982 resultados para 364-M0077A
The sphene-centered ocellar texture consists of leucocratic ocelli with sphene (titanite) crystals at the center, enclosed in a biotite-rich matrix. This texture has been recognized worldwide in hybrid intermediate rocks. On the basis of structural, petrological, and geochronological data from selected outcrops of the Variscan Ribadelago pluton (NW Iberian Massif), we propose that the ocelli were formed by migration and accumulation of a residual melt through a plagioclase- and biotite-dominated crystalline framework. At the late stage of crystallization, the magma acted as a hyperdense suspension and reacted to the pressure gradient caused by the regional stress field, entering the domain of grain-supported flow. Microstructures reveal that aligned crystal domains arose in the crystal framework from the shearing and compaction of the crystal mush and behaved as magmatic microshears. Relative displacement of adjacent crystal clusters along these microshears corresponded to the onset of Reynolds dilatancy that generated an expansion of the crystal mush, involving melt migration and pore aperture. The mineralogy of the ocelli, dominated by andesine and sphene, represents the composition of the migrating melt. The chemistry of this late, Ti-rich melt stems from the incongruent melting of biotite. Magmatic sphene from the ocelli yields a U-Pb age of 317 +/- 1 Ma, which represents the final crystallization of the hybridized magmatic system. Moreover, this texture offers an opportunity to better understand the rheological behavior of highly crystallized magmas.
Relevant results for (sub-)distribution functions related to parallel systems are discussed. The reverse hazard rate is defined using the product integral. Consequently, the restriction of absolute continuity for the involved distributions can be relaxed. The only restriction is that the sets of discontinuity points of the parallel distributions have to be disjointed. Nonparametric Bayesian estimators of all survival (sub-)distribution functions are derived. Dual to the series systems that use minimum life times as observations, the parallel systems record the maximum life times. Dirichlet multivariate processes forming a class of prior distributions are considered for the nonparametric Bayesian estimation of the component distribution functions, and the system reliability. For illustration, two striking numerical examples are presented.
Motivated in part by the study of Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequences, we determine the lower central and derived series for the braid groups of the finitely-punctured sphere. For n >= 1, the class of m-string braid groups B(m)(S(2)\{x(1), ... , x(n)}) of the n-punctured sphere includes the usual Artin braid groups B(m) (for n = 1), those of the annulus, which are Artin groups of type B (for n = 2), and affine Artin groups of type (C) over tilde (for n = 3). We first consider the case n = 1. Motivated by the study of almost periodic solutions of algebraic equations with almost periodic coefficients, Gorin and Lin calculated the commutator subgroup of the Artin braid groups. We extend their results, and show that the lower central series (respectively, derived series) of B(m) is completely determined for all m is an element of N (respectively, for all m not equal 4). In the exceptional case m = 4, we obtain some higher elements of the derived series and its quotients. When n >= 2, we prove that the lower central series (respectively, derived series) of B(m)(S(2)\{x(1), ... , x(n)}) is constant from the commutator subgroup onwards for all m >= 3 (respectively, m >= 5). The case m = 1 is that of the free group of rank n - 1. The case n = 2 is of particular interest notably when m = 2 also. In this case, the commutator subgroup is a free group of infinite rank. We then go on to show that B(2)(S(2)\{x(1), x(2)}) admits various interpretations, as the Baumslag-Solitar group BS(2, 2), or as a one-relator group with non-trivial centre for example. We conclude from this latter fact that B(2)(S(2)\{x(1), x(2)}) is residually nilpotent, and that from the commutator subgroup onwards, its lower central series coincides with that of the free product Z(2) * Z. Further, its lower central series quotients Gamma(i)/Gamma(i+1) are direct sums of copies of Z(2), the number of summands being determined explicitly. In the case m >= 3 and n = 2, we obtain a presentation of the derived subgroup, from which we deduce its Abelianization. Finally, in the case n = 3, we obtain partial results for the derived series, and we prove that the lower central series quotients Gamma(i)/Gamma(i+1) are 2-elementary finitely-generated groups.
We discuss the existence of tilting modules which are direct limits of finitely generated tilting modules over tilted algebras.
Schistosomiasis is one of the world`s greatly neglected tropical diseases, and its control is largely dependent on a single drug, praziquantel. Here, we report the in vitro effect of piplartine, an amide isolated from Piper tuberculatum (Piperaceae), on Schistosoma mansoni adult worms. A piplartine concentration of 15.8 mu M reduced the motor activity of worms and caused their death within 24 h in a RPMI 1640 medium. Similarly, the highest sub-lethal concentration of piplartine (6.3 mu M) caused a 75% reduction in egg production in spite of coupling. Additionally, piplartine induced morphological changes on the tegument, and a quantitative analysis carried out by confocal microscopy revealed an extensive tegumental destruction and damage in the tubercles. This damage was dose-dependent in the range of 15.8-630.2 mu M. At doses higher than 157.6 mu M, piplartine induced morphological changes in the oral and ventral sucker regions of the worms. It is the first time that the schistosomicidal activity has been reported for piplartine. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Arylpiperazine compounds are promising 5-HT1A receptor ligands that can contribute for accelerating the onset of therapeutic effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. In the present work, the chemometric methods HCA, PCA, KNN, SIMCA and PLS were employed in order to obtain SAR and QSAR models relating the structures of arylpiperazine compounds to their 5-HT1A receptor affinities. A training set of 52 compounds was used to construct the models and the best ones were obtained with nine topological descriptors. The classification and regression models were externally validated by means of predictions for a test set of 14 compounds and have presented good quality, as verified by the correctness of classifications, in the case of pattern recognition studies, and b, the high correlation coefficients (q(2) = 0.76, r(2) = 0.83) and small prediction errors for the PLS regression. Since the results are in good agreement with previous SAR studies, we can suggest that these findings can help in the search for 5-HT1A receptor ligands that are able to improve antidepressant treatment. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Background: The Swedish Maternal Health Care Register (MHCR) is a national quality register that has been collecting pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum data since 1999. A substantial revision of the MHCR resulted in a Web-based version of the register in 2010. Although MHCR provides data for health care services and research, the validity of the MHCR data has not been evaluated. This study investigated degree of coverage and internal validity of specific variables in the MHCR and identified possible systematic errors. Methods: This cross-sectional observational study compared pregnancy and delivery data in medical records with corresponding data in the MHCR. The medical record was considered the gold standard. The medical records from nine Swedish hospitals were selected for data extraction. This study compared data from 878 women registered in both medical records and in the MHCR. To evaluate the quality of the initial data extraction, a second data extraction of 150 medical records was performed. Statistical analyses were performed for degree of coverage, agreement and correlation of data, and sensitivity and specificity. Results: Degree of coverage of specified variables in the MHCR varied from 90.0% to 100%. Identical information in both medical records and the MHCR ranged from 71.4% to 99.7%. For more than half of the investigated variables, 95% or more of the information was identical. Sensitivity and specificity were analysed for binary variables. Probable systematic errors were identified for two variables. Conclusions: When comparing data from medical records and data registered in the MHCR, most variables in the MHCR demonstrated good to very good degree of coverage, agreement, and internal validity. Hence, data from the MHCR may be regarded as reliable for research as well as for evaluating, planning, and decision-making with respect to Swedish maternal health care services.
Background: The need for multiple clinical visits remains a barrier to women accessing safe legal medical abortion services. Alternatives to routine clinic follow-up visits have not been assessed in rural low-resource settings. We compared the effectiveness of standard clinic follow-up versus home assessment of outcome of medical abortion in a low-resource setting. Methods: This randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial was done in six health centres (three rural, three urban) in Rajasthan, India. Women seeking early medical abortion up to 9 weeks of gestation were randomly assigned (1:1) to either routine clinic follow-up or self-assessment at home. Randomisation was done with a computer-generated randomisation sequence, with a block size of six. The study was not blinded. Women in the home-assessment group were advised to use a pictorial instruction sheet and take a low-sensitivity urine pregnancy test at home, 10-14 days after intake of mifepristone, and were contacted by a home visit or telephone call to record the outcome of the abortion. The primary (non-inferiority) outcome was complete abortion without continuing pregnancy or need for surgical evacuation or additional mifepristone and misoprostol. The non-inferiority margin for the risk difference was 5%. All participants with a reported primary outcome and who followed the clinical protocol were included in the analysis. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01827995. Findings: Between April 23, 2013, and May 15, 2014, 731 women were recruited and assigned to clinic follow-up (n=366) or home assessment (n=365), of whom 700 were analysed for the main outcomes (n=336 and n=364, respectively). Complete abortion without continuing pregnancy, surgical intervention, or additional mifepristone and misoprostol was reported in 313 (93%) of 336 women in the clinic follow-up group and 347 (95%) of 364 women in the home-assessment group (difference -2.2%, 95% CI -5.9 to 1.6). One case of haemorrhage occurred in each group (rate of adverse events 0.3% in each group); no other adverse events were noted. Interpretation Home assessment of medical abortion outcome with a low-sensitivity urine pregnancy test is non-inferior to clinic follow-up, and could be introduced instead of a clinic follow-up visit in a low-resource setting.
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul.
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar as práticas musicais extra-escolares de adolescentes que freqüentam ensino médio na cidade de Londrina/PR. Utilizando metodologia de survey, com uma amostra estratificada de 364 estudantes, procurou-se identificar regularidades e diferenças nas práticas musicais dessa população, a qual foi constituída a partir de uma estratificação por sexo e por diferentes níveis de status econômico. A partir da análise dos dados recolhidos através de um questionário auto-administrado com maioria de questões fechadas, descreve-se os hábitos musicais dos adolescentes pesquisados, em relação à quantidade e assiduidade das práticas de fruição e produção direta de música, bem como são identificados os lugares e recursos por eles utilizados para desenvolvê-las. A análise dos dados revela que a acessibilidade a determinados recursos e/ou práticas tende a evidenciar índices diferenciados de fazeres musicais realizados pelos diferentes estratos sociais. Revela ainda que, entre os diferentes estratos, existem similaridades nos índices de execução de algumas práticas, a exemplo do canto, e diferenças acentuadas em outras, como no caso da execução instrumental. A partir da análise da totalidade dos dados recolhidos, pode-se confirmar a intensa assiduidade com que a música é praticada pelos adolescentes fora do ambiente escolar, seja através de sua fruição, seja através de sua execução ou criação.
Nada parece ser mais universal do que o sentimento de solidão que, em maior ou menor grau, todos conhecemos. Não apenas nos sentimos em alguns momentos solitários, como também sabemos da existência de indivíduos para os quais, imaginamos, a solidão é algo permanente, um dado constitutivo de suas individualidades.
Este artigo fornece subsídios à discussão sobre regionalização do salário mínimo brasileiro. Inicialmente, avaliamos a efetividade da política de salário mínimo nacional sobre a determinação dos salários nas diversas formas de inserção ocupacional do mercado de trabalho brasileiro, analisadas separadamente para as diversas realidades regionais do país. A nossa técnica consiste, essencialmente, em mapear pontos de pressão/soluções de canto produzidas pela política de salário mínimo brasileira. O grau de efetividade do salário mínimo é estimado para os diversos estados brasileiros, destacando-se a heterogeneidade de seus efeitos sobre os diferentes segmentos do mercado de trabalho. A seguir, realizamos um estudo FURVV VHFWLRQ que procura identificar os principais determinantes do grau de efetividade do salário mínimo nos diversos estados brasileiros. Finalmente, procuramos quantificar diferenças espaciais de custo de vida a fim de balizar propostas de regionalização do salário mínimo. O trabalho aponta a importância dos chamados “efeitos informais” do mínimo nas regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste do país (isto é, empregados sem carteira recebendo exatamente um mínimo e empregados com carteira recebendo determinados múltiplos do mínimo) e a predominância de efeitos tradicionais do mínimo (i.e., indivíduos do setor formal recebendo um mínimo) na região Nordeste.
In actual sequential auctions, 1) bidders typically incur a cost in continuing from one sale to the next, and 2) bidders decide whether or not to continue. To investigate the question "why do bidders drop out," we define a sequential auction model with continuation costs and an endogenously determined number of bidders at each sale, and we characterize the equilibria in this model. Simple examples illustrate the effect of several possible changes to this model.