1000 resultados para -0.3T
This study presents a review of theories of the so-called post-industrial society, and proposes that the concept of post-industrial society can be used to understand the recent developments of the World Wide Web, often described as Web 2.0 or social Web. The study combines theories ranging from post-war management science and cultural studies to software development, and tries to build a holistic view of the development of the post-industrial society, and especially the Internet. The discourse on the emergence of a post-industrial society after the World Wars has addressed the ways in which the growing importance of information, and innovations in digital communications technology, are changing our society. It is furthermore deeply connected with the discourse on the postmodern society, which emphasizes cultural fragmentation, intertextuality, and pluralism. The Internet age is characterized by increasing masses of information that are managed through various technologies. While 1990s Internet technologies often used the network as a traditional broadcasting channel with added interactivity, Web 2.0 technologies are specifically designed to utilize the network model by facilitating communication between various services and devices, and analyzing the relationships between users and objects in order to produce intelligent insight. The wide adoption of the Internet, and recently of Internet-enabled mobile devices, is furthermore continuously producing new ways of communicating, consuming, and producing. Applications of the social Web, such as social media or social networking services, are permanently changing our traditional social, cultural, and economic practices. The study first presents an overview of the post-industrial society, the Internet, and the concept of Web 2.0. Then the concept of social Web is described with an analysis of the term social media, the brief histories of the interactive Web and social networking services, and a description of the concept ―long tail‖, used to represent the masses of information available in the Web that do not receive mainstream attention. Finally, methods for retrieving and filtering information, modeling social and cultural relationships, and communicating with customers, are presented.
OBJETIVO: analisar a incidência de infecção do sítio cirúrgico, quando o preparo pré-operatório da pele foi realizado com iodopolividona 10% em solução hidroalcoólica e clorexidina 0,5% alcoólica, MÉTODOS: estudo longitudinal randomizado, a partir de variáveis obtidas de pacientes submetidos à operações limpas e potencialmente contaminadas. Os envolvidos foram alocados em dois grupos. No grupo 1 (G1) participaram 102 pacientes com pele preparada com iodopolividona e do grupo 2 (G2) 103 que utilizaram clorexidina. No terceiro, sétimo e 30º dia de pós-operatório avaliou-se o sítio cirúrgico, buscando-se sinais de infecção. RESULTADOS: os dados relacionados ao perfil clínico como: diabete melito, tabagismo, alcoolismo, dados hematológicos (Hb, VG e leucócitos), idade e sexo, e as variáveis relativas como: número de dias de internamento pré-operatório, tricotomia, topografia da incisão, antibioticoprofilaxia e a participação de residentes na operação, não foram evidenciadas como fatores predisponentes a infecção do sítio cirúrgico. Dois pacientes do G1 e oito do G2 submetidos à operações limpas apresentaram algum tipo de infecção (p=0,1789), cinco do G1 e três do G2 submetidos à operações potencialmente contaminadas apresentaram algum tipo de infecção (p=0,7205). CONCLUSÃO: a incidência de infecção do sítio cirúrgico em operações classificadas como limpas e potencialmente contaminadas, cujo preparo da pele foi feito com iodopolividona 10% em solução hidroalcoólica e clorexidina alcoólica 0,5%, foi semelhante.
Liikenneturvallisuus syntyy eri osapuolten toiminnan ja yhteistyön tuloksena. Poliitikot päättävät yhteiskunnan suunnittelusta ja liikennejärjestelmästä, suunnittelijat toteuttavat poliitikkojen tekemiä päätöksiä, virkamiehet laativat lakiehdotuksia ja sääntöjä, ELY-keskus ja kunnat vastaavat teistä ja niiden kunnosta, poliisi valvoo liikennesääntöjen noudattamista, Liikenneturva tiedottaa ja kouluttaa, yritykset, yhteisöt ja yksityiset ihmiset tilaavat ja käyttävät kuljetuspalveluja ja kaikki kuntalaiset osallistuvat liikenteeseen. Liikenneturvallisuussuunnitelma toimii työkaluna Varsinais-Suomen ja Satakunnan liikenneturvallisuustyössä. Alueellisen liikenneturvallisuustyön nollavisio ja tavoitteet asetettiin valtakunnallisen liikenneturvallisuussuunnitelman, alueen nykytila-analyysin sekä suunnitelman laadinnan aikana sidosryhmien kanssa käydyn keskustelun pohjalta. Nollavision mukaan kenenkään ei tarvitse kuolla tai loukkaantua vakavasti liikenteessä. Lisäksi visiona on vastuullinen liikkuminen, joka myös koetaan turvalliseksi. Seitsemän kohdan ohjelmaan nollavision toteuttamiseksi on tiivistetty tärkeimmät toimet. Yksilöityihin toimenpiteisiin on kirjattu maankäytön suunnitteluun, kestävään liikkumiseen, liikenneympäristöön ja liikennekäyttäytymiseen liittyviä toimenpiteitä. Lisäksi liikenneturvallisuusyhteistyöhön kohdistuvia toimenpiteitä sisältyy suunnitelmaan. Toimenpiteiden toteuttamisen vastuu- ja yhteistyötahoja on useita. Toimenpiteet kohdistuvat alueen tielläliikkujiin, organisaatioihin ja päätöksentekijöihin. Pitkän aikavälin ja valtakunnallisen tason toimenpiteet edesauttavat liikenneturvallisuuden kehittymistä toivottuun suuntaan. Vaikutustarkastelu osoittaa, että asetettujen tavoitteiden saavuttaminen vaatii laajaa keinovalikoimaa, usean toimijan välistä yhteistyötä sekä resursseja liikenneturvallisuustyöhön. Tämä liikenneturvallisuussuunnitelma haastaa eri hallinnonalat, viranomaiset, järjestöt ja yritykset omalta osaltaan toteuttamaan toimia, jotka vievät kohti nollavisiota. Suunnitelman toteutuminen edellyttää, että sillä on kuntien ja päättäjien tuki. Varsinais-Suomen ja Satakunnan liikenteen tulevaisuus kehittyy suunnitelman mukaisesti, jos liikenteen vastuunkantajat sitoutuvat suunnitelman vision periaatteisiin ja pitävät elämää suojelevia arvoja toimintansa perustana.
kuv., 11 x 14 cm
OBJETIVO: comparar os padrões da frequência cardíaca fetal (FCF) do segundo e terceiro trimestres da gestação. MÉTODOS: estudo prospectivo, comparativo, realizado no período de Janeiro de 2008 e Julho de 2009 com os seguintes critérios de inclusão: gestação única, feto vivo, ausência de intercorrências clínicas ou obstétricas, ausência de malformação fetal, com idade gestacional entre 24 e 27 semanas (segundo trimestre - 2ºT) ou entre 36 e 40 semanas (terceiro trimestre - 3ºT). Foram realizados os exames de cardiotocografia computadorizada (Sistema 8002 - Sonicaid) por período de 30 minutos e o perfil biofísico fetal. O Sistema 8002 analisa o traçado da FCF em períodos de 3,75 segundos (1/16 de minuto). Em cada período, a duração média dos intervalos de tempo entre sucessivos batimentos cardíacos fetais foi avaliada e mensurada em milisegundos (ms). A FCF média foi calculada em cada período, e também as diferenças entre períodos adjacentes. Os parâmetros incluíram: FCF basal, acelerações transitórias, duração dos episódios de alta variação, duração dos episódios de baixa variação e variação de curto prazo. Os resultados foram analisados pelos testes t de Student, teste do qui-quadrado e teste exato de Fischer. Foi adotado nível de significância de 0,05. RESULTADOS: dezoito gestações de 2ºT foram comparadas com 25 gestações de 3ºT. Houve diferença significativa nos parâmetros da FCF avaliada pela cardiotocografia computadorizada quando comparados os fetos de 2ºT e os de 3ºT em relação aos seguintes resultados: média da FCF basal (143,8 bpm versus 134,0 bpm, p=0,009), média do número de acelerações transitórias >10 bpm (3,7 versus 8,4, p<0,001) e >15 bpm (0,9 bpm versus 5,4 bpm, p<0,001), duração média dos episódios de alta variação (8,4 min x 15,4 min, p=0,008) e média da variação de curto prazo (8,0 ms versus10,9 ms, p=0,01). Em todos os exames o perfil biofísico fetal apresentou resultado normal. CONCLUSÕES: o presente estudo constata diferenças significativas nos padrões avaliados entre gestações de segundo e terceiro trimestres, e indica a influência da maturação do sistema nervoso autonômico na regulação da FCF.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os fatores perinatais associados a recém-nascidos de termo com pH<7,1 na artéria umbilical e índice de Apgar no 5º min<7,0. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com delineamento caso-controle, realizado após revisão dos prontuários de todos os nascimentos ocorridos entre setembro/1998 e março/2008, no Hospital Geral de Caxias do Sul. Foi considerado fator de inclusão os recém-nascidos de termo que apresentaram índice de Apgar no 5º min <7,0 e pH de artéria umbilical <7,1. Na análise univariada foi utilizado o teste t de Student e Mann-Whitney para as variáveis contínuas, o teste do c² para as variáveis dicotômicas e estimativa de risco pelo odds ratio (OR). Foi utilizado um valor de p<0,05 como estatisticamente significativo. RESULTADOS: De um total de 15.495 nascimentos consecutivos observaram-se 25 neonatos (0,16%) de termo com pH<7,1 na artéria umbilical e índice de Apgar no 5º min <7,0. Apresentaram associação significativa com o evento acidótico a apresentação pélvica (OR=12,9; p<0,005), parto cesáreo (OR=3,5; p<0,01) e cardiotocografia intraparto alterada (OR=7,8; p<0,02). Dentre as características fetais, associaram-se o déficit de base (-15,0 versus -4,5; p<0,0001), necessidade de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal (OR=79,7; p<0,0001) e necessidade de reanimação (OR=12,2; p<0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: Baixo índice de Apgar no 5º min de vida associado a pH<7,1 na artéria umbilical pode predizer desfechos neonatais desfavoráveis.
The objective of the study was to evaluate the topical effects of 0.2% Cyclosporine A (CsA) on corneal neovascularization of rats following surgical implantation of equine amniotic membrane into a corneal stroma micropocket. The implantation of xenologous amniotic membrane was performed bilaterally in 90 rats. In the same day of the surgery each right eye started receiving topical CsA twice a day. The left eye received no medication and served as a control. The evaluation of corneal neovascularization was performed by computerized image analysis and histopathological evaluation at 1, 3, 7, 15, 30 and 60 days postoperatively. For the image analysis 10 animals were used per time period, and for the histopathological examination, five animals were used per time period. Image analysis found that corneal neovascularization began on the 3rd postoperative day, reached its peak on the 7th day, and then progressively and rapidly decreased. Statistic analysis indicated that neovascularization of the CsA treated eye on the 7th day was significantly higher than that observed in untreated eyes. On the 30th day, however, this pattern was reversed with the neovascularization observed in the CsA treated eyes declining to the low levels observed on the 3rd day. The degree of neovascularization in the untreated eyes on the 30th day declined to the baseline levels found on day 3 at the 60th day. Histopathological analysis indicated that deposition of collagen in the implanted tissue was completed by the 15th day. Therefore, we concluded that (1) equine amniotic membrane in rat corneal stroma produced an intense neovascularization until the 15th day postoperatively and then regressed, (2) deposition of collagen of the implanted tissue was completed on the 15th day postoperatively, and (3) use of CsA was associated with increase in the corneal neovascularization initially, followed by a quick and intense regression.
Whereas external social media has been studied, hyped and integrated into companies´ strategies, an insignificant concentration has been put on internal social solutions, which companies provide increasingly to their personnel. An enterprise focusing solely on the benefits of external social media might end up underestimating the true potential embedded in social business. The purpose of this thesis was to examine how social collaboration can be depicted as a structuration process in an Enterprise 2.0 environment. Furthermore, this thesis sought to reveal the benefits, challenges and possibilities of social business. This thesis focused on researching Enterprise 2.0 at the workplace. The studied Enterprise 2.0 solution was IBM Connections. The qualitative research methodology was an extensive case study. Three companies took part into this thesis and all in all 12 employees were interviewed. Additionally, seven IBM Social Business Experts were interviewed in order to receive a better understanding of the phenomenon. Three research questions were designed to fulfill the purpose of this thesis. The research questions were: 1. How are the dimensions of social capital structured through collaboration? 2. How does agency form in Enterprise 2.0? 3. How does social collaboration emerge as a result of the interplay between agency and dimensions of social capital in an Enterprise 2.0 environment and creates outcomes such as trust, identification and knowledge? The main research findings indicate that social collaboration increases trust, identification and knowledge by giving employees more capabilities to do their work. Consequently, social collaboration increases company performance by making individuals and groups more effective. The support of top management is crucial in making Enterprise 2.0 successful, because it is more a cultural than a technological change. Power agency, the lack of top management support and old established work ways such as email and databases work as barriers to social collaboration.
The study aimed to compare the effects of intraosseous infusion of lactated Ringer's and 0.9% sodium chloride solutions on the electrolytes and acid-base balance in pigeons submitted to humerus osteosynthesis. Eighteen pigeons were undergoing to isoflurane anesthesia by an avalvular circuit system. They were randomly assigned into two groups (n=9) receiving lactated Ringer's solution (LR) or 0.9% sodium chloride (SC), in a continuous infusion rate of 20mL/kg/h, by using an intraosseous catheter into the tibiotarsus during 60-minute anesthetic procedure. Heart rate (HR), and respiratory rate (RR) were measured every 10 min. Venous blood samples were collected at 0, 30 and 60 minutes to analyze blood pH, PvCO2, HCO3 -, Na+ and K+. Blood gases and electrolytes showed respiratory acidosis in both groups during induction, under physical restraint. This acidosis was evidenced by a decrease of pH since 0 min, associated with a compensatory response, observed by increasing of HCO3 - concentration, at 30 and 60 min. It was not observed any changes on Na+ and K+ serum concentrations. According to the results, there is no reason for choosing one of the two solutions, and it could be concluded that both fluid therapy solutions do not promote any impact on acid-base balance and electrolyte concentrations in pigeons submitted to humerus osteosynthesis.
KNX koulutuspaketti oppilaitoksille versio 1.0 englanninkieliseen ETS-ohjelmaan
KNX koulutuspaketti oppilaitoksille versio 1.0 suomenkieliseen ETS-ohjelmaan