908 resultados para Animal welfare - Moral and ethical aspects
Every year throughout the world, individuals' health is damaged by their exposure to toxic chemicals at work. In most cases these problems will resolve, but many will sustain permanent damage. Whilst any justified claim for compensation requires medical and legal evidence a crucial and often controversial component of this process is the establishment of a causal link between the individual's condition and exposure to a specific chemical or substance. Causation, in terms of how a substance or substances led the claimant to his or her current plight, can be difficult to establish and the main purpose of this book, is to provide the aspiring expert report writer with a concise, practical guide that uses case histories to illuminate the process of establishing causation in occupational toxicity proceedings. In summary: A practical, accessible guide to the preparation of balanced, scientifically sound expert reports in the context of occupational toxicology. Focuses on the scientist's role in establishing a causal link between exposure to toxins and an individual's ill health. Includes real-life case histories drawn from the Author's 15 years experience in this area to illustrate the principles involved. Expert Report Writing in Toxicology: Forensic, Scientific and Legal Aspects proves invaluable to scientists across a range of disciplines needing guidance as to what is expected of them in terms of the best use of their expertise and how to present their findings in a manner that is authoritative, balanced and informative.
Tanulmányunk a gazdasági versenyképességgel, kiemelten annak nemzetgazdasági szintű vetületével és a sport esetében történő értelmezésével foglakozik. A gazdasági versenyképesség esetén kiemelten kezeljük az IMD és a WEF versenyképességi rangsorait, a sport esetén pedig szétválasztjuk a hivatásos és a szabadidősportot. A hivatásos sport esetén bemutatjuk a sportszakmai versenyképességet indikáló és a sportszakmai versenyképességre hatással lévő gazdasági és társadalmi mutatókat egyaránt. Összehasonlítási csoportot képeztünk, amelyben Magyarország és a környező országok szerepelnek és a komparatív elemzés kiterjed a gazdasági és a sportszakmai versenyképességre, valamint a sportszakmai versenyképességre ható gazdasági és társadalmi tényezőkre egyaránt. A sportszakmai versenyképességet az olimpiai érmek számával és azok pontértékével mérjük, amit az olimpiák teljes történelmére és az elmúlt 20 év különböző szakaszaira egyaránt vizsgálunk, míg a gazdasági és társadalmi tényezőket csak a mondanivalónk szempontjából legrelevánsabb évekre, az új évezredre vizsgálunk. A hivatásos sporttal kapcsolatos versenyképességi kérdésekből azt a következtetést vontuk le, hogy Magyarország történelmi sportszakmai eredményességének fenntartását a jelen gazdasági és társadalmi tényezők nem igazolják, sőt az elmúlt időszak visszaesését támasztják alá és a Londoni olimpián való szereplésünkkel kapcsolatban inkább az összehasonlítási csoporton belüli további visszacsúszást, mintsem az eredmény javulását támogatják. A tanulmányban azt állítjuk, hogy egyéni, vállalati és makrogazdasági versenyképességet is javíthat a szabadidősport. Mikro szinten, majd makrogazdasági szinten elemeztük a szabadidősport hatásait, valamint próbáltunk választ keresni arra a kérdésre, hogy hogyan válhat az egyén, a vállalat és végső célként a gazdaság versenyképesebbé a fizikai aktivitás által. A kevesebb betegség és egészségügyi kiadás, vagy éppen a kedvezőbb várható élettartami mutatók mellett termelékenység-növekedés, a versenyképességi rangsorokban pedig előkelőbb helyezések érhetők el. ______ Our paper tackles the concept of competitiveness in the national level and interprets it also in the field of sport as well. In the economics field we focus on the competitiveness rankings of IMD and WEF and in the sport field we differentiate between professional and leisure sport. In the case of professional sport we introduce the measures of sport competitiveness and its influencing economic and social factors as well. We have made a peer group which contains Hungary and its neighboring countries and the comparative study tackles the sport competitiveness and the influencing economic and social factors as well. We measure sport competitiveness with the Olympic medal count and the medals point value, which is counted in the whole Olympic history, and different phases of the last 20 years. The economic and social factors are compared only in the new millennia as this is the most relevant time frame of this study. From the competitiveness analysis of professional sport we concluded that the maintenance of Hungary’s historical sport successes is not proved by nowadays economic and social factors, however they support the past years decline. These factors also indicate that in London (2012)we would rather slip one more position back in the peer group, than rise again from our ashes. In our opinion leisure sport could enhance the competitiveness of individuals, companies, and economy also. We analysed the effects of leisure sport on the microeconomic and macroeconomic level, and tried to find answer to that question how could be individuals, companies, and economy more competitive through leisure sport. Besides less illness and health care expenditures, longer life expectancy, productivity growth, countries could be well placed in competitiveness’ rankings.
A közpénzelköltés hatékonyságát hazai viszonylatban az éves közpénzköltés nagyságával és az alkalmazott eljárástípusok, beszerzési tárgyak számával, értékével kapcsolatosan van lehetősége a hivatalos statisztikák elemzése során az érdeklődőnek vizsgálni. A törvény preambulumában található „a közpénzek ésszerű felhasználása átláthatóságának és széles körű nyilvános ellenőrizhetőségének megteremtése, továbbá a közbeszerzések során a verseny tisztaságának biztosítása” célrendszer csak részben érvényesül. A tanulmány arra kíván rávilágítani, hogy a hazai közbeszerzés-kutatás eredményei alapján milyen elképzelés van a GDP közel 5%-án hatékony elköltéséről Magyarországon. Vajon valódi akadálya-e a közbeszerzés a tisztességtelen versenynek, s elősegíti-e a piaci folyamatok érvényesülését annak szabályozása. A szerző válaszai rávilágítanak a közbeszerzési piaci folyamatok, gyengeségek, kevésbé hatékony megnyilvánulások és kritikus vélemények okaira, melyek közvetlen kapcsolatban vannak a közbeszerzés válságos helyzetével, s azonosítják azokat a kritikus pontokat, melyeken érdemes változtatni egy reménybeli hatékonyabb állapot, piaci egyensúlyi helyzet kialakítása érdekében. _______ The analysis of public spending can be based on official statistics showing the figures of annual public spending and the value and number of different procedures and purchased items. However, public procurement spending an annual amount of 1600-1800 billion HUF of public money in an ever changing legal environment, are intended to ensure not only some efficiency in public spending, but to reach several other aims as well. Although the preamble of the public procurement law states, that “a legal environment ought to be created, where the transparency and public accountability of spending public money and fair competition regarding public procurement procedures is ensured”, these requirements are only partially met. This study, based on the results of recent analyses concerning public procurement, wishes to represent our ideas about how to spend efficiently nearly 5% of the Hungarian GDP. Is it really true, that public procurement can be regarded as a genuine means against unfair competition, and can we really foster market processes by regulating public procurement? The author answers highlight the causes of the weaknesses of public procurement procedures, inefficient practices and critical opinions, which are closely connected to the present dire state of public procurement. This study also identifies the crucial elements to be changed in order to achieve a hopefully more efficient state and a preferable market balance.
We conducted a series of experiments whereby dissolved organic matter (DOM) was leached from various wetland and estuarine plants, namely sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense), spikerush (Eleocharis cellulosa), red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), cattail (Typha domingensis), periphyton (dry and wet mat), and a seagrass (turtle grass; Thalassia testudinum). All are abundant in the Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) except for cattail, but this species has a potential to proliferate in this environment. Senescent plant samples were immersed into ultrapure water with and without addition of 0.1% NaN3 (w/ and w/o NaN3, respectively) for 36 days. We replaced the water every 3 days. The amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), sugars, and phenols in the leachates were analyzed. The contribution of plant leachates to the ultrafiltered high molecular weight fraction of DOM (>1 kDa; UDOM) in natural waters in the FCE was also investigated. UDOM in plant leachates was obtained by tangential flow ultrafiltration and its carbon and phenolic compound compositions were analyzed using solid state 13C cross-polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (13C CPMAS NMR) spectroscopy and thermochemolysis in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH thermochemolysis), respectively. The maximum yield of DOC leached from plants over the 36-day incubations ranged from 13.0 to 55.2 g C kg−1 dry weight. This amount was lower in w/o NaN3 treatments (more DOC was consumed by microbes than produced) except for periphyton. During the first 2 weeks of the 5 week incubation period, 60–85% of the total amount of DOC was leached, and exponential decay models fit the leaching rates except for periphyton w/o NaN3. Leached DOC (w/ NaN3) contained different concentrations of sugars and phenols depending on the plant types (1.09–7.22 and 0.38–12.4 g C kg−1 dry weight, respectively), and those biomolecules comprised 8–34% and 4–28% of the total DOC, respectively. This result shows that polyphenols that readily leach from senescent plants can be an important source of chromophoric DOM (CDOM) in wetland environments. The O-alkyl C was found to be the major C form (55±9%) of UDOM in plant leachates as determined by 13C CPMAS NMR. The relative abundance of alkyl C and carbonyl C was consistently lower in plant-leached UDOM than that in natural water UDOM in the FCE, which suggests that these constituents increase in relative abundance during diagenetic processing. TMAH thermochemolysis analysis revealed that the phenolic composition was different among the UDOM leached from different plants, and was expected to serve as a source indicator of UDOM in natural water. Polyphenols are, however, very reactive and photosensitive in aquatic environments, and thus may loose their plant-specific molecular characteristics shortly. Our study suggests that variations in vegetative cover across a wetland landscape will affect the quantity and quality of DOM leached into the water, and such differences in DOM characteristics may affect other biogeochemical processes.
This dissertation is a three-part analysis examining how the welfare state in advanced Western democracies has responded to recent demographic changes. Specifically, this dissertation investigates two primary relationships, beginning with the influence of government spending on poverty. I analyze two at-risk populations in particular: immigrants and children of single mothers. Next, attention is turned to the influence of individual and environmental traits on preferences for social spending. I focus specifically on religiosity, religious beliefs and religious identity. I pool data from a number of international macro- and micro-data sources including the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), International Social Survey Program (ISSP), the World Bank Databank, and the OECD Databank. Analyses highlight the power of the welfare state to reduce poverty, but also the effectiveness of specific areas of spending focused on addressing new social risks. While previous research has touted the strength of the welfare state, my analyses highlight the need to consider new social risks and encourage closer attention to how social position affects preferences for the welfare state.
This article draws attention to the importance of routinely collected administrative data as an important source for understanding the characteristics of the Northern Ireland child welfare system as it has developed since the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 became its legislative base. The article argues that the availability of such data is a strength of the Northern Ireland child welfare system and urges local politicians, lobbyists, researchers, policy-makers, operational managers, practitioners and service user groups to make more use of them. The main sources of administrative data are identified. Illustration of how these can be used to understand and to ask questions about the system is provided by considering some of the trends since the Children Order was enacted. The “protection” principle of the Children Order provides the focus for the illustration. The statistical trends considered relate to child protection referrals, investigations and registrations and to children and young people looked after under a range of court orders available to ensure their protection and well-being.
The purpose of this research is to gain a deeper understanding of how materialistic aspirations are related to distinct aspects of psychological well-being. Research has consistently found a negative relationship between materialistic goals and well-being, but a review of the literature identified that the measures of well- being used in the majority of studies were measures of what Keyes (2002) describes as “subjective well-being” or “hedonic happiness”. Criticisms of these types of measures are that they fixate too much on the momentary experience of pleasure and don’t take into account what is meaningful and or what contributes to long lasting fulfilment. Very little research was found investigating the impact of materialism on “eudaimonic” well-being, which is found through doing what is worthwhile and realising ones potential and has been found to have a longer lasting impact on overall well-being (Huta & Ryan, 2010). To address this gap in the literature, a convenience sample of 113 adult subjects in the UK were recruited through Facebook and asked to respond to the Aspiration Index and the Psychological wellbeing scale. The relative importance placed on extrinsic (materialistic) and intrinsic aspirations was compared to the six dimensions of psychological well-being. In line with previous research, higher importance placed on materialistic aspirations for wealth, status and image were found to be negatively correlated with all aspects of psychological well-being. However, the strongest and only statistically significant negative correlation was between extrinsic aspirations and positive relations with others (r = -.256, p< 0.01). Positive relationships with other people form a central component of many theories of well- being and so this negative relationship may help to explain why materialistic aspirations are so consistently found to be negatively correlated to a variety of measures of well-being. Further research is needed to explore this relationship as no causation could be inferred.
Notre recherche explore quelques moments forts des métamorphoses du rapport politique à la mortalité sous examen des thèmes de l’interdit, de la dignité, de l’autonomie et de l’altérité. Nous dégageons des ancrages propices à nourrir la pensée actuelle en médecine palliative. Ainsi, nous livrons une enquête philosophique, appréciant pour nous Occidentaux, les influences marquantes des pensées gréco-romaine, chrétienne et moderne. Ces bases, édifiant notre monde politique, ont suscité l’émergence de la médecine palliative. C’est pourquoi, nous tentons de caractériser et de comprendre les problématiques nouvelles, dans leurs aspects politique et éthique, envisagées à l’aune des formes contemporaines d’accompagnement des mourants. Notre effort tente de discerner les aspirations et les impasses. L’étude de la métamorphose des repères fait ressortir une dissociation accentuée au fil du temps. En effet, au fur et à mesure, notre entreprise d’interprétation du fondement de ces questions politiques dévoilait : une reconnaissance universelle de l’interdit d’homicide, mais accusant une perte du lien moral au profit d’une visée amorale ; un aval unanime du respect de la dignité, mais manifestant une confusion et une division ostensible entre conceptions intrinsèque et extrinsèque ; une affirmation péremptoire de l’autonomie, mais avec une distanciation marquée au regard de la façon d’envisager la part de l’autre ; une déclinaison de liens humains reconnus de tous, mais exacerbés dans une tension artificielle entre individualisme et altruisme. Au surplus, en constatant la distance et la dislocation entre le public et le privé, entre la réclamation de fraternité et la recherche d’amicalité signifiante, nous avons envisagé la communauté palliative comme un lieu de résistance à cette décomposition menaçante au sein de la communauté politique. À terme de l’analyse, nous avons fondé les concepts « d’allonomie » et de « suspension éthique ». Il s’agit de contributions originales destinées à donner à la philosophie toute sa dimension sapientielle au service de l’accompagnement palliatif.
In recent years, lipofilling has established itself as one of the most effective and least invasive techniques to treat connective dystrophy subsequent to radiotherapy. We report the case of a patient diagnosed with intraductal carcinoma of the right breast in 1996, at the age of 41. The patient underwent quadrantectomy with ipsilateral axillary lymph node dissection and adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Four years later, a recurrence led the patient to undergo a subcutaneous mastectomy and immediate reconstruction, involving the submuscular insertion of a permanent implant. In 2007 the patient suffered both radiodermatitis and capsular contracture around the implant, causing constant pain and significant functional limitation. She first took a leukotriene inhibitor (Zafirlukast, 20 mg daily for 8 months) to reduce the capsular contracture. She then underwent lipofilling (Coleman’s technique) of the area affected by radiodermatitis, in which the skin was considerably thinned and visibly ischemic. A second session followed four months later. Clinical, photographic and ultrasound examination revealed clear and lasting thickening of the superficial tissues, increased coverage of the implant, and reduced skin discoloration and tension.
This essay began as a hybrid critical/creative paper that was presented as part of an all-female panel discussing the intersections between writing and extreme violence. My own paper was on the relationship between my creative nonfiction novel The Museum of Atheism and the real life murder of six-year-old beauty queen, JonBenet Ramsey. This essay is an attempt to represent the writing process of the creative nonfiction author, and to consider the ways in which critical theory can be used to highlight, or conversely obscure, fictional writing. In addition to considering the effect of using a real story, a true crime, as the basis for a semi-fictional work, this essay will also consider the relationship I had as a writer to my publisher, editor and agent, and their interventions in the writing process to ensure that facts were deliberately skewed or warped in order to avoid litigation. Finally, I will consider my own relationship to the material, and the impact that this had on the writing process.