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This thesis is focused on the metabolomic study of human cancer tissues by ex vivo High Resolution-Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. This new technique allows for the acquisition of spectra directly on intact tissues (biopsy or surgery), and it has become very important for integrated metabonomics studies. The objective is to identify metabolites that can be used as markers for the discrimination of the different types of cancer, for the grading, and for the assessment of the evolution of the tumour. Furthermore, an attempt to recognize metabolites, that although involved in the metabolism of tumoral tissues in low concentration, can be important modulators of neoplastic proliferation, was performed. In addition, NMR data was integrated with statistical techniques in order to obtain semi-quantitative information about the metabolite markers. In the case of gliomas, the NMR study was correlated with gene expression of neoplastic tissues. Chapter 1 begins with a general description of a new “omics” study, the metabolomics. The study of metabolism can contribute significantly to biomedical research and, ultimately, to clinical medical practice. This rapidly developing discipline involves the study of the metabolome: the total repertoire of small molecules present in cells, tissues, organs, and biological fluids. Metabolomic approaches are becoming increasingly popular in disease diagnosis and will play an important role on improving our understanding of cancer mechanism. Chapter 2 addresses in more detail the basis of NMR Spectroscopy, presenting the new HR-MAS NMR tool, that is gaining importance in the examination of tumour tissues, and in the assessment of tumour grade. Some advanced chemometric methods were used in an attempt to enhance the interpretation and quantitative information of the HR-MAS NMR data are and presented in chapter 3. Chemometric methods seem to have a high potential in the study of human diseases, as it permits the extraction of new and relevant information from spectroscopic data, allowing a better interpretation of the results. Chapter 4 reports results obtained from HR-MAS NMR analyses performed on different brain tumours: medulloblastoma, meningioms and gliomas. The medulloblastoma study is a case report of primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) localised in the cerebellar region by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in a 3-year-old child. In vivo single voxel 1H MRS shows high specificity in detecting the main metabolic alterations in the primitive cerebellar lesion; which consist of very high amounts of the choline-containing compounds and of very low levels of creatine derivatives and N-acetylaspartate. Ex vivo HR-MAS NMR, performed at 9.4 Tesla on the neoplastic specimen collected during surgery, allows the unambiguous identification of several metabolites giving a more in-depth evaluation of the metabolic pattern of the lesion. The ex vivo HR-MAS NMR spectra show higher detail than that obtained in vivo. In addition, the spectroscopic data appear to correlate with some morphological features of the medulloblastoma. The present study shows that ex vivo HR-MAS 1H NMR is able to strongly improve the clinical possibility of in vivo MRS and can be used in conjunction with in vivo spectroscopy for clinical purposes. Three histological subtypes of meningiomas (meningothelial, fibrous and oncocytic) were analysed both by in vivo and ex vivo MRS experiments. The ex vivo HR-MAS investigations are very helpful for the assignment of the in vivo resonances of human meningiomas and for the validation of the quantification procedure of in vivo MR spectra. By using one- and two dimensional experiments, several metabolites in different histological subtypes of meningiomas, were identified. The spectroscopic data confirmed the presence of the typical metabolites of these benign neoplasms and, at the same time, that meningomas with different morphological characteristics have different metabolic profiles, particularly regarding macromolecules and lipids. The profile of total choline metabolites (tCho) and the expression of the Kennedy pathway genes in biopsies of human gliomas were also investigated using HR-MAS NMR, and microfluidic genomic cards. 1H HR-MAS spectra, allowed the resolution and relative quantification by LCModel of the resonances from choline (Cho), phosphorylcholine (PC) and glycerolphorylcholine (GPC), the three main components of the combined tCho peak observed in gliomas by in vivo 1H MRS spectroscopy. All glioma biopsies depicted an increase in tCho as calculated from the addition of Cho, PC and GPC HR-MAS resonances. However, the increase was constantly derived from augmented GPC in low grade NMR gliomas or increased PC content in the high grade gliomas, respectively. This circumstance allowed the unambiguous discrimination of high and low grade gliomas by 1H HR-MAS, which could not be achieved by calculating the tCho/Cr ratio commonly used by in vivo 1H MR spectroscopy. The expression of the genes involved in choline metabolism was investigated in the same biopsies. The present findings offer a convenient procedure to classify accurately glioma grade using 1H HR-MAS, providing in addition the genetic background for the alterations of choline metabolism observed in high and low gliomas grade. Chapter 5 reports the study on human gastrointestinal tract (stomach and colon) neoplasms. The human healthy gastric mucosa, and the characteristics of the biochemical profile of human gastric adenocarcinoma in comparison with that of healthy gastric mucosa were analyzed using ex vivo HR-MAS NMR. Healthy human mucosa is mainly characterized by the presence of small metabolites (more than 50 identified) and macromolecules. The adenocarcinoma spectra were dominated by the presence of signals due to triglycerides, that are usually very low in healthy gastric mucosa. The use of spin-echo experiments enable us to detect some metabolites in the unhealthy tissues and to determine their variation with respect to the healthy ones. Then, the ex vivo HR-MAS NMR analysis was applied to human gastric tissue, to obtain information on the molecular steps involved in the gastric carcinogenesis. A microscopic investigation was also carried out in order to identify and locate the lipids in the cellular and extra-cellular environments. Correlation of the morphological changes detected by transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscopy, with the metabolic profile of gastric mucosa in healthy, gastric atrophy autoimmune diseases (AAG), Helicobacter pylori-related gastritis and adenocarcinoma subjects, were obtained. These ultrastructural studies of AAG and gastric adenocarcinoma revealed lipid intra- and extra-cellularly accumulation associated with a severe prenecrotic hypoxia and mitochondrial degeneration. A deep insight into the metabolic profile of human healthy and neoplastic colon tissues was gained using ex vivo HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy in combination with multivariate methods: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA). The NMR spectra of healthy tissues highlight different metabolic profiles with respect to those of neoplastic and microscopically normal colon specimens (these last obtained at least 15 cm far from the adenocarcinoma). Furthermore, metabolic variations are detected not only for neoplastic tissues with different histological diagnosis, but also for those classified identical by histological analysis. These findings suggest that the same subclass of colon carcinoma is characterized, at a certain degree, by metabolic heterogeneity. The statistical multivariate approach applied to the NMR data is crucial in order to find metabolic markers of the neoplastic state of colon tissues, and to correctly classify the samples. Significant different levels of choline containing compounds, taurine and myoinositol, were observed. Chapter 6 deals with the metabolic profile of normal and tumoral renal human tissues obtained by ex vivo HR-MAS NMR. The spectra of human normal cortex and medulla show the presence of differently distributed osmolytes as markers of physiological renal condition. The marked decrease or disappearance of these metabolites and the high lipid content (triglycerides and cholesteryl esters) is typical of clear cell renal carcinoma (RCC), while papillary RCC is characterized by the absence of lipids and very high amounts of taurine. This research is a contribution to the biochemical classification of renal neoplastic pathologies, especially for RCCs, which can be evaluated by in vivo MRS for clinical purposes. Moreover, these data help to gain a better knowledge of the molecular processes envolved in the onset of renal carcinogenesis.
In questa tesi si è voluta porre l’attenzione sulla suscettibilità alle alte temperature delle resine che li compongono. Lo studio del comportamento alle alte temperature delle resine utilizzate per l’applicazione dei materiali compositi è risultato un campo di studio ancora non completamente sviluppato, nel quale c’è ancora necessità di ricerche per meglio chiarire alcuni aspetti del comportamento. L’analisi di questi materiali si sviluppa partendo dal contesto storico, e procedendo successivamente ad una accurata classificazione delle varie tipologie di materiali compositi soffermandosi sull’ utilizzo nel campo civile degli FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) e mettendone in risalto le proprietà meccaniche. Considerata l’influenza che il comportamento delle resine riveste nel comportamento alle alte temperature dei materiali compositi si è, per questi elementi, eseguita una classificazione in base alle loro proprietà fisico-chimiche e ne sono state esaminate le principali proprietà meccaniche e termiche quali il modulo elastico, la tensione di rottura, la temperatura di transizione vetrosa e il fenomeno del creep. Sono state successivamente eseguite delle prove sperimentali, effettuate presso il Laboratorio Resistenza Materiali e presso il Laboratorio del Dipartimento di Chimica Applicata e Scienza dei Materiali, su dei provini confezionati con otto differenti resine epossidiche. Per valutarne il comportamento alle alte temperature, le indagini sperimentali hanno valutato dapprima le temperature di transizione vetrosa delle resine in questione e, in seguito, le loro caratteristiche meccaniche. Dalla correlazione dei dati rilevati si sono cercati possibili legami tra le caratteristiche meccaniche e le proprietà termiche delle resine. Si sono infine valutati gli aspetti dell’applicazione degli FRP che possano influire sul comportamento del materiale composito soggetto alle alte temperature valutando delle possibili precauzioni che possano essere considerate in fase progettuale.
Motivation An actual issue of great interest, both under a theoretical and an applicative perspective, is the analysis of biological sequences for disclosing the information that they encode. The development of new technologies for genome sequencing in the last years, opened new fundamental problems since huge amounts of biological data still deserve an interpretation. Indeed, the sequencing is only the first step of the genome annotation process that consists in the assignment of biological information to each sequence. Hence given the large amount of available data, in silico methods became useful and necessary in order to extract relevant information from sequences. The availability of data from Genome Projects gave rise to new strategies for tackling the basic problems of computational biology such as the determination of the tridimensional structures of proteins, their biological function and their reciprocal interactions. Results The aim of this work has been the implementation of predictive methods that allow the extraction of information on the properties of genomes and proteins starting from the nucleotide and aminoacidic sequences, by taking advantage of the information provided by the comparison of the genome sequences from different species. In the first part of the work a comprehensive large scale genome comparison of 599 organisms is described. 2,6 million of sequences coming from 551 prokaryotic and 48 eukaryotic genomes were aligned and clustered on the basis of their sequence identity. This procedure led to the identification of classes of proteins that are peculiar to the different groups of organisms. Moreover the adopted similarity threshold produced clusters that are homogeneous on the structural point of view and that can be used for structural annotation of uncharacterized sequences. The second part of the work focuses on the characterization of thermostable proteins and on the development of tools able to predict the thermostability of a protein starting from its sequence. By means of Principal Component Analysis the codon composition of a non redundant database comprising 116 prokaryotic genomes has been analyzed and it has been showed that a cross genomic approach can allow the extraction of common determinants of thermostability at the genome level, leading to an overall accuracy in discriminating thermophilic coding sequences equal to 95%. This result outperform those obtained in previous studies. Moreover, we investigated the effect of multiple mutations on protein thermostability. This issue is of great importance in the field of protein engineering, since thermostable proteins are generally more suitable than their mesostable counterparts in technological applications. A Support Vector Machine based method has been trained to predict if a set of mutations can enhance the thermostability of a given protein sequence. The developed predictor achieves 88% accuracy.
Oggetto della ricerca è il tema dello spazio delle centrali idroelettriche costruite nella prima metà del Novecento dagli architetti Giovanni Muzio e Piero Portaluppi. L’individuazione del tema sorge dalla volontà di indagare quali siano stati gli sviluppi dal punto di vista architettonico all’interno di un genere così specifico durante un periodo di tempo in cui gli stili architettonici e le tendenze hanno subito stravolgimenti ed evoluzioni che ancora oggi trovano una difficile connotazione e definizione precisa. L’analisi dell’architettura delle centrali idroelettriche, effettuata ripercorrendo le principali vicende del settore idroelettrico dalla fine del secolo scorso al secondo dopoguerra, oltre a considerare il rapporto con il contesto territoriale e culturale del nostro Paese vuole prendere in considerazione anche il particolare rapporto che in più casi si è venuto a creare tra committenti e progettisti. Compito della tesi è rileggere un settore poco indagato finora e capire se vi sia stata effettivamente una evoluzione architettonica dal punto di vista tipologico o se la centrale sia stata sempre affrontata come semplice esercizio di “vestizione” di un involucro precostituito da precise esigenze tecniche. La ricerca infatti si pone come obiettivo lo studio delle centrali non solo dal punto di vista tipologico e spaziale dei suoi principali elementi, ma si pone come obiettivo anche lo studio della loro distribuzione nel sito in cui sono sorte, distribuzione che spesso ha portato alla formazione di una sorta di vera e propria “città elettrica”, in cui la composizione dei vari elementi segue una logica compositiva ben precisa. Dal punto di vista del contributo originale la ricerca vuole proporre una serie di riflessioni ed elaborati inerenti alcune centrali non ancora indagate. Nel caso specifico di Portaluppi l’apporto originale consiste nell’aver portato alla luce notizie inerenti centrali che sono sempre state poste in secondo piano rispetto le ben più note e studiate centrali della Val d’Ossola. Nel caso invece di Muzio il contributo consiste in una analisi approfondita e in una comparazione di documenti che di solito sono sempre stati pubblicati come semplice apparato iconografico, ma che messi a confronto danno una lettura di quelle che sono state le fasi e le elaborazioni progettuali apportate dall’autore. Il tema della ricerca è stato affrontato poi attraverso una lettura delle fonti dirette relative agli scritti degli autori, con una contemporanea lettura di testi, articoli e interventi tratti dalle riviste appartenenti al periodo in esame per comprendere al meglio il panorama culturale e architettonico che hanno fatto da scenario alle esperienze di entrambe le figure oggetto di studio. Infine la ricerca si è concentrata sull’analisi di alcune opere in particolare - due centrali idroelettriche per ciascun autore oggetto della tesi - scelte perché considerate rappresentative sia per impianto spaziale e tipologico, sia per le scelte compositive e stilistiche adottate. La lettura dei manufatti architettonici scelti è stata condotta con l’analisi di copie di elaborati grafici originali, foto d’epoca e altri documenti reperiti grazie ad una ricerca condotta in vari archivi. Le centrali scelte nell’ambito delle esperienze maturate da Muzio e Portaluppi sono state individuate per rappresentare il quadro relativo allo sviluppo e alla ricerca di un nuovo linguaggio formale da adottare nell’ambito dell’architettura di questi manufatti. Per entrambi i protagonisti oggetto della ricerca sono state individuate due centrali in grado di dare una visione il più possibile completa dell’evoluzione della tematica delle centrali idroelettriche all’interno della loro esperienza, prendendo in considerazione soprattutto gli aspetti legati all’evoluzione del loro linguaggio compositivo e stilistico. L’individuazione delle centrali da analizzare è stata dettata prendendo in considerazione alcuni fattori come il tipo di impianto, le relazioni e confronto con il contesto geografico e naturale e le soluzioni adottate.
The present work tries to display a comprehensive and comparative study of the different legal and regulatory problems involved in international securitization transactions. First, an introduction to securitization is provided, with the basic elements of the transaction, followed by the different varieties of it, including dynamic securitization and synthetic securitization structures. Together with this introduction to the intricacies of the structure, a insight into the influence of securitization in the financial and economic crisis of 2007-2009 is provided too; as well as an overview of the process of regulatory competition and cooperation that constitutes the framework for the international aspects of securitization. The next Chapter focuses on the aspects that constitute the foundations of structured finance: the inception of the vehicle, and the transfer of risks associated to the securitized assets, with particular emphasis on the validity of those elements, and how a securitization transaction could be threatened at its root. In this sense, special importance is given to the validity of the trust as an instrument of finance, to the assignment of future receivables or receivables in block, and to the importance of formalities for the validity of corporations, trusts, assignments, etc., and the interaction of such formalities contained in general corporate, trust and assignment law with those contemplated under specific securitization regulations. Then, the next Chapter (III) focuses on creditor protection aspects. As such, we provide some insights on the debate on the capital structure of the firm, and its inadequacy to assess the financial soundness problems inherent to securitization. Then, we proceed to analyze the importance of rules on creditor protection in the context of securitization. The corollary is in the rules in case of insolvency. In this sense, we divide the cases where a party involved in the transaction goes bankrupt, from those where the transaction itself collapses. Finally, we focus on the scenario where a substance over form analysis may compromise some of the elements of the structure (notably the limited liability of the sponsor, and/or the transfer of assets) by means of veil piercing, substantive consolidation, or recharacterization theories. Once these elements have been covered, the next Chapters focus on the regulatory aspects involved in the transaction. Chapter IV is more referred to “market” regulations, i.e. those concerned with information disclosure and other rules (appointment of the indenture trustee, and elaboration of a rating by a rating agency) concerning the offering of asset-backed securities to the public. Chapter V, on the other hand, focuses on “prudential” regulation of the entity entrusted with securitizing assets (the so-called Special Purpose vehicle), and other entities involved in the process. Regarding the SPV, a reference is made to licensing requirements, restriction of activities and governance structures to prevent abuses. Regarding the sponsor of the transaction, a focus is made on provisions on sound originating practices, and the servicing function. Finally, we study accounting and banking regulations, including the Basel I and Basel II Frameworks, which determine the consolidation of the SPV, and the de-recognition of the securitized asset from the originating company’s balance-sheet, as well as the posterior treatment of those assets, in particular by banks. Chapters VI-IX are concerned with liability matters. Chapter VI is an introduction to the different sources of liability. Chapter VII focuses on the liability by the SPV and its management for the information supplied to investors, the management of the asset pool, and the breach of loyalty (or fiduciary) duties. Chapter VIII rather refers to the liability of the originator as a result of such information and statements, but also as a result of inadequate and reckless originating or servicing practices. Chapter IX finally focuses on third parties entrusted with the soundness of the transaction towards the market, the so-called gatekeepers. In this respect, we make special emphasis on the liability of indenture trustees, underwriters and rating agencies. Chapters X and XI focus on the international aspects of securitization. Chapter X contains a conflicts of laws analysis of the different aspects of structured finance. In this respect, a study is made of the laws applicable to the vehicle, to the transfer of risks (either by assignment or by means of derivatives contracts), to liability issues; and a study is also made of the competent jurisdiction (and applicable law) in bankruptcy cases; as well as in cases where a substance-over-form is performed. Then, special attention is also devoted to the role of financial and securities regulations; as well as to their territorial limits, and extraterritoriality problems involved. Chapter XI supplements the prior Chapter, for it analyzes the limits to the States’ exercise of regulatory power by the personal and “market” freedoms included in the US Constitution or the EU Treaties. A reference is also made to the (still insufficient) rules from the WTO Framework, and their significance to the States’ recognition and regulation of securitization transactions.
Until recently the debate on the ontology of spacetime had only a philosophical significance, since, from a physical point of view, General Relativity has been made "immune" to the consequences of the "Hole Argument" simply by reducing the subject to the assertion that solutions of Einstein equations which are mathematically different and related by an active diffeomorfism are physically equivalent. From a technical point of view, the natural reading of the consequences of the "Hole Argument” has always been to go further and say that the mathematical representation of spacetime in General Relativity inevitably contains a “superfluous structure” brought to light by the gauge freedom of the theory. This position of apparent split between the philosophical outcome and the physical one has been corrected thanks to a meticulous and complicated formal analysis of the theory in a fundamental and recent (2006) work by Luca Lusanna and Massimo Pauri entitled “Explaining Leibniz equivalence as difference of non-inertial appearances: dis-solution of the Hole Argument and physical individuation of point-events”. The main result of this article is that of having shown how, from a physical point of view, point-events of Einstein empty spacetime, in a particular class of models considered by them, are literally identifiable with the autonomous degrees of freedom of the gravitational field (the Dirac observables, DO). In the light of philosophical considerations based on realism assumptions of the theories and entities, the two authors then conclude by saying that spacetime point-events have a degree of "weak objectivity", since they, depending on a NIF (non-inertial frame), unlike the points of the homogeneous newtonian space, are plunged in a rich and complex non-local holistic structure provided by the “ontic part” of the metric field. Therefore according to the complex structure of spacetime that General Relativity highlights and within the declared limits of a methodology based on a Galilean scientific representation, we can certainly assert that spacetime has got "elements of reality", but the inevitably relational elements that are in the physical detection of point-events in the vacuum of matter (highlighted by the “ontic part” of the metric field, the DO) are closely dependent on the choice of the global spatiotemporal laboratory where the dynamics is expressed (NIF). According to the two authors, a peculiar kind of structuralism takes shape: the point structuralism, with common features both of the absolutist and substantival tradition and of the relationalist one. The intention of this thesis is that of proposing a method of approaching the problem that is, at least at the beginning, independent from the previous ones, that is to propose an approach based on the possibility of describing the gravitational field at three distinct levels. In other words, keeping the results achieved by the work of Lusanna and Pauri in mind and following their underlying philosophical assumptions, we intend to partially converge to their structuralist approach, but starting from what we believe is the "foundational peculiarity" of General Relativity, which is that characteristic inherent in the elements that constitute its formal structure: its essentially geometric nature as a theory considered regardless of the empirical necessity of the measure theory. Observing the theory of General Relativity from this perspective, we can find a "triple modality" for describing the gravitational field that is essentially based on a geometric interpretation of the spacetime structure. The gravitational field is now "visible" no longer in terms of its autonomous degrees of freedom (the DO), which, in fact, do not have a tensorial and, therefore, nor geometric nature, but it is analyzable through three levels: a first one, called the potential level (which the theory identifies with the components of the metric tensor), a second one, known as the connections level (which in the theory determine the forces acting on the mass and, as such, offer a level of description related to the one that the newtonian gravitation provides in terms of components of the gravitational field) and, finally, a third level, that of the Riemann tensor, which is peculiar to General Relativity only. Focusing from the beginning on what is called the "third level" seems to present immediately a first advantage: to lead directly to a description of spacetime properties in terms of gauge-invariant quantites, which allows to "short circuit" the long path that, in the treatises analyzed, leads to identify the "ontic part” of the metric field. It is then shown how to this last level it is possible to establish a “primitive level of objectivity” of spacetime in terms of the effects that matter exercises in extended domains of spacetime geometrical structure; these effects are described by invariants of the Riemann tensor, in particular of its irreducible part: the Weyl tensor. The convergence towards the affirmation by Lusanna and Pauri that the existence of a holistic, non-local and relational structure from which the properties quantitatively identified of point-events depend (in addition to their own intrinsic detection), even if it is obtained from different considerations, is realized, in our opinion, in the assignment of a crucial role to the degree of curvature of spacetime that is defined by the Weyl tensor even in the case of empty spacetimes (as in the analysis conducted by Lusanna and Pauri). In the end, matter, regarded as the physical counterpart of spacetime curvature, whose expression is the Weyl tensor, changes the value of this tensor even in spacetimes without matter. In this way, going back to the approach of Lusanna and Pauri, it affects the DOs evolution and, consequently, the physical identification of point-events (as our authors claim). In conclusion, we think that it is possible to see the holistic, relational, and non-local structure of spacetime also through the "behavior" of the Weyl tensor in terms of the Riemann tensor. This "behavior" that leads to geometrical effects of curvature is characterized from the beginning by the fact that it concerns extensive domains of the manifold (although it should be pointed out that the values of the Weyl tensor change from point to point) by virtue of the fact that the action of matter elsewhere indefinitely acts. Finally, we think that the characteristic relationality of spacetime structure should be identified in this "primitive level of organization" of spacetime.
La ricerca si propone un duplice obbiettivo: 1. provare, attraverso l’applicazione di un metodo teorico tradizionale di analisi economico-finanziaria, il livello ottimale di equilibrio finanziario fra accesso al credito esterno e capitale proprio; 2. mostrare l’utilità di alcuni strumenti finanziari partecipativi per la ricapitalizzazione dell’impresa cooperativa. Oggetto di studio è l’impresa cooperativa che si occupa di una o più fasi del processo di lavorazione, trasformazione e prima commercializzazione del prodotto agricolo conferito dai soci, confrontata con le imprese di capitali che svolgono la medesima attività. La società cooperativa e quella capitalistica saranno, pertanto analizzate in termini di liquidità generata, redditività prodotta e grado di indebitamento, attraverso il calcolo e l’analisi di una serie di indici, tratti dai rispettivi bilanci d’esercizio. È opportuno sottolineare che nella seguente trattazione sarà riservato uno spazio al tema della ricerca del valore nell’impresa cooperativa inteso come espressione della ricchezza creata dai processi aziendali in un determinato periodo di tempo tentando di definire, se esiste, una struttura finanziaria ottimale , ossia uno specifico rapporto tra indebitamento finanziario e mezzi propri, che massimizzi il valore dell’impresa. L’attenzione verso la struttura finanziaria, pertanto, non sarà solo rivolta al costo esplicito del debito o dell’equity, ma si estenderà anche alle implicazioni delle scelte di finanziamento sulle modalità di governo dell’impresa. Infatti molti studi di economia aziendale, e in particolar modo di gestione d’impresa e finanza aziendale, hanno trattato il tema dell’attività di governo dell’impresa, quale elemento in grado di contribuire alla creazione di valore non solo attraverso la selezione dei progetti d’investimento ma anche attraverso la composizione della struttura finanziaria.
The central aim of this thesis work is the application and further development of a hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) based approach to compute spectroscopic properties of molecules in complex chemical environments from electronic structure theory. In the framework of this thesis, an existing density functional theory implementation of the QM/MM approach is first used to calculate the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) solvent shifts of an adenine molecule in aqueous solution. The findings show that the aqueous solvation with its strongly fluctuating hydrogen bond network leads to specific changes in the NMR resonance lines. Besides the absolute values, also the ordering of the NMR lines changes under the influence of the solvating water molecules. Without the QM/MM scheme, a quantum chemical calculation could have led to an incorrect assignment of these lines. The second part of this thesis describes a methodological improvement of the QM/MM method that is designed for cases in which a covalent chemical bond crosses the QM/MM boundary. The development consists in an automatized protocol to optimize a so-called capping potential that saturates the electronic subsystem in the QM region. The optimization scheme is capable of tuning the parameters in such a way that the deviations of the electronic orbitals between the regular and the truncated (and "capped") molecule are minimized. This in turn results in a considerable improvement of the structural and spectroscopic parameters when computed with the new optimized capping potential within the QM/MM technique. This optimization scheme is applied and benchmarked on the example of truncated carbon-carbon bonds in a set of small test molecules. It turns out that the optimized capping potentials yield an excellent agreement of NMR chemical shifts and protonation energies with respect to the corresponding full molecules. These results are very promising, so that the application to larger biological complexes will significantly improve the reliability of the prediction of the related spectroscopic properties.
The work presented in this thesis deals with complex materials, which were obtained by self-assembly of monodisperse colloidal particles, also called colloidal crystallization. Two main fields of interest were investigated, the first dealing with the fabrication of colloidal monolayers and nanostructures, which derive there from. The second turned the focus on the phononic properties of colloidal particles, crystals, and glasses. For the fabrication of colloidal monolayers a method is introduced, which is based on the sparse distribution of dry colloidal particles on a parent substrate. In the ensuing floating step the colloidal monolayer assembles readily at the three-phase-contact line, giving a 2D hexagonally ordered film under the right conditions. The unique feature of this fabrication process is an anisotropic shrinkage, which occurs alongside with the floating step. This phenomenon is exploited for the tailored structuring of colloidal monolayers, leading to designed hetero-monolayers by inkjet printing. Furthermore, the mechanical stability of the floating monolayers allows the deposition on hydrophobic substrates, which enables the fabrication of ultraflat nanostructured surfaces. Densely packed arrays of crescent shaped nanoparticles have also been synthesized. It is possible to stack those arrays in a 3D manner allowing to mutually orientate the individual layers. In a step towards 3D mesoporous materials a methodology to synthesize hierarchically structured inverse opals is introduced. The deposition of colloidal particles in the free voids of a host inverse opal allows for the fabrication of composite inverse opals on two length scales. The phononic properties of colloidal crystals and films are characterized by Brillouin light scattering (BLS). At first the resonant modes of colloidal particles consisting of polystyrene, a copolymer of methylmethacrylate and butylacrylate, or of a silica core-PMMA shell topography are investigated, giving insight into their individual mechanical properties. The infiltration of colloidal films with an index matching liquid allows measuring the phonon dispersion relation. This leads to the assignment of band gaps to the material under investigation. Here, two band gaps could be found, one originating from the fcc order in the colloidal crystal (Bragg gap), the other stemming from the vibrational eigenmodes of the colloidal particles (hybridization gap).
La presente ricerca mira ad individuare e risolvere alcuni problemi di inquadramento e di disciplina applicabile in ordine all’istituto regolato dall’art. 8 della legge n. 40/2007, con successive modificazioni ed integrazioni, definito a livello normativo come «portabilità del mutuo». In particolare, ci si è chiesti come la nuova normativa in tema di trasferibilità del mutuo possa inserirsi all’interno della disciplina della surrogazione se quest’ultima non venga considerata come possibile strumento di circolazione del credito e se ci si possa spingere fino a considerare l’art. 8 come una riscrittura moderna dell’istituto codicistico. Sebbene l’art. 8 non sia stato limitato ai finanziamenti ipotecari, tali istituti costituiscono il principale ambito di applicazione della normativa. Per questa ragione si è sostenuto che la disposizione, più che la «portabilità del mutuo», avrebbe lo scopo di incentivare la «portabilità dell’ipoteca», intendendosi quest’ultima come la surrogazione del nuovo finanziatore nel credito ipotecario, ovvero più specificamente nell’ipoteca, ai sensi dell’art. 1202 c.c. Lo studio dei riflessi della surrogazione, così come prevista dalla legge del 2007, sulle garanzie in generale e sull’ipoteca in particolare, ha mostrato come il legislatore, tramite l’introduzione di una disciplina semplificata, abbia inteso adeguare gli istituti giuridici tradizionali alle esigenze pratiche di flessibilità del mercato del credito; ciò tuttavia con scarso successo e lasciando aperti taluni dubbi interpretativi. Al fine di approfondire la ricerca, si è affrontata la materia oggetto di studio in un’ottica comparata, rilevando quali siano a livello europeo le principali differenze in tema di circolazione del credito, portabilità del mutuo e trasferibilità delle garanzie.
Die vorliegende Dissertation entstand im Rahmen eines multizentrischen EU-geförderten Projektes, das die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Einzelnukleotid-Polymorphismen (SNPs) zur Individualisierung von Personen im Kontext der Zuordnung von biologischen Tatortspuren oder auch bei der Identifizierung unbekannter Toter behandelt. Die übergeordnete Zielsetzung des Projektes bestand darin, hochauflösende Genotypisierungsmethoden zu etablieren und zu validieren, die mit hoher Genauigkeit aber geringen Aufwand SNPs im Multiplexformat simultan analysieren können. Zunächst wurden 29 Y-chromosomale und 52 autosomale SNPs unter der Anforderung ausgewählt, dass sie als Multiplex eine möglichst hohe Individualisierungschance aufweisen. Anschließend folgten die Validierungen beider Multiplex-Systeme und der SNaPshot™-Minisequenzierungsmethode in systematischen Studien unter Beteiligung aller Arbeitsgruppen des Projektes. Die validierte Referenzmethode auf der Basis einer Minisequenzierung diente einerseits für die kontrollierte Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Laboratorien und andererseits als Grundlage für die Entwicklung eines Assays zur SNP-Genotypisierung mittels der elektronischen Microarray-Technologie in dieser Arbeit. Der eigenständige Hauptteil dieser Dissertation beschreibt unter Verwendung der zuvor validierten autosomalen SNPs die Neuentwicklung und Validierung eines Hybridisierungsassays für die elektronische Microarray-Plattform der Firma Nanogen Dazu wurden im Vorfeld drei verschiedene Assays etabliert, die sich im Funktionsprinzip auf dem Microarray unterscheiden. Davon wurde leistungsorientiert das Capture down-Assay zur Weiterentwicklung ausgewählt. Nach zahlreichen Optimierungsmaßnahmen hinsichtlich PCR-Produktbehandlung, gerätespezifischer Abläufe und analysespezifischer Oligonukleotiddesigns stand das Capture down-Assay zur simultanen Typisierung von drei Individuen mit je 32 SNPs auf einem Microarray bereit. Anschließend wurde dieses Verfahren anhand von 40 DNA-Proben mit bekannten Genotypen für die 32 SNPs validiert und durch parallele SNaPshot™-Typisierung die Genauigkeit bestimmt. Das Ergebnis beweist nicht nur die Eignung des validierten Analyseassays und der elektronischen Microarray-Technologie für bestimmte Fragestellungen, sondern zeigt auch deren Vorteile in Bezug auf Schnelligkeit, Flexibilität und Effizienz. Die Automatisierung, welche die räumliche Anordnung der zu untersuchenden Fragmente unmittelbar vor der Analyse ermöglicht, reduziert unnötige Arbeitsschritte und damit die Fehlerhäufigkeit und Kontaminationsgefahr bei verbesserter Zeiteffizienz. Mit einer maximal erreichten Genauigkeit von 94% kann die Zuverlässigkeit der in der forensischen Genetik aktuell eingesetzten STR-Systeme jedoch noch nicht erreicht werden. Die Rolle des neuen Verfahrens wird damit nicht in einer Ablösung der etablierten Methoden, sondern in einer Ergänzung zur Lösung spezieller Probleme wie z.B. der Untersuchung stark degradierter DNA-Spuren zu finden sein.
La tesi indaga il significato del concetto di “preesistenze ambientali” nel pensiero teorico dell’architetto Ernesto Nathan Rogers. Il tema è scelto come punto di vista privilegiato per indagare il contributo di Rogers al dibattito sull’eredità del Movimento Moderno in un momento, il secondo dopoguerra, in cui si intensifica la necessità di soffermare l’attenzione delle riflessioni teoriche sulle relazioni tra ambiente e progetto. Il problema fu inteso come la ricerca di un linguaggio adeguato all’era macchinista e di un ordine formale per lo sviluppo urbano recente da costruire in funzione del suo rapporto con la città consolidata. Esso fu sviluppato, all’interno dell’opera teorica rogersiana, come riflessione sulla dialettica contrapposizione tra intuizione e trasmissione del sapere, contingenza e universalità. La tesi mostra le ricche connessioni culturali tramite cui tale dialettica è capace di animare un discorso unitario che va dall’insegnamento del Movimento Moderno alle ricerche tipologiche e urbane della cultura italiana degli anni Sessanta. Riportando il concetto di preesistenze ambientali alla sua accezione originale, da un lato attraverso la ricostruzione delle relazioni intellettuali instaurate da Rogers con il Movimento Moderno e i CIAM, dall’altro mediante l’approfondimento del progetto editoriale costruito durante la direzione della rivista “Casabella continuità”, la tesi intende conferire alla nozione il valore di un contributo importante alla teoria della progettazione architettonica urbana. Il concetto di preesistenze ambientali diventa così la chiave analitica per indagare, in particolare, l’influenza del dibattito dell’VIII CIAM su Il Cuore della città e della partecipazione di Rogers al lavoro di redazione dell’Estudio del Plan di Buenos Aires nel 1948-1949 nella maturazione del progetto editoriale di “Casabella continuità” (1954-1965) attraverso l’attribuzione di un preciso valore all’archetipo, alla fenomenologia e alla tradizione nella definizione del rapporto architettura e storia.
Le considerazioni sviluppate in questo scritto si pongono come obiettivo quello di fare chiarezza sul delicato tema delle opere di urbanizzazione a scomputo. La normativa concernente la realizzazione delle opere pubbliche a scomputo totale o parziale degli oneri di urbanizzazione è stata oggetto di svariate modifiche e interpretazioni giurisprudenziali, che si sono susseguite dopo l'importante pronuncia della Corte di Giustizia Europea. E' con questa sentenza che i Giudici del Kirchberg introducono un particolare obbligo procedurale a carico dei privati: nel caso in cui singole opere superino i valori di rilevanza europea, esse devono essere affidate, applicando le procedure di gara previste dalla direttiva 37/93/CEE. Va precisato che sino a quel momento l'affidamento diretto delle opere al privato costituiva nell'ottica del Legislatore lo strumento per realizzare le infrastrutture necessarie per consentire gli insediamenti edilizi che la pubblica amministrazione spesso non era in grado di effettuare. In questo panorama legislativo la sentenza della Corte di Giustizia, appare del tutto dirompente. Infatti, introducendo il principio secondo cui anche la realizzazione diretta delle opere di urbanizzazione da parte del privato deve sottostare alle regole delle procedure europee in materia di appalti, mette inevitabilmente a confronto due normative, quella degli appalti pubblici e quella dell'urbanistica, che sino a quel momento erano riuscite a viaggiare in modo parallelo, senza dar luogo a reciproche sovrapposizioni. Il Legislatore nazionale ha, con molta fatica, recepito il principio comunitario ed è stato negli anni quasi costretto, attraverso una serie di modifiche legislative, ad ampliarne la portata. La presente ricerca, dopo aver analizzato i vari correttivi apportati al Codice degli appalti pubblici vuole, quindi, verificare se l'attuale quadro normativo rappresenti un vero punto di equilibrio tra le contrapposte esigenze di pianificazione del territorio e di rispetto dei principi comunitari di concorrenza nella scelta del contraente.
La tesi di ricerca ha portato alla realizzazione di un’edizione critica del Giappone di Daniello Bartoli (1660): per la prima volta la «seconda parte» dell’Asia trova, in questo lavoro, una trascrizione integrale condotta con moderni criteri filologi. Quanto all’esegesi la ricerca ha visto la compilazione di tre «Schedari»: un «Indice dei nomi», che vede l’identificazione dei personaggi storici citati esplicitamente nell’opera, ne traccia un rapido profilo biografico e ne fornisce precisa e aggiornata bibliografia. Per quanto riguarda i missionari evocati dall’autore nel testo, questa sezione indica se (e dove) si tratta di personaggio o di fonte (registrando, nel caso, il luogo o i luoghi in cui Bartoli ricorre a tale testimonianza); un «Indice dei luoghi», che dà l’indicazione moderna del luogo citato e ne fornisce il riscontro con i repertori più aggiornati; un «Lessico» riservato ai termini giapponesi presenti nel testo che vengono spiegati e, là dove possibile, studiati nella loro storia, nella loro presenza nella coeva letteratura di viaggio e corredati di utili riferimenti bibliografici. Le pagine introduttive inquadrano l’opera di Bartoli sia nell’orizzonte biografico dell’autore sia nel milieu gesuitico barocco, fornendo puntuali coordinate storiche grazie alle quali recuperare il più ampio contesto delle missioni gesuitiche nell’Estremo Oriente tra Cinque e Seicento. Particolare attenzione è stata riservata al modo di intendere il compito dello storico da parte di Bartoli: una storiografia la sua che s’intreccia in modi affatto peculiari alle diverse forme stilistiche e dinamiche retoriche richieste dalle altre due grandi attività a cui egli dedicò impegno e passione: l’insegnamento e la predicazione.
This dissertation introduces and develops a new method of rational reconstruction called structural heuristics. Structural heuristics takes assignment of structure to any given object of investigation as the starting point for its rational reconstruction. This means to look at any given object as a system of relations and of transformation laws for those relations. The operational content of this heuristics can be summarized as follows: when facing any given system the best way to approach it is to explicitly look for a possible structure of it. The utilization of structural heuristics allows structural awareness, which is considered a fundamental epistemic disposition, as well as a fundamental condition for the rational reconstruction of systems of knowledge. In this dissertation, structural heuristics is applied to reconstructing the domain of economic knowledge. This is done by exploring four distinct areas of economic research: (i) economic axiomatics; (ii) realism in economics; (iii) production theory; (iv) economic psychology. The application of structural heuristics to these fields of economic inquiry shows the flexibility and potential of structural heuristics as epistemic tool for theoretical exploration and reconstruction.