1000 resultados para Argumento do Criador
L'article examine le rapport entre les régimes politiques domestiques et l'intégration régionale. L'argument central montre que la thèse selon laquelle une convergence politique plus profonde avec les autres régimes de gauche de la région favoriserait encore plus l'intégration sud-américaine recèle un paradoxe qui n'a pas encore été traité dans les débats. Bien qu'il soit acceptable l'idée qui préconise que des gouvernements de gauche ont tendance à donner leur appui politique au régionalisme sud-américain, il est tout aussi vrai l'idée selon laquelle les régimes présidentiels de gauche sont moins favorables à la transnationalisation des normes et à la cession de souveraineté aux instances transnationales. L'article présente brièvement la révision de la littérature à propos de la relation entre politique interne (régimes politiques et des partis) et production de la politique externe et, au long de ce débat, il analyse le thème des accords commerciaux dans les élections sud-américaines, y compris le cas brésilien.
This text aims to argument about the historic relation between Mário de Andrade's project to Brazilian music (his national sound utopia, as Arnaldo Contier called it) and one of its possible realization with bossa nova. The text presents in general lines the Andradian project, its committed character, its incursions in the problems of popular and erudite and its filiations to the national obsession with formation. It exposes punctually the possible comprehension of bossa nova as a modernist project, suggesting a logicality of continuity in Brazilian musical experience.
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Based on criminal processes regarding child sexual abuse from the early 1940s to the late 1970s, this article intents to analyze both the conception of innocence and childhood held at that time, and the influence of such on the local judiciary.
A máscara chinesa: Notas sobre uso das fontes produzidas pelo aparato repressivo da ditadura militar
The methodological aspects which the historians face when using documents produced by the Brazilian military dictatorship on the leftist movements which intended to trigger the revolutionary struggle are analyzed. Whereas the strategy of the repressive regime in producing and establishing the 'truth' is enhanced, the resistance strategies of the political forces targeted by the repressive apparatus are investigated. The documents on the political organization called Marxist-Leninist Popular Movement have been employed.
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The city of Lima has undergone serious changes over the past sixty years. Until the middle of the last century, Lima retained an urban structure similar to that built in the 18th century, during the final decades of its colonial period. This reality began to change with the abrupt onset of migration from the mountain ranges to the coast in 1946. However, rather than changes in its urban plan, Lima underwent a ethnic and social reconfiguration that would bring new color and new cultural and behavioral norms to the Peruvian capital. The arrival of migrants to the city caused a conservative reaction in the local elites, but it also sparked a need for the intelligentsia to develop new ways of thinking about the place of migrants in the space of the city, and on the other hand, to create new representations of the city itself. From being a city isolated from the rest of the country, Lima came to live with a range of cultural and ethnic references. It did so, however, without creating greater opportunities for the integration of the masses within the urban and social logic of the city, thus making clear the separation between the aristocracy and the general populace.
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