953 resultados para Anthropology, Cultural|Business Administration, Management|Political Science, Public Administration


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Esta investigación presenta un modelo de gestión para el ámbito público local enmarcado en la Nueva Gestión Pública que aboga por una gestión más eficaz, eficiente y transparente, y que pone el acento en la consideración del administrado como cliente y en las capacidades gerenciales y de liderazgo de los directivos públicos por encima de la función burocrática clásica. Asumiendo el concepto de comunidad política, en el que los ciudadanos y los gobernantes son corresponsables de la concertación política y social, y se pone en valor el conocimiento de la sociedad civil para la toma de decisiones, este modelo se expresa a través de un plan de acción para el desarrollo local que incorpora la estrategia empresarial “gestión por proyectos”, entendidos éstos como todos los proyectos que recogen las necesidades e ideas de los afectados, y que de alguna manera contribuyen al cambio o ayudan a transformar la realidad para la mejora de la calidad de vida. La realidad objeto de estudio que inspira este modelo es el primer plan de inversiones llevado a cabo en los distritos madrileños de Villaverde y Usera. Las características propias de este plan fueron la voluntad y la habilidad de los poderes públicos para transformar una movilización social reivindicativa en un proceso de planificación como aprendizaje social, integrando a los ciudadanos en un innovador sistema de gestión de responsabilidad compartida. El resultado fue considerado un éxito, ya que se cumplió el objetivo de reequilibrio social y económico de ambos distritos con el conjunto de la ciudad de Madrid, gracias a las infraestructuras y equipamientos construidos, y a los programas sociales implementados. De hecho, al concluir el plan, los problemas que originaron la movilización social apenas tenían relevancia: droga (5%), falta de equipamientos (3%) y baja calidad de vida (5%). A raíz del aprendizaje de esta experiencia desarrollada durante el período 1998‐ 2003, se construyó una metodología de actuación que se ha materializado en los actuales Planes especiales de actuación en distritos y Planes de Barrio de la ciudad de Madrid. Las evaluaciones realizadas hasta ahora determinan que se está logrando una homogeneización territorial en la oferta municipal de bienes, servicios y equipamientos públicos, lo que contribuye a una mayor equidad económica y social, en definitiva, a una mejor calidad de vida. ABSTRACT This research presents a management model for the public sector local framed in the New Public Management that advocates a public management more effective, efficient and transparent, and that puts the accent on the consideration of the citizen as client and in managerial and leadership skills of public managers over the classic bureaucratic function. Embracing the concept of political community, in which citizens and governments are jointly responsible for the political and social dialogue, and highlights the knowledge of the civil society to the decision‐making, this model is expressed through an action plan for local development that incorporates the business strategy "management by projects', understood these as all the projects that reflected the needs and ideas of those affected, and that in some way contribute to the change or help to transform the reality for the improvement of the quality of life. The reality which is subject of study and inspires this model is the first investment plan carried out in the districts of Madrid Villaverde and Usera. The characteristics of this plan were the will and the ability of the public authorities to transform a social mobilization in a planning process as social learning, integrating to citizens in an innovative system of management of shared responsibility. The result was considered a success, since the target was met for social and economic balance of the two districts with the whole of the city of Madrid, thanks to the built infrastructure and equipment, and the social programs implemented. In fact, at the end of the plan, the problems that led to the social mobilization had little relevance: drugs (5 %), lack of equipment (3 %) and low quality of life (5 %). As a result of learning from this experience developed during the period 1998‐ 2003, was built a methodology of performance which has been materialized in the current plans for special action in districts and plans of neighborhood of the city of Madrid. The evaluations conducted until now determine that the plans are achieving a territorial homogenization in the municipal supply of goods, services and public facilities, which contributes to a better economic and social equity, ultimately, to a better quality of life.


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Este projeto se insere na área de Gestão de Carreiras e trata de questões referentes aos critérios utilizados para a construção de carreira dos alunos iniciantes do ensino superior. No momento da tomada de decisão, os jovens baseiam-se em seus desejos e aspirações, bem como são pressionados pela força cultura e social. Observam somente valores tais como status, remuneração e prestígio? O questionamento é permeado pela concepção de que o indivíduo é produto e também produtor da cultura. A relevância desta pesquisa se fundamenta na busca por compreender os critérios utilizados para a construção do caminho profissional dos jovens universitários, e qual a participação das instituições de ensino superior no processo. A pesquisa bibliográfica utilizada para a construção da plataforma teórica, permite aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre o tema, e serve como base para o estudo de caso que envolve alunos iniciantes do curso de administração de empresas e também uma profissional da área de Gestão de Carreira de uma instituição de ensino superior privada de São Paulo.(AU)


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Este projeto se insere na área de Gestão de Carreiras e trata de questões referentes aos critérios utilizados para a construção de carreira dos alunos iniciantes do ensino superior. No momento da tomada de decisão, os jovens baseiam-se em seus desejos e aspirações, bem como são pressionados pela força cultura e social. Observam somente valores tais como status, remuneração e prestígio? O questionamento é permeado pela concepção de que o indivíduo é produto e também produtor da cultura. A relevância desta pesquisa se fundamenta na busca por compreender os critérios utilizados para a construção do caminho profissional dos jovens universitários, e qual a participação das instituições de ensino superior no processo. A pesquisa bibliográfica utilizada para a construção da plataforma teórica, permite aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre o tema, e serve como base para o estudo de caso que envolve alunos iniciantes do curso de administração de empresas e também uma profissional da área de Gestão de Carreira de uma instituição de ensino superior privada de São Paulo.(AU)


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Mexico is now one of the countries with better policies on transparency and access to public information, according to various indicators and academics. Just fifteen years ago, Mexico was a country that lacked legal instruments thereon, whereby the institutions were deeply opaque and citizens could not exercise this right of access to public information. The development of the right of access to public information, in both law and public policy, a milestone in the history of Mexico. It has been, therefore gestation, as its formulation and implementation. In Mexico there have existed diverse social movements that have promoted democratization and the defense of human rights. In the framework of these movements the fight registers for the right of access to the public information that one presents as a successful model of civic action and government intervention, without for it, not to know the challenges that his deepening has still and take root both in the company and in the political class in general. How was it achieved to construct a new institutional of transparency that was functional? How was it possible that the above mentioned change was achieved? These are questions that interests formulated to the political science and to the public administration for the analysis of the change and improvement of institutions. The study of the political change is relevant since the public policies precisely try to solve a problem, to transform a reality but not always the change is achieved, is not even realized of successful form. In a nascent democratic regime, it turns out important to know what factors can collaborate in the conformation of a public successful sustainable politics in the time. Even more, on having treated itself about a substantive politics that it gives content and viability itself to the democracy in a marked country historically and culturally for the opaqueness and the corruption...


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Esta pesquisa tem como tema os discursos que circulam e estruturam o ambiente de trabalho nas empresas. De forma geral, busca-se compreender a lógica administrativa que, no limite, exerce uma condução da subjetividade dos trabalhadores. Temos por objetivos: 1) identificar como nas escolas do pensamento administrativo do século XX o engajamento do trabalho é requerido dos trabalhadores; 2) pretendemos discutir uma possível caracterização do discurso e dos usos da administração, como campo de conhecimento sobre o trabalho, dentro das organizações. Para tanto, estabelecemos como panorama teórico-metodológico nas ideias centrais de Michel Foucault em suas análises sobre a funcionalidade do poder e seus dispositivos. Propusemos uma perspectiva arqueogenealógica para a estudar o tema trabalho por meio da lógica da administração e do engajamento. Para estruturar esta análise, selecionamos disciplinas oferecidas e examinamos ementas e referências de leituras nos cursos de graduação da Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP-FGV) e do curso de Administração da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP). Diante do contato com a discursividade administrativa pudemos formular algumas reflexões. A Administração de Empresas é a ciência da demonstração, pautada na dominação da realidade por uma dita eficiência. É o que se faz produtivo da realidade ou o que se produz nela que se torna científico. Não há discussão, nos registros aqui investigados, de um questionamento sobre o discurso de eficiência, de melhores práticas e da localização das organizações como construções historicamente produzidas, apenas como produtoras de determinações. Não parece haver a possibilidade de desnaturalizar a empresa. A administração parece estar pautada em uma duplicação da dominação como a profissão que é moldada ao moldar o trabalho. Partimos também da análise do que se nomeia engajamento para compreender o que é requerido do trabalhador para além do contrato de trabalho e de sua produtividade material. Neste sentido, o trabalho torna-se uma experiência de educação em contínua e ininterrupta vigilância pedagógica. O efeito moral das técnicas e das provas nas correntes de pensamento da administração permite uma condução técnica e do modo de viver dos trabalhadores. Nesse sentido, a administração, propõe o aperfeiçoamento do cuidado de si no trabalho e para o trabalho. As disciplinas então se duplicam: pelo exterior, por meio da regra pautada na estrutura formal da autoridade da fábrica/empresa com o governo dos corpos; e pelo interior por meio de uma sujeição por identidade, pela estilização da vida


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The continuous improvement of management and assessment processes for curricular external internships has led a group of university teachers specialised in this area to develop a mixed model of measurement that combines the verification of skill acquisition by those students choosing external internships with the satisfaction of the parties involved in that process. They included academics, educational tutors of companies and organisations and administration and services personnel in the latter category. The experience, developed within University of Alicante, has been carried out in the degrees of Business Administration and Management, Business Studies, Economics, Advertising and Public Relations, Sociology and Social Work, all part of the Faculty of Economics and Business. By designing and managing closed standardised interviews and other research tools, validated outside the centre, a system of continuous improvement and quality assurance has been created, clearly contributing to the gradual increase in the number of students with internships in this Faculty, as well as to the improvement in satisfaction, efficiency and efficacy indicators at a global level. As this experience of educational innovation has shown, the acquisition of curricular knowledge, skills, abilities and competences by the students is directly correlated with the satisfaction of those parties involved in a process that takes the student beyond the physical borders of a university campus. Ensuring the latter is a task made easier by the implementation of a mixed assessment method, combining continuous and final assessment, and characterised by its rigorousness and simple management. This report presents that model, subject in turn to a persistent and continuous control, a model all parties involved in the external internships are taking part of. Its short-term results imply an increase, estimated at 15% for the last course, in the number of students choosing curricular internships and, for the medium and long-term, a major interweaving between the academic world and its social and productive environment, both in the business and institutional areas. The potentiality of this assessment model does not lie only in the quality of its measurement tools, but also in the effects from its use in the various groups and in the actions that are carried out as a result of its implementation and which, without any doubt and as it is shown below, are the real guarantee of a continuous improvement.


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European public sectors are particularly affected by the demographic challenge and an ageing and shrinking workforce. According to OECD statistics, over 30% of public employees of central government in 13 countries will leave during the next 15 years. Moreover, the public sector has as compared to the private sector to rely on a much older workforce, who will have to work longer in future. Against this background, European governments need to react and re-think major elements of current HR and organisational management in the public sector. Particularly the skills in age management should be improved in order to also maintain in future a highly productive, competent and efficient public sector and to ensure that public employees stay longer ‘employable’, ‘healthy’, ‘fit for the job’ and ‘up to the task’. The survey suggests some solutions by investing more in three priority areas in the field of HRM.


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A partir do conceito de ‘acção cultural’ proposto por Freire (1982), de actividade dialógica, consciencializada, educativa e libertadora, este estudo procurou perceber em que medida as Bibliotecas Públicas Provinciais moçambicanas desenvolvem acção cultural e que impacto estes sistemas apresentam no desenvolvimento humano da sociedade moçambicana. Procurou-se identificar, especificamente, os aspectos normativos destes sistemas, descrever os respectivos processos de acção cultural; explicar o envolvimento dos utilizadores nas diferentes actividades; e, por último, verificar qual o impacto das Bibliotecas Públicas Provinciais no desenvolvimento humano. Com recurso a técnicas de inquérito por questionário e a entrevistas, foram inquiridos os dirigentes das Bibliotecas Públicas Provinciais e algumas personalidades ligadas ao Livro, Leitura e Bibliotecas, sobre o contexto das políticas culturais existentes em Moçambique e sobre o funcionamento destes sistemas a fim de responderem às necessidades informacionais da população moçambicana. Os dados analisados permitem concluir que apesar de se poderem observar algumas dinâmicas inovadoras, as actividades das entidades supra mencionadas se centram mais na animação e menos na acção cultural. Pode constatar-se, também, que tais actividades são levadas a cabo de forma isolada, sem periodicidade regular e sem qualquer plano político-estratégico para a sua realização. Verifica-se, por outro lado, a carência de quadros com competências e formação em áreas de gestão administrativa, programas informáticos e projectos culturais que possam constituir a base de uma estrutura funcional. A ausência de funcionamento em rede destes sistemas é outra das omissões constatadas face às recomendações internacionais. Paralelamente, foi possível concluir que, as Bibliotecas Públicas Provinciais têm funcionando como peça fundamental de todo processo de ensino e aprendizagem, contribuindo, assim, para o desenvolvimento humano desta população.


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Cette thèse propose une ethnographie de la gestion de la population rom en Albanie, saisie sur deux périodes historiques : communisme et postcommunisme. L’analyse porte sur la façon dont divers instruments de gestion des populations en tant que techniques de pouvoir, sont mises en œuvre ; comment une population donnée devient-elle un sujet politique ? Quels sont les effets d’une telle gestion sur les populations en général et sur les populations roms en particulier ? Cette approche, une approche foucaldienne, replace ainsi au centre de l’analyse empirique les politiques, les pratiques et les discours concernant les Roms en Albanie et essaye de saisir les effets qu’ils produisent sur cette population. Cette thèse part de ces éléments pour interroger plus largement les transformations sociétales dans l’Albanie postcommuniste. Ce travail s’inscrit dans le champ de l’anthropologie politique et conjugue à la fois une anthropologie de l’État et une anthropologie de la violence. Il s’articule autour de trois parties. La première porte sur la contextualisation de cette thèse, du point de vue conceptuel, méthodologique et théorique. La deuxième partie propose une analyse des relations que l’État a entretenues avec les Roms pendant la période communiste, phase durant laquelle la population rom a été exposée à diverses mesures administratives visant sa normalisation, à travers une sédentarisation forcée et d’autres mesures coercitives. La troisième partie, précédée par un intermède sur la période de la transition, interroge la relation entre l’État, la violence, la mobilité et la gestion de la population rom en Albanie depuis la chute du communisme. L’analyse se fait à partir d’un cas spécifique, celui des familles roms déplacées et en déplacement aux alentours de Tirana ; une mobilité forcée notamment par peu d’opportunités de sortir de la précarité pour plusieurs familles roms, mais aussi une mobilité induite par les politiques, les pratiques et les discours étatiques, notamment par leur non-action. Au fur et à mesure que l’analyse des pratiques et des discours – complétée par une ethnographie des documents d’archives et dans les quartiers et les campements roms – s’approfondit pendant les deux périodes historiques, elle dévoile de nombreuses – mais différentes – contradictions et controverses au sein du dispositif, lesquelles produisent à leur tour discrimination, exclusion, violence, indifférence et abandon.


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Archive institutionnelle de l'Université de Genève - Institutional Repository of the University of Geneva


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This in-depth study of the decision-making processes of the early 2000s shows that the Swiss consensus democracy has changed considerably. Power relations have transformed, conflict has increased, coalitions have become more unstable and outputs less predictable. Yet these challenges to consensus politics provide opportunities for innovation.


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Change Adaptation: Open or Closed? Paper read at the Second African International Economic Law Network Conference, 7-8 March 2013, Wits School of Law, Johannesburg, South Africa. In a time of rapid convergence of technologies, goods, services, hardware, software, the traditional classifications that informed past treaties fail to remove legal uncertainty, or advance welfare and innovation. As a result, we turn our attention to the role and needs of the public domain at the interface of existing intellectual property rights and new modes of creation, production and distribution of goods and services. The concept of open culture would have it that knowledge should be spread freely and its growth should come from further developing existing works on the basis of sharing and collaboration without the shackles of intellectual property. Intellectual property clauses find their way into regional, multilateral, bilateral and free trade agreements more often than not, and can cause public discontent and incite unrest. Many of these intellectual property clauses raise the bar on protection beyond the clauses found in the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). In this paper we address the question of the protection and development of the public domain in service of open innovation in accord with Article 15 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) in light of the Objectives (Article 7) and Principles (Article 8) set forth in TRIPS. Once areas of divergence and reinforcement between the intellectual property regime and human rights have been discussed, we will enter into options that allow for innovation and prosperity in the global south. We then conclude by discussing possible policy developments.


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Introduction: Self-help computer-based programs are easily accessible and cost-effective interventions with a great recruitment potential. However, each program is different and results of meta-analyses may not apply to each new program; therefore, evaluations of new programs are warranted. The aim of this study was to assess the marginal efficacy of a computer-based, individually tailored program (the Coach) over and above the use of a comprehensive Internet smoking cessation website. Methods: A two-group randomized controlled trial was conducted. The control group only accessed the website, whereas the intervention group received the Coach in addition. Follow-up was conducted by e-mail after three and six months (self-administrated questionnaires). Of 1120 participants, 579 (51.7%) responded after three months and 436 (38.9%) after six months. The primary outcome was self-reported smoking abstinence over four weeks. Results: Counting dropouts as smokers, there were no statistically significant differences between intervention and control groups in smoking cessation rates after three months (20.2% vs. 17.5%, p¼0.25, odds ratio (OR)¼1.20) and six months (17% vs. 15.5%, p¼0.52, OR¼1.12). Excluding dropouts from the analysis, there were statistically significant differences after three months (42% vs. 31.6%, p¼0.01, OR¼1.57), but not after six months (46.1% vs. 37.8%, p¼0.081, OR¼1.41). The program also significantly increased motivation to quit after three months and self-efficacy after three and six months. Discussion: An individually tailored program delivered via the Internet and by e-mail in addition to a smoking cessation website did not significantly increase smoking cessation rates, but it increased motivation to quit and self-efficacy.


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Cette thèse propose une ethnographie de la gestion de la population rom en Albanie, saisie sur deux périodes historiques : communisme et postcommunisme. L’analyse porte sur la façon dont divers instruments de gestion des populations en tant que techniques de pouvoir, sont mises en œuvre ; comment une population donnée devient-elle un sujet politique ? Quels sont les effets d’une telle gestion sur les populations en général et sur les populations roms en particulier ? Cette approche, une approche foucaldienne, replace ainsi au centre de l’analyse empirique les politiques, les pratiques et les discours concernant les Roms en Albanie et essaye de saisir les effets qu’ils produisent sur cette population. Cette thèse part de ces éléments pour interroger plus largement les transformations sociétales dans l’Albanie postcommuniste. Ce travail s’inscrit dans le champ de l’anthropologie politique et conjugue à la fois une anthropologie de l’État et une anthropologie de la violence. Il s’articule autour de trois parties. La première porte sur la contextualisation de cette thèse, du point de vue conceptuel, méthodologique et théorique. La deuxième partie propose une analyse des relations que l’État a entretenues avec les Roms pendant la période communiste, phase durant laquelle la population rom a été exposée à diverses mesures administratives visant sa normalisation, à travers une sédentarisation forcée et d’autres mesures coercitives. La troisième partie, précédée par un intermède sur la période de la transition, interroge la relation entre l’État, la violence, la mobilité et la gestion de la population rom en Albanie depuis la chute du communisme. L’analyse se fait à partir d’un cas spécifique, celui des familles roms déplacées et en déplacement aux alentours de Tirana ; une mobilité forcée notamment par peu d’opportunités de sortir de la précarité pour plusieurs familles roms, mais aussi une mobilité induite par les politiques, les pratiques et les discours étatiques, notamment par leur non-action. Au fur et à mesure que l’analyse des pratiques et des discours – complétée par une ethnographie des documents d’archives et dans les quartiers et les campements roms – s’approfondit pendant les deux périodes historiques, elle dévoile de nombreuses – mais différentes – contradictions et controverses au sein du dispositif, lesquelles produisent à leur tour discrimination, exclusion, violence, indifférence et abandon.


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The Graduate Institute organized an academic workshop and roundtable on the occasion of EFTA's 50th Anniversary in Geneva under the chairmanship of H.E. Doris Leuthard, President of the Swiss Confederation. Pierre Sauve, Deputy Managing Director and Director of Studies, WTI and Co-leader, NCCR-Trade work programme on preferentialism and Anirudh Shingal, Senior Research Fellow, WTI and Co-leader, NCCR-Trade work programme on impact assessment of trade, co-authored a paper on the nature of preferentialism in services trade, which Anirudh presented at the workshop. The event was extremely well-attended by high profile dignitaries and academics including President Leuthard; Director General of the WTO, Pascal Lamy; trade ministers of Brazil and Finland; Jan Kubis, Executive Secretary of the UNECE and several current and former ambassadors. The academic workshop, moderated by Theresa Carpenter (Graduate Institute, Geneva), began in the morning with Prof. Victor Norman's (Norwegian School of Economics & Business Administration) presentation on the future of EFTA. Other presentations included those by Prof. Peter Egger (ETH Zurich) on the structural estimation of gravity models with market entry dynamics and by Prof. Richard Baldwin (Graduate Institute, Geneva) on 21st century regionalism. The high-profile Panel in the afternoon, moderated by Prof. Richard Baldwin, was led by President Leuthard who spoke on free trade agreements and the multilateral trading system in 2020. The keynote address at the Panel was delivered by Prof. Jagdish Bhagwati (Coulmbia University), who spoke on strengthening defences against protectionism and liberalizing trade.