795 resultados para the Chinese Loess Plateau
China is a large country characterized by remarkable growth and distinct regional diversity. Spatial disparity has always been a hot issue since China has been struggling to follow a balanced growth path but still confronting with unprecedented pressures and challenges. To better understand the inequality level benchmarking spatial distributions of Chinese provinces and municipalities and estimate dynamic trajectory of sustainable development in China, I constructed the Composite Index of Regional Development (CIRD) with five sub pillars/dimensions involving Macroeconomic Index (MEI), Science and Innovation Index (SCI), Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), Human Capital Index (HCI) and Public Facilities Index (PFI), endeavoring to cover various fields of regional socioeconomic development. Ranking reports on the five sub dimensions and aggregated CIRD were provided in order to better measure the developmental degrees of 31 or 30 Chinese provinces and municipalities over 13 years from 1998 to 2010 as the time interval of three “Five-year Plans”. Further empirical applications of this CIRD focused on clustering and convergence estimation, attempting to fill up the gap in quantifying the developmental levels of regional comprehensive socioeconomics and estimating the dynamic convergence trajectory of regional sustainable development in a long run. Four clusters were benchmarked geographically-oriented in the map on the basis of cluster analysis, and club-convergence was observed in the Chinese provinces and municipalities based on stochastic kernel density estimation.
L’ordinamento giuridico cinese contemporaneo si è, recentemente, impegnato in una riforma che ha interessato le norme vigenti in materia di registrazione immobiliare con l’intento di realizzare un sistema unitario dell’istituto. Dal momento che la modernizzazione del diritto civile cinese è iniziata - a partire dalla fine del XIX secolo – tramite il recepimento del diritto civile occidentale, la disamina delle esperienze europee in materia di pubblicità immobiliare assume una notevole importanza, al fine di esaminare le norme vigenti in Cina e i cambiamenti scaturenti dalla riforma. Pertanto, l’obiettivo della mia ricerca è stato quello di avanzare una tesi che possa rivelarsi quale strumento utile per la riforma in Cina, attraverso uno studio comparato dei modelli europei in materia di registrazione immobiliare. A tal fine, il lavoro è stato suddiviso in due parti: nella prima si è presentata un’analisi dettagliata del diritto di proprietà, del dualismo delle proprietà fondiarie e relative problematiche, del sistema dei diritti reali costituito dalla Legge sui diritti reali del 2007, da cui è partita la riforma dell’istituto della registrazione immobiliare. Un approfondimento particolare è dedicato al pluralismo dei regimi di registrazione immobiliare vigenti nel diritto cinese contemporaneo e all’introduzione dei cambiamenti apportati dal nuovo regolamento del 2015. Nella seconda parte dell’elaborato, attraverso lo studio comparato dei diversi modelli Europei (Francese, Tedesco e Inglese), si è tentato di illustrare le esperienze europee in materia di pubblicità immobiliare maturate nei tre temi maggiormente rappresentativi e concreti, quali la tutela degli interessi privatistici, l’autenticità dei titoli e il ruolo del notaio, la procedura della pubblicità immobiliare, al fine di individuare una via percorribile per il perfezionamento del sistema unitario della registrazione nell’ordinamento cinese. Nelle conclusioni, infine, sono state inserite anche alcune riflessioni circa l’importanza dello studio del diritto comparato per l’esperienza Cinese.
With this work I elucidated new and unexpected mechanisms of two strong and highly specific transcription inhibitors: Triptolide and Campthotecin. Triptolide (TPL) is a diterpene epoxide derived from the Chinese plant Trypterigium Wilfoordii Hook F. TPL inhibits the ATPase activity of XPB, a subunit of the general transcription factor TFIIH. In this thesis I found that degradation of Rbp1 (the largest subunit of RNA Polymerase II) caused by TPL treatments, is preceded by an hyperphosphorylation event at serine 5 of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of Rbp1. This event is concomitant with a block of RNA Polymerase II at promoters of active genes. The enzyme responsible for Ser5 hyperphosphorylation event is CDK7. Notably, CDK7 downregulation rescued both Ser5 hyperphosphorylation and Rbp1 degradation triggered by TPL. Camptothecin (CPT), derived from the plant Camptotheca acuminata, specifically inhibits topoisomerase 1 (Top1). We first found that CPT induced antisense transcription at divergent CpG islands promoter. Interestingly, by immunofluorescence experiments, CPT was found to induce a burst of R loop structures (DNA/RNA hybrids) at nucleoli and mitochondria. We then decided to investigate the role of Top1 in R loop homeostasis through a short interfering RNA approach (RNAi). Using DNA/RNA immunoprecipitation techniques coupled to NGS I found that Top1 depletion induces an increase of R loops at a genome-wide level. We found that such increase occurs on the entire gene body. At a subset of loci R loops resulted particularly stressed after Top1 depletion: some of these genes showed the formation of new R loops structures, whereas other loci showed a reduction of R loops. Interestingly we found that new peaks usually appear at tandem or divergent genes in the entire gene body, while losses of R loop peaks seems to be a feature specific of 3’ end regions of convergent genes.
Als paläoklimatische Archive können unter anderem Stalagmiten und Klappen von Ostrakoden herangezogen werden. Bisher gab es noch keine veröffentlichten Ergebnisse räumlich hochaufgelöster Spurenelementverteilungen in einzelnen Ostrakodenklappen. Das gleiche gilt für die Bestimmung radiogener Blei-Isotope in Stalagmiten. Um klimatische Prozesse vergangener Zeiten zu untersuchen, wurde eine neue LA-ICP-MS (Laserablations – Massenspektrometrie mit induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma) Technik für hochaufgelöste in-situ Messungen von Spurenelementen und Bleiisotopen entwickelt. rnrnZunächst wurden geeignete Materialien für die Kalibrierung der Technik untersucht; als Proben dienten die Silikatreferenzgläser BAM-S005-A und BAM-S005B der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM). Die Homogenität dieser Referenzgläser wurde mit LA-ICP-MS und den anderen mikroanalytischen Methoden EPMA (Elektronenmikrosonde) und SIMS (Ionensonde) überprüft. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass alle Haupt- und die meisten Spurenelemente in beiden Gläsern selbst im Mikrometerbereich homogen verteilt sind. Ausnahmen sind einige Spurenelemente, wie Cs, Cl, Cr, Mo und Ni, die heterogen in den Gläsern verteilt sind. Die Hauptelementzusammensetzung von BAM-S005-A und BAM-S005-B wurde mit Hilfe der EPMA bestimmt, wobei die Ergebnisse die Referenzwerte des BAM-Zertifikats bestätigten. Mit Ausnahme von Sr, Ba, Ce und Pb, stimmten die LA-ICP-MS-Spurenelementwerte mit den zertifizierten Werten innerhalb der angegebenen Fehlergrenzen überein. Gründe für die Diskrepanz der vier oben erwähnten Elemente sind noch unklar, aber sind möglicherweise durch fehlerhafte Referenzwerte zu erklären. Zusätzlich wurden 22 Spurenelemente gemessen, deren Gehalte von BAM nicht zertifiziert wurden. Aufgrund dieser Untersuchungen konnte festgestellt werden, dass beide BAM-Gläser für mikroanalytische Anwendungen geeignet sind.rnrnUm neuartige paläoklimatische Proxies im Calcit von Ostrakoden aus tibetanischen Seesedimenten zu untersuchen, wurde die Spurenelementvariabilität in einzelnen Ostrakodenklappen durch eine neue LA-ICP-MS-Technik bestimmt. Klappen von Ostrakoden der drei Arten (Leucocytherella sinensis Huang, 1982, ?Leucocythere dorsotuberosa Huang, 1982 und ?L. dorsotuberosa f. postilirata sensu Pang, 1985) wurden aus zwei Sedimentkernen des Nam Co Sees auf dem Hochplateau von Tibet gewonnen. Zwei LA-ICP-MS-Varianten, Spot- bzw. Linienanalyse, wurden verwendet, um die Elementkonzentrationen der Spurenelemente Mg, Sr, Ba, U und die der Seltenen Erdelemente (SEE) in den Klappen einzelner Ostrakoden zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Linienanalyse präzisere Daten als die Spotanalyse liefert und sie wurde daher vorgezogen. Signifikante Unterschiede in der Spurenelementzusammensetzung zwischen den verschiedenen Arten der Ostrakoden wurden nicht gefunden. Variationen der Elementverhältnisse Mg/Ca und Sr/Ca in den Klappen stimmen mit veröffentlichten Seenspiegelschwankungen während des Holozäns überein, was zeigt, dass Mg- und Sr-Messungen in den Ostrakoden zur Untersuchung paläohydrochemischer Prozesse in diesem Gebiet herangezogen werden kann. Die gute Korrelation, die in dieser Arbeit zwischen Ba/Ca und Sr/Ca gefunden wurde, ist ein Hinweis darauf, dass der Einbau von Ba und Sr in die Klappen durch den gleichen Mechanismus erfolgte. Eine mögliche Beziehung zwischen dem U/Ca-Verhältnis in den Ostrakoden und den Redoxbedingungen auf dem Boden des Sees in der Vergangenheit wird diskutiert. Relativ geringe und konstante La/Ca-Verhältnisse wurden festgestellt, deren Ursache möglicherweise entweder auf der SEE-Charakteristik des Seewassers, auf biologischen Prozessen in den Ostrakoden oder auf Kontamination von Fe-Mn und/oder organischen Substanzen beruhen. Weitere Untersuchungen an Proben aus diesem Gebiet, speziell Klappen von lebenden Ostrakoden, sind notwendig, um den Gehalt von Ba, U und den SEE in Ostrakoden als paläoklimatische Proxies von Umweltbedingungen zu verwenden.
BACKGROUND: Most prevalence studies on oral leukoplakia (OL) in China have been published in the Chinese language. The present review on the literature in Chinese aimed at making the data available to colleagues who are not familiar with the Chinese language. METHODS: The overall rate and 95% confidence interval of OL were calculated using Excel 2003. RESULTS: Overall prevalence of OL was 9.18% (95%CI = 9.06-9.30%). Gender ratio of prevalence was 8.03:1 (males/females). Prevalence was high in age groups over 40 years with the highest in the group aged 60-69 years (21.04%, 95%CI = 19.95-22.13%). The buccal mucosa was most commonly affected (47.08%, 95%CI = 46.52-47.64%), followed by lip (39.09%), palate (9.85%), gingiva (1.80%), and tongue (1.46%). The prevalence in smokers was 23.43% and in non-smokers 1.93%. Among three variants of smoking, the traditional Hanyan pipe smoking carried the highest risk for the development of OL followed by cigarette and Shuiyan water pipe smoking. The rate of alcohol drinkers with OL was 54.50% and 22.21% in individuals without OL. No case of oral cancer was found in six surveys. CONCLUSIONS: The present data on the prevalence of OL in China are comparable to those in other parts of the world. Some traditional smoking habits, however, are particular to certain regions of China.
The spatiotemporal control of neuronal excitability is fundamental to the inhibitory process. We now have a wealth of information about the active dendritic properties of cortical neurons including axonally generated sodium action potentials as well as local sodium spikelets generated in the dendrites, calcium plateau spikes, and NMDA spikes. All of these events have been shown to be highly modified by the spatiotemporal pattern of nearby inhibitory input which can drastically change the output firing mode of the neuron. This means that particular populations of interneurons embedded in the neocortical microcircuitry can more precisely control pyramidal cell output than has previously been thought. Furthermore, the output of any given neuron tends to feed back onto inhibitory circuits making the resultant network activity further dependent on inhibition. Network activity is therefore ultimately governed by the subcellular microcircuitry of the cortex and it is impossible to ignore the subcompartmentalization of inhibitory influence at the neuronal level in order to understand its effects at the network level. In this article, we summarize the inhibitory circuits that have been shown so far to act on specific dendritic compartments in vivo.
Ice core data from Antarctica provide detailed insights into the characteristics of past climate, atmospheric circulation, as well as changes in the aerosol load of the atmosphere. We present high-resolution records of soluble calcium (Ca2+), non-sea-salt soluble calcium (nssCa2+), and particulate mineral dust aerosol from the East Antarctic Plateau at a depth resolution of 1 cm, spanning the past 800 000 years. Despite the fact that all three parameters are largely dust-derived, the ratio of nssCa2+ to particulate dust is dependent on the particulate dust concentration itself. We used principal component analysis to extract the joint climatic signal and produce a common high-resolution record of dust flux. This new record is used to identify Antarctic warming events during the past eight glacial periods. The phasing of dust flux and CO2 changes during glacial-interglacial transitions reveals that iron fertilization of the Southern Ocean during the past nine glacial terminations was not the dominant factor in the deglacial rise of CO2 concentrations. Rapid changes in dust flux during glacial terminations and Antarctic warming events point to a rapid response of the southern westerly wind belt in the region of southern South American dust sources on changing climate conditions. The clear lead of these dust changes on temperature rise suggests that an atmospheric reorganization occurred in the Southern Hemisphere before the Southern Ocean warmed significantly.
BACKGROUND: Mortality and morbidity from acute myocardial infarction (AMI) remain high. Intravenous magnesium started early after the onset of AMI is thought to be a promising adjuvant treatment. Conflicting results from earlier trials and meta-analyses warrant a systematic review of available evidence. OBJECTIVES: To examine the effect of intravenous magnesium versus placebo on early mortality and morbidity. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library Issue 3, 2006), MEDLINE (January 1966 to June 2006) and EMBASE (January 1980 to June 2006), and the Chinese Biomedical Disk (CBM disk) (January 1978 to June 2006). Some core Chinese medical journals relevant to the cardiovascular field were hand searched from their starting date to the first-half year of 2006. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomized controlled trials that compared intravenous magnesium with placebo in the presence or absence of fibrinolytic therapy in addition to routine treatment were eligible if they reported mortality and morbidity within 35 days of AMI onset. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two reviewers independently assessed the trial quality and extracted data using a standard form. Odds ratio (OR) were used to pool the effect if appropriate. Where heterogeneity of effects was found, clinical and methodological sources of this were explored. MAIN RESULTS: For early mortality where there was evidence of heterogeneity, a fixed-effect meta-analysis showed no difference between magnesium and placebo groups (OR 0.99, 95%CI 0.94 to 1.04), while a random-effects meta-analysis showed a significant reduction comparing magnesium with placebo (OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.53 to 0.82). Stratification by timing of treatment (< 6 hrs, 6+ hrs) reduced heterogeneity, and in both fixed-effect and random-effects models no significant effect of magnesium was found. In stratified analyses, early mortality was reduced for patients not treated with thrombolysis (OR=0.73, 95% CI 0.56 to 0.94 by random-effects model) and for those treated with less than 75 mmol of magnesium (OR=0.59, 95% CI 0.49 to 0.70) in the magnesium compared with placebo groups.Meta-analysis for the secondary outcomes where there was no evidence of heterogeneity showed reductions in the odds of ventricular fibrillation (OR=0.88, 95% CI 0.81 to 0.96), but increases in the odds of profound hypotension (OR=1.13, 95% CI 1.09 to 1.19) and bradycardia (OR=1.49, 95% CI 1.26 to 1.77) comparing magnesium with placebo. No difference was observed for heart block (OR=1.05, 95% CI 0.97-1.14). For those outcomes where there was evidence of heterogeneity, meta-analysis with both fixed-effect and random-effects models showed that magnesium could decrease ventricular tachycardia (OR=0.45, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.66 by fixed-effect model; OR=0.40, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.84 by random-effects model) and severe arrhythmia needing treatment or Lown 2-5 (OR=0.72, 95% CI 0.60 to 0.85 by fixed-effect model; OR=0.51, 95% CI 0.33 to 0.79 by random-effects model) compared with placebo. There was no difference on the effect of cardiogenic shock between the two groups. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Owing to the likelihood of publication bias and marked heterogeneity of treatment effects, it is essential that the findings are interpreted cautiously. From the evidence reviewed here, we consider that: (1) it is unlikely that magnesium is beneficial in reducing mortality both in patients treated early and in patients treated late, and in patients already receiving thrombolytic therapy; (2) it is unlikely that magnesium will reduce mortality when used at high dose (>=75 mmol); (3) magnesium treatment may reduce the incidence of ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, severe arrhythmia needing treatment or Lown 2-5, but it may increase the incidence of profound hypotension, bradycardia and flushing; and (4) the areas of uncertainty regarding the effect of magnesium on mortality remain the effect of low dose treatment (< 75 mmol) and in patients not treate...
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the presence and absence of acupuncture ear points in healthy neonates. DESIGN: This was a prospective observational study performed at a university teaching hospital. Subjects: The subjects were healthy neonates. We compared male and female neonates, right and left lobe, term and preterm deliveries, and cesarean sections versus vaginal deliveries. Examinations took place on the fifth day after delivery and were performed by a neuronal pen (SVESA 1070, SVESA GmbH, Munich, Germany). An integrated optical signal detected the ear points that were assigned to the Chinese ear map. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: This study looked at the presence and absence of acupuncture ear points in neonates. RESULTS: There were 27 male neonates and 23 female neonates. In 66% of neonates, no points at all were found. We detected 0-4 points on the right lobe and 0-2 points on the left lobe. The psychovegetative rim was the most common point in 26% of all children. No psychic points were detected. No significant differences were found between right and left ear lobes, male and female neonates, or term and preterm deliveries with respect to numbers of points or access of points. Moreover, there were no differences among modes of delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Some ear points in healthy neonates are detectable and not dependent on side of the ear lobe. Females had significantly more acupuncture points. There was an extremely significant difference in the group with 2 active earpoints between cesarean and vaginally delivered neonates. The most important point was the psychovegetative rim and the absence of psychic points in favor of the organ points. Possibly, ear points in neonates could be used for diagnostic and therapeutic options in neonates in the future.
A great increase of private car ownership took place in China from 1980 to 2009 with the development of the economy. To explain the relationship between car ownership and economic and social changes, an ordinary least squares linear regression model is developed using car ownership per capita as the dependent variable with GDP, savings deposits and highway mileages per capita as the independent variables. The model is tested and corrected for econometric problems such as spurious correlation and cointegration. Finally, the regression model is used to project oil consumption by the Chinese transportation sector through 2015. The result shows that about 2.0 million barrels of oil will be consumed by private cars in conservative scenario, and about 2.6 million barrels of oil per day in high case scenario in 2015. Both of them are much higher than the consumption level of 2009, which is 1.9 million barrels per day. It also shows that the annual growth rate of oil demand by transportation is 2.7% - 3.1% per year in the conservative scenario, and 6.9% - 7.3% per year in the high case forecast scenario from 2010 to 2015. As a result, actions like increasing oil efficiency need to be taken to deal with challenges of the increasing demand for oil.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to review the Chinese-language medical and dental literature from 1982 to 2008 on oral manifestations (OMs) of patients with HIV/AIDS for introducing the spectrum of OMs of the patients in China. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All data were extracted from 18 references which had used diagnostic criteria for HIV/AIDS. Four of the references had used the EC-Clearinghouse classification for oral lesions in HIV infection. The feasible overall rate and 95% confidence interval (95%CI) of the data on OMs were calculated. RESULTS: Risk group analysis revealed that, of 203 patients, 64.3% were men and 35.7% were women (age range, 5 months to 64 years; mean age in three studies, 34.0, 34.3, and 36.1 years). Of these patients, 22.2% were infected by sexual contacts, 11.8% by intravenous drug use (IDU), 59.6% by blood or its products, 2.9% by mother to child transmission, and 3.4% were unclear. In 203 patients, oral candidiasis (OC) was the most common lesion (66%, 95%CI = 59.48-72.52%), followed by herpes simplex (HS) (22.2%, 95%CI = 16.48-27.92%), ulcerative stomatitis (14.8%, 95%CI = 9.92-19.68%), salivary gland disease (11.3%, 95%CI = 6.94-15.66%), oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL) (9.8%, 95%CI = 5.71-13.89%), necrotizing gingivitis (5.9%, 95%CI = 2.66-9.14%), Kaposi's sarcoma (2.9%, 95%CI = 0.59-5.21%), other malignant tumors (2.9%, 95%CI = 0.59-5.21%), and linear gingival erythema (2.0%, 95%CI = 0.07-3.93%). CONCLUSIONS: The spectrum of OMs reported from China is similar to that described in the international literature. Present data are useful to supplement international resources of HIV/AIDS research.
Within the scope of a comprehensive assessment of the degree of soil erosion in Switzerland, common methods have been used in the past including test plot measurements, artificial rainfall simulation, and erosion modelling. In addition, mapping guidelines for all visible erosion features have been developed since the 1970s and are being successfully applied in many research and soil conservation projects. Erosion damage has been continuously mapped over a period of 9 years in a test region in the central Bernese plateau. In 2005, two additional study areas were added. The present paper assesses the data gathered and provides a comparison of the three study areas within a period of one year (from October 2005 to October 2006), focusing on the on-site impacts of soil erosion. During this period, about 11 erosive rainfall events occurred. Average soil loss rates mapped at each study site amounted to 0.7 t ha-1, 1.2 t ha-1 and 2.3 t ha-1, respectively. About one fourth of the total arable land showed visible erosion damage. Maximum soil losses of about 70 t ha-1 occurred on individual farm plots. Average soil erosion patterns are widely used to underline the severity of an erosion problem (e.g. impacts on water bodies). But since severe rainfall events, wheel tracks, headlands, and other “singularities” often cause high erosion rates, analysis of extreme erosion patterns such as maximum values led to a more differentiated understanding and appropriate conclusions for planning and design of soil protection measures. The study contains an assessment of soil erosion in Switzerland, emphasizing questions about extent, frequency and severity. At the same time, the effects of different types of land management are investigated in the field, aiming at the development of meaningful impact indicators of (un-)sustainable agriculture/soil erosion risk as well as the validation of erosion models. The results illustrate that conservation agriculture including no-till, strip tillage and in-mulch seeding plays an essential role in reducing soil loss as compared to conventional tillage.
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the regulations on e-commerce protection rules in China and the European Union. It starts by giving a general overview of different approaches towards consumer protection in e-commerce. This article then scrutinizes the current legal system in China by mainly focusing on SAIC’s “Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Commodity Trading and Relevant Service Activities”. The subsequent chapter covers the supervision of consumer protection in e-commerce in China, which covers both the regulatory objects of online commodity trading and the applied regulatory mechanisms. While the regulatory objects include operating agents, operating objects, operating behavior, electronic contracts, intellectual property and consumer protection, the regulatory mechanisms for e-commerce in China combines market mechanism and industry self-discipline under the government’s administrative regulation. Further, this article examines the current European legal system in online commodity trading. It outlines the aim and the scope of EU legislation in the respective field. Subsequently, the paper describes the European approach towards the supervision of consumer protection in e-commerce. As there is no central EU agency for consumer protection in e-commerce transactions, the EU stipulates a framework for Member States’ institutions, thereby creating a European supervisory network of Member States’ institutions and empowers private consumer organisations to supervise the market on their behalf. Moreover, the EU encourages the industry to self- or co-regulate e-commerce by providing incentives. Consequently, this article concludes that consumer protection may be achieved by different means and different systems. However, even though at first glance the Chinese and the European system appear to differ substantially, a closer look reveals tendencies of convergence between the two systems.
Agricultural intensification has caused a decline in structural elements in European farmland, where natural habitats are increasingly fragmented. The loss of habitat structures has a detrimental effect on biodiversity and affects bat species that depend on vegetation structures for foraging and commuting. We investigated the impact of connectivity and configuration of structural landscape elements on flight activity, species richness and diversity of insectivorous bats and distinguished three bat guilds according to species-specific bioacoustic characteristics. We tested whether bats with shorter-range echolocation were more sensitive to habitat fragmentation than bats with longer-range echolocation. We expected to find different connectivity thresholds for the three guilds and hypothesized that bats prefer linear over patchy landscape elements. Bat activity was quantified using repeated acoustic monitoring in 225 locations at 15 study plots distributed across the Swiss Central Plateau, where connectivity and the shape of landscape elements were determined by spatial analysis (GIS). Spectrograms of bat calls were assigned to species with the software batit by means of image recognition and statistical classification algorithms. Bat activity was significantly higher around landscape elements compared to open control areas. Short- and long-range echolocating bats were more active in well-connected landscapes, but optimal connectivity levels differed between the guilds. Species richness increased significantly with connectivity, while species diversity did not (Shannon's diversity index). Total bat activity was unaffected by the shape of landscape elements. Synthesis and applications. This study highlights the importance of connectivity in farmland landscapes for bats, with shorter-range echolocating bats being particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation. More structurally diverse landscape elements are likely to reduce population declines of bats and could improve conditions for other declining species, including birds. Activity was highest around optimal values of connectivity, which must be evaluated for the different guilds and spatially targeted for a region's habitat configuration. In a multi-species approach, we recommend the reintroduction of structural elements to increase habitat heterogeneity should become part of agri-environment schemes.
BACKGROUND: Robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery (RALS) is evolving as an important surgical approach in the field of colorectal surgery. We aimed to evaluate the learning curve for RALS procedures involving resections of the rectum and rectosigmoid. METHODS: A series of 50 consecutive RALS procedures were performed between August 2008 and September 2009. Data were entered into a retrospective database and later abstracted for analysis. The surgical procedures included abdominoperineal resection (APR), anterior rectosigmoidectomy (AR), low anterior resection (LAR), and rectopexy (RP). Demographic data and intraoperative parameters including docking time (DT), surgeon console time (SCT), and total operative time (OT) were analyzed. The learning curve was evaluated using the cumulative sum (CUSUM) method. RESULTS: The procedures performed for 50 patients (54% male) included 25 AR (50%), 15 LAR (30%), 6 APR (12%), and 4 RP (8%). The mean age of the patients was 54.4 years, the mean BMI was 27.8 kg/m(2), and the median American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification was 2. The series had a mean DT of 14 min, a mean SCT of 115.1 min, and a mean OT of 246.1 min. The DT and SCT accounted for 6.3% and 46.8% of the OT, respectively. The SCT learning curve was analyzed. The CUSUM(SCT) learning curve was best modeled as a parabola, with equation CUSUM(SCT) in minutes equal to 0.73 × case number(2) - 31.54 × case number - 107.72 (R = 0.93). The learning curve consisted of three unique phases: phase 1 (the initial 15 cases), phase 2 (the middle 10 cases), and phase 3 (the subsequent cases). Phase 1 represented the initial learning curve, which spanned 15 cases. The phase 2 plateau represented increased competence with the robotic technology. Phase 3 was achieved after 25 cases and represented the mastery phase in which more challenging cases were managed. CONCLUSIONS: The three phases identified with CUSUM analysis of surgeon console time represented characteristic stages of the learning curve for robotic colorectal procedures. The data suggest that the learning phase was achieved after 15 to 25 cases.