1000 resultados para Administração científica


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Polymeric nanoparticle systems such as nanocapsules and nanospheres present potential applications for the administration of therapeutic molecules. The physico-chemical characteristics of nanoparticle suspensions are important pre-requisites of the success of any dosage form development. The purpose of this review is to present the state of the art regarding the physico-chemical characterization of these drug carriers, in terms of the particle size distribution, the morphology, the polymer molecular weight, the surface charge, the drug content and the in vitro drug release profiles. Part of the review is devoted to the description of the techniques to improve the stability of colloidal systems.


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A la llista Top 100 Global Innovators 2011 trobem 40 companyies dels Estats Units, 27 del Japó, 11 de França, 6 de Suècia, 4 d'Alemanya, 4 de Corea del Sud, 4 dels Països Baixos, 3 de Suïssa i 1 de Liechtenstein. Els Estats Units lideren la llista, hi ha més empreses asiàtiques que europees i cap de la Xina, que és líder en quantitat de patents però no en influència i qualitat


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En este trabajo se analiza la situación de las publicaciones científicas en Economía y Empresa en España en el decenio 1994-2003. En concreto se analizan la producción de artículos, la productividad por investigador, la calidad de las publicaciones y su impacto (citas) y se elaboran rankings de las universidades españolas. Los principales resultados apuntan a unos niveles de producción científica que evolucionan de manera creciente en los últimos años. Esta mejora se debe al incremento de la plantilla y, sobre todo, al incremento de su productividad.


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En este escrito mostramos nuestra forma de entender la socialización del conocimiento histórico, así como el modo en que hemos llevado a cabo esta tarea, de forma experimental, en el marco del Proyecto ArqueoBarbaria. Este se desarrolla en el asentamiento llamado Cap de Barbaria II (Formentera) situado cronológicamente en el segundo milenio ANE, el cual tuvimos la oportunidad de excavar entre el 30 de Marzo y 15 de Abril de 2012. Desde un principio nos ropusimos hacer un proyecto que pudiera ser seguido casi en tiempo real, tanto mediante herramientas 2.0 (Arqueoblog, videodiarios, Facebook, Twitter...) como a través de una relación directa con la comunidad local. De esta manera, se realizaron visitas guiadas al yacimiento, conferencias y video-fórums, al mismo tiempo que se actualizaban periódicamente las diferentes redes sociales vinculadas al proyecto, con la intención de vehicular lo más rápido y directamente posible el conocimiento arqueológico.


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In the present work, we provide some considerations about the role of scientific communication in Chemistry Education. Such considerations may subsidize the development of communication in scientific language by Chemistry students. These considerations are based on information collected during a participatory research for the production of didactic material about scientific communication. The meetings were audio recorded and the contents of the participants' speeches were divided into categories. The category analysis supported the elaboration of the considerations.


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La ciència definida com el conjunt de coneixences d'un cert ordre de coses i la tècnica que és l'aplicació de la ciència tenen un impacte cabdal en tots els aspectes de la nostra vida, i hi confiem bona part del nostre futur. Només cal que fem una ullada al nostre voltant. Des dels objectes més quotidians fins als més sofisticats tractaments biomèdics tenen el seu origen en la ciència o bé en són conseqüència. Paradoxalment, però, per a moltes persones la ciència és una gran desconeguda, la qual cosa genera incomptables contradiccions [...].


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For some years, Chemistry teachers have used scientific visualization software of molecular models in computing rooms and chemistry laboratories for educational purposes. However, its application in classrooms has been limited. This article describes the integration and use of computer programs for scientific molecular visualization in a traditional classroom. We consider that the improvement of technical aspects of their application and use (usability) has a direct effect on students' understanding of molecular structures (including students' extrinsic motivation), among other factors. Consequently, we developed a guide for the integration of hardware and software of molecular visualization for its use in the classroom.


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"Science as culture" is based on the assumption that science is a valuable component of human culture. We therefore have to build the bridge, in cultural terms, from the scientific community to the common citizen. Teaching science as culture requires the co-construction of knowledge and citizenship. Ways of articulating science/technology with society are invoked, pondering on the ethical ambivalence of such connections. The goals of this reflection are to think about: a) epistemological obstacles that, in favouring the logic of monoculture, oppose the implantation of the science as culture; b) epistemological strategies that point towards a diversity of cultural practices and "constellations" of knowledge leading to the reconfiguration of the being through knowledge; c) imperatives that force us to (re)think the epistemological bases suited to the paradigmatic changes and which translate the dynamics and complexity of the evolution of the frameworks that currently sustain science and school scientific education.


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Brazilian scientific production in Biochemistry is growing impressively fast, and Rio Grande do Sul is outstanding in that context. This study aims to outline the state's scientific research profile, given its prominent position in the national scenario. Hence, researchers, laboratories, development of human resources and investments by Foundation for the Support to Research in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS) were identified and mapped. We observed that amount of financial support by FAPERGS decreases in last years. Therefore, there is the necessity to reestablish some of FAPERGS's programs, as well as to increase financial support to Biochemistry departments.


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This paper analyses the scientific contribution of chemists and of the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) and its publications to the development of Oceanography in Brazil, as well as major drivers of this participation. A total of 528 articles were analyzed. Most articles (72%) originated in research groups not associated with graduate programs in oceanography. Nearly 50% dealt with the contamination of the marine environment, followed by chemical process studies (32%) and analytical methods development (15%). SBQ journals contributed with 78 articles (14.7% of the total), and rank 1st (QN) and 2nd (JBCS) among scientific journals publishing the analyzed articles.