919 resultados para Air bags.


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Alterações na densidade do substrato durante o cultivo das plantas modificam suas propriedades físicas. O trabalho teve como objetivos caracterizar fisicamente dois substratos hortícolas e avaliar o efeito da densidade na relação ar/água dos mesmos, elaborando funções matemáticas que permitam estimar tal relação a partir da densidade do substrato. Para tanto, determinou-se a distribuição do tamanho das partículas, a densidade e a curva de retenção de água. Procedeu-se o acondicionamento dos substratos em três valores de densidade: 10 (D1), 20 (D2) e 30% (D3) maior que a densidade (D) determinada na fase de caracterização. Partindo das amostras com diferentes densidades, determinou-se a curva de retenção de água dos substratos. A influência do aumento da densidade do substrato na porosidade total (PT), no espaço de aeração (EA), na água disponível (AD), na água facilmente disponível (AFD), na água tamponante (AT) e na água remanescente (AR) foi avaliada pela análise de regressão linear simples e análise polinomial. A composição granulométrica e a curva de retenção de água foram significativamente diferentes para os dois substratos. O aumento da densidade diminuiu a PT e o EA e aumentou a AT e AR. Os maiores valores de AD e AFD foram observados para D1. Foram obtidas equações de regressão que podem auxiliar na escolha da relação ar/água mais adequada para cada condição.


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A cultura da batata possui grande expressão econômica dentro do cenário agrícola. Para isso, equipamentos e técnicas de aplicação de produtos fitossanitários vêm sendo desenvolvidos visando melhorar o rendimento econômico da cultura. Neste sentido, experimentos foram conduzidos no delineamento em blocos ao acaso na cultura da batata cv. Ágata. Objetivando avaliar o efeito da assistência de ar combinada a diferentes ângulos de aplicação sobre a deposição da pulverização, bem como as perdas da calda para o solo utilizou-se um pulverizador com e sem assistência de ar junto à barra de pulverização posicionada a +30º, 0º e -30º (sinal + a favor e - contrário ao deslocamento) em relação a vertical. O volume de calda foi 400 L ha-1 utilizando-se pontas de jato cônico vazio JA-4 na pressão de 633 kPa. Para a avaliação dos depósitos utilizou-se um traçador cúprico. Os depósitos foram removidos dos folíolos por lavagem com água destilada, em ambas as superfícies foliares, nas posições superior e inferior das plantas de batata e quantificados por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. As perdas da pulverização foram avaliadas em coletores plásticos colocados nas entrelinhas das parcelas experimentais. Os níveis dos depósitos do traçador cúprico nas diferentes posições da planta foram analisados pelo teste estatístico T² de Hotteling. Os maiores depósitos foram obtidos com a barra posicionada a 0º e +30º, em presença da assistência de ar, tanto na posição superior quanto inferior da planta. A presença do ar, além de propiciar maiores depósitos na parte inferior das plantas, possibilitou maior uniformidade na distribuição deles. As perdas da pulverização ficaram abaixo de 4%.


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Air flow through packed beds was analyzed experimentally under conditions ranging from those that reinforce the effect of the wall on the void fraction to those that minimize it. The packing was spherical particles, with a tube-to-particle diameter ratio (D/dp) between 3 and 60. Air flow rates were maintained between 1.3 and 4.44 m3/min, and gas velocity was measured with a Pitot tube positioned above the bed exit. Measurements were made at various radial and angular coordinate values, allowing the distribution of air flow across the bed to be described in detail. Comparison of the experimentally observed radial profiles with those derived from published equations revealed that at high D/dp ratios the measured and calculated velocity profiles behaved similarly. At low ratios, oscillations in the velocity profiles agreed with those in the voidage profiles, signifying that treating the porous medium as a continuum medium is questionable in these cases.


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Os principais causadores de perdas da qualidade de figos são: colheita e embalagens inadequadas, falta de padronização do produto na classificação e péssimas condições de transporte e armazenamento. Com este trabalho objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da imersão em hipoclorito, tipo de embalagem e refrigeração na conservação pós-colheita de figos verdes, cv. Roxo de Valinhos, mediante as características físicas, físico-químicas e químicas, durante o armazenamento. Após seleção, os figos foram imersos ou não em solução de hipoclorito de sódio a 40 ppm conforme os tratamentos, secos ao ar e embalados em filme de PVC de 50 m ou sacos plásticos. Após os tratamentos, os frutos foram submetidos a armazenamento refrigerado (1ºC e 70% de UR em BOD), por um período de 35 dias, sendo avaliados a cada 7 dias. O uso da embalagem reduziu drasticamente a perda de massa dos figos. Frutos não embalados apresentaram-se mais ácidos e com menores teores de açúcares. Com o uso da embalagem, os figos podem ser comercializados até os 35 dias de armazenamento desde que armazenados a 1ºC e 70% de UR em BOD. Já os figos não embalados, estes podem ser comercializados somente até os 2 dias de armazenamento sob refrigeração.


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A simple and sensitive method to determine parts per billion (ppb) of atmospheric formaldehyde in situ, using chromotropic acid, is described. A colorimetric sensor, coupled to a droplet of 15.5 muL chromotropic acid, was constructed and used to sample and quantify formaldehyde. The sensor was set up with two optical fibers, a right emitting diode (LED) and two photodiodes. The reference and transmitted light were measured by a photodetection arrangement that converts the signals into units of absorbance. Air was sampled around the chromotropic acid droplet. A purple product was formed and measured after the sampling terminated (typically 7 min). The response is proportional to the sampling period, analyte concentration and sample flow rate. The detection limit is similar to2 ppb and can be improved by using longer sampling times and/or a sampling flow rate higher than that used in this work, 200 mL min(-1). The present technique affords a simple, inexpensive near real-time measurement with very little reagent consumption. The method is selective and highly sensitive. This sensor could be used either for outdoor or indoor atmospheres.


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An experimental investigation of air enrichment in a combustion chamber designed to incinerate aqueous residues is presented. Diesel fuel and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) were used independently as fuels. An increase of 85% in the incineration capacity was obtained with nearly 50% O-2 in the oxidant gas, in comparison to incineration with air only. The incineration capacity continues increasing for enrichment levels above 50% O-2 , although at a lower pace. For complete oxy-flame combustion (100% O-2 ), the increase of the incineration capacity was about 110% relative to the starting conditions and about 13.5% relative to the condition with 50% O-2 . The CO concentration measured near the flame front decreases drastically with the increase of O-2 content in the oxidant gas. At the chamber exit, the CO concentration was always near zero, indicating that the chamber residence time was sufficient to complete fuel oxidation in any test setting. For diesel fuel, the NOx was entirely formed in the first region of the combustion chamber. For diesel fuel, there was some increase in the NOx concentration up to 35% of O-2 ; this increase became very sharp after that. From 60 ppm, at operation with air only, the NOx concentration raises to 200 ppm at 35% O-2 , and then to 2900 ppm at 74% O-2 . The latter corresponds to six times more NOx in terms of the ratio of mass of NO to mass of residue, compared to the situation of combustion with air only. For LPG, the NOx concentrations reached 4200 ppm at 80% O-2 , corresponding to nine times more, also in terms of the ratio of mass of NO to mass of residue, in comparison with combustion with air only. Results of different techniques used to control the NOx emission during air enrichment are discussed: (a) variation of the recirculated zone intensity, (b) increase of the spray Sauter mean diameter, (c) fuel staging, (d) oxidizer staging, and (e) ammonia injection. The present paper shows that NOx emission may be controlled without damage of the increase of incineration capacity by the enrichment and with low emission of partial oxidation pollutants such as CO.


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Fourteen samples of particulate matter and semi-volatile organic compounds were collected during 6 months in the city of Campo Grande, South Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were collected on Fluoropore PTFE filters and gas-phase PAHs were collected into sorbent tubes with XAD-2 resin. Both types of samples were extracted with a dichloromethane/methanol mixture (4:1 v/v), then the extracts were subjected to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. PAHs, oxidized PAH (oxy-PAHs), phenols and methoxyphenols were identified by use of GC retention indices and MS files. The average value obtained for the sum of 15 PAHs was 21.05 ng m(-3) (range: 8.94-62.5 ng m(-3)). The presence of specific tracers and calculations of characteristic ratios (e.g. [Phe]/[Phe] + [Ant]) were used to identify the sources of the emissions of PAHs in the atmospheric samples. Levoglucosan (the anhydride of beta-glucose), retene (1-methyl-7-isopropylphenanthrene) and methoxyphenols (derivatives of syringol and guaiacol) and tracers for wood burning were identified. This study demonstrates that biomass burning from the rural zone is the main source of PAHs and emissions of other substances in the investigated site of Campo Grande. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this article we investigate experimentally the potential of using pulsating flows for drying of food grains. A Rijke type oscillator with an electrical heater was used to dry batches of soybean grains. Drying temperatures were 60 degreesC. We observed a decrease on the drying time for pulsating flows when compared with the conventional non-pulsating regime. This decrease depended on sample initial moisture content and weight, and on final sample moisture content. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. Ltd.


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The presence of an accessory air breathing mechanism as verified by several authors, is widespread among Loricariidae, where modified parts of the digestive tract act primarily as oxygen-exchange organs. An anatomical and histological analysis was carried out on the stomach and intestine of the armoured catfish Liposarcus anisitsi. The data support the assumption that the modified stomach is responsible for holding air and allows blood oxygenation under hypoxia. Experiments demonstrating survival of air breathing Liposarcus in severely hypoxic water support the hypothesis and are discussed.


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Glass transition temperatures of freeze-dried tomato conditioned at various water activities at 25 C were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Air-dried tomato with and without osmotic pre-treatment in sucrose/NaCl solutions was also analyzed. Thermograms corresponding to the low water activity domain (0.11 less than or equal to a(w) less than or equal to 0.75) revealed the existence of two glass transitions, which were attributed to separated phases formed by sugars and water and other natural macromolecules present in the vegetable. Both transitions were plasticized by water and experimental data could be well correlated by the Gordon-Taylor equation in the low-temperature domain, and by the Kwei model in the high-temperature domain. For higher water activities, the low-temperature glass transition curve exhibited a discontinuity, with suddenly increased glass transition temperatures approaching a constant value that corresponds to the T-g of the maximally freeze-concentrated amorphous matrix. The unfreezable water content was determined through the melting enthalpy dependence on the moisture content. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To determine the influence of different dentin treatments on the microtensile bond strengths of adhesive resins to dentin. Methods: Fifteen human molars were ground to 600-grit to obtain flat root-dentin surfaces. Five different dentin treatments were evaluated: Group 1 - 10% phosphoric acid for 30 seconds; Group 2 - 37% phosphoric acid for 15 seconds; Group 3 - air-abrasion for 10 seconds followed by 10% phosphoric acid for 30 seconds; Group 4 - air-abasion for 10 seconds followed by 37% phosphoric acid for 15 seconds. The dental adhesive (OptiBond Solo Plus) was applied according to manufacturer's instructions and followed by composite (Z100) application to provide sufficient bulk for microtensile bond testing. All samples were placed in distilled water for 24 hours at 37degreesC, thermocycled for 500 cycles in distilled water at 10degreesC and 50degreesC, and serially sliced perpendicular to the adhesive surface and subjected to tensile forces (0.5 mm/minute). Additional samples were prepared for SEM to observe the adhesive interface. Results: Group 2 exhibited significantly (P< 0.05) lower bond strength values than all other treatments. The bond strengths of the different conditions were (in MPa): Group 1: 43.0 +/- 16.1; Group 2: 29.2 +/- 8.3; Group 3: 48.1 +/- 14.2; Group 4: 41.0 +/- 9.3. The dentin treated with phosphoric acid 37% for 15 seconds showed the lowest values of microtensile bond strength. The results obtained with Groups 1, 3 and 4 were statistically similar.


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