932 resultados para Blue upconversion
The aim of this study was to compare the disinfection of dentine using photodynamic therapy with methylene blue in different formulations. Thirty bovine teeth roots were autoclaved and incubated with a suspension of Enterococcus faecalis. The specimen were randomly divided into three groups: G1, the roots were filled with 10 mM methylene blue dissolved in water; G2, the roots were filled with 10 mM methylene blue dissolved in a mixture of glycerol: ethanol: water; G3, roots filled with 100 mM methylene blue dissolved in water. The groups were irradiated with a 660 nm diode laser with an output power of 100 mW for 4 min, energy density of 850 J/cm2 and after this procedure, the sensitizer was removed and microbial samples were collected from within the root canals. The samples were plated on mEnterococcus to count the colony-forming units (CFU/mL). The means were: Group 1=513×103, Group 2=1431×103 and Group 3=2.96×103. The statistical analysis detected higher disinfection achieved by G3 when compared with groups G1 and G2, and no significant difference between the groups G1 and G2 (P>0.05). The increase of the concentration of methylene blue dye achieved higher disinfection in photodynamic therapy.
The overall aim of the present thesis was to develop and characterise an age assessment method based on incremental lines in dental cementum using contemporary bovine teeth and teeth from archaeological faunal assemblages. The investigations also included two other age assessment methods: tooth wear pattern and macroscopic dental measurements. The first permanent mandibular molar and lower jaws from 70 contemporary cattle of known age and 170 archaeological molar sets from ten different Swedish archaeological sites were used. The following conclusions were drawn: • The number of incremental lines in the dental cementum varied between different parts of the tooth root as well as within one and the same individual. The results from contemporary cattle of known age showed a strong relationship between age and incremental lines in the cementum of the distal part of the mesial root (R2=65.5%) and the known ages of the animals. • With the “best” model variation in age could be explained to 65.5% (R2) by the number of incremental lines. Thus, the remaining age variation (approximately 35%) could not be explained by these lines. Other factors than must thus be responsible. However, with the exception of calves born the present material did not reveal any such significant relationship. • The results from cattle of known age indicate that the method of assessing age on the basis of cemental incremental lines is more reliable than other methods such as tooth wear or tooth measurements. However, by combining counting incremental lines and one variable assessing tooth dimension (tooth height) a slightly stronger relationship could be obtained (R2=74.5%). The results from age assessment of the medieval and post-Reformation cattle emphasize the importance of supplementing any age estimation of archaeological assemblages based on dental indicators with characteristics for the particular assessment model. Furthermore, conclusions based on age assessment with such models can not be drawn with any more detailed time scale than about 2 years leaving at best only 25% (R2) of factors influencing the dental indicator(s) utilized in the model unexplained. The accuracy of the age assessment required by the particular historical context in which the archaeological remains are found should thus decide what level of accuracy should be chosen.
Miquel Becerro es científico del Instituto de Productos Naturales y Agrobiología -IPNA- (CSIC)
Conjugated polymers have attracted tremendous academical and industrial research interest over the past decades due to the appealing advantages that organic / polymeric materials offer for electronic applications and devices such as organic light emitting diodes (OLED), organic field effect transistors (OFET), organic solar cells (OSC), photodiodes and plastic lasers. The optimization of organic materials for applications in optoelectronic devices requires detailed knowledge of their photophysical properties, for instance energy levels of excited singlet and triplet states, excited state decay mechanisms and charge carrier mobilities. In the present work a variety of different conjugated (co)polymers, mainly polyspirobifluorene- and polyfluorene-type materials, was investigated using time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy in the picosecond to second time domain to study their elementary photophysical properties and to get a deeper insight into structure-property relationships. The experiments cover fluorescence spectroscopy using Streak Camera techniques as well as time-delayed gated detection techniques for the investigation of delayed fluorescence and phosphorescence. All measurements were performed on the solid state, i.e. thin polymer films and on diluted solutions. Starting from the elementary photophysical properties of conjugated polymers the experiments were extended to studies of singlet and triplet energy transfer processes in polymer blends, polymer-triplet emitter blends and copolymers. The phenomenon of photonenergy upconversion was investigated in blue light-emitting polymer matrices doped with metallated porphyrin derivatives supposing an bimolecular annihilation upconversion mechanism which could be experimentally verified on a series of copolymers. This mechanism allows for more efficient photonenergy upconversion than previously reported for polyfluorene derivatives. In addition to the above described spectroscopical experiments, amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) in thin film polymer waveguides was studied employing a fully-arylated poly(indenofluorene) as the gain medium. It was found that the material exhibits a very low threshold value for amplification of blue light combined with an excellent oxidative stability, which makes it interesting as active material for organic solid state lasers. Apart from spectroscopical experiments, transient photocurrent measurements on conjugated polymers were performed as well to elucidate the charge carrier mobility in the solid state, which is an important material parameter for device applications. A modified time-of-flight (TOF) technique using a charge carrier generation layer allowed to study hole transport in a series of spirobifluorene copolymers to unravel the structure-mobility relationship by comparison with the homopolymer. Not only the charge carrier mobility could be determined for the series of polymers but also field- and temperature-dependent measurements analyzed in the framework of the Gaussian disorder model showed that results coincide very well with the predictions of the model. Thus, the validity of the disorder concept for charge carrier transport in amorphous glassy materials could be verified for the investigated series of copolymers.
Blue straggler stars (BSSs) are brighter and bluer (hotter) than the main-sequence (MS) turnoff and they are known to be more massive than MS stars.Two main scenarios for their formation have been proposed:collision-induced stellar mergers (COL-BSSs),or mass-transfer in binary systems (MT-BSSs).Depleted surface abundances of C and O are expected for MT-BSSs,whereas no chemical anomalies are predicted for COL-BSSs.Both MT- and COL-BSSs should rotate fast, but braking mechanisms may intervene with efficiencies and time-scales not well known yet,thus preventing a clear prediction of the expected rotational velocities.Within this context,an extensive survey is ongoing by using the multi-object spectrograph FLAMES@VLT,with the aim to obtain abundance patterns and rotational velocities for representative samples of BSSs in several Galactic GCs.A sub-population of CO-depleted BSSs has been identified in 47 Tuc,with only one fast rotating star detected.For this PhD Thesis work I analyzed FLAMES spectra of more than 130 BSSs in four GCs:M4,NGC 6397,M30 and ω Centauri.This is the largest sample of BSSs spectroscopically investigated so far.Hints of CO depletion have been observed in only 4-5 cases (in M30 and ω Centauri),suggesting either that the majority of BSSs have a collisional origin,or that the CO-depletion is a transient phenomenon.Unfortunately,no conclusions in terms of formation mechanism could be drawn in a large number of cases,because of the effects of radiative levitation. Remarkably,however,this is the first time that evidence of radiative levitation is found in BSSs hotter than 8200 K.Finally, we also discovered the largest fractions of fast rotating BSSs ever observed in any GCs:40% in M4 and 30% in ω Centauri.While not solving the problem of BSS formation,these results provide invaluable information about the BSS physical properties,which is crucial to build realistic models of their evolution.
The dissertation is devoted to the investigation of the process of triplet-triplet annihilation assisted upconversion (TTA – UC). The current state of the art of the used nowadays emitters and sensitizers was overviewed. The new emitters, synthesized mainly on the base of perylene, were created and analyzed for the applicability for TTA – UC in the combination with the sensitizers from tetrabenzo- and tetranaphtoporphyrin families. A strong influence of the excitation beam parameters on UC efficiency was shown. The new strategy of an effective UC emitter’s creation by comprising the functions of two chromophors in a dyad, where the function of the triplet-triplet transfer (TTT) and the triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA) are attributed to different parts of the molecule, was represented. The successful transfer of an UC medium into the water environment by the encapsulation of hydrophobic UC dyes into the micelles, formed by the PTS surfactant, was done. Resulting quantum efficiency is comparable with that in an organic solvent. An extremely strong dependence of the efficiency of the TTA – UC process on temperature in such micellar structures was obtained
Passive acoustic data have been collected using HARPs (High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages) and were used to assess (1) the seasonality of blue whale D calls in the Southern California Bight, (2) their interannual abundance during 2007-2012 and (3) their diel variation. This goal has been achieved running the GPL (Generalized Power-Law) automated detector. (1) Blue whale D calls were detected in the Southern California Bight from May through November with a peak in July, even though few detections were from December to April as well. A key predictor for blue whale distribution and movement in the California Current region has been identified with zooplankton aggregations, paying a particular attention to those euphausiid species, such as E. pacifica and T. spinifera, which are blue whale favorite krill. The Southern California Bight experiences seasonal upwelling, resulting in an increase of productivity and prey availability. The summer and early fall have been marked as the most favorable periods. This supports the presence of blue whales in the area at that time, supposing these marine mammals exploit the region as a feeding ground. (2) As to the interannual abundance during 2007-2012, I found a large variability. I observed a great increase of vocalizations in 2007 and 2010, whereas a decrease was shown in the other years, which is well marked in 2009. It is my belief that these fluctuations in abundance of D calls detections through the deployed period are due to the alternation of El Nino and La Nina events, which occurred in those years. (3) The assessment of the daily timing of D calls production shows that D calls are more abundant during the day than during the night with a peak at 12:00 and 13:00. Assuming that D calling is associated with feeding, the daily pattern of D calls may be linked to the prey availability. E. pacifica and T. spinifera are among those species of krill which undertake daily vertical migrations, remaining at depth during the day and slowly coming up towards the surface at night. Because of some anatomical arrangements, these euphausiids are very sensitive to the light. Given that we believe D calls have a social function, I hypothesize that blue whales may recognize the hours at the highest solar incidence as the best moment of the day in terms of prey availability, exploiting this time window to advert their conspecifics.
Le Blue Straggler Stars (BSS) sono la popolazione di oggetti esotici piu' comune e numerosa negli ammassi globulari. Nel diagramma colore-magnitudine le BSS definiscono una sequenza più brillante e blu del punto di turn-off della Sequenza Principale, simulando una popolazione più giovane delle stelle dell'ammasso. Osservazioni hanno dimostrato che le BSS hanno una massa significativamente più grande (1.2-1.7 Msun) di quella delle stelle di un ammasso globulare. Per questa proprietà, la distribuzione radiale delle BSS e' un utile strumento per tracciare empiricamente lo stato di evoluzione dinamica degli ammassi stellari. Il lavoro di tesi si è concentrato sullo studio della popolazione di BSS di due ammassi globulari della Grande Nube di Magellano: NGC2257 e NGC1754. Applicando metodi di indagine già usati per sistemi stellari della Via Lattea, abbiamo derivato le eta' dinamiche di questi due sistemi e le abbiamo confrontate con stime teoriche.
The blue shark, Prionace glauca, is one of the most vagile shark species worldwide distributed. The particular body shape allows blue sharks make transoceanic movements, leading to a circumglobal distribution. Due to its reproductive cycle, an extraordinarily high number of specimens is globally registered but, even if it is still a major bycatch of longline fishery rather than a commercial target, it is characterized by a high vulnerability. In this perspective it is important to increase the amount of informations regarding its population extent in the different worldwide areas, evaluating the possible phylogeographic patterns between different locations. This study, included in the "MedBlueSGen" European project, aims exactly at filling a gap in knowledges regarding the genetic population structure of the Mediterranean blue sharks, which has never been investigated before, with a comparison with the North-Eastern Atlantic blue shark population. To reach this objective, we used a dataset of samples from different Mediterranean areas implementing it with some samples from North-Eastern Atlantic. Analyzing the variability of the two mitochondrial markers control region and cytochrome b, with the design of new species-specific primer pairs, we assessed the mitochondrial genetic structure of Mediterranean and North-Eastern Atlantic samples, focusing on the analysis of their possible connectivity, and we tried to reconstruct their demographic history and population size. Data analyses highlighted the absence of a genetic structuring within the Mediterranean and among it and North-Eastern Atlantic, suggesting that the Strait of Gibraltar doesn't represent a phylogeographic barrier. These results are coherent to what has been found in similar investigations on other worldwide blue shark populations. Analysis of the historical demographic trend revealed a general stable pattern for the cytochrome-b and a slightly population expansion for the control region marker.
Le blue straggler stars (BSS) sono un importante strumento osservativo per gli studi mirati alla determinazione dell'evoluzione dinamica degli ammassi globulari. La loro distribuzione radiale, influenzata dal fenomeno di segregazione di massa, costituisce un efficace strumento per la determinazione dello stato di rilassamento del sistema. In questo lavoro di tesi sono esplorate le potenzialità di un nuovo indicatore di segregazione centrale delle BSS: la cosiddetta "Area Positiva (A+)", definita come la differenza tra l'area sottesa dalla distribuzione radiale cumulativa delle BSS e quella di una popolazione di riferimento. Per costruzione, questo parametro e` indicatore sensibile del livello di segregazione delle BSS. Il campione di ammassi e` costituito da 18 oggetti di bassa densità e concentrazione recentemente osservati nell'ambito di una survey ultravioletta con la camera WFC3/UVIS (Piotto et al. 2015) e 8 sistemi di densità più elevata, analizzati in lavori precedenti. Per ciascun ammasso sono state selezionate le popolazioni di BSS e di stelle di riferimento lungo la sequenza principale o il ramo delle giganti e sono state costruite le rispettive distribuzioni radiali cumulative, da cui e` stata poi determinata l'Area Positiva. Sono state infine individuate forti correlazioni tra A+ e alcuni parametri strutturali/dinamici degli ammassi, in particolare col tempo di rilassamento e la densita` centrali. Questi risultati dimostrano che il parametro A+ e` un buon misuratore del grado di evoluzione dinamica degli ammassi globulari.
Blue-light fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging is currently widely used for assessing dry age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). However, at this wavelength, the fovea appears as circular zone of marked hypofluorescence, due to the absorption of macular pigment (MP). This dark spot could be misinterpreted as an atrophic area and could lead to difficulties in identifying small, central changes. The purpose of the study was to analyze differences in image quality, FAF patterns, and lesion size, when using conventional blue-light (Λ(1) = 488 nm) and green-light (Λ(2) = 514 nm) FAF.
In 1996, a cadaver in adipocere condition was discovered in a bay of the Brienzer See in Switzerland. The torso was named "Brienzi" following the "Iceman" Ötzi. Several outer parts of the body were incrusted; the incrustation was in blue color. Further investigations showed that the bluish covering of parts of the adipocere torso were a mineral known as Vivianite. Vivianite (Fe(3)(PO(4))(2-)(H(2)O)(8)) is an iron phosphate mineral with needle lengths between 100 and 150μm. It is normally associated in a context with organic archaeological and geological materials (some hundreds to millions of years old). Hitherto, it is only described in three cases of human remains. We were able to reconstruct the following facts about 'Brienzi': The man drowned in Lake Brienz or in one of its tributaries during the 1700s. The body was subsequently covered with sedimentation and thus buried under water. An earthquake produced an underwater landslide which eventually exposed the corpse.