993 resultados para 54301-003


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尼龙1010是我国特有的工程塑料。但对它的结构与性能的基础研究并不多见。迄今为止,许多聚酰胺的晶胞参数已被测定,并比较准确地计算出它们的结晶密度ρ_c。可是,尚未见到过有关尼龙1010的ρ_c的报道。此外,结晶高聚物的平衡熔融温度T°_m和平衡熔融热ΔH°_m是非常重要的热力学参数,尤其是后者更是用量热法计算结晶度的基准。早在50年代,Flory等对它的T°_m和ΔH°_m进行了许多研究,由于受当时历史条件限制,这些数值的准确性不高,不能当作平衡状态的数值。尼龙1010经γ-射线辐照后,有可能提高它的使用温度,扩大它的应用范围和领域。但至今未见到过大剂量下γ-辐照尼龙1010及其添加强化交联剂BMI的γ辐照产物的热学性能和结晶过程的研究。随着科学技术的发展,目前迫切需要准确的尼龙1010的ρ_c、T°_m、ΔH°_m的数值,以及大剂量下γ-辐照产物的热学性能和结晶过程的详细研究,以便更合理地开发和利用这一材料为四化建设服务。本文用DSC差示扫描量热仪、红外光谱仪、广角X-射线衍射仪以及TMS热机械仪等研究手段,准确地测定了尼龙1010的平衡热力学参数,并对尼龙1010及其添加强化交联剂BMI的γ-辐照产物的热学性能和结晶过程进行了详细的研究。用红外吸光度-密度外推法求得尼龙1010的ρ_a(非晶密度)= 1.003 ρ_c = 1.098g/cm~3。1.098g/cm~3与用X-射线衍射法求得的1.135g/cm~3比较,认为后者更为合理。用介稳态结晶试样的ΔH_m-(V-bar)_(sp)的线性关系,求得尼龙1010的平衡熔融热。ΔH°_m = 244.0J/g。企图用常用的Hoffman Tm-Tc外推法来确定尼龙1010的平衡熔融温度T°_m,但未能成功,并指出其升温过程中重结晶异常迅速是此法行不通的主要原因。用Kamide提出的双重外推法成功地求得尼龙1010的平衡熔融温度:T°_m = 487 K = 214 ℃通过详细地研究尼龙1010及其添加强化并联剂BMI的γ辐照产物的热学性能,发现强化交联剂BMI的加入,使尼龙1010大分子的交联更容易,但也使得空间网络较松散;同时γ辐照尼龙1010在再次等速升温过程中出现冷结晶峰是辐照产物中存在可结晶部分、交联网络阻碍可结晶部分结晶两者共同作用的结果。交联网络使可结晶部分在降温过程中来不及结晶,当再次升温到玻璃化转变温度以上时,链段冻结被解除,可结晶的分子链段进行有序排列而结晶,导致冷结晶峰的出现。冷结晶峰的强度和位置与辐照产物中可结晶部分的多少、交联网络的大小即相邻交联点之间的分子量Mc的大小、交联网络的松散程度以及试样的热历史都有关。选择适当的等温结晶温度,用DSC-2C型差示扫描量热仪研究了尼龙1010及其γ-辐照产物和添加强化交联剂BMI的γ-辐照产物的等温结晶过程。用DSC-2C 3600 TADS计算机自带的部分面积程序进行动力学数据处理。通过仔细的等温结晶动力学研究,发现γ辐照尼龙10104 Avrami指数n几乎不受辐照剂量R和强化交联剂BMI的影响,且一般为3.75,这说明尼龙1010及其γ辐照产物的结晶过程接近于均相三维成核。随着辐照剂量R和强化交联剂BMI含量的增大,折迭链表面自由能σe值增大,σe值的分布可能变宽,σe值的这种变化可以归因于辐照剂量R和强化交联剂BMI的含量增大时,交联网络增多,交联密度增大,Mc值的分布变宽,链尾和小链圈的数目增多,活动性减小,同时链尾也增长,结果导致σe(链尾、链圈)增大,从而σe值变大,σe值的分布可能变宽。σe值的这种变化也正是过冷度增大、拖尾现象严重、总的动力学速率常数Kn和结晶速率t_(0.5)~(-1)变小的总根源。由此可见,对于分子量不同或分子结构有差别的同一种结晶高聚物来说,σe值可以作为衡量结晶能力大小的定量标准。


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岩体中大多数的结构面表现为既非连续也非完全不连续,试验研究发现结构面的接触面积对其透射系数影响非常大。采用基于连续介质的块体离散元程序(CDEM)模拟结构面处应力波传播过程,在结构面处进行了多尺度处理,模拟结构面的凹凸不平,研究了结构面的接触面积及其分布对应力波传播的影响,拟合得到透射系数和接触面积与总面积之比的关系是:纵波为Tp=0.25 ln(r)+1.003,横波为Ts=0.252 ln(r)+0.98。而且接触面积的分布也会影响应力波的透射系数和透射波的频谱分布。


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为了从分子水平对中国药用石斛及其混伪品进行鉴定,本文选取了核rDNA ITS 序列和叶绿体DNA 的matK 基因序列进行研究。采用改良的CTAB 法提取石斛的基因组DNA,PCR 产物直接测序法对17 种(共32 份)药用石斛的核糖体内转录间隔区ITS 全序列进行测定,克隆测序法对12 种(共22 份)药用石斛的叶绿体的matK 基因序列进行测定,运用BioEd it,MEGA4.0 等生物软件分析了石斛属植物的rDNA ITS 序列及叶绿体的matK 基因序列的特征,比较了石斛属间、种间、种内不同居群(品种)间的序列碱基差异及遗传距离,应用邻接法构建分子系统树。主要研究结果如下: (1)建立了17 种(共32 份)药用石斛rDNA ITS 区碱基全序列数据库,其中,ITS1 的长度为228~234 bp,GC 含量为45.7%~53.0%,变异位点167 个,占总位点67.34%,信息位点106 个,占总位点42.74%,ITS2 长度为241~247 bp,GC含量为44.8%~55.7%,变异位点165 个,占总位点66.27%,信息位点115 个,占总位点46.18%。 (2)建立了12 种(共22 份)药用石斛的叶绿体matK 基因全序列数据库,叶绿体matK 基因长1410 bp,变异位点51 个,信息位点11 个。除了存在碱基替换的遗传变异外,还存在碱基的插入和缺失。 (3)通过ITS 序列比较分析了各材料间的遗传距离和碱基差异,属间的遗传距离为0.295,石斛种间的平均遗传距离为0.142,碱基相差2~156 个,种内各居群间的平均遗传距离为0.002,碱基相差1~2 个。属间的遗传距离大于种间的遗传距离,种间的遗传距离大于种内不同居群(品种)间的遗传距离。 (4)根据分析石斛叶绿体的matK 基因序列得到,外类群(密花石豆兰)与石斛属间最小遗传距离为0.027,石斛种间的平均遗传距离为0.008,种间最大的遗传距离0.014, 最小的遗传距离为0.003,碱基相差8~20 个。种内不同居群(品种)遗传距离为0.001,相差1~5 个碱基。 (5)利用17 种石斛的全序列数据库及遗传分析软件,通过对待检种rDNA I TS区进行序列测定,成功地对10 个待检种进行了鉴定,并且在原植物开花后得到了验证。 (6)运用12 种石斛的matK 基因全序列数据库及遗传分析软件,成功地对4个待检种进行了鉴定,同样在原植物开花后得到了验证。 (7)本文利用石斛的核糖体内转录间隔区ITS 序列和叶绿体的matK 基因序列数据库分别构建了NJ 树,外类群与石斛属间石斛种间以及种内不同居群(品种)间均能在NJ 树中明显分化开来,二者构建的分子系统树一致,为石斛的分子鉴定提供了依据。 In order to identify Chinese Herba Dendrobii and its adulterant species on molecular level, we studied the sequences of rDNA ITS and chloroplast matK gene. Genomic DNA of Dendrobium was extracted using the modified cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) method. The PCR products of the rDNA ITS sequences of Dendrobium (32 materia ls) were purified and then sequenced. The PCR products of chloroplast matK gene of Dendrobium (22 materia ls) were purified, cloned and then sequenced. The characteristic of the sequences and the genetic dista nce were compared between Bulbophyllum odoratissimum and Dendrobium, Dendrobium interspecies, and different populations. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using the NJ method by the biology softwares including BioEd it, MEGA4.0 etc. The ma in results as follows: (1) It was built up that the database of rDNA ITS sequences of 17 species of Herba Dendrobii (32 materia ls). The ITS1 was 228~234 bp, the GC content accounting for 45.7%~53.0%. Its variable sites were 167, accounting for 67.34%. The Parsim-Informative positions were 106, accounting for 42.74%. The ITS2 was 241~247 bp, the GC accounting for 44.8%~55.7%. The variable sites were 165, accounting for 66.27%. The Parsim-Informative positions were 115, accounting for 46.18%. (2) The database of the chloroplast matK gene sequences was built up, which contained 12 species of Herba Dendrobii (22 materia ls). The matK gene sequences were about 1410bp in length. There were 51 variable sites and 11 Parsim-Informative sites. And there were nucleotides insertions and deletions in some species , in addition to the nucleotides substitutions. (3) The rDNA ITS sequences were compared and analyzed by the biology softwares. The genetic dista nce between Bulbophyllum odoratissimum and Dendrobium was 0.295. The avera ge genetic dista nce was 0.142 between Dendrobium species, and there were 2~156 variable nucleotides. The avera ge genetic dista nce between different populations was 0.002, and there were 2~156 variable nucleotides. The genetic dista nce between Bulbophyllum odoratissimum and Dendrobium was greater tha n that of Denrobium interspecies. Meanwhile, the genetic dista nce between Denrobium species was also greater tha n that of different populations (variaties). (4) The characteristics of the chloroplast matK gene sequences were obtained after analyzing by the biology softwares. The minima l genetic dista nce was 0.027 between Bulbophyllum odoratissimum and Dendrobium . The ma xima l genetic dista nce was 0.014 between Dendrobium species, and there were 20 variable nucleotides. The minima l genetic dista nce between populations was 0.003, and there were 8 variable nucleotides.The genetic dista nce between populations was 0.001, and there were 1~5 variable nucleotides. (5) The molecular Phylogeny tree was constructed on the database of rDNA ITS the sequences of 17 species of Herba Dendrobii using the biology softwares. Then we authenticated 10 materia ls on molecular level. What’s more, they had been proved when these pla nts flowered. (6) The molecular Phylogeny tree was built up on the database of chloroplast matK gene sequences of 12 species of Herba Dendrobii with the biology softwares.Then 4 materia ls were authenticated on molecular level. Moreover, they had also been proved when these pla nts were in flower. (7) The Phylogenetic trees were separately constructed on the sequences of rDNA ITS and chloroplast matK gene B. odoratissimum and Dendrobium all could be distinguished on the Phylogenetic trees. Meanwhile, the Phylogenetic trees based on two groups of sequences were coincident. rDNA ITS and matK gene sequence could be used as molecular markers for authentication of Herba Dendrobii.


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钻井废水是油气井开采钻探过程中产生的废水,钻井废水成分复杂,有机物浓度高、色度高、悬浮物浓度高,水质变化大,排放点分散,不经处理排放会污染环境,破坏生态。随着石油工业的不断发展和国家环保法律法规的日益严格,钻井废水的治理也越来越受到重视。如何采用经济有效的方法处理废弃钻井液,对油气井开采业的可持续发展具有重要意义。本论文以遂宁磨153 井的钻井废水为主要研究对象,在对废水进行絮凝沉降预处理和生物法处理探索的基础上,针对钻井废水可生化性差的特点,采用水解酸化和Fenton 试剂改善钻井废水的可生化性,对反应过程进行了比较详细的考察,对可生化性改善的机理进行了探索。主要研究结论如下:1 用PFS 和PAC 配制的混合混凝剂对钻井废水COD 的去除效果比较显著,在最佳条件下COD 的去除率可达75%,且絮体沉降速度较快,出水pH 保持中性;2 水解酸化法处理钻井废水可显著改善废水的可生化性。经48 小时水解酸化处理,钻井废水的理论BOD5可提高约22 倍,表观BOD5/COD值由0.004 提高到0.034。用接触氧化反应器处理经水解酸化处理后的废水,处理效果比较稳定,COD平均去除率达35.5%;3 研究了Fenton反应中各影响因子对废水COD去除率、BOD5/COD的影响并分析其作用机制,确定了最佳条件:初始pH为4.0,H2O2/Fe2+(摩尔浓度比)为20,H2O2/COD(质量浓度比)为1,反应时间为2 个小时。此条件下,废水的COD去除率约为40%,BOD5/COD值从0.002~0.003 提高至0.15~0.2,可生化性得到很大提高。本论文的主要创新点在于:1 以成分复杂、水质变化大的气井钻井废水为研究对象,从理论BOD 和表观BOD 两方面对水解酸化过程中废水可生化性的变化进行了分析;2 对Fenton 试剂改善钻井废水可生化性的过程、主要影响因素进行了比较详细的考察。本论文的研究成果,可为生物法处理钻井废水的深入研究提供理论依据。Drilling wastewater is produced in the process of oil-gas well drilling,because of its complicated composition, high concentrate of organic compound andsuspended solid, high chroma, levity of water quality and decentralization ofdischarge point, it pollutes environment seriously if discharged without treatment.With the development of petroleum industry and the issuing of more strict laws forenvironmental protection, it has been paid more and more attention on drillingwastewater treatment. It is of great importance for the sustainable development ofoil-gas well drilling to treat drilling wastewater by economical and effective methods.In this paper, drilling wastewater of Mo No.153 well in Suining was studied asthe main object. On the basis of research on pre-treatment with flocculant andbiological treatment, and according to the character of poor biodegradability, thedrilling wastewater was treated by hydrolytic acidification and Fenton’s reagent toimprove its biodegradability. The process and mechanism of biodegradabilitychanging were investigated. The primary conclusions are:1 It is effective to treat drilling wastewater with mixing PFS and PAC asflocculant. The removal rates of COD came up to 75% under optimal conditions, thesedimentation rate of flocculation is rapid, and the pH value of treated water remainedneutral;2 The biodegradability of drilling wastewater was highly improved afterhydrolytic acidification process. The theoretic BOD5 of drilling wastewater increasedby 22 times and its detected BOD5/COD ratio increased from 0.004 to 0.034 afterhydrolytic acidification for 48 hours. The wastewater after hydrolytic acidificationwas treated by biological contact oxidation reactor. Stable treatment performance was achieved, and the average removal rates of COD came up to 35.5%;3 The effects of various affection factors on the removal efficiency of COD andBOD5/COD radio in treating drilling wastewater by Fenton’s reagent wereinvestigated and the mechanism was analyzed. The optimal conditions were: initialpH of solution was 4.0, the molar ratio of H2O2 and Fe2+ was 20, the concentrationratio of H2O2 and COD was 1 and the reaction time was 120 min. Under the aboveconditions, the removal efficiency was about 40% and the ratio of BOD5 and CODincreased from 0.002 ¡« 0.003 to 0.15 ¡« 0.2. The biodegradability of drillingwastewater was greatly improved.The innovations of this thesis are:1 The drilling wastewater was taken as the research object which hascomplicated composition and variational water quality, and the changes ofbiodegradability were analyzed from theoretic BOD and detected BOD aspects duringhydrolytic acidification process;2 The biodegradability changing process and primary affection factors of drillingwastewater treating by Fenton’s reagent were investigated.The results of this study could provide theoretic foundation for further researchon biological treatment of drilling wastewater.


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Stable deuterium (delta D) and oxygen-18 (delta O-18) isotopes in 1962 to 2002 precipitation from the seven Australian stations of the Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) were used to investigate isotope characteristics including temporal and spatial distributions across different regions of Australia. On the basis of 1534 samples, the local meteoric water line (LMWL) was established as delta D = 7.10 delta O-18 + 8.21. delta O-18 showed a depletion trend from north and south to central Australia (a continental effect) and from west to east. Precipitation amount effects were generally greater than temperature effects, with quadratic or logarithmic correlations describing delta/T and delta/P better than linear relationships. Nonlinear stepwise regression was used to determine the significant meteorological control factors for each station, explaining about 50% or more of the delta O-18 variations. Geographical control factors for delta O-18 were given by the relationship delta O-18 (parts per thousand) = -0.005 longitude (degrees) - 0.034 latitude (degrees)-0.003 altitude (m) - 4.753. Four different types of d-excess patterns demonstrated particular precipitation formation conditions for four major seasonal rainfall zones. Finally, wavelet coherence (WTC) between delta O-18 and SOI confirmed that the influence of ENSO decreased from east and north to west Australia.


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Single-colour and two-colour multiphoton resonant ionization spectra of uranium atom were studied extensively with a Nd: YAG laser-pumped dye laser atomic beam apparatus time-of-flight mass spectrometer in our laboratory. The energy locations of high-lying odd-parity levels in the region 33 003-34 264 cm(-1),mearured by a two-colour three-step ionization technique, were reported here. The angular momentum quantum number J was uniquely assigned for these levels by using angular momentum selection rules.


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WAXD, SAXS, FTIR, DSC and density techniques have been used to investigate the crystal structure, crystal density rho(c), amorphous density rho(a), equilibrium heat of fusion DELTAH(m)degrees and equilibrium melting temperature T(m)degrees. By extrapolating the straight lines in the FTIR absorbance against density plot to zero intensity, rho(c) and rho(a) were estimated to be 1.098 and 1.003 g/cm3 respectively. The rho(c) obtained was too low in value. From X-ray diffraction patterns of uniaxially oriented fibres, the crystal structure of Nylon-1010 was determined. The Nylon-1010 crystallized in the triclinic system, with lattice dimensions: a = 4.9 angstrom, b = 5.4 angstrom, c = 27.8 angstrom, alpha = 49-degrees, beta = 77-degrees, gamma = 63.5-degrees. The unit cell contained one monomeric unit, the space group was P1BAR, and the correct value of rho(c) was 1.135 g/cm3. The degree of crystallinity of the polymer was determined as about 60% (at RT) using Ruland's method. SAXS has been used to investigate the crystalline lamellar thickness, long period, transition zone, the specific inner surface and the electron density difference between the crystalline and amorphous regions for Nylon-1010. The analysis of data was based upon a one-dimensional electron-density correlation function. DELTAH(m)degrees was estimated to be 244.0 J/g by extrapolation of DELTAH(m)degrees in the plot of heat of fusion against specific volume of semicrystalline specimens to the completely crystalline condition (V(sp)c = 1/rho(c)). Owing to the ease of recrystallization of melt-crystallized Nylon-1010 specimens, the well-known Hoffman's T(m)-T(c) method failed in determining T(m)degrees and a Kamide double extrapolation method was adopted. The T(m)degrees value so obtained was 487 K.


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本文提出了以PGS-2型平面光栅摄谱仪与Plasma Therm ICP-5000D射频发生器联用,乙醇溶液预去溶进样方法,直接同时测定高纯氧化钬中5个稀土杂质元素的方法,并讨论了基体浓度对分析方法检出限的影响和光谱干扰及其校正。当样品溶液中稀土总浓度为5mg/ml时,测定下限分别为铽0.003%,镝、铒和铥0.002%,钇0.0003%。其相对标准偏差为2.8%~7.4%。


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本文提出了PGS-2型平面光栅光谱仪(色散率0.18纳米,二级光谱)与Plasma Therm ICP-5000D射频发生器联用,乙醇预去溶方式进样,同时直接测定高纯金属镨中5个痕量稀土杂质元素的方法。并讨论了基体浓度对检出限的影响以及光谱干扰及其校正方法。当样品溶液中镨的浓度为5毫克/毫升时,测定下限分别为镧、钕和钐0.002%,铈0.003%和钇0.0005%。获得了良好的实验结果,并相对标准偏差为1.2-6.2%。


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能量代谢指动物在进行生理活动(如摄食、消化以及动物的活动等)时所消耗能量的总和,一般以动物的呼吸率利排泄率来估计动物的能量代谢。其主要研究内容是闸明生物能量代谢的基木规律以及与环境闪子的关系。菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapesphil ippmarum)是我国一种重要的养殖贝类,关于其能量代谢的研究却较少,这种状况妨碍了菲律宾蛤仔养殖生态理论的完善和养殖技术的提高。本研究主要对菲律宾蛤仔呼吸率和排泄率的基本规律(能量代谢与体重的关系、能量代谢的昼夜变化)及其与环境因子(饵料浓度、水温、栖息底质环境)的关系进行探讨。研究结果如下:1.不同体重菲律宾蛤仔代谢率小同。实验川菲律宾蛤仔分三种大小:l(干肉重为0.07-0.14g)、ll(干肉重0.27-0.34g)、III(干肉重0.45~0.63g)。温度包括:26℃(八月)、20℃(十月)、1 5℃(十二月)、9℃(一月)。实验共设四个饵料浓度:2.28±0.25,6.454±0.44,10.284±0.82,15.414±1.56mgTPM/L(TPM,总颗粒物),饵料中POM(颗粒有机物)含量都为4.68±1.64 mg/L。常温下菲律宾蛤仔代谢率随着体重的增大而增大。15℃、20~C、26℃时蛤仔呼吸率与干肉重呈明显的幂函数关系R=aW~b,a值变动范围为0.1076-0.3309;b值变动范围为0.239l~0.8381;蛤仔排泄率与干肉重也呈明显的幂函数关系N=aW~b,a值变动范围为14.213~68.362:b值变动范围为0.3673-1.1 532。9℃(饵料浓度为2.28±0.25mgTPM/L)、20℃(饵料浓度为10.284-0.82mgTPM/L)、26℃(饵料浓度为6.454±0.44mgTPM/L)时不同体重蛤仔氧氮比差异显著,其它情况下不同体重蛤仔氧氮比差异不显著。2.常温下菲律宾蛤仔代谢率受饵料浓度的影响,不同大小蛤仔受饵料浓度的影响程度不同。I组蛤仔呼吸率受饵料浓度的显著影响,II组III组蛤仔呼吸率只在9℃(一月)和26~C(八月)时受饵料浓度的显著影响。26℃时影响最显著,26℃时I组蛤仔在饵料浓度为2.28±0.25,6.45±0.44,l0.28±0.82,15.4l±1.56mgTPM/L时呼吸率分别是O.086,0.146,0.073,0.093(mlO_2/h);ll组蛤仔在上述浓度饵料中呼吸率分别是0.138,0.214,0.J 26,0.12l(mlO_2/h);III组蛤仔在上述浓度饵料中呼吸率分别是0.129,0.266,0.186,0.192(mlO_2/h)。菲律宾蛤仔呼吸率在饵料浓度为6.45±0.44 mgTPM/L时最高,蛤仔呼吸率在其它饵料浓度时都会降低。菲律宾蛤仔排泄率在饵料浓度为10.28±0.82 mgTPM/L和15.4l士1.56mgTPM/L时显著高于其它浓度组,9℃时这种趋势更明显,9℃时饵料浓度为2.28±0.25,6.454±044,lO.284±0.82,15.41±1.56mgTPM/L中I组蛤仔排泄率分别是4.297,2.874,8.003,6.658(μgNH_3-N/h);II组蛤仔在上述浓度饵料中排泄率分别是4.011,3.609,10.427,12.732(μgNH_3-N/h);III组蛤仔在上述浓度饵料中排泄率分别是2.28 l,6.452,10.283,15.417(μgNH_3-N/h)。3.菲律宾蛤仔代谢率受自然温度的显著影Ⅱ向。I组蛤仔在9℃、15℃、20℃、26℃时呼吸率平均为0.057,0.085,0.039,O.099;II组蛤仔在上述四个温度中呼吸率平均为0.08,O.128,0.089,0.149(mlO_2/h),I组和II组蛤仔在9℃和20~C时呼吸率较低,在26℃时呼吸率最高。III组蛤仔在上述四个温度中呼吸率平均为0.09,O.1 59,O.143,O.193(mlO_2/h),在9℃时llI组蛤仔呼吸率显著低于其它温度组。温度为9℃、15℃、20℃、26℃时l组蛤仔排泄率平均为5.458,13.169,4.946,11.138(μgNH_3-N/h):II组蛤仔在上述温度中排泄率平均为7.695,23.578,8.319,23.90l(μgNH_3-N/h);III组蛤仔在上述温度中排泄率平均为11.738,27.443,15.658,35.407(μgNH_3-N/h),蛤仔排泄率在15℃和26℃时均高于9℃和20℃。4.摄食状态与饥饿状态菲律宾蛤仔代谢率有明显不同。26℃时蛤仔静止状态呼吸率平均为0.336(m102/g干重.h),摄食状态呼吸率平均为0.656(ml0_2干重.h),摄食状态呼吸率比静止状态平均升高了0 32(ml0_2/g干重.h);26℃时蛤仔静止状态排泄率平均为39.471(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h),摄食状态排泄率平均为88.08(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h),摄食状态排泄率比静止状态排泄率平均升高了48.6(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h)。摄食状态代谢率平均是静止状态的2~3倍。根据摄食引起的呼吸率和排泄率升高量得出每氧化产生lμgNH_3-N需0_2量平均为7.05μl。5.人工控制温度对菲律宾蛤仔代谢率有明显影响。不同大小蛤仔受温度的影响程度不同。在温度5℃、10℃、l 5℃、20℃、26℃,I组和II组蛤仔呼吸率都随着温度的升高而升高,在10℃~l5℃和20℃~26℃这二个温度变化范围内呼吸率变化最大,在20℃~26℃时I组蛤仔呼吸率变动范围为O.85~1.04(m10_2/g干重.h)、II组蛤仔变动范围为0.57~0.86(ml0_2/g干重.h)。III组蛤仔呼吸率只在5℃~l0℃时明显增高,变动范围为0.09~0.5l(m10_2/g干重.h),在10℃~26℃范围内变化不大。I组和II组蛤仔排泄率随着温度的升高而升高,变动幅度较大,在5℃~26℃范围内其排泄率变动范围为10.32~81.53(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h);而 III组蛤仔排泄率只在5℃~15℃时随着温度的升高而升高,其排泄率变动范围为6.75~23.77(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h),在15℃~26℃范围内几乎不变。III组蛤仔的适温范围比I组和II组蛤仔广。菲律宾蛤仔在5℃和10℃时氧氮比变化明显,变动范围为2.76~11.44,在15~26℃时变化不大。6.菲律宾蛤仔代谢率有明显的日节律性,呈正弦曲线型变化。蛤仔夜问代谢率明显升高。I组蛤仔夜间呼吸率平均为0.867(m10_2/g干重.h),白天呼吸率平均为O.504(m10_2/g干重.h);II组蛤仔夜间呼吸率平均为0.438(m10_2/g干重.h),白天呼吸率平均为0.36l(m102/g干重.h);III组蛤仔夜间呼吸率平均为0.409(m10_2/g干重.h),白天呼吸率平均为0.252(m102/g干重.h)。在22:00-23:00菲律宾蛤仔呼吸率最高。7.底质环境对菲律宾蛤仔的代谢率有明显影响。在饥饿状态下菲律宾蛤仔在泥沙底质中呼吸率平均为l 406(m10_2/g干重h),在无泥沙环境中呼吸率平均为O.963(ml0_2/g干重.h);摄食状态下菲律宾蛤仔在泥沙底质中呼吸率平均为1.59l(m102/g干重.h),在无泥沙环境中呼吸率平均为1.115(m10_2/g干重.h)。在饥饿状态下菲律宾蛤仔在泥沙底质中排泄率平均为78.934(μgNH_3-N/g 干重.h),在无泥沙环境巾排泄率平均为45.043(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h);摄食状态下菲律宾蛤仔在泥沙底质中排泄率平均为87.12l(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h),在无泥沙底质中排泄率平均为58.354(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h)。蛤仔在泥沙环境中呼吸率和排泄率都明显升高。


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