920 resultados para teaching and learning quality improvement


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Despite concern on the part of policy makers to raise managerial capability in SMEs, there is little evidence on the key drivers of owner-manager participation in management development programmes. The authors argue that such participation is poorly understood. The paper develops a predictive model of the drivers of participation in sources of learning by owner-managers. It tests a theoretical model, based on the small firm as a learning organization, which posits that participation is driven by owner-managers' learning orientation and the extent of their belief in self-improvement. The implications of the results are discussed in light of the provision of management development programmes.


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The reliability of an induced classifier can be affected by several factors including the data oriented factors and the algorithm oriented factors [3]. In some cases, the reliability could also be affected by knowledge oriented factors. In this chapter, we analyze three special cases to examine the reliability of the discovered knowledge. Our case study results show that (1) in the cases of mining from low quality data, rough classification approach is more reliable than exact approach which in general tolerate to low quality data; (2) Without sufficient large size of the data, the reliability of the discovered knowledge will be decreased accordingly; (3) The reliability of point learning approach could easily be misled by noisy data. It will in most cases generate an unreliable interval and thus affect the reliability of the discovered knowledge. It is also reveals that the inexact field is a good learning strategy that could model the potentials and to improve the discovery reliability.


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This article reports on a study that investigates the possibilities of developing a professional learning model based on action research that could lead to sustained improvements in teaching and learning in schools in remote areas of Papua New Guinea. The issues related to the implementation of this model are discussed using a critical lens that questions the use of ‘western’ constructs about ‘successful’ professional learning andquality’ education in Papua New Guinea. In the article, we discuss the notion of ‘professional learningand how action research can be conceived as a model for professional learning. Then, we discuss some of the issues and difficulties that are arising during the implementation of our study. The article concludes with a discussion of implications for future developments of professional learning for teachers in countries such as Papua New Guinea.


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Arteriovenous fistulae are considered the gold standard for haemodialysis vascular access. Their use can be fraught with complications for both the patient and cannulator, with knowledge, expertise and skills being key factors in reducing access associated morbidity. There is mounting evidence demonstrating the efficacy of the buttonhole technique. One disturbing problem noted with the buttonhole experience has been an increased rate in site infections, anecdotally attributed to poor buttonhole site preparation. Enhanced knowledge and skills for nurses are crucial in increasing patient comfort and improving outcomes.

Although knowledge and skill acquisition related to vascular access are often the focus of individual institutional educational initiatives, a national evidence based program that provides free equitable access to all nurses does not exist in Australasia. A survey of Australasian Nephrology Educators’ identified the need for more effective and consistent delivery of clinical education for nurses using innovative, web‐based approaches that support the tenets of e-learning methodologies. This paper will discuss the development and implementation of an e-learning program for buttonhole cannulation. The preparedness of participants to professionally engage with buttonhole cannulation and their self-efficacy (estimates) in undertaking learning about the clinical procedure using e-learning will be evaluated. In addition it will highlight the benefits of inter‐organizational partnerships and how they can facilitate positive change in teaching and learning practices aimed at improving patient outcomes. This project has unique characteristics that collectively provide value, distinction and innovation to patients, nurses, and renal departments across Australasia. As the e-learning program is founded on evidence based practice this project is easily transferable to an international context.


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Identification of unnatural control chart patterns (CCPs) from manufacturing process measurements is a critical task in quality control as these patterns indicate that the manufacturing process is out-of-control. Recently, there have been numerous efforts in developing pattern recognition and classification methods based on artificial neural network to automatically recognize unnatural patterns. Most of them assume that a single type of unnatural pattern exists in process data. Due to this restrictive assumption, severe performance degradations are observed in these methods when unnatural concurrent CCPs present in process data. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel approach based on singular spectrum analysis (SSA) and learning vector quantization network to identify concurrent CCPs. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it can be applied to the identification of concurrent CCPs in univariate manufacturing processes. Moreover, there are no permutation and scaling ambiguities in the CCPs recovered by the SSA. These desirable features make the proposed algorithm an attractive alternative for the identification of concurrent CCPs. Computer simulations and a real application for aluminium smelting processes confirm the superior performance of proposed algorithm for sets of typical concurrent CCPs.


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This commentary presents an Australian perspective on Balkin and Mello’s “Facilitating and Creating Synergies between Teaching and Research: The Role of the Academic Administrator.” It addresses one particularly important aspect of the separation of teaching and research in business schools; namely, the increasing dominance of discipline-based research output measures in overall business faculty performance, coupled with a reliance on journal rankings as de facto quality measures for research output. Some possible alternate approaches to research performance/impact measurement in our rapidly changing academic environment are also considered.


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This paper reports on part of a teacher/researcher’s PhD action research study. It explains the complexity of features that social media brings to the teaching and learning process while discussing the simplicity and power of its use. Through the action research cycle, learning programs were designed to take advantage of the unique communicative methods offered by social media and web 2.0 whilst maintaining the value of face-to-face learning. Students used social media spaces such as blogs, groups and discussion forums as well as developing their own profiles and avatars to communicate online by making friends, leaving comments and uploading content which included publishing, peer reviewing and self assessment. The author argues that, by designing learning that valued and combined the attributes of social media, Web 2.0 and face-to-face teaching she was able to produce a more student-centred approach; hence, developing a ‘Hybrid’ learning environment which supported many 21st Century skills.


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BACKGROUND : Deakin engineering has used Design Based Learning (DBL) as one of its engineering learning principles for further development in teaching and learning. Whilst the students are surveyed after every unit, this data only provides a generic overview of the process and does not help the academic staff determine if DBL is a preferable learning and teaching approach. What is required to improve the process is a holistic approach from the students’ perspective over the entire degree program.

PURPOSE : Do students see any value in DBL and should it be is further developed for teaching and learning? This study examines students’ perceptions of DBL in their curriculum, DBL in final year project, DBL in engineering career.

DESIGN/METHOD : A survey dedicated to DBL from the students’ point of view has been designed and given to 30 fulltime students in 3rd year in engineering at Deakin. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of this survey will give students’ perspective of DBL as they progress through their degree studies.

RESULTS : The full time students’ surveyed indicated that they believed that DBL was a useful tool and was of value to their career. Also that it would be helpful as part of their final project and that it helps teamwork although they would like to see it used for both team and individual work.

CONCLUSIONS : The full time students’ surveyed displayed a basic understanding of DBL and an eagerness to use it. Students’ perceived that DBL approach got an important value in their learning curriculum and it is a positive sign for the Deakin engineering to use it as one of its engineering learning principle.


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Problem Statement: Over the past decade there has been an increasing global demand towards the integration of mobile technologies for teaching and learning. There has emerged a need for a survey instrument that can form a solid foundation for objective judgment of leaner perspectives as they begin using mobile applications for learning. The Mobile Learning Scale, a seven-item, Likert-type survey instrument, was developed by the authors in response to this need. Items were drawn from the key points developed for a 2011 paper by the authors on mobile learning prospects for informal learning in higher education [13], with many of these points initially developed during group discussions at the 2011 International Summit on ICT in Education hosted at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France. Approach: In order to access the performance of the instrument, data were gathered from 81 undergraduate and graduate university students during August and September of 2011. Follow-up data were also gathered from 19 undergraduates in February, 2012. Results: Initial indications are the instrument has good reliability (Alpha = .80 - .85) as well as acceptable content, construct, and criterion-related validity when used with its intended audience. Conclusions/Recommendations: The authors conclude that the Mobile Learning Scale v1.0 performs well as a unidimensional scale that is capable of assessing pre-post gains resulting from a mobile learning intervention within a university course. The authors propose that this new instrument should be useful for helping guide educators in the process of meaningful integration of Mobile Applications (Apps) into teaching and learning, inside and outside the classroom.


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 In Australia, all vocational education and training (VET) qualifications must be based on competency-based training (CBT) and training packages. Yet, since 2005, there has been a major expansion in the number of VET international students in Australia, 85% of whom are from Asia. Given this development, the teaching and learning contexts in which competency-based training and training packages are located are becoming increasingly diverse and no longer reflect the traditional training characteristics and boundaries that apply for domestic students.
This paper examines the relevance of training packages and CBT for teaching international students in the Australian VET sector. It draws on interviews with teachers and international students from 25 public and private training providers in Australia. The discussion of the findings aims to assist the VET sector create a curriculum framework that supports flexibility, adaptation and responsiveness so that international students’ divergent and shifting study purposes and complex learning characteristics can be catered for effectively. This contributes to helping the sector remain viable in a context in which a VET course is no longer a pathway to migration.


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International VET students have divergent, shifting and in some cases multiple purposes for undertaking their VET courses. Students' motives may be instrumental and/or intrinsic and can include obtaining permanent residency, accumulating skills that can secure good employment, gaining a foothold that leads to higher education, and/or personal transformation. Moreover, students' study purposes and imagining of acquired values are neither fixed nor unitary. They can be shaped and reshaped by their families and personal aspirations and by the social world and the learning environment with which they interact. We argue that, whatever a student's study purpose, s/he needs to engage in a learning practice and should be provided with a high quality education. Indeed, we insist this remains the case even if students enroll only in order to gain the qualifications needed to migrate. The paper details the association between migration and learning, and argues that the four variations emerging from the empirical data of this study that centre on migration and skills' accumulation better explain this association than does the 'international VET students simply want to migrate' perspective. We conclude with a discussion of why the stereotype that holds VET international students are mere 'PR hunters' is unjust and constitutes a threat to the international VET sector.


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The nephrology educators network [NEN] recognised in 2007 that inequities existed in the access and delivery of evidence based renal education programs particularly to nurses in regional and remote areas. To address this, a web-based approach to learning, through the development of peer reviewed, interactive nephrology e-learning programs was adopted. These programs aligned with the tenets of e-learning instructional design and afforded more effective and consistent clinical support and induction for nurses in the renal specialty. The e-learning programs promote a standardised evidence-based approach to nephrology education and were developed by content experts from across Australia and New Zealand. The design methodology avoided the duplication of resources while also encouraging knowledge transfer between participating health organisations.

This paper will discuss the development and successful implementation of these e-learning programs across renal healthcare units in Australasia. Implemented packages include: Introduction to Buttonhole Cannulation – featuring an interactive ultrasound and cannulation application; Introduction to Haemodialysis; Introduction to Peritoneal Dialysis [PD], featuring simulated PD machines, allowing for the teaching of troubleshooting without compromising patient safety. E-learning programs are further supported through interactive case scenarios that present unfolding real world simulations and enable learners to meet different patients and manage their care while learning about key messages relating to renal health. Modules currently in development include; Acute Kidney Injury; Fluid Assessment, Water Quality and Vascular Access. The implementation of these programs assist the facilitation of positive change in teaching and learning practices in nephrology nursing aimed at improving patient outcomes.


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In this book we argue for an approach to representational work in school science learning and teaching that engages participants, is epistemologically sound, aligns with knowledge-building practices in the discipline, and draws on extensive classroom study. We review in this chapter current research agendas around student representational work in science learning, including the assumptions, rationale and research practices of these agendas. We do this (a) to clarify precisely what we see as the diversity of current mainstream thinking and practices around representational activity, and (b) to articulate what is distinctive about our own contribution, noting the traditions, influences and prior research we draw on. We begin by noting the current dominant role of image generation and analysis in much contemporary science, and its implications for science in schools.