802 resultados para Andersson, Torbjörn: Rättsskyddsprincipen


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The relationship between school belongingness and mental health functioning before and after the primary-secondary school transition has not been previously investigated in students with and without disabilities. This study used a prospective longitudinal design to test the bi-directional relationships between these constructs, by surveying 266 students with and without disabilities and their parents, 6-months before and after the transition to secondary school. Cross-lagged multi-group analyses found student perception of belongingness in the final year of primary school to contribute to change in their mental health functioning a year later. The beneficial longitudinal effects of school belongingness on subsequent mental health functioning were evident in all student subgroups; even after accounting for prior mental health scores and the cross-time stability in mental health functioning and school belongingness scores. Findings of the current study substantiate the role of school contextual influences on early adolescent mental health functioning. They highlight the importance for primary and secondary schools to assess students' school belongingness and mental health functioning and transfer these records as part of the transition process, so that appropriate scaffolds are in place to support those in need. Longer term longitudinal studies are needed to increase the understanding of the temporal sequencing between school belongingness and mental health functioning of all mainstream students.


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The permeability of dispersion barriers produced from polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) and kaolin clay blends coated onto polymeric supports has been studied by employing two different measurement methods: the oxygen transmission rate (OTR) and the ambient oxygen ingress rate (AOIR). Coatings with different thicknesses and kaolin contents were studied. Structural information of the dispersion-barrier coatings was obtained by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). These results showed that the kaolin content influences both the orientation of the kaolin and the degree of crystallinity of the PVOH coating. Increased kaolin content increased the alignment of the kaolin platelets to the basal plane of the coating. Higher kaolin content was accompanied by higher degree of crystallinity of the PVOH. The barrier thickness proved to be less important in the early stages of the mass transport process, whereas it had a significant influence on the steady-state permeability. The results from this study demonstrate the need for better understanding of how permeability is influenced by (chemical and physical) structure.


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Introduktion: Gynekologisk cancer är ett samlingsbegrepp för de cancerformer som drabbar kvinnans reproduktionsorgan. De olika cancerformerna har olika symtom och härkomst och därför kan behandlingen skiljas. Behandlingarna kan ge en rad olika biverkningar och konsekvenser vilket ger individuella erfarenheter. Syftet: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att belysa kvinnors erfarenheter av att leva med gynekologisk cancer. Metod: Litteraturstudie grundad på Polit och Becks (2012) niostegsmodell med induktiv ansats. Databaser som användes var CINAHL och PubMed. Artiklarna genomgick en kritisk granskning. Tio kvalitativa artiklar gick igenom kvalitetsgranskningen och svarade mot studiens syfte. Resultat: Resultatet delades in i tre huvudteman: leva med förändringar, inre kamp mot känslomässigt kaos och personlig utveckling. Resultatet visar att kvinnors erfarenheter baserades på de förändringar som de tvingades genomgå. Det innebar att kvinnorna behövde anpassa sig vilket var en större utmaning än de kunde föreställa sig. Slutsats: Litteraturstudiens resultat visade att kvinnor hade både negativa och positiva erfarenheter av gynekologisk cancer. De huvudsakliga erfarenheterna som kvinnorna upplevt var leva med förändringar, kämpa mot ett känslomässigt kaos och personlig utveckling. 


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This paper proposes a method to indicate potential problems when planning dye penetrant and x-ray inspection of welded components. Inspection has been found to be an important part of the manufacturability evaluation made in a large CAD-based parametric environment for making multidisciplinary design simulations in early stages of design at an aircraft component manufacturer. The paper explains how the proposed method is to be included in the design platform at the company. It predicts the expected probability of detection of cracks (POD) in situations where the geometry of the parts is unfavourable for inspection so that potential problems can be discovered and solved in early stages. It is based on automatically extracting information from CAD-models and making a rule-based evaluation. It also provides a scale for how favourable the geometry is for inspection. In the paper it is also shown that the manufacturability evaluation need to take into consideration the expected stresses in the structures, highlighting the importance of multi-disciplinary simulations.


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Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur måltiden kan ses som en demokratisk arena genom att ta del av barns och pedagogers uppfattningar. De två frågeställningar studien utgår ifrån är: Hur uppfattar barn möjligheten till eget inflytande under måltiden? Hur kan pedagoger samtala om demokrati i måltidssituationen?   Kleins fem samspelskriterier används som teoretiskt analys verktyg. I studien har både barn och vuxna intervjuats. Resultatet visar att samspelskriterierna kan underlätta det demokratiska arbetet i förskolans måltid.


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BACKGROUND: Conceptualization of quality of care - in terms of what individuals, groups and organizations include in their meaning of quality, is an unexplored research area. It is important to understand how quality is conceptualised as a means to successfully implement improvement efforts and bridge potential disconnect in language about quality between system levels, professions, and clinical services. The aim is therefore to explore and compare conceptualization of quality among national bodies (macro level), senior hospital managers (meso level), and professional groups within clinical micro systems (micro level) in a cross-national study. METHODS: This cross-national multi-level case study combines analysis of national policy documents and regulations at the macro level with semi-structured interviews (383) and non-participant observation (803 hours) of key meetings and shadowing of staff at the meso and micro levels in ten purposively sampled European hospitals (England, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, and Norway). Fieldwork at the meso and micro levels was undertaken over a 12-month period (2011-2012) and different types of micro systems were included (maternity, oncology, orthopaedics, elderly care, intensive care, and geriatrics). RESULTS: The three quality dimensions clinical effectiveness, patient safety, and patient experience were incorporated in macro level policies in all countries. Senior hospital managers adopted a similar conceptualization, but also included efficiency and costs in their conceptualization of quality. 'Quality' in the forms of measuring indicators and performance management were dominant among senior hospital managers (with clinical and non-clinical background). The differential emphasis on the three quality dimensions was strongly linked to professional roles, personal ideas, and beliefs at the micro level. Clinical effectiveness was dominant among physicians (evidence-based approach), while patient experience was dominant among nurses (patient-centered care, enough time to talk with patients). Conceptualization varied between micro systems depending on the type of services provided. CONCLUSION: The quality conceptualization differed across system levels (macro-meso-micro), among professional groups (nurses, doctors, managers), and between the studied micro systems in our ten sampled European hospitals. This entails a managerial alignment challenge translating macro level quality definitions into different local contexts.


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BACKGROUND: Errors in the decision-making process are probably the main threat to patient safety in the prehospital setting. The reason can be the change of focus in prehospital care from the traditional "scoop and run" practice to a more complex assessment and this new focus imposes real demands on clinical judgment. The use of Clinical Guidelines (CG) is a common strategy for cognitively supporting the prehospital providers. However, there are studies that suggest that the compliance with CG in some cases is low in the prehospital setting. One possible way to increase compliance with guidelines could be to introduce guidelines in a Computerized Decision Support System (CDSS). There is limited evidence relating to the effect of CDSS in a prehospital setting. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of CDSS on compliance with the basic assessment process described in the prehospital CG and the effect of On Scene Time (OST). METHODS: In this time-series study, data from prehospital medical records were collected on a weekly basis during the study period. Medical records were rated with the guidance of a rating protocol and data on OST were collected. The difference between baseline and the intervention period was assessed by a segmented regression. RESULTS: In this study, 371 patients were included. Compliance with the assessment process described in the prehospital CG was stable during the baseline period. Following the introduction of the CDSS, compliance rose significantly. The post-intervention slope was stable. The CDSS had no significant effect on OST. CONCLUSIONS: The use of CDSS in prehospital care has the ability to increase compliance with the assessment process of patients with a medical emergency. This study was unable to demonstrate any effects of OST.


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Students negotiate the transition to secondary school in different ways. While some thrive on the opportunity, others are challenged. A prospective longitudinal design was used to determine the contribution of personal background and school contextual factors on academic competence (AC) and mental health functioning (MHF) of 266 students, 6-months before and after the transition to secondary school. Data from 197 typically developing students and 69 students with a disability were analysed using hierarchical linear regression modelling. Both in primary and secondary school, students with a disability and from socially disadvantaged backgrounds gained poorer scores for AC and MHF than their typically developing and more affluent counterparts. Students who attended independent and mid-range sized primary schools had the highest concurrent AC. Those from independent primary schools had the lowest MHF. The primary school organisational model significantly influenced post-transition AC scores; with students from Kindergarten--Year 7 schools reporting the lowest scores, while those from the Kindergarten--Year 12 structure without middle school having the highest scores. Attending a school which used the Kindergarten--Year 12 with middle school structure was associated with a reduction in AC scores across the transition. Personal background factors accounted for the majority of the variability in post-transition AC and MHF. The contribution of school contextual factors was relatively minor. There is a potential opportunity for schools to provide support to disadvantaged students before the transition to secondary school, as they continue to be at a disadvantage after the transition.


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Companies operating in the wood processing industry need to increase their productivity by implementing automation technologies in their production systems. An increasing global competition and rising raw material prizes challenge their competitiveness. Yet, too extensive automation brings risks such as a deterioration in situation awareness and operator deskilling. The concept of Levels of Automation is generally seen as means to achieve a balanced task allocation between the operators’ skills and competences and the need for automation technology relieving the humans from repetitive or hazardous work activities. The aim of this thesis was to examine to what extent existing methods for assessing Levels of Automation in production processes are applicable in the wood processing industry when focusing on an improved competitiveness of production systems. This was done by answering the following research questions (RQ): RQ1: What method is most appropriate to be applied with measuring Levels of Automation in the wood processing industry? RQ2: How can the measurement of Levels of Automation contribute to an improved competitiveness of the wood processing industry’s production processes? Literature reviews were used to identify the main characteristics of the wood processing industry affecting its automation potential and appropriate assessment methods for Levels of Automation in order to answer RQ1. When selecting the most suitable method, factors like the relevance to the target industry, application complexity or operational level the method is penetrating were important. The DYNAMO++ method, which covers both a rather quantitative technical-physical and a more qualitative social-cognitive dimension, was seen as most appropriate when taking into account these factors. To answer RQ 2, a case study was undertaken at a major Swedish manufacturer of interior wood products to point out paths how the measurement of Levels of Automation contributes to an improved competitiveness of the wood processing industry. The focus was on the task level on shop floor and concrete improvement suggestions were elaborated after applying the measurement method for Levels of Automation. Main aspects considered for generalization were enhancements regarding ergonomics in process design and cognitive support tools for shop-floor personnel through task standardization. Furthermore, difficulties regarding the automation of grading and sorting processes due to the heterogeneous material properties of wood argue for a suitable arrangement of human intervention options in terms of work task allocation.  The application of a modified version of DYNAMO++ reveals its pros and cons during a case study which covers a high operator involvement in the improvement process and the distinct predisposition of DYNAMO++ to be applied in an assembly system.


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Under 2015 genomfördes nationella lärandeseminarier för att stärka implementeringen av den lag som ger barn rätt till information, råd och stöd när en förälder plötsligt avlider, är svårt sjuk eller skadad (HSL 2g §). Satsningen var ett förbättringsarbete som omfattade sex landsting som med hjälp av en projektledning träffades vid fyra tillfällen från januari till september. Två av träffarna skedde i Stockholm och två var digitala. Under våren 2015 knöts följeforskning till arbetet med frågeställningar om vilka resultat förbättringsarbetet gav och hur deltagarna upplevde arbetssättet. Syftet var att lyfta fram vad satsningen gav samt att lära inför framtida satsningar – är lärandeseminarier ett användbart arbetssätt för nationella implementeringssatsningar? Rapporten visar att lärandeseminarier tycks vara en användbar form. Teamen kan redovisa att de uppnått många av de mål som de föresatte sig under projekttiden. Det handlade om kartläggning av kunskapsläge och strukturer, kompetensutveckling samt utveckling av rutiner och material. Teamen uppskattade också att få delta i ett nationellt sammanhang som gav inspiration. Samtidigt framkom det önskemål om fortsatt och ännu mer handfast stöd i fortsatt implementering i klinisk verksamhet.


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The member states of the European Union received 1.2 million first time asylum applications in 2015 (a doubling compared to 2014). Even if asylum will be granted for many of the refugees that made the journey to Europe, several obstacles for successful integration remain. This paper focuses on one of these obstacles, namely the problem of finding housing for refugees once they have been granted asylum. In particular, the focus is restricted to the situation in Sweden during 2015–2016 and it is demonstrated that market design can play an important role in a partial solution to the problem. More specifically, because almost all accommodation options are exhausted in Sweden, the paper investigates a matching system, closely related to the system adopted by the European NGO “Refugees Welcome”, and proposes an easy-to-implement algorithm that finds a stable maximum matching. Such matching guarantees that housing is provided to a maximum number of refugees and that no refugee prefers some landlord to their current match when, at the same time, that specific landlord prefers that refugee to his current match.


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Introducción: La artritis reumatoide (AR) es una enfermedad autoinmune-inflamatoria, que compromete las articulaciones diartrodiales. Tiene una importante repercusión sistémica que incluye la depresión; por lo tanto, tiene un severo impacto sobre la calidad de vida. Es posible que mecanismos de defensa, tales como la resiliencia, puedan amortiguar dicho impacto. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal, multicéntrico (análisis inicial dentro del grupo AR, con muestra no probabilística de 66 pacientes, posterior selección aleatoria simple de 16 pacientes de la muestra inicial y selección de 16 individuos sanos pareados). Posteriormente, se comparó la resiliencia entre sujetos con AR y sujetos sanos, mediante las escalas RS y CD-RISC25. Adicionalmente, se aplicaron las escalas EEAE, EADZ, SF-36 y PANAS. Los datos fueron evaluados mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman, las pruebas U Mann-Whitney, Kruskall-Wallis, T de Student y análisis de varianza. Resultados: se encontraron diferencias significativas en las estrategias de afrontamiento no espirituales en grupos de resiliencia baja, media y alta; diferencias en las medianas de resiliencia en los grupos de depresión por EAZD en los pacientes. No se encontraron resultados significativos en las variables clínicas de la AR ni en la comparación con sujetos sanos. Conclusiones: el uso de estrategias de afrontamiento no espirituales y la ausencia de depresión, se asoció a mayores niveles de resiliencia en los pacientes con AR, por lo cual, los componentes emocionales y cognitivos se asocian a la resiliencia.


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En este trabajo de grado se aborda la relación entre las audiencias y los medios a partir de un estudio de recepción del diario Q’hubo en los sectores populares de Bogotá, específicamente en la localidad de Kennedy de esta ciudad. El estudio reconoce que las formas determinadas de interactuar con los medios están atadas a los contextos, las instituciones y los entornos culturales y sociales desde los que lector construye su realidad y se inserta en la sociedad actual. Por lo mismo, se nutre de estos elementos para entender los procesos de recepción a través de las formas cotidianas de consumo del diario Q’hubo frente al contexto mediático actual. Se sustenta que el Q’hubo se comunica con sus lectores combinando aspectos clásicos de la prensa popular y adaptando aspectos de diseño y lenguaje aportados por los nuevos medios. Lo que a su vez se relaciona con apropiaciones, usos y modos de leer de la audiencia, que reivindica interacciones tradicionales y desarrolla interacciones emergentes gracias a la convergencia de las tecnologías con la cultura letrada, oral y visual.