The PL results indicate that the CNFLs are promising as an advanced nano-carbon material capable of generating white light emission. These outcomes are significant to control the electronic structure of CNFLs and contribute to the development of next-generation solid-state white light emission devices. © 2014 the Partner Organisations.


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A simple, fast, energy and labour efficient, carbon dot synthesis method involving only the mixing of a saccharide and base is presented. Uniform, green luminescent carbon dots with an average size of 3.5 nm were obtained, without the need for additional energy input or external heating. Detection of formation moment for fructose-NaOH-produced carbon dots is also presented.


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Development of technologies for water desalination and purification is critical to meet the global challenges of insufficient water supply and inadequate sanitation, especially for point-of-use applications. Conventional desalination methods are energy and operationally intensive, whereas adsorption-based techniques are simple and easy to use for point-of-use water purification, yet their capacity to remove salts is limited. Here we report that plasma-modified ultralong carbon nanotubes exhibit ultrahigh specific adsorption capacity for salt (exceeding 400% by weight) that is two orders of magnitude higher than that found in the current state-of-the-art activated carbon-based water treatment systems. We exploit this adsorption capacity in ultralong carbon nanotube-based membranes that can remove salt, as well as organic and metal contaminants. These ultralong carbon nanotube-based membranes may lead to next-generation rechargeable, point-of-use potable water purification appliances with superior desalination, disinfection and filtration properties. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited.


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An atmospheric microplasma jet produces three-dimensional (3D) microfluidic channels on dense arrays of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes, which confines Au nanodot aqueous solution. The resulting hybrid 3D nanostructure is exploited as an effective microscopic area-selective sensing platform based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering.


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Palladium is sputtered on multi-walled carbon nanotube forests to form carbon-metal core-shell nanowire arrays. These hybrid nanostructures exhibited resistive responses when exposed to hydrogen with an excellent baseline recovery at room temperature. The magnitude of the response is shown to be tuneable by an applied voltage. Unlike the charge-transfer mechanism commonly attributed to Pd nanoparticle-decorated carbon nanotubes, this demonstrates that the hydrogen response mechanism of the multi-walled carbon nanotube-Pd core-shell nanostructure is due to the increase in electron scattering induced by physisorption of hydrogen. These hybrid core-shell nanostructures are promising for gas detection in hydrogen storage applications.