837 resultados para Aristóteles, Comentaris


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Em 1492, com o objetivo de adquirir riquezas e expansão territorial, os espanhóis chegaram à América Latina. Para tanto, rapidamente implantaram o seu sistema de governo, cultura e religião. Este processo só foi possível por meio da guerra. Para legitimá-la, foi necessário a reelaboração e a inversão de um antigo conceito de guerra e a sua consequente instauração nas terras recém ocupadas. O uso do conceito de Guerra Justa na América Latina, entre os anos1492 a 1566, fundamentava-se na história das conquistas romanas, filosofia de Aristóteles, teologia de Agostinho e Tomás de Aquino, nas leis jurídicas, Escrituras Sagradas e nas armas. Ao ser aplicado nas províncias indígenas, o conceito de Guerra Justa proporcionou efeitos trágicos pela sua violência. Ocorreram mortes de inocentes, invasão das terras, posse das riquezas, escravidão, destruição da cultura e da religião dos indígenas. Diante destes fatores, as divergências e debates tornaram-se inevitáveis. Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, o autor do Democrates Alter, tratado que hospeda o conceito de Guerra Justa, teve como opositor tanto na Espanha quanto na América Latina, o frei dominicano Bartolomé de Las Casas que lutou a favor dos indígenas frente a injustiça da guerra deflagrada pelos conquistadores espanhóis e da cristianização por meio das armas. Entre esses dois controversistas encontra-se outro teólogo-jurista, catedrático da Universidade de Salamanca, Francisco de Vitoria. Vitoria elaborou o Derecho Natural y de Gentes, obra que concedeu a Sepúlveda e Las Casas argumentos para fundamentar suas doutrinas. A julgar pelos resultados duradouros da conquista, Sepúlveda atingiu seus objetivos. A cristandade foi implantada em substituição às religiões dos nativos e os interesses políticos e econômicos dos conquistadores, entrementes, foram concretizados. Las Casas, por sua vez, ao discordar desse método, propôs, em sua obra, Del único modo de atraer a todos los pueblos a la verdadera religión, uma cristianização pacífica que se conduzisse somente por meio da pregação do evangelho e da fé cristã. Para chegarem a essa posição, ambos os controversistas analisaram as fontes e tradições literárias aristotélica, agostiniana e tomista, em especial. O projeto missionário colonial vislumbrado por Sepúlveda e Las Casas, definiu as duas hermenêuticas eclesiásticas presentes na América Latina que se estenderam até o século XIX quando aportou-se na América uma nova proposta de missão através dos protestantes.


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Jaques Lacan, the thinker who proposes a return to the fundamentals of psychoanalysis in Freud states that the math would face as a privileged way of transmission of knowledge by the science. Although he was a follower of the mathematization of nature as the foundation of modern science, for him this principle does not imply eliminating the subject that produces it. That would be equivalent to saying that there can not be a language, whatever, even the math, that may "erases" the subject assumption in science. In the text The science and the truth we will try to introduce the idea, not so simple, by the way, the truth as the cause. Citing the framework of the causes in Aristotle, Lacan will speak of a homology between the truth as formal cause, in the case of science, and the truth as material cause, on the side of psychoanalysis. Among its aims with this text, he wants to establish that the unconscious of the subject would be none other than the subject of science. The famous incompleteness theorems of logical-mathematical Kurt GÃdel enter here as a chapter of this issue. Recognized as true watershed, these theorems have to be remembered as revealing even outside the mathematical environment, and Lacan himself is not indifferent to this. He makes mention of GÃdel's name and draws some observations apparently modest support for his own theory. Since some technical sophisticated knowledges awaits the reader who intends understand this supposed corroboration that GÃdel provides to psychoanalysis, introduce the student of Lacan in the use he makes of the incompleteness theorems is the objective of this work. In The science and the truth, which fits us to locate the name of GÃdel, one must question how seize such an idea without incurring the extrapolation and abuse of mathematical knowledge, almost trivial in this case. Thus, this paper aims to introduce the reader to the reasoning behind the theorems of GÃdel, acquaint him about the Lacanâs mathematical claims, and indicate how to proceed using this implicit math in the text The science and the truth.


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This masterâ˜s thesis presents an analytical reading of Cyro dos Anjos (1906-1994)â˜s novel O amanuense Belmiro (1937) and its main objective is to analyze the way some aspects of melancholy, together with the notion of memory, diary writing as well as time permeate all the narrative of this unique book in the Brazilian literary scenario. Anjos☠novel is an atypical work in the fiction of the 1930s as it is considered a dissonant voice compared to the regional and social productions of the time it was published. Among other themes, the book depicts the relationship of man with life; the present and the past; love and frustrations and the hero in search of itself. Belmiro Borba, character-narrator, is a sentimental man, often handicapped by his inner life. For this matter, Borba decides to write a book in order to register his stories, memories, feelings, meditations and illusions. From this perspective, this research aims to deal with issues related to the aesthetics of melancholy, especially its relationship with the creative process, which belongs to Borbaâ˜s attempt to write literature. Throughout our academic research, we used the work of Aristotle (1998), Lambotte (2000), Benjamin (2011) and Kristeva (1989) to articulate relevant issues of melancholy; Halbwachs (2006) on the concept of memory, among other theorists who were essential to the completion of this study.


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This work has as a research subject of popular education policies of the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, in the years 1957 to 1964. It aims to identify and analyze popular education policies developed and implemented by the Municipality of Natal in these years. To get the historical data, we establish as a guiding reserch question the following: Which elaborated educational policies were implemented by the Municipality of Natal in the years 1957-1964? and took over as the method Evidential Paradigm as proposition in Pinheiro (2009). This is anchored in documentary sources of Educational Legislation at National, State and Municipal levels as well as in the newspapers Folha de Tarde and Jornal de Natal; in existing documents from the archives of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN), the Municipal Public Archives of Natal; iconographic sources; interviews and academic publications. In addition to these sources, we were inspired by the works of Aristotles (2011), Hobbes (2009), Freire (2011), Góes (1980), Germano (1989), Cortez (2005) and Galvão (2004). This research allowed us to understand that policies of popular education of Natal (RN) were based on a democratic educational practice, supported on three pillars, namely: participation and involvement of Natal population; construction and reconstruction of teaching practices in prioritizing their action programs to mass literacy and the training of lay teachers; and the democratization of culture. This historical process made Natal on educating city.


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Why students of 6th year still present oral marks in written? To answer this question our paper presents what they are and how writing and grammatical deviations occur and emerged in an attempt to expand on these studies. The same objective to evaluate the presence of these deviations in genres produced by students of the 6th year of the Municipal School Manoel Catarino Filho and check if there are more variation deviations or grammatical deviations. It also aims to improve the linguistic and discursive ability of students in various traffic environments of certain genres and consequently the formation of active readers and writers. In order to better understand how this process occurs, the text starts of the socio discursive conception of gender, with the theoretical background studies of Bakhtin (1992) and Marcuschi (2002) about this conception and the rhetoric conception of Aristoteles and Platão. The text underlies even the works of Callou (2007), Neves (2003), Faraco (2002), Franchi (2006) and Cagliari (2005) on the Grammar School, linguistic variation as also on the sociolinguistic parameters as well in research on the phonetics and phonology of Oliveira e Nascimento (1990), Seara (2009), Hora (2009) and in the PCN. To compose the corpus of this study we collected 23 texts produced by students to serve as a data source for analysis of the presented deviations by quantitative and qualitative research method, in which categorize the deviations found in two groups: oral and linguistic variation deviations and writing and grammar deviations. The results showed that there was a rate of occurrence of oral and variation deviations greater of writing and grammar deviations. We concluded that the orality has a great influence on the written production of students. Finally, we propose some activities aimed at minimizing the occurrence of deviations in written productions of the students.


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We studied in this dissertation the argumentation in the court judgment, which goal was to identify, describe and explain the running of argumentative operators in the argumentative orientation of text and discourse built through the text of the judgment. We support our research in the constructs adopted for the ATD â (Textual Analysis of the Discourses) - Adam (2011), in the studies about the Aristotleâs Rhetoric (1959) and Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1996) and other works such as of the Alves (2005), Capez (2008), Charaudeau (2012), Keller and Bastos (2015), Koch (2009; 2011), Rodrigues, Silva Neto and Passeggi (2010), Trubilhano and Henriques (2013). In a methodological way, we made use of deductive-inductive method, because we analyzed the argumentation in an "unknown" text - particular case - based on a theory already known (about language, text and argumentation). About the nature and objectives, our search was characterized as qualitatively and as an explanatory and descriptive investigation, with technical procedures of documental collection of Bibliographic Search. As corpus, we use a court judgment of character condemnatory, issued on September 10, 2014 and taken from the online site of the Federal Court of Rio Grande do Norte (JFRN). The results revealed that the argumentative operators exercised decisive roles in the organization of argumentative strategies of the text and the speech , guiding the announcer to the Desired conclusion by the enunciator. It was also possible to conclude that the use of argumentative operators allowed syllogistic constructions in the form of presentation of the arguments and in the construction of argumentation. In addition, operators like "but", "until", "already", "although" etc. helped to identify in the data's analysis the point of view (PoV) of the enunciator, the expectation break about the previous enunciate and / or the value scale given to the argument. Finally, with the use of argumentative operators the enunciator introduced arguments able to demonstrate/justify a thesis and refute an opposing thesis towards a conclusion sought by the own enunciator.


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We studied in this dissertation the argumentation in the court judgment, which goal was to identify, describe and explain the running of argumentative operators in the argumentative orientation of text and discourse built through the text of the judgment. We support our research in the constructs adopted for the ATD â (Textual Analysis of the Discourses) - Adam (2011), in the studies about the Aristotleâs Rhetoric (1959) and Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1996) and other works such as of the Alves (2005), Capez (2008), Charaudeau (2012), Keller and Bastos (2015), Koch (2009; 2011), Rodrigues, Silva Neto and Passeggi (2010), Trubilhano and Henriques (2013). In a methodological way, we made use of deductive-inductive method, because we analyzed the argumentation in an "unknown" text - particular case - based on a theory already known (about language, text and argumentation). About the nature and objectives, our search was characterized as qualitatively and as an explanatory and descriptive investigation, with technical procedures of documental collection of Bibliographic Search. As corpus, we use a court judgment of character condemnatory, issued on September 10, 2014 and taken from the online site of the Federal Court of Rio Grande do Norte (JFRN). The results revealed that the argumentative operators exercised decisive roles in the organization of argumentative strategies of the text and the speech , guiding the announcer to the Desired conclusion by the enunciator. It was also possible to conclude that the use of argumentative operators allowed syllogistic constructions in the form of presentation of the arguments and in the construction of argumentation. In addition, operators like "but", "until", "already", "although" etc. helped to identify in the data's analysis the point of view (PoV) of the enunciator, the expectation break about the previous enunciate and / or the value scale given to the argument. Finally, with the use of argumentative operators the enunciator introduced arguments able to demonstrate/justify a thesis and refute an opposing thesis towards a conclusion sought by the own enunciator.


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"Para describir la vida política de las democracias antiguas nos vemos forzados a servirnos de términos que utilizamos para las democracias modernas. Pero hay que tener cuidado de no engañarse. Pues las mismas palabras contemplan a menudo las realidades más diversas" (Reverdin, 1945: 201). Esta afirmación nos autoriza a preguntarnos si hay o no una conexión entre los demagogou atenienses y lo que nosotros entendemos por "demagogos". El lexema ingresó a los idiomas modernos por una traducción al francés de una traducción latina de la Política de Aristóteles en el siglo XIV d.C. (Robert, 1954: s.v.), donde ya era patente el carácter peyorativo del lexema. Durante los últimos cincuenta años, los especialistas han analizado las ocurrencias del campo léxico de la demagogia desde una perspectiva histórico- sociológica y en ese sentido coinciden en que estos vocablos en su origen eran "neutros" (Connor, 1992; Lane, 2012). Ostwald, por su parte, opina que la connotación peyorativa del término probablemente se deba a Aristóteles, específicamente a un pasaje de la Política (4.4.1292a4-38) (1986: 201). Sin embargo, contamos con testimonios del lexema de fines del siglo V a.C. y principios del IV a.C. donde es posible entender cierta connotación negativa. Dentro del conjunto de testimonios se encuentra el Contra Alcibíades del Pseudo Andócides. El presente trabajo, complementario de análisis anteriores en el corpus del siglo V a.C., tiene como objetivo analizar el mencionado lexema en su cotexto a la luz de una perspectiva que concibe las palabras como piezas lingüísticas susceptibles de variación semántica incluso en un mismo estadio sincrónico, aplicando conceptos de las teorías de la Nueva Retórica y del Análisis del Discurso


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Se trata de abordar el tratamiento que Aristóteles realiza de la compasión tratando de mostrar la complejidad que ese concepto comporta cuando se lo pone en relación con las categorías de virtud y con la de frónesis -como se sabe- centrales en su reflexión. Trazado el bosquejo del concepto en Aristóteles, se abordará la redefinición actual de la compasión por parte de Martha Nussbaum, con la pretensión de recuperar su valor desde una posición liberal de raigambre rawlsiana. En el planteo de Nussbum se destaca la recuperación y puesta en valor político de aspectos cognitivos y afectivos que conforman las condiciones subjetivas del orden institucional


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El objetivo del trabajo es explorar en exponentes del pensamiento escolástico medieval algunos aspectos de la relación entre el dinero y el par Naturaleza/Creación. Se trata de un tópico que se moviliza en el contexto de la prohibición de la usura junto con otros tipos de argumento y que se ve estimulado en gran parte por el diálogo entablado con los textos de Aristóteles (Política, E0tica). La condena del cobro de intereses, leído como violación del orden natural al hacer que el dinero se comporte como un ser animado dotado de virtus generativa, remite a las maneras bajomedievales de concebir a la moneda en el marco de una creciente monetización de la vida social y su correspondiente incidencia en las formas de pensamiento. El lazo entre dinero y artificio legal resulta particularmente complejo en una sociedad que no se maneja con el régimen del dinero fiduciario y es por ello que se ha de tener en cuenta en el análisis las teorías convencionalistas (Tomás de Aquino) y metalistas (Juan Buridán, Nicolás Oresme) que operan en el campo de la escolástica bajomedieval