965 resultados para Atmosphere.
The Earth s climate is a highly dynamic and complex system in which atmospheric aerosols have been increasingly recognized to play a key role. Aerosol particles affect the climate through a multitude of processes, directly by absorbing and reflecting radiation and indirectly by changing the properties of clouds. Because of the complexity, quantification of the effects of aerosols continues to be a highly uncertain science. Better understanding of the effects of aerosols requires more information on aerosol chemistry. Before the determination of aerosol chemical composition by the various available analytical techniques, aerosol particles must be reliably sampled and prepared. Indeed, sampling is one of the most challenging steps in aerosol studies, since all available sampling techniques harbor drawbacks. In this study, novel methodologies were developed for sampling and determination of the chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols. In the particle-into-liquid sampler (PILS), aerosol particles grow in saturated water vapor with further impaction and dissolution in liquid water. Once in water, the aerosol sample can then be transported and analyzed by various off-line or on-line techniques. In this study, PILS was modified and the sampling procedure was optimized to obtain less altered aerosol samples with good time resolution. A combination of denuders with different coatings was tested to adsorb gas phase compounds before PILS. Mixtures of water with alcohols were introduced to increase the solubility of aerosols. Minimum sampling time required was determined by collecting samples off-line every hour and proceeding with liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The laboriousness of LLE followed by GC-MS analysis next prompted an evaluation of solid-phase extraction (SPE) for the extraction of aldehydes and acids in aerosol samples. These two compound groups are thought to be key for aerosol growth. Octadecylsilica, hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB), and mixed phase anion exchange (MAX) were tested as extraction materials. MAX proved to be efficient for acids, but no tested material offered sufficient adsorption for aldehydes. Thus, PILS samples were extracted only with MAX to guarantee good results for organic acids determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). On-line coupling of SPE with HPLC-MS is relatively easy, and here on-line coupling of PILS with HPLC-MS through the SPE trap produced some interesting data on relevant acids in atmospheric aerosol samples. A completely different approach to aerosol sampling, namely, differential mobility analyzer (DMA)-assisted filter sampling, was employed in this study to provide information about the size dependent chemical composition of aerosols and understanding of the processes driving aerosol growth from nano-size clusters to climatically relevant particles (>40 nm). The DMA was set to sample particles with diameters of 50, 40, and 30 nm and aerosols were collected on teflon or quartz fiber filters. To clarify the gas-phase contribution, zero gas-phase samples were collected by switching off the DMA every other 15 minutes. Gas-phase compounds were adsorbed equally well on both types of filter, and were found to contribute significantly to the total compound mass. Gas-phase adsorption is especially significant during the collection of nanometer-size aerosols and needs always to be taken into account. Other aims of this study were to determine the oxidation products of β-caryophyllene (the major sesquiterpene in boreal forest) in aerosol particles. Since reference compounds are needed for verification of the accuracy of analytical measurements, three oxidation products of β-caryophyllene were synthesized: β-caryophyllene aldehyde, β-nocaryophyllene aldehyde, and β-caryophyllinic acid. All three were identified for the first time in ambient aerosol samples, at relatively high concentrations, and their contribution to the aerosol mass (and probably growth) was concluded to be significant. Methodological and instrumental developments presented in this work enable fuller understanding of the processes behind biogenic aerosol formation and provide new tools for more precise determination of biosphere-atmosphere interactions.
In the present investigation, a very good combination of strength and ductility, 630MPa 0.2% proof stress and 14.8% elongation to fracture in tensile test, has been obtained for the 7075 Al alloy after optimizing the processing parameters for spray forming, hot extruding the spray deposit, and peak aging the samples taken from the extruded rod. The spray deposits contained some porosity but it was almost eliminated on hot extrusion. Electron probe microanalysis revealed that even though spray forming was carried out in an open atmosphere, it did not affect the oxygen content and its distribution in the material on spray forming, because the atomizing argon gas provided a protective cover to molten droplets and prevented their oxidation. The chemical composition of the spray-formed material was found to be almost the same as the raw material, and the major alloying elements were found to be uniformly distributed in the extruded rod.
Floating in the air that surrounds us is a number of small particles, invisible to the human eye. The mixture of air and particles, liquid or solid, is called an aerosol. Aerosols have significant effects on air quality, visibility and health, and on the Earth's climate. Their effect on the Earth's climate is the least understood of climatically relevant effects. They can scatter the incoming radiation from the Sun, or they can act as seeds onto which cloud droplets are formed. Aerosol particles are created directly, by human activity or natural reasons such as breaking ocean waves or sandstorms. They can also be created indirectly as vapors or very small particles are emitted into the atmosphere and they combine to form small particles that later grow to reach climatically or health relevant sizes. The mechanisms through which those particles are formed is still under scientific discussion, even though this knowledge is crucial to make air quality or climate predictions, or to understand how aerosols will influence and will be influenced by the climate's feedback loops. One of the proposed mechanisms responsible for new particle formation is ion-induced nucleation. This mechanism is based on the idea that newly formed particles were ultimately formed around an electric charge. The amount of available charges in the atmosphere varies depending on radon concentrations in the soil and in the air, as well as incoming ionizing radiation from outer space. In this thesis, ion-induced nucleation is investigated through long-term measurements in two different environments: in the background site of Hyytiälä and in the urban site that is Helsinki. The main conclusion of this thesis is that ion-induced nucleation generally plays a minor role in new particle formation. The fraction of particles formed varies from day to day and from place to place. The relative importance of ion-induced nucleation, i.e. the fraction of particles formed through ion-induced nucleation, is bigger in cleaner areas where the absolute number of particles formed is smaller. Moreover, ion-induced nucleation contributes to a bigger fraction of particles on warmer days, when the sulfuric acid and water vapor saturation ratios are lower. This analysis will help to understand the feedbacks associated with climate change.
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan jalkapallon seuraamista elämyskuluttamisen näkökulmasta. Elämyskulutuksella tarkoitetaan tässä yhteydessä tapahtumia ja hetkiä, jolloin ihminen kokee tavallisuudesta poikkeavan ja mieleenpainuvan tunnetilan. Elämyksiä tarjoavat palvelut ovat lisänneet jatkuvasti suosiotaan, kun arjessa rationaalisuus ylikorostuu ja sille halutaan vastapainoa. Aihetta taustoitetaan elämysyhteiskunnan, yhteisöllisyyden ja kuluttajaheimojen käsitteiden avulla. Erityishuomion saavat kulttuuritapahtumat elämystuotteina, penkkiurheilu yhteiskunnallisena ilmiönä sekä erilaiset jalkapalloon liittyvät kulutustavat. Tutkielma on luonteeltaan fenomenologis-etnografinen kuvaileva tutkimus. Tutkimusmenetelminä on käytetty osallistuvaa havainnointia ja haastatteluita. Tutkimusperinteen mukaisesti ilmiön ymmärtäminen, kuvaaminen ja kirjoittaminen ovat tärkeässä osassa. Havainnointiaineisto on kerätty kolmessa eri tapahtumassa seuraamalla katsojien käyttäytymistä ja tunnelman syntymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Haastateltavat on valittu harkinnanvaraisesti jalkapalloa aktiivisesti seuraavista henkilöistä ja menetelmänä on käytetty avoimia teemahaastatteluita. Urheilun vetovoima ajanvietteenä perustuu vahvojen tunteiden herättämiseen, joten penkkiurheilu on elämyskulutusta puhtaimmillaan. Urheilu elämystuotteena on oivallinen, sillä sen lukuisten kulutustapojen lisäksi tapahtumat muodostavat päättymättömän jatkumon. Myös oman aineistoni perusteella osoittautui, että menneiden tapahtumien avulla ankkuroidutaan yhteisöön ja tulevien tapahtumien avulla pidetään innostusta yllä. Pettymysten hetkelläkään koukusta ei haluta irti, sillä jokainen kokemus lisää tunteita omaa urheilulajia ja yhteisöä kohtaan. Urheilutapahtumissa katsojan elämys syntyy subjektiivisen kokemuksen kautta, mutta yhteisö luo elämyksen toteutumisen välttämättömät edellytykset. Jalkapalloyleisöön kuuluvissa henkilöissä yhdistyvät halu kuulua ryhmään ja olla samaan aikaan sen ulkopuolella. Peliä voidaan tarkkailla itsekseen ja keskittyneesti suuren joukon keskellä tai hurrata muiden mukana. Aineistoni perusteella jalkapallofanin innostus pulppuaa kahdesta lähteestä: yhteisöllisyydestä ja kiinnostuksesta lajiin. Yhteisöllisyyden tunne syntyy kuulumisesta globaaliin jalkapalloyhteisöön, oman suosikkijoukkueen kannattajiin ja samaa lajia seuraavien kaverien muodostamaan lähipiiriin. Urheilullinen puoli innostuksesta syntyy kiinnostuksesta jalkapalloa kohtaan lajina, aktiivisesti seuratuista säännöllisistä tapahtumista ja oman joukkueen kannattamisesta. Jalkapallon seuraajiin teoria jatkuvasti muuttuvista uusyhteisöistä pätee melko huonosti, sillä lajille ja seuralle ollaan hyvin uskollisia. Faneille on tärkeää sitoutua pieneen lähiyhteisöön, jonka kanssa heillä on yhteinen historia ja mahdollisuus jakaa kokemuksia keskustelemalla ja muistelemalla.
Soilla on merkittävä rooli ilmastonmuutoksen hillitsemisessä suuren hiilivarastonsa sekä ekosysteemin ja ilmakehän välisen kaasunvaihdon ansiosta. Ilmastonmuutoksen ennustetaan vaikuttavan suokasvillisuuteen ja suon toimintaan epäsuorasti. Vedenpinnan ennustetaan laskevan 14–21 cm johtuen kasveista ja avoimilta pinnoilta tapahtuvan haihdunnan lisääntymisestä lämpötilan noustessa, mikäli sadanta ei lisäänny. Aiemmat vedenpinnan laskun jälkeistä kasvillisuutta seuranneet tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että putkilokasvit hyötyvät alhaisemmasta vedenpinnan tasosta ja että kuljuun sopeutuneet rahkasammalet kärsivät kuivuneista oloista. Kasvillisuuden runsaussuhteiden muuttumisen lisäksi kasviyhteisöjen monimuotoisuus vähenee. Erityisen herkkiä vedenpinnan laskulle ovat olleet välipinta- ja kuljurahkasammalet ja sarat. Funktionaalisten kasviryhmien vasteiden selvittämiksesi käytettiin BACI (before-after-control-impact) –tutkimusotetta. Tutkimuksessa oli kolme verrokkialaa ja kolme käsittelyalaa, joissa vedenpintaa oli laskettu 14–21 senttimetriin. Lisäksi vertailukohdaksi tutkimuksessa oli mukana kolme alaa, joissa oli tehty metsäojitus n. 50 vuotta sitten. Nämä toistot sijaitsivat meso-, oligo ombrotrofisilla suotyypeillä Oriveden Lakkasuolla. Kasvillisuus kartoitettiin ja vedenpinnat mitattiin aloilta ennen käsittelyä vuonna 2000 sekä vuosina 2001–2003 ja 2009. Aineisto analysoitiin TWINSPAN- (PC-Ord), PRC ja DCA (CANOCO)-monimuuttujamenetelmillä. Tulokset osoittivat, että verrokki- ja käsittelyalat olivat samanlaisia lähtökohdiltaan, joten niitä voitiin käsittelyn jälkeen verrata toisiinsa. Kasvillisuuden rakenne vaihteli vuosien välillä myös verrokkialoilla, mikä osoittaa kasvien sopeutumiskyvyn muuttuviin sääoloihin (lämpötila, sademäärä). Vuosi 2003 erottui tutkimuksessa alhaisella vedenpinnantasolla, mutta toisaalta myös ainavihantien varpujen suuren peittävyyden osalta. Vuoteen 2009 mennessä kasvillisuuden erityisesti sarojen peittävyys väheni. Ravinteikkaimmilla toistoilla kasvillisuuden vasteet vaikuttivat olevan vahvemmat kuin vähäravinteisilla toistoilla. Kasviryhmistä kulju- ja välipintasammalilla oli vahvimmat vasteetvedenpinnan laskuun ja mätäslajeilla heikoimmat. Tulosten mukaan kasviryhmien vasteet vaihtelevat riippuen tarkasteltavasta aikajaksosta: ensimmäiset kolme vuotta käsittelyn jälkeen suo oli häiriötilassa ja vasta sen jälkeen kasvillisuus sopeutui muuttuneisiin oloihin.
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between merit pay system and work environment and foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation. There has been a lot of investigation on rewarding. Less research has been done on previous surveys among the merit pay systems and motivation investigations. According to former surveys, rewarding systems cannot be released from its context. Therefore this survey expanded to deal with work environment. It was also essential to investigate different dimensions of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and equity of rewarding. Investigation or work motivation and work satisfaction was challenging because both of these concepts have been investigated under quite traditional frame of reference of work motivation theories. In some surveys, the concepts have not been even separated or they have been used even as synonyms. The data were collected with the 193 foremen working in the profit centers of the different chains of the company in the field of retail trade. The questions were: Are the experiences of merit pay system and work environment related to foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation? Are the backround variables related to foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation? The data collection was carried out by an electronic inquiry during May 2010. 137 replied from foremen working under merit pay system. The research material was analyzed with PASW-software. Various analyzing methods were used: factor analyses, regression analyses and group of different parametric and non-parametric analyses. In contrast to theoretical framework in the factor analyses work satisfaction and work motivation clustered into the same dimension. As a main result the atmosphere, possibilities to influence and the atmosphere of leading were strongly positively related to foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation. According to regression analyses these factors were able to explain 55 % of the foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation. The best explanatory variable was atmosphere. Instead, the backround variables (age, sex, working years, group of profession, education) were not associated with work satisfaction and work motivation.
Aerosol particles have effect on climate, visibility, air quality and human health. However, the strength of which aerosol particles affect our everyday life is not well described or entirely understood. Therefore, investigations of different processes and phenomena including e.g. primary particle sources, initial steps of secondary particle formation and growth, significance of charged particles in particle formation, as well as redistribution mechanisms in the atmosphere are required. In this work sources, sinks and concentrations of air ions (charged molecules, cluster and particles) were investigated directly by measuring air molecule ionising components (i.e. radon activity concentrations and external radiation dose rates) and charged particle size distributions, as well as based on literature review. The obtained results gave comprehensive and valuable picture of the spatial and temporal variation of the air ion sources, sinks and concentrations to use as input parameters in local and global scale climate models. Newly developed air ion spectrometers (Airel Ltd.) offered a possibility to investigate atmospheric (charged) particle formation and growth at sub-3 nm sizes. Therefore, new visual classification schemes for charged particle formation events were developed, and a newly developed particle growth rate method was tested with over one year dataset. These data analysis methods have been widely utilised by other researchers since introducing them. This thesis resulted interesting characteristics of atmospheric particle formation and growth: e.g. particle growth may sometimes be suppressed before detection limit (~ 3 nm) of traditional aerosol instruments, particle formation may take place during daytime as well as in the evening, growth rates of sub-3 nm particles were quite constant throughout the year while growth rates of larger particles (3-20 nm in diameter) were higher during summer compared to winter. These observations were thought to be a consequence of availability of condensing vapours. The observations of this thesis offered new understanding of the particle formation in the atmosphere. However, the role of ions in particle formation, which is not well understood with current knowledge, requires further research in future.
The thesis aims at investigating the local dimension of the EU cohesion policy through the utilization of an alternative approach, which aims at the analysis of discourse and structures of power. The concrete case under analysis is the Interreg IV programme “Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein”, which is conducted in the border region between Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the principality of Liechtenstein. The main research question is stated as such: What governmental rationalities can be found at work in the field of EU cross-border cooperation programmes? How is directive action and cooperation envisioned? How coherent are the different rationalities, which are found at work? The theoretical framework is based on a Foucaultian understanding of power and discourse and utilizes the notion of governmentalities as a way to de-stabilize the understanding of directive action and in order to highlight the dispersed and heterogeneous nature of governmental activity. The approach is situated within the general field of research on the European Union connected to basic conceptualisations such as the nature of power, the role of discourse and modes of subjectification. An approach termed “analytics of government”, based on the work of researchers like Mitchell Dean is introduced as the basic framework for the analysis. Four dimensions (visiblities, subjectivities, techniques/practices, problematisations) are presented as a set of tools with which governmental regimes of practices can be analysed. The empirical part of the thesis starts out with a discussion of the general framework of the European Union's cohesion policy and places the Interreg IV Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein programme in this general context. The main analysis is based on eleven interviews which were conducted with different individuals, participating in the programme on different levels. The selection of interview partners aimed at maximising heterogeneity through including individuals from all parts of the programme region, obtaining different functions within the programme. The analysis reveals interesting aspects pertaining to the implementation and routine aspects of work within initiatives conducted under the heading of the EU cohesion policy. The central aspects of an Interreg IV Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein – governmentality are sketched out. This includes a positive perception of the work atmosphere, administrative/professional characterisation of the selves and a de-politicization of the programme. Characteristic is the experience of tensions by interview partners and the use of discoursive strategies to resolve them. Negative perceptions play an important role for the specific governmental rationality. The thesis contributes to a better understanding of the local dimension of the European Union cohesion policy and questions established ways of thinking about governmental activity. It provides an insight into the working of power mechanisms in the constitution of fields of discourse and points out matters of practical importance as well as subsequent research questions.
This study uses the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model-generated high-resolution 10-day-long predictions for the Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC) 2008. Precipitation forecast skills of the model over the tropics are evaluated against the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) estimates. It has been shown that the model was able to capture the monthly to seasonal mean features of tropical convection reasonably. Northward propagation of convective bands over the Bay of Bengal was also forecasted realistically up to 5 days in advance, including the onset phase of the monsoon during the first half of June 2008. However, large errors exist in the daily datasets especially for longer lead times over smaller domains. For shorter lead times (less than 4-5 days), forecast errors are much smaller over the oceans than over land. Moreover, the rate of increase of errors with lead time is rapid over the oceans and is confined to the regions where observed precipitation shows large day-to-day variability. It has been shown that this rapid growth of errors over the oceans is related to the spatial pattern of near-surface air temperature. This is probably due to the one-way air-sea interaction in the atmosphere-only model used for forecasting. While the prescribed surface temperature over the oceans remain realistic at shorter lead times, the pattern and hence the gradient of the surface temperature is not altered with change in atmospheric parameters at longer lead times. It has also been shown that the ECMWF model had considerable difficulties in forecasting very low and very heavy intensity of precipitation over South Asia. The model has too few grids with ``zero'' precipitation and heavy (>40 mm day(-1)) precipitation. On the other hand, drizzle-like precipitation is too frequent in the model compared to that in the TRMM datasets. Further analysis shows that a major source of error in the ECMWF precipitation forecasts is the diurnal cycle over the South Asian monsoon region. The peak intensity of precipitation in the model forecasts over land (ocean) appear about 6 (9) h earlier than that in the observations. Moreover, the amplitude of the diurnal cycle is much higher in the model forecasts compared to that in the TRMM estimates. It has been seen that the phase error of the diurnal cycle increases with forecast lead time. The error in monthly mean 3-hourly precipitation forecasts is about 2-4 times of the error in the daily mean datasets. Thus, effort should be given to improve the phase and amplitude forecast of the diurnal cycle of precipitation from the model.
On the basis of N(1s) core-level spectroscopic studies, it is found that nitrogen interacts with multimolecular films of C60. More interestingly, mass spectrometric studies show that contact-arc vaporization of graphite in a partial atmosphere of N2 or NH3 yields nitrogenous products tentatively assigned to species such as C70N2, C59N6, C59N4, and C59N2 involving addition of or substitution by nitrogen along with the species due to C2 and C4 losses.
In the first decade of the 21st century, national notables were a significant theme in the Finnish theatre. The lives of artists, in particular, inspired the performances that combined historical and fictional elements. In this study, I focus on the characters of female artists in 18 Finnish plays or performances from the first decade of the 21st century. The study pertains to the field of performance analysis. I approach the characters from three points of view. Firstly, I examine them through the action of performances at the thematic level. Secondly, I concentrate on the forms of relationships between the audience and the half-historical character. Thirdly, I examine the representations of characters and their relationships to the audience using myth as a tool. I approach characters from the frame of feminist phenomenological theatre study but also combine the points of view of other traditions. As a model, I adapt the approach of the theatre researcher Bert O. States, which concentrates on the relation between a play s text and an actor, and between an actor and the public. Furthermore, I use the analysing tools of performance art in an examination of performances counted among the contemporary performance genre. The biographical plays about these artists are concentrated in the domestic sphere and take part in the conversation about the position of women in both the community and private life. They represent the heroines work, love, temptations and hardships. The artists do not carry out heroic acts, being more like everyday heroines whose lives and art were shared with the audience in an aphoristic atmosphere. In the examined performances, criticism of the heterosexual matrix was mainly conservative and the myths of female and male artists differed from each other: the woman artist was presented as a super heroine whose strength often meant sacrifices; the male artist was a weaker figure primarily pursuing his individualistic objectives. The performances proved to be a kind of documentary theatre, a hybrid of truth and fiction. Nonetheless, the constructions of subject and identity mainly represented the characters of the mythical stories and only secondarily gave a faithful rendition of the artists lives. Although these performances were addressed to the general and heterogeneous public, their audience proved to be a strictly predefined group, for which the national myths and the experience of a collective identity emerged as an important theme. The heroine characters offered the audience "safe" idols who ensured the solidity of the community. These performances contained common, shared values and gave the audience an opportunity to feel empathy and to be charmed by the confessions of well-known national characters.
A relatively stable specific complex of the chromatin core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 has been obtained in 2 M NaCl/25 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. The histone core complex has an apparent specific volume of 0.73 ml/g. Its sedimentation coefficient was dependent on rotor speed (angular velocity, omega) and attained different stable values at low and high rotor speeds. The drop in sedimentation coefficient occurred sharply between omega 2 values of about 9 x 10(6) and 1.1 x 10(7) (radians/sec)2. The s020,w corresponding to zero angular velocity (1 atmosphere pressure) was 6.6 S +/- (SEM) 0.1 S. At high rotor speeds the value decreased to 3.8 S +/- 0.1 S. The core complex has a diffusion coefficient, D20,w, of 5.4 x 10(-7) cm2/sec and a molecular weight of 108,000 +/- (SD) 2500.
The Bay of Bengal (BoB), a small oceanic region surrounded by landmasses with distinct natural and anthropogenic activities and under the influence of seasonally changing airmass types, is characterized by a rather complex and highly heterogeneous aerosol environment. Concurrent measurements of the physical, optical, and chemical (offline analysis) properties of BoB aerosols, made onboard extensive ship-cruises and aircraft sorties during Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget of March-April 2006, and satellite-retrieved aerosol optical depths and derived parameters, were synthesized following a synergistic approach to delineate the anthropogenic fraction to the composite aerosol parameters and its spatial variation. Quite interestingly and contrary to the general belief, our studies revealed that, despite of the very high aerosol loading (in the marine atmospheric boundary layer as well as in the vertical column) over the northern BoB and a steep decreasing gradient toward the southern latitudes, the anthropogenic fraction showed a steady increase from North to South (where no obvious anthropogenic source regions exist). Consequently, the direct radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere due to anthropogenic aerosols remained nearly constant over the entire BoB with values in the range from -3.3 to -3.6 Wm(-2). This interesting finding, beyond doubts calls for a better understanding of the complex aerosol system over the BoB through more focused field campaigns.
The paper describes the sensitivity of the simulated precipitation to changes in convective relaxation time scale (TAU) of Zhang and McFarlane (ZM) cumulus parameterization, in NCAR-Community Atmosphere Model version 3 (CAM3). In the default configuration of the model, the prescribed value of TAU, a characteristic time scale with which convective available potential energy (CAPE) is removed at an exponential rate by convection, is assumed to be 1 h. However, some recent observational findings suggest that, it is larger by around one order of magnitude. In order to explore the sensitivity of the model simulation to TAU, two model frameworks have been used, namely, aqua-planet and actual-planet configurations. Numerical integrations have been carried out by using different values of TAU, and its effect on simulated precipitation has been analyzed. The aqua-planet simulations reveal that when TAU increases, rate of deep convective precipitation (DCP) decreases and this leads to an accumulation of convective instability in the atmosphere. Consequently, the moisture content in the lower-and mid-troposphere increases. On the other hand, the shallow convective precipitation (SCP) and large-scale precipitation (LSP) intensify, predominantly the SCP, and thus capping the accumulation of convective instability in the atmosphere. The total precipitation (TP) remains approximately constant, but the proportion of the three components changes significantly, which in turn alters the vertical distribution of total precipitation production. The vertical structure of moist heating changes from a vertically extended profile to a bottom heavy profile, with the increase of TAU. Altitude of the maximum vertical velocity shifts from upper troposphere to lower troposphere. Similar response was seen in the actual-planet simulations. With an increase in TAU from 1 h to 8 h, there was a significant improvement in the simulation of the seasonal mean precipitation. The fraction of deep convective precipitation was in much better agreement with satellite observations.
Several samples of poly(vinyl formal) having the same vinyl alcohol content (8–9%) but varying contents of vinyl acetate (6–22%) and vinyl formol (70–85%) were prepared and subjected to thermogravimetric analysis, in air and nitrogen atmospheres, employing both isothermal and dynamic methods. Kinetic parameters determined from both the isothermal and dynamic TGA data are compared. The activation energy is seen to be largely dependent on the degree of conversion, implying a complex degradation reaction. The activation energy is also much less for degradation in air than in nitrogen, which can be explained by a reaction with oxygen-producing structures favoring degradation. The activation energy is less sensitive to variation in polymer composition for degradation in air than in nitrogen. Thus, in the dynamic process, the activation energy value decreases (from 36 to 23 kcal/mole) with increasing acetate content (from 6 to 22%) in nitrogen atmosphere, while in air the activation energy value increases only moderately (from 21 to 27 kcal/mole) with increasing acetate content (from 6 to 22%). The order of reaction is nearly unity, irrespective of the composition of the polymer, both in air and nitrogen.