957 resultados para Brown, George Washington, 1828-


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At high stream discharges salmonid eggs can he displaced from the gravel and may drift downstream. It has been suggested that developing salmonid eggs may be killed by ”physical shock”, especially during the period before ”eyeing”. Similarly, a progress report by the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission (1966) states that salmonid eggs are most sensitive during the period between fertilisation and blastopore closure. However, it would seem unlikely that this sensitivity actually begins at the time of fertilisation because, in nature, a period, perhaps measured in hours, must occur during which the newly-fertilised eggs are exposed to physical shock during the deposition of gravel over them as a result of the cutting activity of the female fish. The present report describes simple channel experiments designed to answer the two questions: 1. After release of eggs from the gravel, does the process of drifting downstream, which implies some physical shock through movement and impact, decrease the survival of salmonid eggs? 2. Is the survival rate-influenced by the stage of development of the eggs?


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An article discussing the factors affecting the rate of growth of brown trout, detailing the research udnertaken at Wray Castle, designed to clarify the influencing factors in different waters and investigate what would be required to increase their size. The article considers factors such as alkalinity, total hardness, the presence of coarse fish in the waterbodies and competition for food. Previous work undertaken on brown trout in Ireland by other authors is reviewed. A figure showing average growth rate of brown trout in five lakes, as determined from their scales (Lough Derg, Windermere, Loch Leven, Ullswater, Haweswater).


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A short review of the work carried out by the FBA on feeding and growth of brown trout is presented in this article. Since the amount of work done on this subject is quite extensive, this review has to be very selective. The work has been previously described in 10 papers, 9 of which were written by the author (J.M.Elliott) and 1 written by the author and W.Davison- references for these, and the pioneer work of M.E.Brown and F.T.K.Pentelow, are supplied at the end of the article.


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It is generally accepted by fish culturists that salmonid eggs are sensitive to mechanical shock and that the sensitivity varies with the stage of development of the eggs. In general, the period of greatest sensitivity is thought to occur between fertilization and ”eyeing”. However, it is reasonable to expect that, during a period (perhaps of several hours) following fertilization, sensitivity will be low because in nature during this period the eggs may be subject to some mechanical shock caused by the parent fish covering them with gravel. In 1983-4 and 1984-5 experiments were performed on brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) eggs to examine the effect of a standard mechanical shock (c. 2,500 eggs in 1983-4 and c. 8,400 eggs in 1984-5) at various stages of development upon survival to hatching and time of hatching.The results of these experiments are reported in this study.


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A presente dissertação objetiva a comparação proposta no Prelúdio do romance Middlemarch por sua autora George Eliot entre a protagonista da obra, Dorothea Brooke, e a figura histórica Teresa dÁvila. A partir de tal estudo, busca-se compreender de que modo a situação específica da mulher na Era Vitoriana é articulada no romance de modo a espelhar a crise ontológica e epistemológica do próprio ser humano diante das transformações consolidadas com o Iluminismo e as revoluções liberais do século XVIII que culminariam na morte de Deus. Dorothea mostra-se uma cristã tão fervorosa quanto a Teresa quinhentista, mas faltam-lhe certezas e a resolução para concretizar as reformas sociais que defende, pois ela encarna o mito de feminilidade oitocentista batizado de Anjo do Lar ideal de sujeição feminina à ordem falocêntrica cujas funções são a proteção e difusão da moralidade burguesa e a substituição de elementos cristãos no universo do sagrado a uma sociedade cada vez mais materialista e insegura de valores absolutos. As aflições de Dorothea representam as aflições da mulher vitoriana, mas o momento crítico desta mulher reflete, em Middlemarch, uma crise muito maior do Ocidente, que teve início com a Era da Razão


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A dissertação analisa Daniel Deronda, de George Eliot, identificando o conceito de maleabilidade como idéia chave para o entendimento dos ideais morais do romance. Discussão do papel desempenhado pelo conceito de maleabilidade no processo de transição da infância para a idade adulta e na apreensão especifica da amizade apresentados no romance


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The angling season for non-migratory brown trout, in the Environment Agency (EA) North West Region, runs from March 15th to September 30th. Each year, large numbers of farm reared brown trout are stocked into the rivers of the North West Region's Central Area. In 1994, approximately 20,000 brown trout were introduced into the River systems of the Lune, Wyre and Ribble by local angling clubs and fishery owners. Most of these fish were stocked at a length greater than that defined by local byelaws as the takeable size (200mm). Introductions are made to supplement the existing wild brown trout populations within the river and increase the probability of an angler catching a fish. Stocking with fish of a sufficient length allows the successful angler to remove the catch for their own use. In this way, stretches of the rivers are effectively managed as "put and take" fisheries for brown trout. A number of brown trout fingerlings are also introduced each year by angling clubs and fishery owners. These are stocked with the expectation that the fish will survive in the river to grow, over-winter, and eventually attain a takable size with an increased degree of "wildness". The lower cost of fingerlings, as opposed to trout of a takable length, makes their introduction more attractive to angling clubs since a greater number can be stocked for a given cost. Although the practise of stocking brown trout has occurred for many years in the Central Area, there is little information of its success in terms of increasing anglers catches, or the survival offish introduced. This study was initiated to determine the recapture rates by angling of brown trout following their introduction into a river fishery. The information gained from this study can then be used to give guidance to angling clubs and fishery owners on the optimal strategies for stocking fish.


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Antonio Garnica Silva; María Losada Friend; Eloy Navarro Domínguez (eds)


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Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo sobre o impacto sobre a atmosfera e a biota terrestre devido às emissões antrópicas na Baia do Almirantado/Ilha Rei George Antártica. Foram monitoradas as emissões dos compostos orgânicos voláteis e semi-voláteis, tanto nas fontes emissoras como no entorno da Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz e estimadas as emissões dos navios, dos geradores a diesel e da incineração de lixo. Na avaliação do entorno, coletaram-se amostras de ar, neve e penas de aves. Com os resultados das emissões, do estudo topográfico e da meteorologia, realizou-se uma modelagem de plumas gaussiana para avaliar os impactos. Quatro cenários foram avaliados: dois com a presença dos navios NApOc Ary Rongel e Maximiano apresentaram concentrações máximas de até 356 g m-3 de COV e 18 g m-3 de material particulado, enquanto os demais, sem a presença dos navios, apenas considerando as estações de pesquisa EACF e Arctowski, apresentaram concentrações máximas de até 2,5 g m-3 de COV e 1,3 g m-3 de material particulado. Amostras de COV coletadas foram compatíveis com o cenário mais crítico. O estudo de correlação para carbonilas e HPA atmosférico e Carbono elementar e HPA, depositados em neve, apontaram a EACF como a principal fonte de emissão. As concentrações de levoglucosano detectadas a aproximadamente 2 km da EACF apontaram para a prática de incineração de lixo da EACF. Todas as áreas de interesse biológicos, anteriormente mapeados, dentro da AAEG, são vulneráveis às emissões antrópicas, como sugeriu o modelo de dispersão e a sobreposição dos resultados encontrados.


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Dados faltantes são um problema comum em estudos epidemiológicos e, dependendo da forma como ocorrem, as estimativas dos parâmetros de interesse podem estar enviesadas. A literatura aponta algumas técnicas para se lidar com a questão, e, a imputação múltipla vem recebendo destaque nos últimos anos. Esta dissertação apresenta os resultados da utilização da imputação múltipla de dados no contexto do Estudo Pró-Saúde, um estudo longitudinal entre funcionários técnico-administrativos de uma universidade no Rio de Janeiro. No primeiro estudo, após simulação da ocorrência de dados faltantes, imputou-se a variável cor/raça das participantes, e aplicou-se um modelo de análise de sobrevivência previamente estabelecido, tendo como desfecho a história auto-relatada de miomas uterinos. Houve replicação do procedimento (100 vezes) para se determinar a distribuição dos coeficientes e erros-padrão das estimativas da variável de interesse. Apesar da natureza transversal dos dados aqui utilizados (informações da linha de base do Estudo Pró-Saúde, coletadas em 1999 e 2001), buscou-se resgatar a história do seguimento das participantes por meio de seus relatos, criando uma situação na qual a utilização do modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox era possível. Nos cenários avaliados, a imputação demonstrou resultados satisfatórios, inclusive quando da avaliação de performance realizada. A técnica demonstrou um bom desempenho quando o mecanismo de ocorrência dos dados faltantes era do tipo MAR (Missing At Random) e o percentual de não-resposta era de 10%. Ao se imputar os dados e combinar as estimativas obtidas nos 10 bancos (m=10) gerados, o viés das estimativas era de 0,0011 para a categoria preta e 0,0015 para pardas, corroborando a eficiência da imputação neste cenário. Demais configurações também apresentaram resultados semelhantes. No segundo artigo, desenvolve-se um tutorial para aplicação da imputação múltipla em estudos epidemiológicos, que deverá facilitar a utilização da técnica por pesquisadores brasileiros ainda não familiarizados com o procedimento. São apresentados os passos básicos e decisões necessárias para se imputar um banco de dados, e um dos cenários utilizados no primeiro estudo é apresentado como exemplo de aplicação da técnica. Todas as análises foram conduzidas no programa estatístico R, versão 2.15 e os scripts utilizados são apresentados ao final do texto.


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Population structure of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) from British Columbia and Washington was examined with a survey of microsatellite variation to describe the distribution of genetic variation. Variation at 16 microsatellite loci was surveyed for approximately 46,500 pink salmon sampled from 146 locations in the odd-year broodline and from 116 locations in the even-year broodline. An index of genetic differentiation, FST, over all populations and loci in the odd-year broodline was 0.005, with individual locus values ranging from 0.002 to 0.025. Population differentiation was less in the even-year broodline, with a FST value of 0.002 over all loci, and with individual locus values ranging from 0.001 to 0.005. Greater genetic diversity was observed in the odd-year broodline. Differentiation in pink salmon allele frequencies between broodlines was approximately 5.5 times greater than regional differentiation within broodlines. A regional structuring of populations was the general pattern observed, and a greater regional structure in the odd-year broodline than in the even-year broodline. The geographic distribution of microsatellite variation in populations of pink salmon likely ref lects a distribution of broodlines from separate refuges after the last glaciation period.


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During the last century, the population of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) in the California Current Ecosystem has exhibited large fluctuations in abundance and migration behavior. From approximately 1900 to 1940, the abundance of sardine reached 3.6 million metric tons and the “northern stock” migrated from offshore of California in the spring to the coastal areas near Oregon, Washington, and Vancouver Island in the summer. In the 1940s, the sardine stock collapsed and the few remaining sardine schools concentrated in the coastal region off southern California, year-round, for the next 50 years. The stock gradually recovered in the late 1980s and resumed its seasonal migration between regions off southern California and Canada. Recently, a model was developed which predicts the potential habitat for the northern stock of Pacific sardine and its seasonal dynamics. The habitat predictions were successfully validated using data from sardine surveys using the daily egg production method; scientific trawl surveys off the Columbia River mouth; and commercial sardine landings off Oregon, Washington, and Vancouver Island. Here, the predictions of the potential habitat and seasonal migration of the northern stock of sardine are validated using data from “acoustic–trawl” surveys of the entire west coast of the United States during the spring and summer of 2008. The estimates of sardine biomass and lengths from the two surveys are not significantly different between spring and summer, indicating that they are representative of the entire stock. The results also confirm that the model of potential sardine habitat can be used to optimally apply survey effort and thus minimize random and systematic sampling error in the biomass estimates. Furthermore, the acoustic–trawl survey data are useful to estimate concurrently the distributions and abundances of other pelagic fishes.