1000 resultados para ARGUMENTATION DYNAMICS


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Pòster presentat al congrés NPDDS2014


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Mitochondrial function and dynamics are essential for neurotransmission, neural function and neuronal viability. Recently, we showed that the eutherian-specific Armcx gene cluster (Armcx1-6 genes), located in the X chromosome, encodes for a new family of proteins that localise to mitochondria, regulating mitochondrial trafficking. The Armcx gene cluster evolved by retrotransposition of the Armc10 gene mRNA, which is present in all vertebrates and is considered to be the ancestor gene. Here we investigate the genomic organisation, mitochondrial functions and putative neuroprotective role of the Armc10 ancestor gene. The genomic context of the Armc10 locus shows considerable syntenic conservation among vertebrates, and sequence comparisons and CHIP-data suggest the presence of at least three conserved enhancers. We also show that the Armc10 protein localises to mitochondria and that it is highly expressed in the brain. Furthermore, we show that Armc10 levels regulate mitochondrial trafficking in neurons, but not mitochondrial aggregation, by controlling the number of moving mitochondria. We further demonstrate that the Armc10 protein interacts with the KIF5/Miro1-2/Trak2 trafficking complex. Finally, we show that overexpression of Armc10 in neurons prevents A beta-induced mitochondrial fission and neuronal death. Our data suggest both conserved and differential roles of the Armc10/Armcx gene family in regulating mitochondrial dynamics in neurons, and underscore a protective effect of the Armc10 gene against A beta-induced toxicity. Overall, our findings support a further degree of regulation of mitochondrial dynamics in the brain of more evolved mammals.


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This paper provides further insights into the dynamics of exports and outward foreign direct investment (FDI) flows in Spain from a time-series approach. The contribution of the paper is twofold: 1) the existence of either substitution or a complementary relationship between Spanish outward investments and exports is empirically tested using a multivariate cointegrated model (VECM). The evolution in exchange flows (1993-2008) and country-specific variables (such as world demand - including Spain’s main recently growing foreign markets - for trade flows and the relative price of exports in order to proxy new global competitors) are taken into account for the first time. And 2) the growth in the trade of services in recent decades leads us to test a specific causality relationship by disaggregating between goods and services flows. Our results provide evidence of a positive (Granger) causality relationship running from FDI to exports of goods (stronger) and to exports of services (weaker) in the long run, the complementarity relation of which is consistent with vertical FDI strategies. In the short run, however, only exports of goods are affected (positively) by FDIs.


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Mitochondrial function and dynamics are essential for neurotransmission, neural function and neuronal viability. Recently, we showed that the eutherian-specific Armcx gene cluster (Armcx1-6 genes), located in the X chromosome, encodes for a new family of proteins that localise to mitochondria, regulating mitochondrial trafficking. The Armcx gene cluster evolved by retrotransposition of the Armc10 gene mRNA, which is present in all vertebrates and is considered to be the ancestor gene. Here we investigate the genomic organisation, mitochondrial functions and putative neuroprotective role of the Armc10 ancestor gene. The genomic context of the Armc10 locus shows considerable syntenic conservation among vertebrates, and sequence comparisons and CHIP-data suggest the presence of at least three conserved enhancers. We also show that the Armc10 protein localises to mitochondria and that it is highly expressed in the brain. Furthermore, we show that Armc10 levels regulate mitochondrial trafficking in neurons, but not mitochondrial aggregation, by controlling the number of moving mitochondria. We further demonstrate that the Armc10 protein interacts with the KIF5/Miro1-2/Trak2 trafficking complex. Finally, we show that overexpression of Armc10 in neurons prevents A beta-induced mitochondrial fission and neuronal death. Our data suggest both conserved and differential roles of the Armc10/Armcx gene family in regulating mitochondrial dynamics in neurons, and underscore a protective effect of the Armc10 gene against A beta-induced toxicity. Overall, our findings support a further degree of regulation of mitochondrial dynamics in the brain of more evolved mammals.


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PURPOSE: We propose the use of a retrospectively gated cine fast spin echo (FSE) sequence for characterization of carotid artery dynamics. The aim of this study was to compare cine FSE measures of carotid dynamics with measures obtained on prospectively gated FSE images. METHODS: The common carotid arteries in 10 volunteers were imaged using two temporally resolved sequences: (i) cine FSE and (ii) prospectively gated FSE. Three raters manually traced a common carotid artery area for all cardiac phases on both sequences. Measured areas and systolic-diastolic area changes were calculated and compared. Inter- and intra-rater reliability were assessed for both sequences. RESULTS: No significant difference between cine FSE and prospectively gated FSE areas were observed (P = 0.36). Both sequences produced repeatable cross-sectional area measurements: inter-rater intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.88 on cine FSE images and 0.87 on prospectively gated FSE images. Minimum detectable difference (MDD) in systolic-diastolic area was 4.9 mm(2) with cine FSE and 6.4 mm(2) with prospectively gated FSE. CONCLUSION: This cine FSE method produced repeatable dynamic carotid artery measurements with less artifact and greater temporal efficiency compared with prospectively gated FSE. Magn Reson Med 74:1103-1109, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Dans le chapitre « Les paradoxes de l'argumentation en contexte d'éducation: s'accorder sur les désaccords », Muller Mirza part de l'idée qu'à la différence des situations ordinaires de désaccords, les dispositifs utilisant l'argumentation dans des contextes d'éducation demandent aux participants précisément de résoudre ces désaccords. Leur sont donc interdites, par contrat plus ou moins implicite, les échappatoires auxquelles nous recourons volontiers dans les discours quotidiens qui permettent d'éviter de problématiser la question en discussion. C'est dire qu'elle aborde directement une difficulté souvent signalée dans les études sur l'argumentation en contexte éducatif : la tension entre d'une part l'expression de points de vue différents, étape nécessaire à la construction des connaissances, et d'autre part la préservation de la relation entre les interlocuteurs, de leurs faces. Le chapitre propose comme objet de discussion le rôle de cette tension dans des situations d'apprentissage en analysant des productions argumentatives réalisées dans le cadre d'un dispositif particulier. Il invite ainsi à une réflexion non seulement sur les ingrédients des dispositifs pédagogiques qui permettraient de prendre en compte cette tension mais aussi sur les méthodes d'analyse des interactions argumentatives. L'étude de cas met en scène des étudiants de master en psychologie sociale, dans le cadre d'un jeu de rôle : ils sont placés dans la perspective de leur futur métier, et figurent des psychologues conseillant des éducateurs face à des jeunes qui utilisent des insultes racistes entre eux. Le dispositif mis en oeuvre satisfait quatre exigences d'ordre théorique, favorables selon l'auteure à une bonne résolution des désaccords : le ménagement des faces des interlocuteurs en fixant des rôles ne correspondant pas nécessairement aux positions de chacun ; la construction de connaissances,préalable à la discussion ; la médiation de l'échange par un outil, ici un « chat », qui permet d'échanger les points de vue et d'apporter une dimension réflexive en cours d'interaction sur les points de vue exprimés ; le fait de donner du sens à l'activité, en simulant une situation professionnelle potentielle. L'analyse des échanges a été réalisée sur onze corpus constitués par les étudiants en petits groupes de trois ou quatre travaillant sur un logiciel de « chat ». Les questions abordées étaient les suivantes : Comment les interlocuteurs négocient-ils les désaccords qui apparaissent au cours des échanges? Ces désaccords sont-ils propices à une problématisation? Les participants mettent-ils en oeuvre des dynamiques d'« exploration » du désaccord relevé? Cette analyse, inspirée d'une approche socioculturelle reprise en partie des travaux de Neil Mercer sur les « discours exploratoires », met en évidence des dynamiques argumentatives de qualité au cours desquels les désaccords sont non seulement exprimés mais également problématisés au sein des groupes. Elle met entre autres en évidence que le sens de l'activité pour les étudiants est en partie tributaire d'un contrat didactique et pédagogique : leurs échanges sont la base de leur évaluation universitaire. Néanmoins la similitude entre situation d'enseignement et situation professionnelle a largement été perçue par les étudiants et motivante pour eux, ce qui a certainement concouru également à la qualité des échanges.


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Les programmes scolaires accordent aujourd'hui une place importante à l'argumentation, comme objet d'apprentissage mais aussi comme démarche critique, propice au développement d'une posture citoyenne. Cet intérêt est légitime au vu des recherches récentes en éducation. L'observation des pratiques en classe montre toutefois que l'argumentation est une activité complexe, qui nécessite la coordination d'habiletés cognitives et relationnelles, et sensible aux contextes dans lesquels elle se déploie. Réunissant des contributions de chercheurs de renommée internationale et présentant différents dispositifs pédagogiques, cet ouvrage offre une réflexion sur le lien entre argumentation, apprentissage, contexte et savoirs sur lesquels porte l'argumentation. C'est la conjonction de ces quatre aspects qui fait son originalité et en signe la dimension pluridisciplinaire, à l'intersection de la psychologie, des sciences de l'éducation, des sciences du langage et de la didactique. Ce livre constitue une ressource pour toute personne intéressée par les bases théoriques de l'intégration de l'argumentation en classe, par ses effets sur l'apprentissage, et par les outils d'analyse de l'argumentation en contextes.


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Global wind patterns influence dispersal and migration processes of aerial organisms, propagules and particles, which ultimately could determine the dynamics of colonizations, invasions or spread of pathogens. However, studying how wind-mediated movements actually happen has been hampered so far by the lack of high resolution global wind data as well as the impossibility to track aerial movements. Using concurrent data on winds and actual pathways of a tracked seabird, here we show that oceanic winds define spatiotemporal pathways and barriers for large-scale aerial movements. We obtained wind data from NASA SeaWinds scatterometer to calculate wind cost (impedance) models reflecting the resistance to the aerial movement near the ocean surface. We also tracked the movements of a model organism, the Cory's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea), a pelagic bird known to perform long distance migrations. Cost models revealed that distant areas can be connected through"wind highways" that do not match the shortest great circle routes. Bird routes closely followed the low-cost"wind-highways" linking breeding and wintering areas. In addition, we found that a potential barrier, the near surface westerlies in the Atlantic sector of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), temporally hindered meridional trans-equatorial movements. Once the westerlies vanished, birds crossed the ITCZ to their winter quarters. This study provides a novel approach to investigate wind-mediated movements in oceanic environments and shows that large-scale migration and dispersal processes over the oceans can be largely driven by spatiotemporal wind patterns.


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There is still limited understanding of the processes underlying benthic species dynamics in marine coastal habitats, which are of disproportionate importance in terms of productivity and biodiversity. The life-history traits of long-lived benthic species in these habitats are particularly poorly documented. In this study, we assessed decadal patterns of population dynamics for ten sponge and anthozoan species that play key structural roles in coralligenous outcrops (~25 m depth) in two areas of the NW Mediterranean Sea. This study was based on examination of a unique long-term photographic series, which allowed analysis of population dynamics over extensive spatial and time spans for the very first time. Specifically, 671 individuals were censused annually over periods of 25-, 15-, and 5-years. This long-term study quantitatively revealed a common life-history pattern among the ten studied species, despite the fact they present different growth forms. Low mortality rates (3.4% yr−1 for all species combined) and infrequent recruitment events (mean value of 3.1±0.5 SE recruits yr−1) provided only a very small fraction of the new colonies required to maintain population sizes. Overall, annual mortality and recruitment rates did not differ significantly among years; however, some species displayed important mortality events and recruitment pulses, indicating variability among species. Based on the growth rates of these 10 species, we projected their longevity and, obtained a mean estimated age of 25-200 years. Finally, the low to moderate turnover rates (mean value 0.80% yr−1) observed among the coralligenous species were in agreement with their low dynamics and persistence. These results offer solid baseline data and reveal that these habitats are among the most vulnerable to the current increases of anthropogenic disturbances.


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It is often assumed that total head losses in a sand filter are solely due to the filtration media and that there are analytical solutions, such as the Ergun equation, to compute them. However, total head losses are also due to auxiliary elements (inlet and outlet pipes and filter nozzles), which produce undesirable head losses because they increase energy requirements without contributing to the filtration process. In this study, ANSYS Fluent version 6.3, a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software program, was used to compute head losses in different parts of a sand filter. Six different numerical filter models of varying complexities were used to understand the hydraulic behavior of the several filter elements and their importance in total head losses. The simulation results show that 84.6% of these were caused by the sand bed and 15.4% were due to auxiliary elements (4.4% in the outlet and inlet pipes, and 11.0% in the perforated plate and nozzles). Simulation results with different models show the important role of the nozzles in the hydraulic behavior of the sand filter. The relationship between the passing area through the nozzles and the passing area through the perforated plate is an important design parameter for the reduction of total head losses. A reduced relationship caused by nozzle clogging would disproportionately increase the total head losses in the sand filter