839 resultados para Australian Marsupials
Forensic science is increasingly relied upon by law enforcement to assist in solvingcrime and gaining convictions, and by the judicial system in the adjudication ofspecific criminal cases. However, the value of forensic science relative to the workinvolved and the outcome of cases has yet to be established in the Australiancontext. Previous research in this area has mainly focused on the science andtechnology, rather than examining how people can use forensic services/science tothe best possible advantage to produce appropriate justice outcomes. This fiveyearproject entails an investigation into the effectiveness of forensic science inpolice investigations and court trials. It aims to identify when, where and howforensic science can add value to criminal investigations, court trials and justiceoutcomes while ensuring the efficient use of available resources initially in theVictorian and the ACT criminal justice systems and ultimately across Australiaand New Zealand. This paper provides an overview of the rationale and aims ofthe research project and discusses current work-in-progress.
Thyroid hormones are involved in the regulation of growth and metabolism in all vertebrates. Transthyretin is one of the extracellular proteins with high affinity for thyroid hormones which determine the partitioning of these hormones between extracellular compartments and intracellular lipids. During vertebrate evolution, both the tissue pattern of expression and the structure of the gene for transthyretin underwent characteristic changes. The purpose of this study was to characterize the position of Insectivora in the evolution of transthyretin in eutherians, a subclass of Mammalia. Transthyretin was identified by thyroxine binding and Western analysis in the blood of adult shrews, hedgehogs, and moles. Transthyretin is synthesized in the liver and secreted into the bloodstream, similar to the situation for other adult eutherians, birds, and diprotodont marsupials, but different from that for adult fish, amphibians, reptiles, monotremes, and Australian polyprotodont marsupials. For the characterization of the structure of the gene and the processing of mRNA for transthyretin, cDNA libraries were prepared from RNA from hedgehog and shrew livers, and full-length cDNA clones were isolated and sequenced. Sections of genomic DNA in the regions coding for the splice sites between exons 1 and 2 were synthesized by polymerase chain reaction and sequenced. The location of splicing was deduced from comparison of genomic with cDNA nucleotide sequences. Changes in the nucleotide sequence of the transthyretin gene during evolution are most pronounced in the region coding for the N-terminal region of the protein. Both the derived overall amino sequences and the N-terminal regions of the transthyretins in Insectivora were found to be very similar to those in other eutherians but differed from those found in marsupials, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Also, the pattern of transthyretin precursor mRNA splicing in Insectivora was more similar to that in other eutherians than to that in marsupials, reptiles, and birds. Thus, in contrast to the marsupials, with a different pattern of transthyretin gene expression in the evolutionarily "older" polyprotodonts compared with the evolutionarily "younger" diprotodonts, no separate lineages of transthyretin evolution could be identified in eutherians. We conclude that transthyretin gene expression in the liver of adult eutherians probably appeared before the branching of the lineages leading to modern eutherian species.
Road transport is a major source of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions around the world. There is an increasing interest in accurate information on local vehicle emission levels for policy development and sustainable traffic management. Previous studies have shown that emission predictions for the Australian situation need to reflect both the Australian fleet and driving behaviour to avoid unreliable outcomes. This paper discusses a new Australian vehicle emission software (PΔP) and a case-study where traffic simulation software (Aimsun) is combined with PΔP to demonstrate how consistent results can be achieved for the Australian situation. The case-study is an Australian city modelled using the microscopic simulator to generate the required trajectory data of each individual vehicle for the emission model. The simulation results are used in a number of ways: to assess the impacts of urban driving behaviour on fuel consumption, to create maps showing where and when elevated emission levels occur and to compare results with another program (COPERT Australia). The paper will also discuss where further research is required.
First application of compositional data analysis techniques to Australian election data
ABSTRACT The present study aimed to evaluate the growth and the levels of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in Australian cedar seedlings which had been inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in different types of containers. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse and the experimental design was that of randomized complete blocks (RCB), with a 4 x 4 factorial design consisting of four inoculation treatments with AMF (Rhizophagus clarum, Gigaspora margarita, a mixed inoculation (R. clarum + G. margarita) and the control (with no AMF inoculation); four types of containers (plastic bags measuring 250 cm3, tubes of 55 and 130 cm3 and pressed blocks 440 cm3. plant-1), with four repetitions. The height, the diameter of the stem base, the aerial part dry weight (APDW), the dry weight of the root (DWR) and the total plant dry weight (DW) were measured, along with the Dickson quality index, the percentage of mycorrhizal colonization and the levels of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in the aerial part dry weight. One hundred and thirty eight days (138) days after sowing, the greatest growth and/or the highest levels of P, K and Ca could be observed in the aerial part dry weight of the Australian cedar seedlings which had been planted in the pressed block container and inoculated with a mixture of the two AMF species (G. margarita + R. clarum) or with just R. clarum. Thus it can be seen that AMF can make a significant contribution to the production of Australian cedar seedlings.
Suorien kiinteistösijoitusten hajauttamisesta kehkeytyi mielenkiintoinen aihe vuonna 2007 alkaneen maailmanlaajuisen talouskriisin seurauksena, jolloin asuntojen hinnat romahtivat lukuisissa maissa. Kiinteistösijoitusten hajauttamiseen liittyy lukuisia ongelmia ja riskejä, mutta myös saavutettavissa olevat hajautushyödyt houkuttelevat sijoittajia. Tutkielmassa etsitään vastausta siihen, voivatko kiinteistösijoitukset tarjota hajautushyötyjä myös silloin, kun volatiliteetti markkinoilla kasvaa ja ajaudutaan matalasuhdanteeseen tai lamaan. Vahvistuuko asuntohintaindeksien tuottojen välinen korrelaatio? Vaikuttaako maantieteellinen sijainti korrelaatio voimakkuuteen? Tutkielmassa keskitytään kansainvälisen kiinteistösijoittamisen mahdollisuuksiin ja ongelmiin, joihin perehdytään aikaisempien tieteellisten tutkimusten kautta sekä itse suoritetun empiirisen tutkimuksen avulla. Tieteellisiä artikkeleja on kerätty pitkältä ajanjaksolta, jotta voitaisiin samalla myös havainnoida tulosten muutoksia ajan kuluessa. Empiirisessä tutkimuksessa havainnoidaan Suomen ja neljän muun maan asuntohintaindeksien tuottojen korrelaatioita aikavälillä 1980-2013. Tutkittavalle ajanjaksolle ajoittuu useita maailmanlaajuisia kriisejä kuten, Aasian talouskriisi, ITkuplan puhkeaminen sekä vuonna 2007 alkanut maailmanlaajuinen talouskriisi. Aineisto tarjoaa tästä johtuen erinomaiset edellytykset hajautushyötyjen tutkimiselle mittavien kriisien keskellä. Empiirinen tutkimus suoritetaan korrelaatioanalyysinä, johon data on saatu Thomson Reuters-tietokannasta Datastream-ohjelman avulla. Tutkielman tulosten mukaan hajautushyötyjä on mahdollista saada myös kriisien keskellä, mutta hajautushyödyt heikkenevät markkinoiden volatiliteetin kasvaessa. Maantieteellisen sijainnin ei erityisesti nähty vaikuttavan kiinteistösijotusten hajautushyötyihin, mutta tarkempiin määritelmiin tarvittaisiin laajempi otos. Tutkielmassa kävi ilmi, että kansainvälisiä hajautushyötyjä on mahdollista saavuttaa kiinteistösijoitusten hajauttamisella. Hajautushyötyjä saatiin kaikilta tutkimuksen mantereilta ja maista, mutta hieman yllättäen parhaat hajautushyödyt oli mahdollista saada Saksan asuntomarkkinoilta. Ilmeisesti Saksan asuntomarkkinoiden vakaus oli suurin syy merkittäviin hajautushyötyihin. Kansainvälisten kriisien keskellä Suomen asuntohintaindeksi reagoi suhteellisen vahvasti. Tulevaisuudessa voidaan odottaa, että kiinteistösijoitusten hajautushyödyt heikkenevät, mutta säilyttävät silti houkuttelevuutensa johtuen markkinoiden paikallisuudesta. Kiinteistösijoittaminen ulkomaille yksinkertaistuu jatkuvasti markkinoiden muuttuessa avoimemmiksi sekä datan saatavuuden parantuessa.
The technique of Osmotic Conditioning, which consists of partial and controlled hydration of the seeds, has obtained success with various species of seeds, increasing the germinating span and tolerance to the adverse conditions of the environment, and has also reduced the time elapsed between sowing and the emergence of the plants. Associated to ideal storage conditions, the treatment has increased the performance of the seeds of tropical wood species. Aiming at studying the germinating environment and the effect of osmotic conditioning on the germination of seeds of the Australian Royal Palm tree, two experiments were performed. The first one evaluated the effect of disinfestation of the seeds of the Australian Royal Palm tree with NaClO. The treatments applied were: 0.5% sodium hypochlorite, exposure periods of 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 and 240 minutes, and the fungicide Captan, as control. The treatments with NaClO did not differ in relation to the final percentage of germination and to the germination speed index, and did not differ from the treatment control. The second test evaluated solutions with the following osmotic potentials: 0.0MPa (pure water), -0.4MPa, -0.6MPa and -0.8MPa, exposed for the periods of 10 and 20 days. The final percentage of germination did not differ among the treatments. The seeds hydrated in pure water for a period of 20 days showed a germination speed index significantly superior to the other treatments, and they did not show significant differences among themselves.
Käsittelen tutkielmassani Australian aboriginaaleista ja Uuden-Seelannin maoreista 1830- ja 1840-luvuilla Britannian hallinnossa esitettyjä kuvauksia. Lähteenä aiheen tarkasteluun käytän viiden Britannian parlamentin tuona aikana asettaman komitean raportteja, joissa käsitellään Australian ja Uuden-Seelannin tilaa suhteessa eurooppalaisiin siirtolaisiin ja näiden alueiden kolonisoimista. Yhdessä nämä viisi raporttia muodostavat kiinnostavan kokonaisuuden, sillä ne ovat 1800-luvun ensimmäisen puoliskon ainoat komitearaportit, joissa käsitellään aboriginaaleja ja maoreja. Ne olivat myös yksi tapa, jolla 1800-luvulla siirtokunnista saatiin tietoa Britannian hallintoon, joten niissä esitetyt kuvaukset olivat merkittävä osa tiedonkulkua siirtokunnista imperiumin metropoliin. Tutkielmassani selvitän millaista kuvaa komiteat loivat aboriginaaleista ja maoreista metropolissa toimineelle hallinnolle siirtomaista peräisin olleiden lähteiden perusteella. Tarkastelen komiteoiden raporteissaan esittämiä kuvauksia aboriginaaleista ja maoreista suhteessa komiteoita ympäröineeseen ajatteluun ja muiden käsittelemieni komiteoiden esittämiin näkemyksiin. Rinnastamalla raporteissa esitettyjä kuvauksia ja näkemyksiä laajempaan aikalaiseen ajatteluun pystyn tuomaan esille komiteoiden esittämistä näkemyksistä niin samankaltaisuuksia verrattuna laajempaan ajatteluun kuin ajalleen poikkeuksellisia näkemyksiä. Komiteoiden esittämien näkemysten suhteuttaminen myös raporttien taustalla olleisiin todistajalausuntoihin tuo esille komiteoiden omia suuntautumisia. Komiteoiden raporteissa aboriginaalit ja maorit näyttäytyvät keskenään hyvin erilaisina kansoina monilla eri perusteilla. Maoreista luodaan raporteissa kuvaa aboriginaaleja kehittyneempinä ja sivistyneempinä, mikä perustuu niin maorien kehittyneempiin elinkeinoihin, yhteiskunnalliseen organisoitumiseen, kykeneväisyyteen toimia aktiivisena osapuolena kanssakäymisessä eurooppalaisten kanssa ja toisaalta aboriginaalien jo alunalkaen alhaiseen tilaan. Eri raportit kuitenkin kuvaavat maoreja ja aboriginaaleja kuitenkin hyvin eri tavoilla, ja erityisesti komiteoiden omat motiivit ja tavoitteet näyttävät vaikuttaneen tapoihin, joilla näitä kansoja kuvataan. Voimakkaana vastakkainasetteluna näyttäytyy humanitaarinen, lähetystyötä korostava positiivisempi tapa kuvata kansoja ja kolonisaatiota sekä siirtolaisten etuja ajaneet negatiivisemmat kuvaukset. Komiteoiden käsittely kuitenkin perustuu lähes täysin eurooppalaiseen näkökulmaan ja eurooppalaisiin normeihin, eikä näiden kansojen kulttuuria tuoda juurikaan esille.
and the Australian Country Party since 1918. 2. The thesis examines the proposition that the role of a minor party is determined, not by its total strength expressed as a percentage of the national vote, but by how its strength is concentrated. Australia and Britain were chosen for the comparison because of the many similarities in political culture and in the extent of class voting. Each country has a party - the Country Party in Australia and the Liberal Party in Britain - which has had a distinct impact on the political scene in their respective countries. In the period from 1918 to the present day neither party, at the national level, has ever held the largest number of seats in parliament let alone a majority of seats, and it is in this sense that they are herein defined as minor parties. In the thesis the constitutional background of and differences between Australia and Britain are reviewed, followed by a brief historical picture of each of the two parties being studied. The sources of supporc of the two parties are analysed and it is here that real differences emerge. The Country Party in Australia is a deliberately sectional party with a narrow rural base, whereas the British Liberal Party is more broadly based than either the Labour or Conservative Parties in Britain. 3. Party leadership and organisation are then discussed. Both parties have had outstanding leaders, Earle Page and McEwen for the Country Party; Asquith, Lloyd George and Grimond for the Liberal Party. Both parties have had relatively fewer leaders than their major party opponents. However, whereas the Country Party has been free of serious splits the Liberal Party was shattered on the leadership struggles of Asquith and Lloyd George. Both parties have been identified with decentralisation of state power, the Country Party through its support, albeit sometimes lukewarm of the New States Movement; the Liberal Party through its espousal of a federal system for Britain with separate Welsh, Scottish and regional assemblies. Unfortunately for the British Liberal Party the beneficiaries of their policies in this area have been relatively new nationalist parties in both Wales arid Scotland. The major part of the thesis is devoted to a study of how the electoral systems in the two countries have, in practice, worked to the advantage or disadvantage of the Country Party and the British Liberal Party. The Country Party has been as consistently over-represented in the House of Representatives as the Liberal Party has been under-represented in the British House of Commons. With the even distribution of its support the introduction of the single transferable vote, in itself, would bring little benefit to the British Liberal Party in terms of seats. Multimember urban constituencies combined with some type of list system are the only way the Liberals are likely to obtain House of Commons seats in proportion to their votes. 4. Finally, the relations of the two minor parties with their respective major parties are considered. In the conclusion the future of the two parties is reviewed. In general terms it appears that the Country Party is faced with a slow decline. Although the British Liberal Party made a major breakthrough, in terms of votes, in the February 1974 election, they were unable to maintain this momentum in the October election, even though they lost very little ground. In the long term they must make an inroad into Labour held seats if they are to progress further.
First application of compositional data analysis techniques to Australian election data
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